Introduction To Low Content Self-Publishing (Start Now Without Any Prior Experience) | Ben Chinnock

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what is up youtube hope you're all having a superb day wherever you may be in this world in today's video i'm super excited to be bringing you an epic one and a half hour free training video on how to get started publishing low content books on amazon's kdp so this video took me absolutely ages to make i started this at like 12 today uh midday-ish and now i've just finished now and it's about 10 o'clock in the evening so this took me 10 hours to make so be sure to hit the like button if you got anything from this video if you enjoyed it etc be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already and hit the bell icon to be notified whenever i bring out videos like this on self-publishing and of course needless to say this video is going to be a journey so do get your popcorn ready get a notebook out do make some notes there's timestamps in the description below if you do need to jump to any section you need to rewatch anything feel free to do so but yeah without further ado guys i will see you on the other side of the screen of course people here it is an introduction to low content self publishing of course you can start this without any prior experience within publishing within design within anything like that so let's get on to the contents of this video of course everything is going to be time stamped below so if you're looking for something specifically feel free to just go along this video and select what you're looking for and basically i'm going to cover what this business is about what is low content publishing exactly what are its pros and cons especially here now in 2021 and then i'm going to be walking you through everything's from creating an account um all the software that you'll basically need before you start publishing a tool we're going to be looking together for a niche to publish in we're going to be creating the interior and cover and i'm going to be walking through that review so i'm going to be basically covered making everything from scratch we'll be talking about uploading the book so this basically encompasses creating a title an author which is a pen name as well a description filling in the keyword boxes and of course uploading the manuscript the cover and everything like that and of course pricing as well and once that book is uploaded we are going to be talking about marketing the book and very finally as well i'm going to be giving you a plan for growing your portfolio of books and therefore growing your business in low content publishing as well so with that out the way let's get started with what exactly low content is so low content is kind of bound by these two definitions there's no universally agreed upon definition that you'll find in the dictionary for low content but essentially low content is any book that isn't fiction or non-fiction and it's also any book where worded content doesn't form the majority of the book now if these two definitions didn't clear up for you let's have a look a few examples below so each one of these books will have a different market from them of course you've got your super simple notebooks which is just lined interior throughout for people to write in you've got your journals your planners so like your 2021 diaries for example you've got log books like a vehicle maintenance logbook for example guest books that you might put in a hotel or a church so people can write put their signature in or something like that um you've got your activity books your coloring books and your puzzle books so these books are fairly simple to make um they all don't have wordy content as the main point of the book um so that's why it is an attractive business model so we're going to have a look at the pros and cons of low content publish so as with other types of self-publishing such as non-fiction self-publishing low content self-publishing enjoys the pros from the business model itself and the business model means that you receive royalty payments which is passive income by nature because you make the book once you publish it once and it has the opportunity uh to sell for the rest of your life or as long as the book is published anyway um so that's really cool in that sense that also means that you can work from anywhere as well all you need is a laptop and a wi-fi so if you enjoy traveling you're a digital nomad anything like that then this business model is perfect for you because it means you get to be anywhere in the world and you can still work and publish books and work on your career or your business um of course you don't need to take care of any of the shipping finding any customers manufacturing etc amazon provides infrastructure for you all you need to do is publish an electric electronic file of your book an electronic copy of your book sorry onto amazon and they take care of the manufacturing they have a print on the mar model so someone buys your book off amazon they'll print it they'll ship it to the customer and they'll deal with all the customer service and they take a cut of your royalty you get to keep 60 for your paperback books so it's absolutely crazy in that sense it also means that it's very easily scalable as well because you're only taking care of the publishing cycle you don't need to take care of all the other things like manufacturing and also that means that there's almost no startup costs and i say almost i'll go into that in a little second um but basically when you start low content publishing compared to pretty much any other business model on earth it's got no startup costs so crazy opportunity for people with no money in their bank accounts as well if you do have money in your bank account then it's still a very very nice opportunity to increase that amount um but yeah if you had no money like i did when i started perfect um obviously amazon's the largest online marketplace in the world uh it brings in the most customers per month of any marketplace so it's never a bad place to be selling your stuff on there and of course this business can be done part-time it can be done full-time the first year that i was publishing i published part-time i'd say i started off like two hours a day it got to around six hours a day you know my spare time and things like that while i was doing full-time work before i took this full time because i was earning that amount of money from publishing so yeah the cons of the business however is that it's a longer journey to large income than other online businesses now if you look at places like shopify dropshipping amazon fba of course the journey is going to be longer because you're not investing as much capital with shopify drop shipping you're investing a lot of your own money for advertisement for you know um building your shopify store and things like that but the rewards are higher for doing so in that respect so to get to say i don't know like 10 000 profit a month it would take longer with publishing on kdp than it would with shopify drop shipping if you had you know like the right information so and that's one of the cons with this business model is a longer route to success you just have to be patient with the whole thing of course as with any business on amazon as well another con is that they're not your customers um so out there amazon's customers they're buying your products but they are amazon's customers so amazon really don't like you driving traffic away from amazon to your own website for example um so that's the con of this business model and therefore it's fairly difficult to brand amazon do try to help they allow authors to create a profile so you can sort of brand yourself there people can find out more about you in that sense um but compared to you know like having your own website and stuff like that it's a lot harder to brand your business and of course this is probably one of the biggest cons to um self-load content publishing is that is such a low barrier of entry um because obviously there's no start-up costs so pretty much anyone can do it and the nature of low content is that the books are quite simple to make and that's why low content publishers when you see them on youtube they don't disclose their niches because that's sort of the where the value is created and we're going to go into that in a second so that's the pros and cons guys so the business cycle this is basically a simplified version of the business cycle here um so it essentially is this as a cycle finding a profitable niche so this is finding um you know like the type of book that we're going to be making and putting onto the amazon marketplace and obviously we want to assess the niche for how profitable is by looking at the supply and demand so as i said before it's a low barrier of entry no one shows their niches because that's where most of the value is created if you're good at finding profitable niches then you're going to be earning a lot more money of course if you can create good interiors it's a bonus but it's not such a value driving factor um i hope you understand what that means basically it doesn't give it doesn't bring in as much value as being really good at finding niches this is bringing the most value you can create a good interior it's a nice bonus and of course you don't want to be making bad interiors because you'll be getting bad reviews but most of the skill into being successful in this business is finding profitable niches so um this is the cycle finding the profitable niche creating the book you want to be uploading a digital version onto amazon and you want to be marketing the book as well now marketing isn't compulsory amazon do that already for you but you have the opportunity to advertise it yourself to bring in even more revenue if you can do it profitably so this is what the cycle looks like essentially so it's super simple in that sense um and of course if we just go and dive into this business model a little bit more you can see that this graph here i've this is kind of over time so this is time going along and these are your books publishers so imagine our yellow book was published first and it started earning royalty um obviously it's not going to be this frequent you know look they're evenly spaced out these are your royalty this is someone buying your book but it's going to average out to something like this you're going to get paid you know every once every few days someone's going to buy your book once every few days for example um and you get paid for it so if you upload your second book and that you know sells in a similar way sells like once every two days for example then you're gonna start click obviously as you get more of a seasoned self publishers and you've been self publishing for years then there's gonna be other aspects as well of this cycle that you're going to want to take care of but basically it really sort of boils down to this so it's very simple four different nodes here this bottom one here market the book is actually optional as when you publish onto amazon amazon do the marketing for you as in they show the book to the customers when they search for it but you do have the option to advertise it yourself to bring in even more royalty now i said before as well if you see in other low content publishers on youtube none of them disclose the niches that they have published in because this is where most of the value is found in low content publishing finding profitable niches on the amazon marketplace and a profitable niche is one with you know a very low very low competition compared to the demands of very high demand compared to the amount of competition that there is for that certain niche so a niche just for like the broadest example could be anything like a teacher's gift or a teacher's notebook for example uh just to put it into the context of low content publishing so um so we go on to a niche like that if we find out that it's profitable we go ahead and create the book and we upload a digital version onto amazon obviously we want to be creating nice interiors as well but finding a profitable niche is one of the things that you need to master if you want to be successful for low content publishing so once we've taken care of the cycle we're publishing books onto amazon what should we really start to see now this is kind of a simplified graph of what your publishing business will look like when you publish onto amazon you'll be publishing books you know however often you publish them if you have more time you can publish more often but essentially when you put a book onto the marketplace it has the opportunity to sell and of course the better the niche that you've published in the more times it's going to sell on average per week so let's say you published your first book in a decent niche and it's selling two times a week now your yellow book makes this yellow royalty here these coins represent someone buying your book so it's going to average out and it's going to look like this over time someone buys your book on average twice a week twice a week twice a week now of course you publish your first book here and then next week you publish another book so this green book is the second book you publish and you publish that in also a fairly decent niche so that also sells twice a week or three times a week for example um now you can see that the the when someone buys your book here the gap is actually getting shorter so you're to make a sale more often and you can see that the sales are starting to compound you can see the coins are getting closer together and over time you're going to be making more money especially when that third book kicks in as well so what we're going for here is compound royalty the more books you have on the marketplace the more money you're looking to make per month and this is how it looks like for me so i'm going back to that point in the pros and cons bit of this video you can see that it is a long journey it took me seven months to get to four figure roti a month and it took me a year and a half to get to five figure roti a month and this is december 2020 when we broke ten thousand dollars of royalty this month so really happy about that there's going to be a video out about that soon on my youtube um but you can see there's generally a compound effect going on here right so i started publishing more and more books onto the marketplace and each one of them was selling you know however many times a week and the roti started adding up and adding up and adding up and adding up and i was just staying persistent this whole time here and as you can see the rewards came to me so that's really really cool to see so everyone that's pretty much the business model in a nutshell i like to think that i make sense in my own head but obviously talking in front of a camera to you guys on youtube it might be a little bit different so if there's anything you don't understand or you want a little bit more information on the business model or general publishing onto amazon feel free to shoot a comment in the comment section below feel free to join my facebook groups absolutely free as well and then just ask away and there and there's a lot of helpful people that will be willing to explain it to you but otherwise let's move on to getting started now with creating an account so very very simply we're going to shoot over to kdp you're simply just going to click sign up and follow the steps i think i can click on this link so if i click on that you can see that it's going to take you to this page you're just going to click here on sign up if you don't have an amazon account if you do have an amazon buyer account and i think you can sign in with that and it'll probably take you through the same process as signing up with kdp so basically it's just going to take you to a form that you have to fill out you have to put your details in there businesses and individuals are welcome so if you are a business like an llc or an ltd or anything like that you can sign up as a business but again if you're not you're an individual so you're just a person yourself you can literally sign up as an individual as well wherever you live in the world as well i think you will be welcome once you have all that sorted and you see your home screen you're able to start publishing books remember there's no approval process as of 2021 for kdp so once you sign up and everything's correct then you'll have access to publishing a new book but before you do publish a new book and get excited with that you'll need some software to start with the whole publishing process and this is going to help you find good niches it's going to help you with book creation and interiors so whenever i publish i use google chrome browser now i'm not trying publishing with other browsers i'm sure things like safari firefox will work fine but groom google chrome browser is ideal just because it's so easy to use you can keep the tabs in the top right hand corner and all the extensions i think are optimized for google chrome the ones that i'm going to mention anyway so first of all you'll want this amazon quick view this is absolutely free and so this is how it's spelt as well so search it in the extension bit and this is going to help you a lot with nice research and it's the same with helium 10 free so you're going to want to get helium 10 from their website as well you can get a free version and it's going to help you with the niche and keyword research you're going to have to make an account with helium 10 but that's the only thing otherwise it's absolutely free they have paid options but again you don't have to get that that just gives you bonus stuff but you won't need when you're just starting out on kdp and obviously there's canva as well canva is absolutely free to use and this is going to help you massively with your book creation and interiors book reports is absolutely free again this is all in the extension this is going to be in this top right hand corner here you can just go on extensions um i think there's an official page to download chrome extensions but essentially you just search up on there you can find all these there and obviously if you have an apple laptop then you've got keynote for free but if you don't you can use google slides and that's also free and you can use that for book interiors and obviously if you already have powerpoint on your laptop then that is a bonus as well because i'm going to use i'm going to be mentioning uses for excel and powerpoint throughout this video in your publishing business so if you already have those then that's great but if you don't have microsoft office then don't worry too much about that and of course the one thing that i would recommend you get before you start and obviously i'm trying to do this in your favor as well that's why i'm not recommending that many paid stuff but this one thing that will help you so much and will give you such a boost is tangent templates and this is paid you do have to pay for upfront i think when i paid for it was like 60 pounds this is going to give you access to so many book interiors and it's going to make the uploading process so much quicker but don't take my word for it i'm going to use it throughout this video and just show you how much quicker everything is i'm not even an affiliate or anything i don't get paid if you guys click on the link but it's just something through my own personal use that has helped me so much especially when i started out and it saved a lot of times making really really difficult interiors so we'll have a look at that in a second i'm going to recommend other paid stuff that i would get throughout my publishing business as i started making money from kdp later on in this video as well so these are the things i'd recommend you get there's six things here and this is how they are all presented just search up chrome extensions on google and then you'll be able to download all of these for free you'll have to make an account remember for some of them shouldn't be too much effort but once that's all done and you have access to them and they're all enabled on your browser then we can get on and start with finding the niche i want to start with amazon but for low content i recommend everyone to start off with notebooks just until they get used to publishing on amazon it's the easiest book to create it takes the shortest amount of time and it gets you used to things like doing good nice research so when it comes to spending more time and making interiors then you already are an expert hopefully finding good niches uploading the book and marketing them so now you know the reason why we are looking for notebooks to begin with i'm going to type in notebook in the search bar i'm going to show you what to look out for i'm going to show you what all the extensions are doing to help us find good niches so feel free to rewind this little section here take notes as you wish if you have any sort of notebook in front of you and let's do it so if we just type in notebook we want to store to this two books as well by the way guys and once that's on books we're just going to press the search button here now once all the results come up the first thing you're going to want to look for is this bar here so there's this bar which says 1 out of 16 of over 80 000 results now it's saying that there's over 80 000 products for the search term notebook so this is what it's saying and essentially this is talking about the competition so if there's over 80 000 results that's 80 000 other products with the same search term or that have ranked for the search terms so that's a very important thing to look out for now if we scroll down here you can see that the products normally they wouldn't have these little things here if you go on amazon without any of the extensions enabled you won't see any of these but because of the extensions we have got you can see that everything seems to have a number attached to it now because we are publishers we want to ignore anything that isn't books so if it says office products then just go ahead and ignore that if we scroll down to the first one that says books look 3683 books this is an indicator to the demand of that niche so if we go back up to the top this bar here shows us the competition in a niche and this bsr here shows us demand so when i talk about this number i'm talking about bsr which is the best seller's rank the closer the number is to one so if it's a number one in books that's the best possible bsr and they say it shows that there is a high demand for this keyword that's a hypothetical case it never normally goes to one if you're searching uh doing your niche research but the closer to one the better so 3683 is a very very good bsr normally we're looking at normally six figures so a hundred thousand to one million when we're searching for notebook niches so this in essence is the competition versus demands supply versus demand and this is the analysis that we do to determine whether we're going to publish in a niche or not so these are the two numbers we look out for so we're just going to head over onto this notebook quickly now that we are here just to see what it's like on the inside and just to have a look at some of the features on the products page so this notebook looks absolutely simple it's just a black cover with notebook on the front if we scroll down we can see the interior and it's just the template with the same lines over and over and over now we can see the product details just a little bit lower on this tab here you can see that was published less than three months ago it's got 120 pages and probably most importantly as well is this tab here which says that the book size is eight and a half by 11 inches now that means it's closer to a4 size than it is to a5 size so that's very interesting and this is stuff that you want to look at before you publish a niche to establish an industry standard so all that information is there for us which is pretty cool if we scroll down a little bit further as well we can see how well this book is doing in the bsr so 3683 this book will easily be doing around two to three thousand dollars a month in royalty and that's how lucrative low content publishing is just this one notebook granted it is hard to make a notebook like this and do well with it this person would have either got really lucky or driven external traffic um so this isn't the tactic that we're going to go for because nine times out of 10 or more accurately 99 times out of 100 a book like this wouldn't sell you want to niche it down a little bit so when we want to search notebook we want to put something in front of notebook to try and find a good niche to publish in so what we're going to do is head back out of this notebook and we're going to go over to a good website called an word list and this is how i do my niche research to begin with so what we're going to do is just open another google page and we're just going to head over to that website which i've saved as a tab and as you can see there's a lot of topics here and if we click on any one of them it's going to give us a word list now i've been using this to get my niches for notebooks as well and we're going to head over to one of my favorite ones which is animals so this is going to give us a huge list of animals and we're just going to take animals that could be a niche maybe like alligator for example and we're just going to stick that in front of the word notebook and then see what happens and now this is where we start to do our nice research we're starting to look for niches that have good competition by demand so let's look at the top here there's over 4 000 results for alligator notebook so i haven't got an order on the animal word list you can start from aardvark if you want and just go all the way down but there is a lot of them um so i'm just sticking to the more well-known ones for the purposes of this video but if we go back onto alligator notebook you can see there's over 4000 results so the beautiful thing about supply and demand is that it can be made into an equation and a ratio where the higher the outcome of the ratio the more demand is for the same amount of supply and this is desirable we want more demand for the amount same amount of competition so we can assess this using an excel spreadsheet so this is absolutely free for you guys i've linked it into the description but essentially if we get a competition so 10 000 search results for a search term and the best bsr of the best book is doing say a hundred thousand you can see that gives us a supply of demand of two now obviously we have no reference values so we don't know how good or bad that is but say if there's a thousand results instead of ten thousand results and the best book in that one was a hundred thousand for the bsr then we get a much better number of 20 and obviously if we did the same again so a thousand results and the best bsr so remember that's the best sellers rank of the book the lower the number the better so say we did a best bsr of ten thousand instead of a hundred thousand then you can see the number increases so this is logarithmic the best sellers rank and that's why it's not quite a linear relationship there but this spreadsheet is all you need to analyze the niches so we can go ahead and type in alligator notebook as our first search term because that's what we searched onto amazon let's make that a little bit larger and when we go back on to amazon what we're going to want to do is find a book which is an alligator notebook and not one of these books that have ranked for it um and we're just going to find the one with the best bsr so we're just going to keep scrolling down what we can do actually is just go up here click most reviews and just scroll down until we see an alligator notebook so i don't want these showing up so if we keep scrolling down keep scrolling down so there's a couple of avocado ones that have ranked for alligator but we're not going to include those because that's not an alligator there's a alligators there we go so a composition notebook alligator so this i would put as the best rank as you can see it's an alligators in the title it has notebook in the title and it's ranked 931 000 even though it's a slight variation of a notebook so yeah it looks quite firm this is not a notebook um we can keep on going as well we're just going to look for the best alligator that type in alligator i did why is there so many avocados um right yeah so take that one just before 986 000 it was so we can literally just put that in the best bsr for the book and we want to see how much competition so it was 4 000 overall but what we want to do as well is a nice little trick here to select the last 90 days and if you do that it's going to show you books published with a ledicated notebook in the title in the last 90 days and there's 759 results so 759 publishers published a book which had alligator notebook within the last 90 days so we can sort of assess where other people are working towards with that number so that's really cool it's just here last 90 days on this filter on the side so i'm going to take that number at the top as well we're going to put that in there 759 so we've got a score here of 21.98 now we don't know how good or bad that is so we're just going to keep filling in this excel graph until sorry the excel spreadsheet until something comes up so let's try the next word in the word list so i'm tempted to go for angelfish here so that's what we're going to do we're going to type in angelfish notebook [Music] and we're just going to see how that fares on amazon angelfish so that only has 369 results we can plug that in there and what we want to see as well is the one that has the lowest bsr remember guys this bestsellers rank that appears here so there's one at 2 million is that an angelfish no isn't it so we're not going to include that one that's a log book slightly different again we're not going to do this one because that is a log book we want to find the notebook okay so this is a notebook an angelfish notebook has no book in the title oh okay angelfish care notebook maybe this is the one so 3.5 million 3.7 million uh so that's not quite angelfish so we'll take this one guys three and a half million rank so the best bsr is three five two seven like that and in the last 90 days let's see how many um people uploaded an angel fish book so literally 111. look at that so that's going to give us quite a good score because there's so much less competition for angelfish notebook compared to alligator notebook obviously we're going to take these numbers with a pinch of salt as well people both these bsrs aren't so great but so far it's looking like in your fish notebook is slightly better than alligator notebook before i put this excel up on my youtube as well i might edit the numbers a little bit as that is a little bit higher than that one um but we're just going to keep on filling out the graph anyway we'll see how the numbers stack up i'm going to speed forward through this next few animals um just to save you a little bit of time so let's go ahead and do that [Music] so [Music] so there is people as you can see we've just filled out the first eight rows of eight different animals i started off following the alphabetical list and then i just scattered some examples in there just to make a point or two um so um i just want to interrupt my video feed to say that this took me around um just under 10 minutes to find these eight keywords and fill out this excel chart so that isn't too bad but if you're going through the whole animal list or whatever it'll take you a lot longer so um this was probably like my least favorite bit when starting out as well it was very monotonous and stuff like that um so what a lot of people choose to do um quickly is to get some sort of software that sort of grabs the keywords for them so what i use is helium 10 i had i suggested it at the start and that was the free version but the paid version gives you unlimited access for the keywords i'm just going to show you what it does really quickly and just to see um just see if you can see any similarities from that excel graph i made and what this helium 10 is doing so um we're going on the same notebook that we are targeting this i'd really just like giraffes okay um and as you can see um helium 10 has pulled out 327 keywords and it gives us the search volume by competing products so we're looking at exactly the same ratio uh on helium 10 as we are in our own excel graph and it even gives us the ratio here as the cerebro iq score it's their own sort of branded things so it's very very similar in that sense of course helium 10 is a paid tool i'll get into the pricing a little bit later in this video it's not essential but it does save you so much time and you get all the keywords at the touch of a button rather than you know filling out the excel yourself so it is a big big time saver and that's its return of investment so i just wanted to show you that because i know filling out the excel graph looks very boring and monotonous on the screen so there is options as well it's not literally there's literally ways around it so um but yeah it's always good to establish uh you know like the knowledge base of finding the niches using the excel spreadsheet so that's why i included it in this video so back onto the niches so as you can see the first four um we went through the bsrs and they're not actually all that different the more popular ones like the cat notebook and dog no but look at and eater and alpaca compared to cat and dog and that's why they got a much higher rating anteater got the highest rating here and cat's notebook got the lowest and i think one of the points that i wanted to make to you as well watching this is that if you go for a very general one it's always going to get a lower score than if you choose a more specific one so shiba inu if you don't know is a breed of dog if you type in sheba in your notebook the best one was ranked 607 000 and if you type in dog notebook it had a better rank 150 000 but the competition is just through the roof but it's so hard to compete in so that's why it gets a much lower score now if you look at giraffe notebook i like this one as an example because i know a lot of people who like giraffes i mean my grandma is a big giraffe fan for example so she'll take any you know gift that is giraffe related and so i'm sure a lot of other people this way as well i wanted to include that and i'm shocked to see the score um although there's quite a bit of competition it's not normally one someone would go for in a low competition niche it does have a very good rank as like one of the notebooks so if i go back onto the giraffe notebook niche you can see there's one that was ranked where i was ago yeah here it is look there was rank that was uh ranked 51 000 when this loads up here 51 976 and you can see this is just a notebook so this is an example of one that does really really well if we have a look on it as well it will show us that it is independently published so it's independently published one from 2018 so the author of this book would be really really making quite good money with this book so again a notebook with a land interior inside so there's a nice range of animals within that niche there so if we go back to the excel i'm going to be showing you how to make a giraffe notebook so this is the example that i'm going to do um i would consider doing ant eater as well this has got the highest score so this is a very good one the shiba inu notebook is a very good one as well dog breeds are generally really well do really well and giraffe notebook perfect so these are the three highest scoring ones like i say you're looking for the highest supply and demand ratio so let's go ahead and take that giraffe one on to the next stage um but before i do that i want to show you another way to do niche research number two niche research number two is in the timestamps below um so this is another savvy way to do some quickness research for you so you can see it was created by someone who does low content publishing as well this book has been up for over two years now so it's making the offer quite a bit of royalty even emilia um by analogy a rank of around 60 000 in the usa would mean that this book sells around four times a day maybe three to four times a day so um the royalty for this book that the author will receive is around six to eight dollars a day and that's obviously not taking into account any advertising costs they have been doing but still a really good book um it's a good niche to be publishing in so we're going to do a giraffe notebook for the purposes of this video just because we like giraffe notebooks so much it got high score on the excel as well not quite as high as anteater but we know there's a lot more demand for giraffe notebooks so let's go ahead take that forward but before we do i'm just going to show you the second way that we can do niche research this is a nice uh another strategy it's a little bit more savvy than the first one um so we found an author who's doing really well and the premise of this strategy is just that other people doing low content publishing as well are also looking for very good niches so what you can do is simply go on an author that's doing well with their bushes and just go through their books and see if there's any books that are doing really really well so as you can already see there's several different niches and there's a notebook for makeup artists here with a nice title on the front that's not even a bad bsr so maybe that's a niche we can check and do an analysis on in the same way that we did the other analysis in the first part of the niche video um again i didn't choose the nug life a chicken nugget notebook so that's quite a funny one to do let's have a look at this one let's see if there's a good demand for it um chicken nugget notebook [Music] so there's 640 results for chicken nugget notebook um which isn't actually all that bad that's not a lot so if we do chicken nuggets i'm just going to type in chicken nugget there 642 competition i wonder how many people have published in chicken nuggets in the last 90 days probably not that much so if we click that there 125. so a few people have but not that many so we can put a low number for that one and the best rank for chicken nugget book was probably this offer actually where was it 870 from the same one that did a really good giraffe book so let's get that in there 870 395. so as a score the chicken nugget actually comes up very high so that's something i'd consider doing as well um not quite as good as the anti eater one but higher than the giraffe ones so that's also a very good way to find niches and it's a never-ending cycle as well once you click on one like this you can scroll down to find another author who's been in the game for a while say this one for example and then you can see all the niches that they've been publishing in as well and the ones they've done well and not so well and so this is another savvy way to do your niche research these two combine the basically the best ways to start off doing your niche research and combine both for a really strong strategy and i'm sure you will find endless niches this way so this is the second savvy way you can do it but without further ado let's jump back into the slides and start looking at creating an interior and the cover for the giraffe notebook so people before we go ahead and create our interior we're just going to assess the target market to establish a sort of industry standard so if we go back on the giraffe notebook search results you can see there's several giraffe notebooks and if we scroll down to the one that we liked we're just gonna have a look at the dimensions that came across for this one so if we click on this again um if it doesn't show up here by the way guys just scroll to the bottom where it says product details and you'll see this little section here and we want to look at the product dimensions and the page numbers so there's a hundred and eight pages in this book as you can see here and the dimensions are six by nine inches so this is the industry standard this is what our customers like um so we're going to go ahead and put these as the dimension for our book as well if we just go back we can have a look at some other books as well maybe there is a market for different sized books um so this one here six by nine inch with 120 pages that one um there we go so if you look at this one for example this is a sketchbook sketchbook is eight and a half by eleven they've also called that a notebook um this is also an eight and a half by eleven inch one i can tell you that now because of the shape of the book oh no it's a little bit smaller um so this one as you see seven point four four by nine point six nine inches so this is again slightly different if all the books in your niche were this size then this is something you'd want to do as a book as opposed to six by nine but generally speaking you'll see six by nine as the typical size for your book so we're gonna go ahead and do that for our book as well and we're gonna do 108 pages 108 pages is the sweet spot for your book so 108 pages six by nine inch so what we're going to do is we're going to go over to this website now this is called cover templates so if we open this in a new tab and we're going to look at the trim size so six by nine inches there and we're going to do 108 pages and all we do is download the cover template and it's going to tell us what size we need to make the cover of our book and this is simple as that so if you manage to get the tangent templates it's going to be a lot easier for you if we just head over there all you need to do is click on this kdp helper tab up here and what we're going to do is select six by nine inch 108 pages the interior will be in bleed and if we continue it's going to give us a template for the cover so we're just going to quickly download that and it's also going to give us one for the interior something that kdp cover templates doesn't do so with those two downloaded we can go ahead and continue on with creating that interior so what we need to do now very simply is we're just going to create a canva account so if you haven't got one yet it's about canva like this c-a-n-v-a and it should take you to a screen that looks like this if you haven't got an account just make sure you make one it's absolutely free to do so i'll probably send you a few emails here and there but nothing too dangerous and then it should look like this once you signed in now the best thing about tangent templates as well if we're going to make our notebook we can just go to tangent templates and basically just take the template here so it's very easy we're just going to make six by nine 108 page notebook so it is a bleed interior as well that's going to come in handy a little bit later but we can simply download that interior and then easily upload that onto amazon um so that's how easy it is with tangent templates i know what you're thinking if you didn't buy it yet don't worry we can also do something similar in canva so i will tell you now that the interior needs to be 6.125 by 9.25 like that if you want to make your notebook yourself so once we do that we're going to just press create new design so here it is and we're going to go back onto the homepage we're going to do something sneaky here so if we go onto templates over here to get the notebook interior let's just go here and somewhere we will find some lines so i don't think it's notebook templates uh lines journal maybe something like that will come up journal come on where were you [Music] here okay so we're gonna look for this one so if you type in just lined lined templates go on to this one here and if we press user's template here all we have to do is copy this background so we're just copying it and then pasting it onto our one here and this is actually a nice way to get a notebook interior without having to pay anything so there we go if we just put it in like that we're going to change the colors as well before we fully use this to a nice dark gray for that big line there so as you can see that went from red to gray and we're going to change these blue lines into light gray like that or slightly darker gray and then that is pretty much your notebook interior remember there's no color inside this book it's black and white so we don't want any color inside so once that's done um we're just going to press download so we're going to put this into powerpoint now if you don't have powerpoint we're going to use google slides um but essentially we can't create 108 pages in canva we can only create a hundred at a time so we can go ahead and just download that as a png so if we do that we're just going to open up powerpoint here and if we go on to creating a new one we can just edit page setup here so that it is 6.125 inches make sure you put iron like that by 9.25 i n like that and then powerpoint will ask you to scale up a scale down just press scale up and then if we just import the image that we just had so i think i can literally just copy and paste it from the documents so if we go into downloads here perfect so there is your notebook interior what we can do now is just copy and paste the page 108 times until there's 108 pages in your notebook i'm just going to hold down the button until it's copied 108 times perfect so 108 slides in there so all we want to do now is we want to save it so if we go up to export and you want to uh do it as a png so sorry not png a pdf so you have to save it as a pdf to upload directly onto amazon so we're just going to call this notebook interior um i'm gonna quit them as well perfect so now you have your interior sorted and that's how easy it is um so that is the interior of your notebooks sorted um obviously it's easier with tangent templates but if you don't have it that's the way to do it so now we're going to click out of that and we're going to go ahead and make our cover so let's go back on to canva sorry about that so everyone we're now going to be creating the cover of our notebooks so we have the dimensions we downloaded it from uh the kit the cover templates and we have a cover size here which is 12 by 12.49 by 9.25 inches and so this is what we're going to do when we press create a design we're just going to click on that custom size and we want that in inches 12.49 by 9.25 so this is now our template for our notebook cover so that's amazing um and what we're going to do from this point here we're just going to go onto templates so remember on this previous tab here all you have to do is go home click on templates here and once we go onto templates we've got this nice little search bar and if we just click on notebook it's going to give us loads of notebook templates which is really nice here so we're just going to pick the most relevant one for our niche which is a giraffe notebook now if we go back to the niche we can ask ourselves who is the target market for giraffe notebooks and it'll just generally be people who love giraffes right um we're just gonna go and take inspiration from this design here it's a fairly simple design obviously i'm not suggesting of copying anything like that we're just gonna take inspiration from you know the layout the color scheme and stuff like that and use it in our own works so what we're going to do is we're just going to head back over to canva and we're just going to pick a template that looks the most like that one so i kind of like this one this is got like a giraffe skin affair going on so we're going to click on this template here and this template is the wrong size if you have camera pro you can easily resize it up here but cover pro you do have to pay for monthly something i would definitely suggest is a really really good investment as it allows you to do so many more things with canva as you'll soon see um but if not don't worry we can literally just copy and paste all the design elements from that one into here like that so once you've got that what we need to do is we need to add our image from cover templates so we're just going to add that in there and just spread it across until it covers the whole design so let's get that all in perfect so once everything's a little bit more center as well as you can see i've just moved the title here a little bit into the center we're going to start adding the giraffe element to it so i chose this design as well because it has a nice little giraffe pattern going along if we go into elements here we can sort of see let's have a look at what giraffe looks like so the brown so it's kind of yellow with brown spots across so we can choose a nice color for brown i mean they've used this pastely color here maybe we can just choose a nice looking brownie sort of color maybe we can just guide that along yeah kind of like that so if we change every spot into a brownish sort of color and make the background a nice yellow color you can see it's got a nice giraffey theme to it i'm actually just going to leave those spots there as well because the spots actually do look quite nice um so if we just change it all into this brown color here [Music] perfect so what we can do with this background as well we can just change that into oops see daisy not that uh so if we want to click on this background here just change that into a nice light color maybe kind of like that that looks alright yeah i'm liking that i'm liking that so at the moment you can see there's already a sort of giraffe theme going on here because of the colors right in the back so maybe just to solidify everything in place we can use one of these graphics here um you'll notice that you can't use all of them some of them will have pro in it and you won't be able to use it if you are a canva free user but there's also plenty of free graphics we can use so we can just put the free graphic on there and look you can see there's still quite a lot of giraffes we're able to use so maybe something like this for example look if we just purchase here like that's pretty much all this book really needs for it to be a nice giraffe notebook right i don't think it needs too much more the color schemes looking on point we've got a nice giraffe there just to make sure everyone knows it is a giraffe notebook maybe we can choose a different one though i think this one oh so yeah you can just get creative with it there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to design guys um so let's move this title up here i've just moved the title up north i've taken the giraffe off as well guys i'm going to put a different one on i think a silhouette looking one might be a little bit more appropriate and nice looking for the style of notebook cover that we've gone for in fact if we just get rid of that spot there as well if we can put this giraffe here like that i don't know if that looks like a giraffe that much or not but anyhow i think it does look nice regardless we got the pack the pattern in the background um like i say the design is subjective so some people will like it some people won't um but let's go ahead and move on now to the book's title now this is definitely going to be something important um there's two aspects of the title um if you look in the time logs underneath as well there's a section on titles so i'm going to cover a lot more over there but for the time being we're just gonna have a title um that's short and simple for this notebook it doesn't have to be anything too long just something that implies that it is a giraffe gift for people that like giraffes so what we can simply do is just go back to our industry standards we'll just have a look at some of the titles they've used and as you see most of them are actually fairly simple so if we keep on scrolling down um the theme seems to be for a love of giraffes there's another one there that says loves giraffes in the same title um group of giraffes uh so actually a lot of them don't have much of a title at all if we just go to the last 90 days and just see what's been published in the giraffe space just a girl who loves giraffes and sketching we saw that theme already just the boy who loves giraffes i just freaking love giraffes okay you're giraffing me crazy just really love giraffes okay so you can kind of see the theme we don't really want to copy other people's titles um it's not very good um practice to get into when you're publishing onto kdp um so we want to make up our own title but you can see the sort of underlying theme is for a love of giraffes and if that's what sells i mean if we looked at the best seller where was it i just really loved sharasa k i really liked gerald's okay um then that's the sort of thing we want to go for as well so let's go back on to canva and we can i suppose we can just put giraffe lover to the giraffe lovers notebook [Music] and that font in itself isn't bad actually i like that background as well i don't know what you guys think um i'll show you the whole cover when it's done i'm just going to enlarge this a little bit and we're going to put your rough lovers notebook so you can see the design is very um mature um i suppose it appeals to a certain age category uh it's not not a very childish one for example is it i mean but it is quite nicely designed the color scheme looks alright we've got a nice silhouette there um i think oh maybe this is a better silhouette oh wow if we had two giraffes meeting like this for example that would be a very nice design wouldn't it sorry i'll move my face out of the way in a second can i do this yeah look at that okay so if we can have two giraffes just like relax in there or something like that that'd be nice wouldn't it wow okay maybe we can have that as our cover then i mean i think that looks nice i mean like i say i can keep messing around with that so i think we'll go ahead and stick with this cover i mean this is something that's like a mix between what the industry standard likes and something that we've created ourselves i mean that's not seen anywhere on the market it's got very nice design elements all over so yeah let's go ahead with that i mean perfect so once everything's pretty much uh sorted then you just want to make sure that the title will be center so this title this element in the middle here needs to be the same distance between this side this purple bit here and that purple bit there i think if you're using kdb cover templates or tangent templates are common where i got this from then the color will just be red instead of purple it'll be exactly the same though um so we're gonna move it there that's pretty much center and then just before we're gonna upload this cover we're gonna remove the guide so that's pretty much it when designing the cover um we've got the title of the book on the front we've got some nice design elements it's got a giraffe theme throughout so this is something that could potentially sell i can see that going up on amazon and people will buy that so perfect um let's go ahead and now save that design canvas saves it automatically but we're going to want a copy to upload onto amazon so we want to go to pdf print once we're happy with the cover and then just press download on that so once you've downloaded your cover you now have your interior you now have your cover and this notebook is actually pretty much ready to be uploaded onto amazon's kdp so people we have now our interior uncover like i say and now we're heading over onto amazon's kdp we're just going to literally upload this paper back now so i think everything's ready for us to get onto this process we're just going to click plus paper back here and you'll see this paperback details page now this is probably the longest part of this and it requires the most attention as it's going to be some stuff on here that you need to fill out correctly in order to give your book the best possible chance of success on amazon's marketplace so i'm going to take you through everything step by step obviously everything is time logged as well so feel free to go on to a bit that you particularly need help with in the time sections below of course you're welcome to go back over anything as well if you need help in understanding something just watch it again until you get it basically so without further ado let's go ahead and upload our book now i'm going to be crafting most of the listing on here but i'm going to head over to tangent templates for the description because the formatting over there is a million times better so it gives you a better demonstration as to what a good description is now let's start off with the book's title the book's title is just simply going to be what we wrote on the notebooks cover so giraffe lovers notebook so once we have the title and before we proceed onto the subtitle we're just going to want to check whether our title is trademarked obviously there's going to be some trademarks that are very obvious such as disney but there's going to be some other ones you probably don't even know about that are actually trademarks so we're going to have to look out for those this is good practice within your business if you want longevity so what we're going to do is we're just going to head over to spto which is the united states patent and trademark office and if you have this option here then you can press say trademark database but if this doesn't come up this bottom bit here just click on the website itself and you'll find it under the trades mark here so it's just tests um so if you click on this we're just going to click on the top one up here and we're just going to type in the name of our um title so we literally called ours giraffe lovers kind of spelled like that so we're just going to press enter now and see if there's anything and there was no test records so that is perfect for to go on to the us market we're just going to try it about without the apostrophe and there's still nothing so that's absolutely fine now to upload make sure you do that for every title um before uploading to the united states and ideally in every country that you publish into as well once you have your trademark out the way we're going to go back we're going to hit up the subtitle so now we've got our title we're going to move on to our subtitle now it's important to mention that the title the subtitle the author and the keywords help with your book's ranking or seo um so basically these uh so these for the title subtitle author and keywords go into amazon's algorithm and if a customer types in something in part or all of the phrase or something you've put in your title then your book will probably likely show up at some point maybe not page number one if there's a lot of pages but it'll be ranked somewhere so this is how you get your book to rank by putting relevant things in your title your subtitle offer and keywords so bearing that in mind we're gonna have to craft our subtitle a little nicer i used the title just to put on the front cover so we can't really change that with keywords although we've got giraffe and notebook as really powerful keywords in the title already so let's go and have a look at the parameters for subtitles so if we just go on here not that one that's my edits if we go on here you can see that if we follow these four rules we'll do very very well with cyto subtitles and that is it so basically we just want to fit our best keywords um so we want to ask ourselves a couple of questions which i'll get into in one second about our customer who's buying our giraffe notebook we want to ensure that it's readable and not too long so obviously you're going to see a product on amazon they've got an example just underneath here um that's going to be a very bad example as well and i'll show you why um number three is no need to repeat the keywords so if you put the keyword in once um say giraffe you don't have to repeat giraffe 100 times it won't help with your ranking and number four is no need to enter product specifications so um even though some people feel the urge to put six by nine inch notebook and that six by nine inches definitely uh not needed at all same with 120 pages the amount of pages in the book is not needed in the subtitles so let's have a look of really bad examples so this would be the title until the colon so the two dots like this this will be the title which isn't that bad in itself although i don't know how they got giraffe away with this giraffe gift giraffe gift churaf journal and then from the subtitle it kind of deteriorates in fact they've got the ellipses here to note that they've actually got more than just this so they're actually hiding part of it because it's so long but look at that giraffe notebook giraffe book giraffe gifts for woman giraffe kids gift so this is this is a book that's actually for sale and it's called just keyword stuffing and it's not something you want to do it doesn't look very elegant when on the amazon marketplace you want to craft something that's readable uh as sort of a sentence so when we go back onto uploading our book i'll just show you something that we can do now bearing in mind who our customer is um so a customer is generally someone who would receive this as a gift or be looking for a gift for someone so most of the times when you sell a notebook it will be a gift for someone else so if you're selling a giraffe notebook then the person will be looking for a gift for like a giraffe themed gift for someone who loves giraffes so this is like the major thing with notebooks especially with animals and especially with sports hobbies and things like that and jobs as well so if someone's a doctor for example they might look for doctor gifts on amazon and then your doctor themed notebook could show up so this is kind of the underlying theme with notebooks and this is what's driven me the most success i'm in the mindset that the customer is generally looking for a themed gift so in the subtitle we're going to seriously address that and we're simply we're going to keep it simple we're just going to take off all the boxes um i'm just going to type in a great gift for zoologists who are the people who study animals we're also going to say animal lovers here so i did violate my rule i did put lovers in the book title and the subtitle but it's going to be an elegant sentence that's what matters the most and i'm going to also put and for anyone who adores safari animals so i think that is quite um i think that's quite a good subtitle um it's readable uh it's improper grammar as well so there's not some weird capitals everywhere um and although there is a repetition lovers lovers the fact that it's readable i think it trumps it so i'm pretty happy with that subtitle if you're looking for keywords to put in your subtitle as well there is one way you can do it it's a bit cumbersome so if you do have the time then by all means do it but what we're going to do is look at the zoologist notebook and see if there's any results for it so you can see that zoology's comes up four thousand times now just put that keyword into the excel and if it gives you a nice score then by all means put it in the subtitle but if you think you can find a better word than zoologist to put in your title for example then go ahead and do that you just want to assess the keyword that you're putting in the subtitle for the highest um demand compared to supply so that's how we're going to go about it but if you're publishing your notebooks you want to do it to a certain scale um and it's kind of one of those things that i'm pretty happy to overlook when i'm making my notebooks just because um there's only 24 hours in a day and not 100 million so i'm just going to stick with that i'm pretty happy with the site title we're going to move on now to the offer now filling out the offer is pretty simple that you can put anything in there you can put your own name if you wanted to or you can put a pen name so pen names are very common obviously the real name for jk rowling for example is um is it actually jk rowling actually that's pretty bad example i don't even know um but a lot of people use like fake names um uh to put as the author on their book they don't want their real name on the book because they don't want you know either lots of fan mail they don't want you know bad publicity whatever if they're writing something controversial um so um they use a fake name that they put on the front and you can do something like that as well in fact you can put anything and an author does contribute to the keyword ranking so um if for example someone searches jk rowling on amazon jk rowling's books are going to come up because jk rowling has ranked onto amazon so in the same way if you put your author name uh as something and someone searches your author name they can find your books directly pretty much so alpha is a pretty powerful way to uh you know help your book get into the right places on amazon when your customers are searching it so you want to bear that in mind now you're not allowed to put something like giraffe notebook as the author amazon will reject your book if they do accept it then they missed it but they will reject your book because your kind of keyword stuffing and that's not what you want to do you can't you can be slime you can put something for like giraffe the giraffe come i don't know like the giraffe the giraffe lovers press so this is actually something you can probably get away with the giraffe lovers press so that's sort of like um it's kind of like putting keywords in there that you really do want to rank for like your title and your offer name pretty much the same you'll get away with that probably um because it doesn't look too keyword stuffy but if you're finding yourself like pretty much stuffing all the good keywords in there so if i got the word zoologist animal uh and all the all that good stuff in the author they'll probably reject it so um you can pretty much come up with anything with the author don't overthink this process and get a few good keywords in there giraffe lovers press is actually probably a very good one or maybe like the animal lovers press or something like that um so something that complements your title and your subtitle essentially you want to put in the offer um so i'm going to go with the animal lovers press it allows me to you know make it like a zebra notebook as well if i find out that's a good notebook to make and it's a little bit more broad um so also you want to bear in mind with your author name that people will be able to find your other books through your author name as well so if you publish in a load of good niches and it's all under the same author name then other people can go for your author name and see all the good niches that you've published in so you just want to be aware of that um when you are choosing your author name whether you make it the same for all your books or different for different sorts of books there's no limit on how many pen names you can have so that's good you can go ahead and just choose as you wish but just bear that in mind people can search your books just like i showed you in the niche research number two section of this video if you look on the timestamps so having said that we're now going to move on to the description now the description is a whole another story as well so first of all it's important to note with the description that it doesn't help ranking for the keywords so if you put certain words in your description say if i put giraffe lovers notebook in the description but i didn't put it anywhere else on my listing so it's not in the keywords not in the title or subtitle then it's not going to show up in the amazon search bar if someone searches it for example so we don't have to worry too much about keywords in the description the description is all about the formatting it's basically the sales copy for your product it's like converting customers on the fence to go ahead and buy your product this is like the final sales push if it were although it's cut it's not a hard sell of any sort but if i show you by example um if we go on our target book which is this notebook here so if we just go ahead click on it sorry um if we go back you can see that the description is nowhere to be found it's literally just the title and the subtitle and the offer when you're going through the product pages and looking through different products so your product sorry your description only comes up when someone clicks on your pros on your product so a customer will have a certain level of interest if they click on your product and then that's when they see your product description so this it could be the difference between your customer clicking out and trying to find something else or clicking that buy now button up here so you want to make this really nice and good and they've got a good description here so this is a very nice example of a good description it's formatted well it's got an ordered bullet point list it's got a question to start off with and it's got um a uh call to action here at the bottom so here is what you ideally want to do with your description like i just described before you want to one qualify with that question two is the cliffhanger so you want them to read more just with a short paragraph or sentence underneath you want to do ideally five bullet points and at the end you do want a call of action this is going to be more prominent for other low content books that are going to have more content inside where there's going to be more mystery um but with a notebook it kind of does what it says on the tin so it's good practice to get into now but it won't be as prominent as with other types of low content books so as you can see i've already started off with the question are you looking for the perfect animal gift for yourself or for your loved ones so you're pretty much qualifying anyone who's looking for an animal related gift so it's very it's as simple as that but it's pretty powerful uh in the sense that people might just keep reading on because this applies to them and that's what the qualifier basically does now we want a cliffhanger this is the bit underneath um so we're just going to reveal a little bit more about our book before we go on to the bullet point so the bullet points are just all the features that might be useful to the customer before they make an informed decision as to whether to buy so let's start off with the cliffhanger so on this one here you can just say like this giraffe themed notebook is great is a great versatile gifts from taking notes to organizing your day here's what your here's why this book will be the perfect okay so there is i've just sped up it up because um i i didn't want you so there it is i just sped that little bit up for you um basically we've now got our cliffhanger as well this is the bit and then hopefully underneath it will say read more so it kind of looks like um it's going to build up onto something and then it's going to be more inclining for someone to press that read more button we don't want the call of action to appear above this we want them to press read more so we're going to go straight to the bullet points now and create five nice looking bullet points to give to our book and here you can pretty much put anything any of the features of your book anything about what it can do for someone anything about who might like it and anything like that with notebooks it's a little bit harder to do five if i'm honest you can just put your features like six by nine inch size is perfect for home use or on the go so that's one you can definitely do so i've got an idea for the other four so i'm just going to speed up this little bit while i fill them all out and then explain it right at the end so let's go ahead and get that right so we've got our five bullet points like i say we can pretty much say anything um to address you know uh some of the questions customers concerned that they may have before purchasing um so i've had a good stab at that um the soft touch mic cover is something that we're gonna cover when we upload our manuscript you do have the option uh sorry to upload the cover we do have the option to choose glossy or matte um if you choose matte then you do get this really nice premium feeling soft touch cover that's why i tried to type in premium but i thought i wouldn't put premium in there but it does feel really good so it's definitely a selling point um the other ones are just like product specifications and stuff and kind of an explanation as to why it would be a great gift so um these are all designed to address any doubts that the customer may have and right at the end we're just going to add a call to action so we're just going to say get your copy now by clicking adds to basket and it's as simple as that that's pretty much our description that's all we need for a notebook description really so we've got all four aspects of a good quality description we've got our qualifier so this pretty much qualifies anyone looking for a gift we have our cliffhanger here so they'll hopefully press read more and then look at these five bullet points we have well we got to five bullet points and we have a call to action here at the bottom which kind of collects the customer's thoughts and gives them a way to proceed um with what they're looking for so this is pretty much the ideal description so we can just pretty much copy and paste that into kdp here um and then we go down to the publishing rights now which we do need to fill and you're just going to click i own the copyright and hold the necessary publishing rights hoping granted that you do have the necessary publishing rights i'm not going to talk about public domain in this video if you are going to publish probably the main work it's fine but there are a few strict guidelines that you do need to follow so be sure to look into that before you do publish public domain onto amazon and now we're going to go ahead and fill in the keyword boxes so the keyword slots are actually quite a simple one to do this is how i generally fill out my keyword slots and this applies to all my low content books um basically there's seven keyword boxes i should explain and they hold 50 characters each so um let's say i type in this and only get up to a certain amount before i can't type in anything else so that's 50 characters in there so um actually when you look at this this is my brainstorm by the way guys so when i say brainstorm i use these um six themes that i have here on the left so the book theme the book uses the gift type the gift for who from who and which occasion to sort of guide what keywords i put in the keyword boxes now obviously it's going to be so the answers are going to be unique to the book that you publish show and this is my brainstorm for the giraffe notebook that i have obviously the book theme is a giraffe themed book it's cute you could say it's cute and there's probably other descriptive words as well but cute comes up a lot and that's why i've used it our book isn't funny it doesn't have a funny quote on the front or it's not rude or anything like that so we're not going to put that in the keywords but we're going to use other words to describe the giraffe like it's an animal for example it's an environmental looking notebook it just looks nice in that sense giraffes are generally found in safaris it's also found in the serengeti and giraffes are typically native to africa so what we're going to do is we're going to assign each one of these um categories to the keyword boxes here so we're going to start off with a book theme now um the best way to look at these keyword boxes is just to think of it as something your customer might type into the search bar so although um the keyword strings that you put into the keyword boxes doesn't have to make sense in a sentence you'll want to put it in the same order that your customers might type it into amazon so we want to include all the keywords that you see here for example so with the book theme it is acute giraffe um safari animal uh africa themed notebook so we've just come to the end of finishing the first keyword box we've reached the limit of 50 characters um we can't fit the other two keywords that i had in mind environmental and serengeti but that's not all that bad because we put the most important keywords in anyway and we also did to one of the top rules in filling in the keyword boxes which is to try and fill them up to its limits so um what i mean by that is we want to put keywords in like this rather than just putting in one or two keywords in the box kind of like this so this is a complete waste if you do something like this it means that you're going to show up basically for less keywords because you're typing in less keywords in the keyword boxes and therefore not giving your book the best possible chance so you do want to be filling out these boxes to the max if possible bearing in mind also that you want the order to be logical so this is another important thing um you want to put yourself in the shoes of the customer what's your customer going to type when they're going to find your giraffe notebook and buy it so with this ordering i've put up here um there's for for the ranking of your book so if your book's gonna show up for a search term there's exact matches and there's phrase matches so if i typed in a giraffe notebook for example then my book would show up just with this string of keywords because there's giraffe in there and there's notebook in there so this is like phrase matching it's not exact because there's a few words in between but it's going to show up because there was giraffe and notebook in there so this is what i mean by phrase matching um of course if someone wanted an animal themed notebook they typed that in the search bar again my book would show up because animals their themes is there and notebook is there but if the ordering is slightly different if i've put say a notebook before giraffe and someone typed in giraffe notebook then my book probably wouldn't show up as much because the ordering is wrong so try and put it in the right order that your customer would type it in that's another important thing that i've picked up along the way so having said that a few of the things you probably shouldn't do when you fill out your keyword boxes is simply repeating words so if i've already got giraffe in this box here then putting giraffe here is absolutely pointless and that's what amazon has said themselves when filling out the keyword boxes so don't do that um but yeah having said all that you just want to go through the other keyword boxes just fill them out according to the themes i've listed on here this is going to be one of the harder things when you come to publish your first book but you'll start getting used to the keywords that you'll find within different niches and it'll get easier for you and the best way to do it if you don't have any paid software such as helium 10 is just to look at the keywords that other books in the indus sorry in the niche have used as their titles as their subtitles in the descriptions and things like that and you'll start getting a flavor of what sort of keywords um the best sellers are using in different niches and you can take bits and put it in your own work as well so there's that's really and that's pretty much it for the keywords you're just going to go ahead and fill out the six keyword boxes i'm not going to do it uh in this tutorial because that's going to take a while for me to string but essentially you just gotta bear in mind everything that i said and go ahead and fill those out so when it comes to choosing categories you just simply want to choose the two categories that they allow you to choose now what we're going to do is head over to tangent templates because it allows you to find the category paths a lot easier so you go to the category explorer here and we've got a giraffe notebook so we just simply want to find a category for the giraffe and we've got two down here absolutely perfect juvenile um probably better that it's not a juvenile non-fiction or non-fiction because our notebook isn't supposed for children but um will go along with it just because it has giraffes in it and it's super specific so let's go ahead and choose juvenile non-fiction and click on animals there oops and we'll just find uh giraffes there is so if we put that in and now we want to choose a second category but we want we can have that a little bit more broad so we want one super specific category and a broader category to go along with it so animal was a little bit too broad but i have a good feeling about wildlife so let's do that and then we're going to put our notebook into this category as well what you see with other low content books as well is that they'll have a specific category for the book type so if you do a coloring book for example they do have color and book categories so you can do one so say if you had a giraffe coloring book i could put it in giraffe and i can also put it in coloring book i think they have like nature coloring books as well so you can make it even more specific so that would have been a perfect example but there is no category for notebook so you just want one super specific one one not so specific one so we're gonna add this one here which is the wildlife um so that was in non-fiction tangent templates really does help as well i'm starting to sound like a salesperson for them but um it shows you the direct path to it if it wasn't for it it would be really difficult to navigate through the categories because you'd have to go through non-fiction and then find the right one the most relevant one which is nature and then yeah it's kind of nestled in there so it's a little bit harder to find but we get that in the end anyway so that's our two categories out of the way once that's done we're just going to select uh adult content no and don't select large print and save and continue and my computer froze on the last time so everything's already filled out which is a bit annoying because i want to show you the process but anyway we're just going to select free kdp isbn for our first book and this is if you're publishing low content this is for a different video let's use my own isbn but essentially the settings here are pretty much perfect um if when you start it's going to look a bit like this so black and white paper black and white interior white paper is perfect it's the industry standard for notebooks so that's spot on six by nine inches are trim size so we're gonna leave it as that um we're gonna select bleed if you go on tangent templates for example get your interiors from there it's gonna tell you whether you use bleed or no bleeds so you can adjust accordingly when we made our notebook on screen at the earlier in this video and we put the lines right to the edge so that's when we use bleed so if you select no bleeds you can't go past a margin to the edge so if this was your sheet of paper for example you couldn't put any text closer than this gap here towards the edge of the sheet but if you use bleed you can go right to the edge so that's the difference i do have a video explaining it uh it's a bit too in-depth for the purposes of this video so we're just going to leave that as bleed i'm just going to select matte as well because matt's the very nice cover so you just upload your manuscript which is the interior the notebook interior that we have and we want to upload the cover down here now they're going to be loading they're going to have a little message underneath and when that disappears like it has done now so it will have uploading dot dot underneath and when that disappears and it looks like this then you are welcome to press launch previewer so that should just go through i think in my case because i tampered with the settings it might take a second perfect so um when you press launch previewer as well it might say that there are errors um you're just gonna have to go ahead and fix it it will tell you what the errors are um if you created your stuff on canva like your cover then it's easy to modify but if everything checks out and you get this blue please check rather than a red error then you're welcome to press approve down here this yellow button will light up so you just want to press approve and then that will just go through and we basically have our electronic copy of our notebook there that's the cover if you go inside it's going to have 108 pages of lines paper which is pretty cool it's a nice concept um this is your printing cost so this is how much it will cost um how much amazon will take out of your royalty out of the price of your book sorry um every time your book sells so we're just going to go ahead and go on to the pricing which is on the next page just to explain how that works so if you have worldwide rights to your book we're just going to head and click all territories there for the pricing and royalty you get to select whatever price you want remember amazon take 2.15 for the printing and it shows you what minimum price you can have so it's 3.58 in the usa so to go ahead and price your book you just want to see what the industry standard really is pricing your book cheaper by the way doesn't mean that it will get more sales it is a strategy that has worked for some but as you can see here for example let me see if we can find a cheap notebook um look so 5.38 here's one so this one's priced at 5.38 and this one here is priced at 8.99 and they're both notebook looking and this one's actually got a better rank than this one um oh that's a sketchbook sorry let me try again um so this one here is a notebook and this is look 6.99 there and that's got a rank of 1.3 million for example 6.99 if we go over to this giraffe notebook 5.38 and this is 2.1 million so the rank on the more expensive one is better so pricing isn't everything in fact in my opinion it doesn't carry that much weight so what we want to do is price our book at the industry standards so the industry standard well our target book anyway has 6.99 and it's i've seen a few other books as well priced at that same price 6.99 here and that's got quite good reviews as well so let's go ahead and price ours at 6.99 obviously as you get more experience with publishing this is something that you can look further into and experiment with yourself but we're just going to go ahead type 1699 in there it's telling us that we're going to get two dollars and four cents royalty every time this book sells so that's really nice we're just going to go ahead and tick this and we're just going to price our books underneath here so the original price will be looking like this so it's going to have some um weird-looking numbers just based on the uh usa's um price so you can go ahead and manually change these to make these look more elegant like 599 in the uk for example maybe 7.99 in canada and once everything is sorted and done then you're going to hit that magic yellow button in the bottom right hand corner publish your paperback book and then this will take you back to your screen i save mine as a draft because i need to make a few changes so let's go back to amazon's home page and you'll see it says it's in review now it might take a few days for it to go live and when it does go live then congratulations to you because you literally just published your first book and that's a dream for like a lot of people so give yourself a pat on the back once the book has become live um but before it does become live so i should say that it will be reviewed manually before appearing on amazon so the first thing you'll see is that the book is in review it says it takes anywhere between 24 to 72 hours but sometimes it can take a little bit longer than that but when it does all go through it will say live in green letters if it says draft in black letters that means they'll send you an accompanying email with the issue of it you just have to correct your book according to that email sometimes it's just um that the book's interior size is a little bit wrong or that there's a little bit of text that goes across the margin or something like that they will always tell you um if they don't approve your book in an email so once your book is live you can market the book using amazon's built-in advertising system and it's called amazon advertising so um i should mention first of all that amazon advertising is completely optional amazon also markets your book for free um by the fact that it puts your book on the marketplace that gets millions of customers every day so you don't need to advertise to make sales which is what's really nice about this business model but amazon advertising is a way to allow you as a business owner to allow your books to reach their full potential in sales allows you to reach more customers and therefore if you can do it profitably then take more profit for your business so it's something that's very important to learn not just for this business model but for quite a lot of other business models as well so it's not something you want to ignore the next thing i should mention as well is that amazon advertising does have a lot of topics um so for that reason i'm going to be covering uh the basics of it in a separate video um because it's a big topic in its own right so that's video is going to come out another time i'll keep you guys updated in my facebook group about that um but basically if you do want to go ahead and register for an advertising account um when your book goes live you have the option here and if you click on the free ellipsis uh to the right of the book you'll see a tab that says promote and advertise if you just click on that and you've not yet registered for an advertising account then they'll just take you through the registration process and once that's all complete you can go ahead and advertise straight away now let's move on to the next steps that you're going to want to do so you've got your first book live on amazon so um at the start this is kind of the most crucial point um because for most people that do amazon the motivator is seeing the royalty uh the sales that come with the books so you're going to want to keep working hard at the start because you got to get the hang of the publishing cycle you just want to throw yourself in there and create those books um do that niche research you're going to get better at it with practice i promise you that that's how exactly how i did it um the best quote for this one is messy movement is better than perfection paralysis so don't spend too much time overthinking every little detail just go ahead and publish books be patient as well um throughout your whole publishing business my first sale came after i published 70 books and i made like just over a dollars royalty for that so it wasn't even much but it was um it was very motivational for me so um i think when you do get your first sale and when you start seeing the sales increase sort of like the graph at the start of this video it's super motivational and so you weren't going to want to overcome that hurdle of not seeing any results at the start so keep working hard keep learning the whole publishing cycle until you get good at it you solidify your foundations and yeah that's how you go about it at the start obviously when you come to grow your business you want to continuously learn uh just make your mind into a sponge just absorb everything out there there's a lot of good youtube channels a lot of good youtube videos that i'm sure you would have crossed um there's a lot of good courses out there on low content publishing as well um there is a big opportunity out there on amazon to publish low content and notebooks is just the start um again with that list i showed you at the start notebooks is just one type of low content book there's journals diaries planners there's log books guest books coloring books activity books there's so many live content books you can do and that list i gave you at the start of this video is not even the limit of what you can do the limit of your success will be your creativity and your savviness ask how you can create books when you see them don't shut the doors and opportunities just because they're not your typical low content book if there's something that's a little bit unorthodox but it does have good demand compared to competition then ask yourself how can i create that book there's plenty of resources out there to teach you how to outsource um things that you can't do within publishing like i'm not an illustrator for example so i'm unable to make a coloring book but all i do is outsource this task to say fiverr upwork or a freelancer that works for me so that's how i've overcome that hurdle and now i'm making coloring books that do really well on amazon so you gotta keep pushing those boundaries thinking outside of the box and i'd say this has helped me a lot within the last few months so try and carry this trade forward into your business if you have it and become familiar with the niches you're publishing in what your customers want and how you can best serve them with future publications so there's several ways you can go and tackle this all of which should be talked about in separate videos but essentially you can go ahead and read reviews on books in a niche similar to yours so if i have my giraffe notebook i can go ahead and read other reviews and other giraffe notebooks and see what can be done better through the critical reviews that those books have so if there's one review on there it's a one star for a giraffe notebook out there and it said oh this book was okay but there was this and there was that which i didn't really like about it then there's an indication there that the customers in the giraffe niche are looking for separate or different things you can also analyze keywords with keyword research tools such as helium 10 to assess the supply and demand for each keyword what's not being met in a certain niche and therefore you can guide your publications in that direction so you've got more of an informed informed decision when it comes to publishing sorry making your books um and yeah there's other things as well such as facebook groups you can join facebook groups within your niche as well so if there's a giraffe facebook group out there then i'll go ahead and join that and see what people like in there what's been posted a lot what kind of buzzwords that people use so there's several things that you can be doing for that but that's kind of more advanced stuff um is there a scalable niche bringing in a lot of sales so if i've published my notebook saying giraffe zebra lion tiger and everything like that and i find that giraffe's doing the absolute best then i'll be looking to make more of a brand from it so a great way to start doing this is create an author page um so if you do amazon offer page you can create an account there and you can basically give yourself a profile picture as the author you can write a buyer a bio underneath you can put promotional materials up there reviews uh the official reviews that your books have had and stuff like that and so that's the first way that you go ahead and start branding and the niche that's done well for you you also want to create an email list you can leave your email in your books and stuff like that um and don't be afraid to re-invest in your business i'm going to talk about this in the slide after the next but i want to show you this road map as well um it's not totally necessary but this is something that's really helped me when i started out in publishing kind of visualize your journey um in like um earnings per day sort of way so to make 1k a month you need 33 of royalty a day and obviously over 30 30 days or 31 days that will give you thousand dollars per month so to hit this magical thing all you can see is so i kind of made this um graph i suppose you can call it a graph um when i was hovering around between three and five dollars a day from publishing and it was just kind of more of a motivational thing for me to try and hit that one thousand dollars per month and this was august 2019 when i made this and basically it really really helped me i think the most to attach like um what do you call it like um an expense uh to an amount that i earned a month so for example um at five dollars a month uh i would be making a hundred and fifty dollars sorry five dollars a day i'd be making 150 per month and that would be like my car insurance paid for if i did have a car um probably pretty expensive car insurance bonus but um yeah so like if i was working a full-time job then i could use my money from publishing rather than my full-time job to pay for my car insurance i thought that was really cool if i was earning ten dollars a month i could literally pay for a flight with publishing money from new york to london every month and that was a cool prospect for me and it just keeps going up and up and up and to hit a thousand per month i needed 33 a day and i crossed that november 2019 and this was very good motivation for me it kept on going look 1 500 per month would be a really really nice trip somewhere and then once i got to 100 a day um it was starting to trump a nine to five job so i just took these off once i got past these stages and i just kept on going i kept on going it was nice to visualize what i could buy with the money i made from publishing and stuff like that um so it really did help and it's something i'd recommend you do as well you create a chart like this just tick it off when you're averaging one dollar a day three dollars a day and so forth and it really does help with motivation um so now let's talk about investing back into your business now i'd only recommend this when you get the hang of the publishing cycle so don't start throwing money into the business before you fully understand what you're getting yourself into um of course i started investing back into my business when i made reasonable money from publishing to pay for stuff to invest to but if you do have money in your bank account then you can just go ahead and invest before you make the royalty of course the royalty comes into your account two months after you made the sale on amazon so that's the little caveat of publishing of course if i started in january for example i wouldn't see any royalty until the end of march so um both ways are fine um but if you want to invest money into creating better covers better interiors or saving time with them then these are the three things that i would recommend of course if you haven't got tangent templates already then this should go on the list as the number one priority because tangent templates gives you like hundreds of interiors to use um for commercial use and stuff it saves you so much time when uploading the listing and everything like that um so if you haven't got tangent templates yet and you're making money for your business then go get tangent templates first then once that's done i'd say canva pro is a very good investment to make kind of pro gives you pretty much access to all their graphics and they have lots of graphics on their site and they have lots of photos as well that you can use for commercial use if you have canva pro and it gives you a lot of features as well that would literally speed up the time it takes to do a lot of things such as say resizing the interior so if you've got the interior slightly wrong and you need to resize it what would it take in someone five minutes can take you two seconds at the push of a button with a canva pro membership and it's like 11 a month so it really isn't much especially when you're making like four figures a month free publishing when you get to that stage anyways so it's definitely a very good investment to make it's cheap um five is variable as well five is very good for outsourcing um stuff that you can't do yourself like creating a coloring book for example um the math works out quite well if you pay someone on fiverr i don't know like fifty dollars to make a couple of coloring pages um and you've got your nice research on point and stuff then you can pretty much easily calculate how much money your book will make over a given amount of time and how long it will take for you to make your money back on the investment in fiverr so five is a very good place to go for outsourcing stuff it saves you time as well so um that's a good place creative fabrica also a very cheap place to get graphics there's a there's a big bank of interiors on there as well and it's super cheap i've got mine for 12 dollars a month so you can't really go wrong with it of course i forgot to mention as well um book reports is also a good investment if you is free up until you make a thousand dollars a month if you exceed a thousand dollars a month then get book reports premium because it really is helpful information and stuff that kdp reports kdp's built in sales reports doesn't have um so yeah get book reports if you exceed over a thousand a month that's my recommendation too now on to niche and keyword research um helium 10 uh i can only vouch for helium 10 because this is the one i use but it's an absolutely quality software it has a really good return of investment i'm paying 99 a month which is quite expensive which is why i got the dollar signs but the return of investment is there all i can say is if they were charging me like 499 dollars a month i still think there'd be a return of investment that's how much of a return of investment helium 10 has given me basically the tool i use the most from them is this one here which is kind of the keyword um scraper like scrapes keywords that any book has ranked for so we've gone back onto our industry standard book here for the giraffe notebook um we've just clicked on keywords down here and it's showing me all the keywords their search volume the amount of competing products that is shown for each keyword and it's given me a cerebral iq score which is an analysis of supply and demand super cool and we can just go down and it's also good for niche research as well this is why it's pretty expensive it's a built-in software um and it's so simple to use but you can see as you go down it's just giving you ideas for keywords that you can put in the keyword boxes you can advertise to and you can literally find ideas for other niches as well look giraffe coloring book is what i wanted to find so it's telling me that there's a search for me 496 searches a month for a giraffe coloring book so we've quite a giraffe notebook if that's doing well why not release a coloring book for example so this is another way where you can kind of realize a return of investment straightaway with a helium 10 membership but it is the most expensive of the free here i can't vouch for the other two um because i haven't really used them to any extent publish a rocket um i had for a little bit um it is cheaper it's a upfront investment of uh around a hundred dollars um so it's not a monthly thing it's one payment of a hundred dollars and it does something similar to helium 10 but it's a software that you download onto your computer it's not integrated into amazon like helium 10 is with this bar here or anything like that it's something where you have to go on you have to search the keywords manually and then you get an analysis of supply and demand and of course bookbox similar as well i think it's an extension on chrome book bolt and then you can analyze keywords that way these two are cheaper though i think the bolts like 50 uh upfront investment of 50 dollars but all three of them do the same basic thing they analyze uh the keywords um supply and demand for them so all three are reasonable options i can only vouch for helium 10 there's a link in the description below for 10 percent off your monthly bill with helium 10 if you like the look of that um and of course lastly with everything um is the royalty accelerator course this is an investment of your knowledge base so you've got your foundation of the publishing cycle through this so the last one is an investment in your own knowledge base and that's through the royalty accelerator course now obviously this video just by watching it will give you a good foundation of the knowledge in the publishing cycle and everything that comes with it but of course if you're looking to really fast track your publishing business whether you're just getting started or established and looking for ideas to grow your income further within your business then the royalty accelerator is the perfect place for you i do love this course for how concise and actionable the information is there's a lot of videos in there that give you a lot of information you can implicate straight away into your business and probably even better than the course itself is the community that comes along with it there's a lot of great people in here there's a lot of success everyone's hungry well most people are hungry for it and there's a lot of great results people making consistent four figure a month incomes um so this is really the perfect place to be if you're looking to accelerate your publishing business and of course if you click in the link in the description below it should be a cool 20 off the 125 investments so again it's 99 so the same price as helium 10 is every month but has an incredible return of investment but that guys is pretty much it for me um i hope this video has been really helpful feel free again to go over stuff that maybe i spoke too fast on until you do understand it um of course feel free to ask any questions below as well and drop a like on this video help fit for the algorithm do drop a comment and be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already but again guys thank you so much for watching it's been a long video and an enjoyable journey i'll see you all in the next video
Views: 99,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: niche research, keyword research, how to make money online, niche research tools, keyword research tools, KDP niche nesearch, KDP, How to make $1000 a month online, low content book niches, KDP find niches, KDP niches, passive income, helium 10, book niches, Q4 niches, profitable niche, self publishing, low content, no content, lcb, ncb, how to publish, how to start publishing, paul marles, start an online business, publishing course, low content course
Id: 9Xms8RgXzdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 45sec (6825 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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