Creating Assignments in Canvas LMS

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hi everyone in this video I'm going to be taking you through how to create an assignment right here in canvas so go ahead open up your canvas module and follow along now the first thing I want you to do is go to the announcement tab on the left side that says assignments typically when you hit your canvas you're gonna go to your homepage which I have already talked about how to create if you didn't check out that video I'll link it in the cards up here for you as well but we're gonna work on assignments now so the thing you want to consider is how do you want to grade your students here is an example of how I graded one of my most recent classes that started face to face and then how to go to online because of our recent situation if you're watching this in March 2020 now a great example for an assignment is going to be a midterm or a final exam and I'm going to go over exams and quizzes in the next module because I want to keep these separate for you so they don't get too long so another assignment that you can do is going to be research papers reflection papers or some type of content that you want them to fill in for you this is a great way for you to essays reflection papers an analysis paper of some sort something that they turn into you and you grade so a good example is a research paper so I always do a research paper in my lecture courses here's an example and then I'll show you how to do it I have all the information for the paper in here links to MLA format example papers exactly how I want them to go about writing it processes to help them stay on track how many points they are and I assign it to everyone and they have to upload a PDF another example that you can do is I have them do analysis paperwork for my performance-based classes so they have to create all of this analysis paperwork over the song or the scene or or whatever they're presenting where they have to answer all of this in a paper and upload it as a PDF document another option that you is going to be doing assignments like introducing yourself to the class this can be a discussion post that I covered in the last lecture the last video that I did I'll link that one up in the cards for you here as well but it needs to be something that they're gonna turn in so don't think discussions think about some other way that you want to grade them so that they can learn the content now this is how it's going to look for you when you first start up your assignment it's not going to have anything in here if you just take a second and look over if your assignment has this eye with a line through it that means there's either no content meaning you have created no assignments yet or that it's not visible to the students so down here for example this is quizzes but it says it's not I have disabled it and it's not visible to the students you want to go into your settings and you want to enable it so it's viewable to the students and I did an example of settings too as well in the last episode but you just go down to the settings here go into your navigation tab and here's what they see and here's what they don't see so I would want to take quizzes and I would want to enable it and it pops it up here so this is what the students see make sure that they're seeing all the ones that you want so that will fix your problem with the eye being closed on the left side of the line through it make sure you click Save at the very bottom and you are set to go so they'll see it in their bar so let's go and create an assignment together okay so the first thing you want to do of course is click assignment at the top right button blue button again add assignment click that and here we are just like we have in the past tutorials we're creating almost that page idea so assignment name what do you want it to be say it's going to be a research paper or say you want it to be a reflection paper or you want them it to be an analysis paper okay and then you would write in here the description of what you want it to be give full details of what you want it to describe what you want them to include member keep it simple keep it in bullet point format and basic steps that they can go through again if you want to click to a link here as an example you want to include a website as an example you just pop it in here so say I want to link to the met opera right now is showcasing all their content for free if you're watching this in March 2020 you could have them watch a video from the met and you would click met opera you would describe it you could highlight this copy the website paste it in here click insert link and all they'll do is click on met opera this will turn blue and be underlined if you want to put in a video for them and you want them to watch there's some wonderful content too right now about a virtual library tour that many public libraries are creating online if it's on YouTube you could just click the youtube link embed the source or Vimeo or any other video link or you can link the website here and tell them to watch the video and then to write a paper about it whatever it is you would describe it in this area right here just so we have in the past how many points do you want it to be and what type of assignment is it going to be now you can create different types of assignment groups if you want to maybe you want it to be an assignment group that is going to be specific to your class try to remember to keep it clean organized and again put this back into all of your modules so they're not clicking in and out and I'll show you that example here in a second at the very end display the great as what do you want to be percentage do you want it just to be a pass/fail a lot of schools are doing that now pass or fail points letter grade your options are here I've noticed that a lot of students really like to see everything in the percentage so I always do percentage because then they see did I make a 90 did I make an 80 it's it's easier for them to understand it if you want you can always click don't add it into their final exam but if you're trying to get an assessment for them to get a grade this is a great way to do it now here's an important part how do you want them to submit their assignment to you do you want them to do it online on paper and external to external tool or no submission if you're teaching online you want it to be online now how do you want them to submit it do you want them to do a text entry which means a text box is going to pop up for them and they have to type in that box that that canvas is providing for them or do you want a website where they have to submit a website to you that they've created I've never done that with one before so that's gonna be a new one for me media recordings this is really amazing if you are in a performance-based class where they are going to upload a recording of them for the assignment if you're doing a performance based class this would be really great to have them record and upload their song or them playing their instrument or them doing their speech for class so this is how you would want to have it uploaded you want to click that so they know how they're uploading the file or do you want to file upload meaning a document or a PDF what I have discovered is that many students don't realize what a PDF is just yet I don't restrict the upload file though because if they upload it as a docx file or a pages file I just write back to them and say could you please let upload it as a PDF that way they're not counted late again trying to be accessible and understand that many students don't really know how to take online classes yet but I tell them in the break down please upload a PDF file and I'll show you why in a second plagiarism you have a lot of different options here Turnitin which is a plagiarism tool some schools have it some schools don't it will allow you to it'll take you through a program that will show you how to see if it's been if the student has plagiarized anything if you're just starting off for your first time I would say don't even worry about that just get these students get up get up loaded and get your students used to doing online show reports to students how do you want them to see it don't they see that immediate your choice also don't worry about being a group assignment unless it's doing a group of people together do you want them to have peer reviews I've never done this before actually but if you want students especially if you're an undergrad or graduate course do you want them to do peer reviews for each other that could be a really great way to get them to talk to each other also who are you going to sign it to everyone in the class typically what is the due date and then when is the window of time going to be available where they can complete it so say you want it done by a week from today which is the 27th I always do 11:59 p.m. it just works for me I give them the entire evening I give them a window of time so it's do that it's due on the 27th which I'll pick the same time here I want those to match but when do how long time how long of a time period do I want them to have remember online students online teaching is different than face-to-face I would say give them a really good window to turn it in in case something happens their internet goes down they want to turn it in early they're gonna procrastinate and turn it in late give them a window of time if it's a paper I it depends on how long your semester is but I will allow them to turn it in beginning day one of the semester until the due date I give them the whole time just make sure that it's going to be applicable for your students and it's going to be something that they can complete just give them more than a day you want to allow them to turn in early to turn it in in the middle of the time or late just keep that in mind okay so you would put the available from until and then you would click Save or if you're ready to publish it for your students and your your shell is published already you could click Save and publish and it would pop up and look something like this this is a research paper I had them do your text and everything will be in here I like to give them examples really break it down for them and then all of your information is down here points a file is uploaded now here is an example of how you're going to grade these I wouldn't download the submissions unless you want all them download to your computer after they go in and they upload it then you can go over to speedgrader click speedgrader and it's gonna pop them all over here for you and you can go through one by one you can read the pits of paper you can go through and read it really easily and add comments if you want to highlight it and leave a comment and say great job or consider this is a little this was not incorrect maybe try this you know whatever you want I actually want to trash that because this class has ended I don't want her to see that and go it's okay so Natasha and then you can grade it over here and you can write comments to them as well another great option you have is when you're grading you can upload a file or you can actually upload an audio or a video file down here by just clicking on these buttons and you can give them a face-to-face response versus just text which is really amazing okay so say you want to do something where you want to upload a you want them to upload a video the only other difference is is that when you go to when you go to click on how you want them to upload you would just click on the bottom to do a a media recording and then it would allow them to upload a audio or a video file so you want to make sure you're clear about how they're submitting this assignment now after you're making your assignments you want to really keep in mind the idea of modules so after you make an assignment make sure that you are putting it within each module and where that is going to fall so say they are reading all of these lectures and then they're going to do a discussion and then they're going to one of the assignments between this discussion and quiz is to write a reflection or to create an analysis you want to make sure that you list that in between these so that they're staying within a module and they're not going to have to jump back and forth between assignments and other things that you want them to complete it really just keeps it nice and organized as you work through and it keeps your classroom kind of organized as well I hope this video is helping you if you need any other if you have any other questions please leave them in the comments below so that anybody else can see the answers and if you need any other video tutorials put in the links below as well if you like this video and it was helpful for you give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more content click the subscribe button and the bell notification so that you know when they come out alright happy teaching friends I'll see in the next video bye
Channel: Ashlee Espinosa
Views: 36,553
Rating: 4.9318886 out of 5
Keywords: ashlee espinosa, canvas lms, canvas tutorial, canvas lms tutorial, how to make an assignment in canvas, assignments in canvas, canvas assignments tutorial, canvas assignments video, canvas assignments file upload, canvas tutorial for teachers, canvas lms assignments, canvas lms tutorial for teachers, canvas assignment tutorial, what is an assignment in canvas, how to use assignments in canvas, what is canvas lms, how to create a course in canvas, Ashlee Espinosa
Id: 26ToVz-56Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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