The Quest for Minecrafts Any% Impenetrable Base

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good day ladies and gents cubic media here this is the aftermath of sip over's one block civilization event where 100 place split into four teams were pitted against each other in a brutal War of Attrition well that was the idea in theory if this really was a war of attrition though our team would have won easily my inspiration going into the two-e event was to build an impenetrable base all of our planning and preparation was to develop the resources in infr structure to make the ultimate doomsday bunker I was on the green team in the other quadrants we had red purple and the opposite to us was blue we had a strong team a couple of great pvpers but we also had some of the best technical players and together we achieved our goal of having the strongest defensible position possible which would have seen us through a brutal War of Attrition however there was a variable that I didn't account for zip over didn't want a war of attrition he he wanted fast-paced combat and non-stop fighting which is great if you're a PVP player however if you're a technical player you need time to plan organize and build but no matter how much time or effort we put into the preparation of our strategy it meant nothing against the Mad God and his power to move the world border as the playable area shrank the final fight was crammed into a meat grinder where individual skill or equipment meant nothing the only thing that prevailed was blue team and their overwhelming numerical Advantage so unfortunately we never got to witness the true potential of our base but that leads us to the question how do you make a base in Minecraft that is truly impenetrable well this base is a good place to start the basic principle of any base is that people you like can get inside however people that you don't like can't inside the base there is space for you and your valuables and the idea is to use any means necessary to keep what you don't want outside however Minecraft is a Sandbox game and in true Anarchy players can also use any means necessary to get inside your base let's lay down some ground rules no exploitative mods no plot protection and only game mechanics accessible to the player in survival however any percent means any exploit in any version can be used to construct the base as long as it's possible to do in survival then likewise the player can use any amount of time resources or exploits accessible to them to try and break inside of the base this is the Quest for Minecraft's any% impenetrable base the ultimate anti- prison let's start with the base from the one block event here are all the materials you might expect an endgame PVP player to have we got ourselves our maxed out gear a couple of tools a couple of gapples some building blocks and a whole bunch of totems with depth Strider the water isn't too much trouble however even if I get all the way to the edge here the bubble columns prevent me from getting anywhere near the base we're going to need to try and Bridge inside however if I try to do that the moment that I go around this Edge to try and place a block the bubble colums immediately start pushing me upwards our only option is to go through the obsidian burm once we're through we can start removing the Soul Sand like so and carving a path towards the First wall however you can probably hear what our next challenge is going to be wens are a great way to protect the perimeter of a base because they can track the player at insane ranges even through blocks and their Sonic Blast can hit players through blocks even if they don't have line of of sight and the way that this wall has been designed is to make sure that the wardens are at the perfect distance so that their Sonic Blast is in range of any position that you could possibly attack from however it's also out of range from any position inside of the base so now we've hit a bit of a snag if I try to get anywhere near this wall the wardens will start tracking me however I need to break this obsidian to start bridging across and now once again I'm stuck in a position where I can't bridge on the other side of this block it seems our only real option is to go straight through the base of this wall and it's starting to sound like things are getting spicy up there however with enough perseverance it's certainly possible to Edge your way closer and closer but now we're starting to True through totems oh would you look at that they actually killed me all right here we go attempt number two and there we go we're inside the base as you can see this is certainly not Minecraft's any% impenetrable base with enough grit and determination you can get inside however the process is not easy and it'll probably cost a few lives to get inside plus if you add an active defense then this base is basically impossible to assault without committing significant casualties however there is one glaring weakness if I go ahead and equip an elytra like so and a couple of rockets if I start flying I can fly all the way down through the central bubble column and get straight inside like that so this is only really effective when elytra is not in play this begs the question of what if you just make a massive obsidian Cube and fill it with wardens here we have the optimal setup a block that takes an extremely long time to break along with a wardens to blast their Intruders and in the very center we even have Elder Guardians to apply mining fatigue however this defense is surprisingly weak as I'll now demonstrate it turns out the with of the play in the Crouch position like so breaking blocks doesn't cause any vibrations detectable by the wardens and so I can do this without even aggravating them and just like that we are already inside of the interior of the base and it appears that the application of mining fatigue is very inconsistent and unreliable and even if you get mining fatigue it's quite simple to grab a milk bucket in order to completely remove the effect that was way too easy to break into for the amount of effort you would need to actually build this base in fact this is where we encounter a significant issue with the entire concept of the impenetrable base pretty much any amount of blocks that take a finer amount of time to mine will always be possible to breach given enough time and patience and the more blocks you add to your defense the larger the surface area you need to cover for an active defense and thus the more places there are for your enemies to hide in and breach your defenses from imagine how impossible it would be to defend this entire volume when players can essentially create their own tunnels anywhere and just like that your defenses are breached clearly if we are to truly make minecft any% impenetrable base we're going to need to start thinking outside the box because this box just ain't cutting it to achieve this we're going to need to throw all practicality straight out the window if you are planning to build the ultimate base on your favorite survival multiplayer well that's just not going to happen multiplayer servers will always favor freedom of the player to break into a base over the freedom of the player to use exploits to make regions of the world impossible to access I have firsthand experience with this when I made overpower power defenses for bases in a heavily modded faction server if admins deemed a base to be too powerful they would simply weld edit it out of existence this is simply the order of things when it comes to player versus player it's time to pull out all the stops any exploit any version whatever it takes to make this base impossible to get into our journey brings us here to the wave Tech patreon server not a lot is happening here nowadays however if you walk around you start to notice Sonic a bit suspicious back in the day this server was a test bed for the members of the watic server to try out one of Minecraft's most insane exploits an exploit which allowed you to obtain all sorts of illegal items such as Bedrock command blocks and barriers all in vanilla survival you can learn all about this exploit on channels such as jkm as well as trolley who recorded the whole process on the patreon server however this exploit was only available to do back in 1.12 which explains why we need to remove the constraint of the design being practical because going forward we're going to need an unbreakable blocks such as Bedrock to make Minecraft any% impenetrable base and with this we can at least justify this being accessible to the player in vanilla survival that makes things easy doesn't it just make a big Bedrock Cube and at some point it becomes impossible to break into right well not quite in my inventory I have this handy item that as cor fruit and if I go ahead and use this would you look at that I'm immediately inside however a simple way to combat this is to fill your base of water because that way no matter how many times you teleport it will never teleport you into the water but even with chorus fruit counted there's still other teleporting methods to get inside such as clipping into the wall using ender pearls like this yep you can see I'm clipping into this wall if I keep walking into it and then I start sprinting I can actually make it all the way inside all right then we just make the walls figure right yep that seems to do the trick against Pearl clutching however this entire time we've been skirting around the fact that Bedrock is not as tough as it seems this right here is a redstone clock designed by carsner which has an insane property that can be used to make headless Pistons we can start by placing down a piston and switching on the machine the Piston will extend and if we can make sure that we can instant mine the Piston there we go we just made a downwards facing headless piston just like that now all we need to do is switch off the clock and would you look at that the Headless piston when it retracted spawned a piston head in the position of the Bedrock which deleted the Bedrock this is the basic principle of Bedrock breaking where all you need is a headless piston pointing into the Bedrock and when that piston retracts it deletes the Bedrock and this contraption by carza is just one of many ways in which you can create headless Pistons to break bedrock But ultimately what this means is that even our Bedrock bunker is not fully impenetrable unless we can do something about those pesky headless Pistons so what if we simply power the blocks in our wall and now the Piston is unable to retract and delete the Bedrock we scale this up so that we provide Redstone power to every single block in the external shell no matter where we place a piston it will always be extending and the roof can simply be protected by build limit so this should be it right well no unfortunately not there is still an Avenue for attack in the form of TNT if I go ahead and place some TNT against the wall like so the ray cast from the explosion is able to leak through the corner of this wall and just like that our defenses are broken to prevent this we'll need to fill in this corner with bedrock as well however there's no way to power these blocks from the interior so we can just put our headless piston against it like so break the Bedrock place down our TNT and repeat the whole process over again what we are going to need is some sort of blast resistant material on the interior of these corners but we also still need to get redstone power into these blocks so out of all the items in the game which one has the property of being able to hard power block with directionality while also being blast proof and there turns out to be a specific block with a specific block state that can do this a lightning rod that is stuck in the powered state will actually drive power into the block that it's facing into like so the lightning rod can also be water logged which makes it blast prooof but how enough do you obtain a lightning rod in the powered State when being struck by lightning the lightning rod will only remain in the powered state for a short amount of time before reverting back to the unpowered state it turns out that in order to get our permanently powered lightning rod we'll need to invoke another one of our exploits update suppression I'm not going to try and explain update suppression especially for newer version as ignor has recently done a lot of indepth tutorials on how to do it in newer versions using the game rule update suppression simulator we're going to go ahead and make ourselves son known as a Class cast exception box like so as you can see the Sher box will not open because it actually thinks that it's a lecturn so now any block update sent to this comparator will result in update suppression with our CCE suppressor active I can go ahead and place down the lightning rod we set the weather to thunder and then and Force lightning to hit our rod and activate it it's going to instantly crash my game however when we rejoin there we have it an update suppressed powered lightning rod they're clearly not the easiest block state to obtain but it's possible to do in survival but I have to say if you can obtain a debugs stick in survival this would be a lot easier but whatever with with enough grit and determination you could eventually have your Bedrock bunker with lightning rods powering every single block while also being 100% blast prooof however there's still another type of damage that we haven't accounted for if I go ahead and build myself a Wither right in the corner like so you can probably hear that sound and it's not very good yep our weather has gone through and broken a whole bunch of the lightning rods the corners are no longer being protected and Bish bash BOS we're in God damn it is there any way to stop players from getting inside well let me introduce you to the withering wall we have is a whole bunch of overlapping wither cages with the withers constantly being hurt by TNT from these dupers the result being a wall which destroys any attempt to break the Bedrock yeah nah this is completely stupid the problem is that in order to maintain adequate protection you need to have a Wither covering every block that you could try to Tunnel into like so however the bottommost blocks are completely vulnerable as you can clearly see and eventually we can actually start making the wers fall out the bottom not to mention the top of the wall doesn't properly line up with the build limit meaning that the withers at the top are completely exposed I mean it's pretty intimidating but it's also just outright silly but what's this we have over here another Bedrock box that is just asking to be broken into let's set up our piston to break the Bedrock and so you remember when we're messing around with the lightning rod and the lightning rod activating the update suppressor caused the game to crash well this base uses our CCE boxes and a bunch of scull sensors attached to Redstone mechanisms to instantly crash the game the moment that it hears anything let's see how your enemies like it when even trying to place blocks will instantly crash the game I'm even having trouble recording this all right all right that's enough I'm activating the carpet Ru to eat the suppression crash Jesus Christ with that enabled we'll just get an angry message every time we crash the game what I have done is made an intricate network of skull sensors and wool dampening to provide exhaustive monitoring of the external Bedrock shell whenever a vibration signal is detected it gets quickly routed through the wiring and straight into the CC suppressor which throws a Class cast exception and crashes the game this has has to be one of the most sure fired ways to make an impenetrable base because any attempt to try and break the Bedrock is going to create so much noise that you're going to repeatedly crash the server every single block that you place every single component that fires every single futile attempt to get inside and your game will crash and force you to start again and thanks to all the dampening provided by the wool the interior of the base is perfectly safe and isolated from the server crashing Mayhem on the outside we've also got ourselves a toggle which disables the suppressors as well as a bed for fast traveling and a way out of here so that just leaves the question have we obtained Minecraft's any% imp penetral base I still don't think we have even with the game crashing continuously through the entire B breaking process a player could just keep Rel logging over and over and over again until eventually they have all the blocks in place to do the Bedrock breaking in fact I think the only way to make a truly impensable base in Minecraft is to go with the scorched Earth option and simply make a contraption that will chain crash the server whenever you're not online I'm pretty sure the only shf fired way to protect your base is to prevent people from playing the game entirely because after all the Core Essence of what makes Minecraft such a great game is the fact that the player has offered so much freedom and flexibility that even the most indestructible Block in the game cannot stand in your way well I think that's enough of trying to break the game for this video at least thank you all very much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: cubicmetre
Views: 300,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, anti-prison, sipover, best players oneblock
Id: 5nM6T3KCVfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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