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[Music] i think that's your winter homes [Applause] [Music] savage but before we get to that let's get speed spade is the most effective way to clean your ears it lets you get a clear view of what's inside with its three megapixel camera that connects to any android or ios device seamlessly this allows you to see and effectively remove wax instead of pushing it further in like a cotton swab it comes with soft irritation free ear picks that precisely engineered to gently scoop ear wax at any depth in your ear shape without missing a spot the six inner mounted led lights to illuminate your ear are bright but never hot the spade has built-in temperature control system that keeps it at a comfortable temperature while in use it comes with a triple function magnetic base snapping on camera side up to charge camera side down to hold and twist the base open for quick access to your earpix it's also more sustainable than q-tips the spade is reusable whereas plastic q-tips are not for a limited time get 22 off plus an additional 10 off and free shipping in the us using code sg so thanks for watching today's video and thanks for spade for sponsoring it this is one of the best ear cleaners i've ever used make sure you check out the link in description below and get your spade today and thanks for watching savage garage good morning [Music] all right mom are you ready to go there we go good morning we are going over to sterling lamborghini today today is bullfest so we are actually gonna meet up with everybody at the gaylord in national harbor but we are on our way over to sterling lamborghini go meet tina and go see and pick up my brand new seo [Music] we [Music] they probably couldn't hear us is that ben oh it's bad now you bet texted me this morning i'm like i'm gonna go pick it up come over i didn't know i didn't know that i saw an sco i'm like oh it's randy's but because he didn't show the spec and then tina showed the span oh is this the senna that everyone thought was jeff bezos for a minute still advertised online yeah because i remember seeing this everyone's like it's jeff bezos oh oh i know what that is 777 that's my number painted i'll get it i think that's your winter homes wow wow there's a lot of things you've done that have emulated the svj or like taken pieces from it that look cool this is an evolution right oh no this is absolutely this is the step above yeah i would say it's the ultimate but there's an ultimate i was just about to ask so you saw this in monterey not more i sat in it yeah yeah so what was it like to sit in like did it feel super race car or did it feel like i had a little it feels it feels like a very finished race car oh like the the entire cage is enclosed so you don't see any of the actual tubing or anything like that the fit and finish is beautiful on the inside it's very race car but it's beautifully finished hey rachel what do you think this car what do you think the sticker on this is what is it it's the gt this is the the car mclaren released and it didn't have as much press as it should have been due to covet is it fully loaded um does it have the market adjustment on it or is it just like stickers straight up yeah what do you think msrp is um i don't even know what these cars go for 215. what this is a good car for 215. wait what are you serious from december of 2020 to 2020 of january 21 we've sold six because i actually saw these and i was like you know what that's actually interesting because from for me um they kind of all look the same like if you don't pay attention i know there's like the different pieces and stuff but they're just like they've never really caught my eye and then but when i saw this i was like i can drive them oh it's a new car it's such a light touch so seriously like out the door can i show you something this caught me off guard how much do you think this is msrp the gt yes it's under what do you think it's under like 260. this is a 215 and it's fully loaded right last year it was 260. and they just uh lowered the base price and they gave a lot of options for free for two this is a four little deal and a half this is a phenomenal car and the fit and finish randy i sat in it real quick this is really nice so every other gt in the wall is a front engine car it's the first mid-engine so for those who don't know anything about the gt who buys this car who's this like what's the market for this me if i would you know because a guy will just put his golf clubs in the back okay you're going after the 911 porsche you're going after us okay people the main thing is a game changer this is the first car in that category the carbon fiber monopoly game changes oh okay so it's a very small touring car with a carbon fiber model yeah that's incredible it's an adult mclaren i always thought you know i mean part of it is just my own ignorance but i thought this was like a 350 thousand dollar car uh uh windows thicker shock that ever seen i mean you had one at the mall and you would see people that would think it's also like 300 car 215 and guess what this one has that electronic glass yeah so you can change shades you know yeah and you can button this look even more aggressive you know put a bigger set of wheels lower it retain it you know that kind of stuff but but it'll look more aggressive yet have that gt functionality i saw online um you know gintani did one of these you can make them proud i didn't know that you can have driven this what did you think of driving it's an amazing car i mean it's probably equally as fast as anything you know 576 whatever the other ones are i don't know there's too many yeah so i mean it's fast oh okay anna oh what are you doing she's going in your head so this is my replacement for the f1 no oh no because like we talked it so i said yeah what do you want no this is a bad story what do you what do you want as a you know as another car if you could get one and she said what do i have to give up my porsche and i said have you been with me long enough that you don't give up a car you just get another one i was tired so i said i'm gonna sit down so out of all the chairs i just decided to sit in here anybody know where the bathroom is i need to use it where did you come from happy belated birthday brother what's up man how are you wait a minute why are you here you slept hold on a second but i don't know what's going on i do meaning why does everyone else know what's going on like i don't understand why why are you here did you bring my car here trying to sell them on one of these too very nice look at this no it's orange all right that takes care of that where's the sdo no but yellow touches orange it looks mustard cheese right yellow will never be a touchdown but orange and yellow are two different colors anna yeah the day that is branded that yellow and orange are the same color is the day that you know like hell freezes over [Music] [Music] incredible [Music] baptizing now you [Music] ah i'm sorry but doesn't this look like the insert of like a cooler yeah this is where you keep your beer you know auto manufacturers always make up games to make their car like you know it will fit once one size of gold clubs or a little bit you know two coolers or whatnot i want to know what the game is here what fits in the front of an sto because that's specifically something comment below if you know what this is that does i don't know what that's supposed to do it's very small you want to quickly go through with me for those who didn't see the other video do you want to go through like some of the main options on this car for everyone well some of the things were definitely a delivery you know you could get a multi-color obviously pattern you could do a sticker group that had the sdo's on that i wanted to do it like afterwards i want to make mine very unique looking we did the dry carbon option yes yeah so we chose dry carbon so it really was a true match for the sv svj this is the only gloss okay all right well let's see what she sounds like oh that is cool you got travail that's a lot different than a hurricane holy [Music] well that sounds a lot different than just the standard huracan i must say i'm impressed so we're about to head out of here right now and ben's gonna drive the aventador because what i want to do is i want to get a shot of all three of these together and then we'll chinese file drill on the highway because i really want to drive my car now very quick explanation i'm going to explain this in a moment like where it went and like what's going on with it because it doesn't have the wing on it anymore so all that will be explained i promise but i just wanted to say big shout out to bavarian rensport shawn and his whole team like they brought this card they surprised me with it i didn't think it was going to be here today so i'm very excited to drive my car other slight complication we have four cars now which we didn't expect so anna you're driving the urus now and rachel's driving the svj so where are we going now we gotta go all right yes national harbor let's go here you go man have fun have you ever driven my car no oh well this is going to be fun [Music] what's the retail on one of those things i don't know that's the wrong line [Music] you miss your card wow listen to this with austin's new valvetronic exhaust it sounds so much better and so much higher pitch and by c63 [Music] i don't know you pick me up on the side of the road so yeah i'm just happy here do you see how the tires come through the diffuser that is very cool i never noticed that before thanks for bringing this out man not much oh i didn't know you had this done valentino signed it yeah can't wait to see the sto oh yeah no it's it's beautiful it's awesome wow it's an hour old wow [Music] [Music] hi chris [Music] that lower band makes it pop so good that's like insane sounds so good now it sounds way better than cleaners this is a lot it seems like there's a lot more rubber than a hurt it is i think so too i love the the suede here it's got the alcantara it's got the evo interior so it's got all the oh i like the tablet here that's nice closer to the end of the day now um i wanted to get a ride in this car with you yep i wanted to get your thoughts on this thing the other huracan jesus [Music] super fast super light um this would be a great car to twin turbo this would be very stable dude look at that lancer wagon so this thing needs exhaust of course and then what wheels did you say you ordered i wanted to do i'm doing a five-spoke lm style concave wheel okay yeah i think it'll look it'll look sick so it looks like because we're stuck in the national harbor getting it out on the road driving it hard is gonna be a little bit down the road it's gonna be in another video because uh traffic's really bad here and we've got some other stuff we gotta do this evening but don't worry we're also going to modify the hell out of this room well let's talk about that what kind of plans do you have for this what are you thinking what do you think audience what do you think i'm going to do to it okay let's put it that way i'd like to hear from the fans what we should do obviously everybody's gonna say twin turbo but who's twin turbo thank you mr valet no problem so comment below do we need a limo the answer is no do we need but also yes an h2 limo is cool i think those got a premium on them too because i don't know how many really cool we get a sprinter van limo like take a sprinter van and make it three times longer than it should be that would be like the size of a double axle making a six wheel six by six sprinter there's another one flexing in the middle yep it looks like it's like okay we have found food when i sold my restaurants i put my uh my resume because i wasn't sure if i wanted to stay just doing full atm business yeah i put my resume out there and pop ellie's corporate called me really they were going to hire me for their uh for their regional president really okay so i was going to go and manage the stores the pennsylvania uh potbelly i didn't take the job so we're going to go to potbellies because it's quick and it's right there the pop bill i'm still going to pot bellies years and years ago about say 2016. i worked at potbellies um i remember saving all the money i made from there to buy my corvette years and years ago so potbellies is even though everything to me tastes exactly the same i still get the same order i did when i was a freshman in high school for open lunch so it's always nice to see it because in miami they don't have pot belts but um they do in maryland so anyway a little trip down memory lane [Music] i wasn't joking i'm going a bottle there's more yeah all the limos all the limos here are sagging in the middle look at that look at that look at that absolutely absolutely i wonder how many just fall apart and break in half my frenzy fox 50 50 company and rachel and i went on the rally it would be awesome we're going to be in a limo it was fun for the first four hours yeah and then the rest of the time something shorted out where it had the crazy led little lighting that never shut off so when you're trying to sleep it was just like you're sleeping at a strip club it was like it was terrible comment below if we should bring a limo in a round a turtle rental limo i would love to take down a rally just have like seven savage rally stickers across the side rally in dc where everybody rented rallies and there was 30 of them and we had to go to different bars they only had it one time that was crazy you did a like a limo limbos and they got in dc and they had everybody had three of them said 30 teams and you had like you would race different bars it was pretty damn amazing is that including gym most parts [Music] you got a lot of cars homes launch for savage rally and we're you know just taking notes figuring out all the cars we're going to bring randy has 18 cars no rainy has more than 18 cars unfortunately randy's bringing 18 years they're not all going on the rally yeah how many are going on the rally nine rachel what'd you really say yeah that list is for real oh yeah seven 11. yeah i'm bringing eleven cars on there [Music] so you're ringing nine that's a lot of cars [Music] oh yeah it's got an exhaust on it can you do a burnout what do you guys think it's pretty cool i love the matching the matching deliveries and everything on it this thing's gonna get a lot more power okay it's gonna be insane this is the car we're gonna mess around with okay i think in all honesty this will end up being as crazy fast as that would be if we twin turbo i would be nuts i'm never twin turboing the s3j never going to have this it's proven okay it's a proven they've done it enough on a huracan i'm not worried about blowing it up as much right as i would be you know blowing my baby i don't want to do that yeah this is gonna be fun okay stay tuned check us out follow us stay savage people [Music] you
Channel: Savage Garage
Views: 219,372
Rating: 4.9280272 out of 5
Keywords: Savage Garage, daily driven exotics, lamborghini, police, dde, cars, shmee150, ferrari, exotic cars, randy savage, bugatti, porsche, stradman, supercars, mclaren, cops, thestradman, mercedes, supercar, hypercar, savage, cop, amg, mercedes benz, lamborghini aventador, manny khoshbin, collection, hypercars, randy, aventador, build, svj, v12, streetspeed717, cleetus mcfarland, audi, koenigsegg, koenigsegg CCX, lamborghini huracan, STO, huracan sto, lamborghini huracan sto, huracan, lambo, SVJ, mclaren gt, limo, scv12
Id: p8JAOe0H2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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