I Don't Think Christian Likes My Frankenstein CCX Hypercar

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so houston your conversation with mr koenigsegg time to go i said no basically short answer [Music] welcome to monterey california guys today's gonna be an adventurous day that's to say the least let's go check on houston and the rest of the guys oh look i can't exactly indeed mario welcome to uh great thank you beer appreciate it welcome to the ccx 1.75 it's almost a 2.0 but it's really not because we ran out of time we didn't do the turbo kit and we've got like 95 percent of the turbo kit except the manufacturer's most important parts manifolds put the triples on the car that didn't make it so we put the superchargers back on technically andy put the superchargers back on beer didn't help at all because everything he did we had to redo and well that's why he had to drive it here from nine o'clock last night to five in the morning shout out to beer by the way a little backstory i actually made a poll on youtube that said which car do you want houston to take to monterey it was the bugatti the this the ccx or the sto everyone picked this wow so that worked no one really knows that it's purple because you wanted to take the bug i really didn't want to take the bug i just i was like kind of like trying to sell it you know i was gonna like sharpie all over it that it was for sale but then i was like you know what why why go to monterrey bugatti the bugatti from monterey to me just it's got a bad omen you know i picked this because i didn't think it was going to happen and i got i guess it jinxed this thanks so uh part two to this is the battery's dead and this has a very special battery system so right now i'm gonna get this off of here put it right here and then uh hopefully hopefully we're gonna jump it another small caveat is that we have no roadtrek supercharged fluid because we took the flu or we took the roadtrek supercharged out and we didn't order any fluid so i overnighted some fluid from southern california and we're stranded here until it gets here it's supposed to be here between eight and nine am an early a.m delivery it's out for delivery now so that's really good news but we can't physically turn the car on until that fluid comes so now let's take it off this truck football season is back everybody and if you are anything like me you are super excited to have the fans back in the stadiums and all the teams back on the field now do you love to make easy money because i do the best way to make easy money is teaming up with our new partner my bookie my bookie is the industry leading sports online gaming platform that has the best customer service a lot like us so my question to you is do you like easy money so you do like easy money so what you do is you'll bet on my bookies lock of the season and when any team scores in tomorrow night's cowboys versus buccaneers game you win it's really that simple the game gets played and you get paid and that's what the winning season is all about on mybookie.ag if you're going to bet this season 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he's so extra it's unbelievable it's amazing isn't it yep all right so we are officially here we just parked um we actually didn't bring the koenigsegg out right now but we are gonna bring it out later tonight so you guys can check that out but uh yeah we're about to walk in a quail we're gonna keep it nice and light we're not going to be traditional youtubers uh we're going to show you a couple of nice cars the main ones and uh that's pretty much it what do you think i think it's awesome i can't wait to see some of the cool cars that haven't ever released yet or anything like that um you guys will see that here shortly this is your this is your first time right yeah this is my first time you're about to see some really nice cars i'm super excited so i can't i could barely contain this all right here we go it's perfect [Music] oh my god that's the one you want it's a bugatti race car this is real pirate vibes isn't it elizabeth elizabeth what's good what are you doing yeah just hanging out it's kind of a letdown it's a lot down here it's so slow this year do you remember last year or well i guess the year we came yeah it was like jam-packed everywhere i mean it was you couldn't breathe in here and then there was so many more cars up here like right here this is this is beautiful engineering houston's not even into the car he's just into the engine i just dude the car is the car it's amazing don't get me wrong but like when you look at like how they mount the motor to the chassis how it's freestanding every piece is used it's such an incredible design [Music] she gave it to me but she never signed it i don't get it man there's really really nice cars here everywhere but compared to 2018 beer wasn't here but compared to 2018 quail was off the charts incredible but i'm not gonna backlash it uh we got a f-40 right here beautiful car definitely one of everyone's dreams cars right beautiful f40 awesome uh we got a pagani right here gunny zonda can't ever go wrong with that uh yeah we're gonna go check out some more cars pablo's endless countach yeah so a bunch of lambos not nothing too crazy and uh p1 720 countach mclaren sls's jaguar it's actually kind of interesting so it's an off-road okay so this is an off-road basically porsche 911 yeah um maybe if i was into a little bit more into off-roading like that yeah what are your thoughts on the s7 saline now it's a hit or miss for a lot of people but i personally really like the look of it um beer what's your thought on the saline uh dope but i think this ford gt is way more forward you like the 4gt one more i do it's a six cylinder my god still come on man a million dollars for a six cylinder six kilometers i still smoking a million dollars still smoking some v8s and b12s out there not worth it guys comment section let us know is this worth a million dollars [Music] damn monoblock calipers [Music] all right everybody so we just checked out the new countach by lamborghini now i'm gonna level with you guys it's a beautiful car i love that they're bringing back the old countach for their anniversary but the price tag that it's in for 112 units in total production is really yeah it's not it's not so exciting i mean they're starting 2.5 usd which is outrageous and it goes all the way up to 3 million euro which is about 3.5 million us dollars now like i said it's a little bit of a price hike but you know people are going to pay it so besides that what i personally think they did is they took a scion they took a chance scenario squished it together and then they sprinkled a little bit of mercury so let me know your thoughts on this exclusive loot look and uh yeah let us know in the comments i love what lotus is doing with their hyper car um absolutely beautiful you guys saw this in 2019 i mean it's nothing new you guys have seen this all over the internet so it's a short wheelbase now and it's fully drivable and in gt mode it's wrong with base and it's autonomous we can choose to be relaxing enjoying the scenery or drive the car like a maniac on the turbine what is this like for when would this something like this come out you know second end of the of the decay 20 20 30 huh yeah the future is looking bright well we try to that's what we try to do right [Music] dude look at that you have four cup holders for all the shots you're about to take before you go up you don't drink and drive you sip and swerve oh yeah there's a cup holders that's for real i mean this for me [Music] so houston your conversation with mr koenigsegg it's time to go i said no basically short answer i was like look man i'm like so close to doing a full aguero conversion can i just have the tail lights in the headlights he was like well first they're not going to fit and i said i understand they're not going to fit yes but i'll make them fit and he was like yeah i don't really want to make a frankenstein car he was being really nice about it but basically he was like no i mean how are you everything is everything has got to be very by the book nowadays right his his company's changed there's uh he did actually give me a little bit of insight but we we knew we were going to hit this whole thing we knew the limitations of the turbo uh already we had kind of the idea of what um they did and i asked him i said you know i feel like your early 2013 regards have a very similar twin turbo system that i'm doing he said basically exactly the same thing that i thought so that being said it's pretty exciting i actually think that uh he undercover was like cool good job yeah he looked like he was actually impressed when he showed him the picture his house yeah i was looking at like his body movement and stuff so it's pretty cool overall what do you think of the day i think we got to cap off this day or this video with some ccx content though let's do it yeah i want to go out there and drive it um i think that um i think this is such a good balance there's nobody here i mean there's a lot of people here but like not like 2017 or 18 or 19. it's just so clean and easy to get around there's not a lot of traffic you know this parking was easy so [Music] [Music] you can't drive this far you gotta just leave the [Music] where'd it go [Music] there's no point of this i'm just gonna go home honestly okay what a stupid oversight you should apologize to everyone for hyping them up no it's tough horse out i'll leave it right here we're um i'm gonna have you call uh some automotive shops on a friday at five o'clock maybe there's a mobile mechanic oh yeah you can't say that look how cool it looks it does you look extra fly with your outfit the moment too truth right here [Music] [Music] really mad right now dude even more frustrated it's really i'm really this is take two not only are we filming this segment i had one i i started the last one off why you want to film my misery right like andy put in 24 straight hours worth of work and apparently the body shop that did my exterior paint also painted my calipers obviously but they uh did not uh tell me that they removed the brake lines so there was no fluid in the car when we got here and that's something that well i guess you didn't think to check so now we have no brake pressure i mean we could probably just go to autozone i guess and put some brake fluid in there and get like a little bleeder and bleed the outside just i can't drive it i mean i can drive slow right like i can just take it down to ocean avenue and park it there so stupid i think we should not do things last minute well it's just always last minute when you're in the car business you know you ever never seen those shows where sema guys are building the car to the last 30 seconds then they gotta get on the truck and go to sema that's like us except to monterey and it was supposed to be turbo was supposed to be done it's not it was supposed to be in quail and it got so close that i didn't i i basically withdrew my application to put the car on display it sucks it'll go i don't know it'll probably go next year i don't know if i want to come back next year i realized that and when you go to these shows in this event you gotta like bring 30 million dollars with you like if you don't bring 30 million dollars with you you can't have a good time you just you just can't guys houston you can tell when he's depressed because he starts talking about substantial finance sucks well so what that's what we're gonna go eat and that's pretty much a wrap then i guess sorry guys for no ccx content um but when we get back to vegas that means we have stuff to do yeah that's a wrap party cool [Music] you
Channel: Royalty Exotic Cars
Views: 186,336
Rating: 4.8423476 out of 5
Keywords: royalty exotic cars, royalty exotics, royalty, exotic, cars, exotics, supercars, hypercar, car week, car week 2021, monterey car week 2021, quail 2021, koenigsegg, gamera, koenigsegg jesko, jesko, ccx, lamborghini, new lamborghini, lambo, lamborghini countach, countach, bugatti, bolide, bolide bugatti, brand new, new, first look, lpi 800-4, i dont, think, christian, likes, my, frankenstein, ccx koenigsegg, hyper, car
Id: UzjTbpUuaHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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