Introducing Castr and how to use it with Zoom #castr #zoom #multistream

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hi guys this is Fei from Feisworld Media I am so excited about not just this video but a whole series of videos and bring to you guys related to live streaming and also simulcasting or multi streaming so we all want to create content and then just drop it out there and reach as many people as possible whether you're a dancer a fitness instructor where you're content creator coaches or speakers I hope this series will really help you level up in your business today we're gonna start with caster so I'm going to walk you through step by step from download all the way to connecting and how to hook it up where the zoom zoom makes it really really interesting and simple as well so after this part after this video there will be restream Lula coming up as well I love this community thank you so much for sticking around and allowing me to talk about my favorite things just as old marketing and growing your business online so much love and I'll see you at the end of the video now you don't have to be a gamer I am NOT one either you could be a dance instructor a coach or an artist and you can still leverage simulcasting which means that you can simultaneously broadcast to multiple platforms now let's first take a look at this app called caster in the upcoming videos I'll also be sharing with you other platforms such as Lula as well as restreamed those names are popping up all the time now so I'm going to break down these apps in these intro videos one at a time and then I'm going to compare all three apps and letting you know which one is right for your business let's get started now for most of these platforms you can sign up for a trial before you ever pull out your credit card which is awesome first I'm going to enter my email try it for free and it's here for seven days the signup process is pretty straightforward give it a secure password and you're on your way all right once you create an account you are in you're greeted with of course some instructional messages right here and it's going to walk you through and even showing you a video of how to get started but since I need that I'm going to exit out of it so one benefit of caster is once you create a stream you can actually reuse it as opposed to can you imagine setting it up each and every time especially if you're going to simulcast to multiple multiple streams or platforms you know five or ten of them you certainly don't want to setup each and every one now what we're going to do is new simulcast which is simulcast on multiple sites now one thing I want to explain which is the way that caster uses the word livestream is kind of confusing they have a product called live stream which is essentially the same as simulcast with the exception of live streaming to website as opposed to your social media platforms so I'm gonna start with new simulcast first thing is you do not have an active simulcast subscription would you like to activate our trial plan the answer is yes and now it's activated you can name this stream again it can be reused I'm going to say that just call it face world keep it simple of course you could do for example your brand name on but YouTube for me for example face world YouTube versus face world zoom meeting where the feed is originated from you can name it however you want if you have multiple people sharing this account you can even do one for Fey one for Adam one for Herman doesn't matter now the hosting region what you want to do is select one that's closest to you for me it's New York and you can save it alright it's walking through step by step which is pretty cool next up is adding social media channel your stream will get recorded in the cloud and you can preview and download your content which is a really great feature I think your stream event will get stored here as episodes and you can download your content by clicking the VOD episodes section Castro chat is integrated with two Twitch mixer and YouTube and you can get chats and messages from these platforms own in one place you can enable and disable the stream by clicking on this button lastly you get your stream rtmp poll URL for pulling the stream to other services I don't think you guys need to worry about that yet start streaming right now first thing first I think we need to add some publishing platforms look at this guy's I mean how many are we talking about 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 well 42 minus 3 that makes it 39 platforms I think this gives us an excuse trying to be everywhere or in as many places as possible so go ahead and definitely connect your platforms now and also don't be intimidated by the number of options again in the u.s. what you will find most popular again definitely Facebook live YouTube live twitch also periscope where is it periscope is part of Twitter Vimeo a lot of people especially filmmakers are on Vimeo and I don't see probably because of my age and what I do but I don't recognize many of the other ones live dream is one of the oh geez in live streaming so you know even if you're starting with just two three of them it's absolutely fine so I'm gonna go ahead and connect Facebook live as you can see you see these usual Keys usual buttons to set up but what you can also do is so set up with server and stream key as an alternative option caster will receive these things I usually double check haha everything else okay that looks good post content to your timeline on your behalf who can see it you can start with friends if that makes you feel better where you can do only me as a test hey guys I mean this option is great you will have to come back and change it if you know beyond testing just to make sure that you don't leave it as only me when you go live with your content so I'm gonna click on okay just as a test you can select the pages that you want to post this to so I'm gonna be very careful because I manage multiple accounts so I want to make sure that only goes live on face world media and same thing for pages and I am going to allow only the pages I manage and just okay service connected successfully you can now close this window here you can see the confirmation of the page you selected for me it's face rural media that's our company page but also a group a mastermind I managed so it says right now it's only available from the broadcast times to plan and but the timeline one is available right away and this is your stream description this is the part that you do have to make relevant each and every time well the rest of the settings are going to be relevant for the most part well the rest of the setup is going to be very usable but make sure that you modified the description there's an option for you to toggle all of them on but you can also select one at a time all right guys as you can see I connected three Facebook YouTube and twitch they're pretty easy they don't require you to enter keys or anything like that it's kind of just ready to go now I need to make sure that I have a webcam connected so as soon as I do that you see this pops up I'm using Chrome browser and it says a caster IO with once to use your microphone your camera you need to hit allow all right then from here you may be wondering how do I then use a familiar service and go live everywhere especially if you're going to do interviews or group discussions and things like that right what you then can do is easily integrate caster where the zoom they make it pretty trivial so what you need is you will have a deployment region so this link right here as well as a streaming key I'm not going to show that but to find your stream streaming key it's in this very location and when you click on show you'll get that so now what you do is go back to zoom and this part is always a little bit confusing to me but so I'm gonna show you guys where it appears to be so it's under personal and then settings and then what you need to do is search for a custom setting you keep surgery on this page you will see something called custom live streaming service you need to check that otherwise all you have are these default ones so check that and provide specific instructions that will enable meeting hosts in your account configure live what you do is this is only a note section so it doesn't really do but you can leave your caster so I would if I were you I'll leave a note it says castor and now we include both a deployment region code here as well as the streaming key in that no this by the way is your own personal private information you don't want to share it anywhere else okay so after you do that click on save at least right now I'm not putting anything in but I know you know that I've just turned on custom live streaming service from my zoom now what I need to do is come back to zoom I'll log myself in and I will start a meeting just like this okay now you go see here more under more you can click on live on custom streaming services click on that once you do that I'm getting this page right here where it asks you streaming URL streaming key and live streaming page URL streaming URL is the link rtmp below your deployment region and then your streaming key is what's hidden here now I found this information off of zoom if you search for a live streaming page URL zoom it's gonna take you to this page so essentially if you are someone who isn't necessarily using a simulcasting service then you could potentially broadcast your life stream through a single page URL such as a youtube link and to do this this page actually walks you through how to go live on YouTube and how you're able to integrate that through a new stream but for the purpose of caster you can just leave you can leave live streaming page URL empty and entering only these two fields once that's connected again it's gonna push live based on the number of social service accounts and platforms that you have indicated here and one thing to know that if you first set it up as a test for yourself for example like what I just did for Facebook live I only allow myself to see the stream you are unable to make further changes once it's kind of dropped in here so you can see that once I click on the gear button that says platform is connected live account cannot be edited but can be toggled or toggled or delete it so either you change the name here this is you can say hey Wu only me and then you can connect another one reconnect Facebook live and that one could be everyone you know public or friends only so you can modify it from there all right I just confirmed using a documentation which I will be including in the description below that shows and confirms that the castor livestream page URL currently will not work with zoom again what you need to do is simply confirm the stream URL and key that's it so I hope you guys found this video helpful in particular how to connect castor with zoom which is an app that you already are familiar with definitely experiment remember that you can toggle these things on and off and you can privately share on your Facebook page if you want and a better idea in case you get super nervous is simply to create a test account maybe that's a test page account or a test Facebook group page or Facebook page account so nobody will you know find you that way and you can keep the group as private as you wish so experiment and have some fun and lifestream away you are now officially a streamer so you may be wondering who exactly is using Castro right now what does the result to look like so instead of talking about me only I'll introduce you to my friend as free Devorah this is her using castor to go live on twitter / periscope she also went live on facebook and a few other places so so as you can see this is a replay from her going live from castor on May 1st and the video is always muted when you first scroll to this position and you can turn it up alright so check it out you know she went live with her group of friends from zoom directly into her setup is exactly the same in fact as free was the person who introduced me to cast her in the first place so I definitely want to give her a shout out not just her her brand but also her amazing podcast called women in tech so definitely check it out I'll include in the description below and as you can see they're just such an opportunity for you to go live you know directly to so many different channels and these replays are available on these channels as well so keep in mind that even if people don't discover you right away when you are alive they're gonna be people stumbling upon your content and they feel that they're involved you know everybody's very familiar with zoom and that's why I want to do this special video so you guys don't have to worry about learning another tool such as OBS and all that jazz welcome to the club if you find these videos helpful please let me know share with your friends leave your questions below and let me know what else you would like to see and give us a thumbs up last but not least hit subscribe that makes a huge difference and I'll deliver all the yummy delicious new content right to your inbox see you next time
Channel: Feisworld Media
Views: 4,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Castr, castr live streaming, castr live streaming tutorial, castr live streaming review, castr livestream zoom, Castr zoom, live stream, multistreaming, multistream with castr, simulcasting, simulcast live stream, how to simulcast with castr, castr simulcast, how to livestream on youtube, how to livestream on facebook, how to live stream, live streaming now, live streaming setup for small churches, zoom custom live streaming service, how to use castr with zoom
Id: I85b3PLbKbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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