Intro to ZBrush 047 - Create Instance Subtool to model in symmetry with a mesh ANYWHERE in space!

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now speaking of shoulder pads you can also do this with shoulder pad placement so let's talk about if we all tap our body here and i'm going to go ahead and duplicate him off and at any point and i'm going to hold down shift and turn off the eyeball for everything so we just have this object here you can always go back to geometry dynamesh just re-dynamesh it say no you don't want a free subdivision levels and you're just back here to a dynamesh mesh so if you want to duplicate something off and go through here and start concept sculpting on here to make a backpack or whatever and then pop these pieces off mask it and split that's totally fine another thing you can do that's one thing we didn't talk about if we hold down ctrl shift to go into slice curve i can slice a shape here now it's not going to go on the other side but again you already know that if i do a deformation mirror across the x and then geometry modified topology mirror and weld it'll go to both sides so now i have a shoulder pad mesh on both sides and because i sliced it i have a very clean cut so now we can go down here to geometry modified topology delete hidden we'll do a zero measure half adapter size down to zero and just zero mesh this result so instead of extracting what we can do is very quickly just get nice shoulder pad geometry go through our z modeler brush qmesh polygroup all pull this out and now we have a new shoulder pad so hold down shift and turn the eyeball on now we have new shoulder pad geometry now let's say i wanted to sculpt this symmetrically on his shoulder there is a way i can kind of do that if i go over here to transform and i say activate symmetry in the z direction which is front to back and i turn on lsim i can make this kind of symmetrical right now it isn't but i can go in here to geometry modify topology mirror and weld in the z direction and you're going to see because i have lsim turned on it's going to mirror it across the bounding box of the object if i have lsim off and i do a mirror in weld it's going to do it across the world axis so it's going to go across here but again with lsim turned on mirror and weld it'll mirror through here so now i can go into my standard brush here and sculpt symmetrically so if i want to go down to dynamesh dynamesh this object and say use my standard brush to go through and start sculpting on here i can now i want to make sure i have x symmetry turned on so i go in here to transform i can do activate symmetry in the x and z i'm going to do a quick mirror deformation mirror geometry modified topology mirror and weld in the x and z so now when i sculpt on my shoulder pad here it'll be symmetrical on both axes however the placement is kind of off really if i want to go through here i'm going to turn off x symmetry temporarily i want the shoulder pad to be like kind of at an angle because that fits him better there's a way we can do this what i'm going to do is i'm going to tap x to go out of x symmetry i'm just going to grab one side here if you remember we can just go up here to ctrl shift select rectangle grab one shoulder pad again geometry modify topology delete hidden so now i've got a shoulder pad in my scene i'm going to go down here to deformation unify hit w go to unmash mesh center and i'll hold down alt and reset orientation so i'm just going to rotate this so that it's facing my camera here and it's generally down the middle of my scene if i turn on the floor and turn on z you can see here's the mid line here so if i do a quick geometry modify topology mirror and weld across the x-axis now now it's symmetrical in the x-axis and i don't need l-sim turned-on to do that i want it across the world axis so if i turn on x-symmetry now and you know go through and sculpt on this we turn our transform back to just x symmetry here you're going to see we can now sculpt symmetrically on this object however i want to see it on a shoulder not just have it in the middle of the world so what i can do is go out of dynamics here let's go into our macro let's drag this over here and under macros there is a create instant sub tool so i'm going to snap my camera to the front i'm going to hit create instant sub tool and what that's going to do is it's going to hide my original mesh that i was sculpting on and give me a new mesh only this mesh isn't real you're going to see if i try to sculpt on it it won't let me do anything and in fact if i go down here now to nanomesh you're going to see it's a nanomesh so if i turn on show placement you're going to see it's actually just a plane here so let's turn off show placement let's hit w let's go out of solo mode and let's just position the shoulder pad where it should go in my scene so if i want to go through here and scale this down and kind of position it wherever it should go and if you look here it's that it also has fit turned on which means i can put the shoulder pad where it needs to go and i can also control drag off a copy and i can even scale this down and use it as an elbow pad if i want now you may be thinking okay that's great but now what if you want to sculpt on it well that's when you go in here to edit mesh and by default i need to turn on x symmetry and this still has it's still a dynamesh and dynamesh resolution is still on however it did make it quite a bit bigger so when i control drag it's going to make it much more dense so you may need to turn that dynamesh resolution down just a bit but while i sculpt on here you're going to see it's going to update on the fly in my scene so as i go through here and start sculpting this mesh and i go through here maybe trim dynamic and put in a little bevel here use my move brush ctrl drag to re-dynamesh it all updates on the fly as i'm sculpting in fact i can go in here to bi brush insert or go in here to my comma key let's go back in here to brush insert imm grab the dragon bones again hit m grab a horn pull horns on here and again it's going to update on the fly this is all dynamesh here so let's go ahead and just we can turn on lsim if we want to scale this on this local axis here ctrl drag control drag again change that transition a little bit and you're going to see we go out of edit mesh these have all been updated now you might be thinking well what if i want this over here on this side well if we turn on show placement you're going to see they're just planes so all you can do is turn off lsim because you want to go across the world axis you're going to do a geometry modified topology mirror and weld across the x and then you're going to see i have planes over here now this they're a little bit off you see these ones look right these ones don't what you need to do is go into your z model brush b z m hover over a face turn off x symmetry and over on this face we're going to say spin edges so we're going to spin edges or unmask first so we're going to click one two three and then back on this one one two three and now they look the same on both sides i can go back in anonymous turn off show placement go back in here to edit mesh and now as i go through here and sculpt let's go ahead and turn on x symmetry you're going to see it's going to update on both sides at the same time now if you notice you're seeing a little bit of drop in performance if you have a lot of instances over here and you're working with very high resolution geometry what you can do while you're working is turn off show instances this will speed it up a little bit so you can very quickly go through here you'll get a little bit more performance out of your sculpt while you're working and then if you're ready to see them again just turn on show instances again and they'll pop right back in there and go out a bit of mesh and you're right back where you started now going back to the fiber mesh and micro poly let's do a really quick pass on fiber mesh functionality so we'll go through here and i don't suppose well we can keep these shoulder pads if we want but let's say you know what i don't really want these elbow pads anymore so i can turn on show placement and again these are just planes so i can hold down control shift and alt get rid of those planes say geometry modify topology delete hidden and now they're gone we can turn show placement off and i can continue to work on these as needed
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 2,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush Intro, ZBrush tutorial, zbrush for beginners, zbrush basics, zbrush instances, zbrush create instance, zbrush symmetrical modeling off axis, zbrush shoulderpad, zbrush split screen, zbrush multiple cameras, zbrush multiple views, zbrush nanomesh instance shoulderpad, zbrush nanomesh instance, zbrush nanomesh plane, zbrush instance plane
Id: rPjnANEwmpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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