Into the Brig - Wrath and Glory Warhammer 40k RPG Ep 1

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The MiniWarGaming crew start a brand new adventure with the new Warhammer 40k Wrath and Glory RPG rules, with Matthew as the Gamesmaster. The characters all start as prisoners aboard an Imperial transport, but soon something unexpected occurs...

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Also a big thank you goes out to the following companies for providing terrain, models, sound, or other things that we've used for the stream:

Battle Systems (terrain) - Ulisses (creators of the RPG) - Tabletop Audio (sound) - Syrinscape (sound) -

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we play and call it work hey everybody Matthew here for mini working be calm and welcome to session one of our wrath and glory Warhammer 40k role-playing game campaign whoa how's methyl like to welcome you and all of our players as you can see here right right okay good we're actually on it this time awesome and so we are playing a brand new campaign this is a new one right it's called wrath and glory it came out recently it's been out for a few months PDF form and then the rule book actually came out this is the special one yeah he gets I gave a special one right Luca I get a special we're just plugs to deal with it right deal with it okay and so I got a few announced I want to make first but just this is the new Warhammer 40k role-playing game system and yeah I would say based on the current history timeline of 40k yeah exactly it actually has the the lore in here that's at 42 K right oh because I like dark hair it's a 42 K like there's nothing like all those old patient's use that program there's really no reason right because you have the Lauren some other book you do whatever you want no this this one has the update of the lore for the current Warhammer 40k universe and so we're gonna be doing a series with these five players on my left and your front is we got Aaron Luca and Kenny and then on my right we've got Josh and Vito and they'll best no vest today no that's wash day wash day you gotta watch the best some big ahead right live in your thing you're gonna just had the dirty vest do you work for a little bit Lucas thing if he was doing it I would have been a boatman I would have been system so I have a few companies that I have to thank right off the bat first is Ulysses which is the company that made Wrath and glory they supplied us with everything that we have all the books the cards the the poker chips that you use for wrath and ruin I'm going to there's gonna be a DM screen they're gonna be sending me soon as well what else did we get we got yeah we got some mats as well that we won't be using because they're glossy and so the camera just can't see them but they do have all these available currently in lots of different places you can check online at your local gaming store Mike carry it it's just started to come out physically the PDFs been available and you can get that easily as well as the dark I also got the dark tides campaign book now we're not doing the dark tides campaign but I've pulled a lot of stuff from it or the one that we're doing and then I'm doing a homebrew mix with stuff that's in here just so you know what Casey where I wanted to read or not read what's in that book based on what we're doing how long this campaigns gonna be I have no idea I my initial thought is six to eight weeks but as I've been designing it I'm not sure if it'll end up being much longer than that meaning like it will thinking actually end up being longer than that we always have to kind of wait and see also a big huge shout out to battle systems battle systems is actually one of our official sponsors for this campaign they sent us a bunch of their Toreno battle systems you know what if you want to switch over to don't underst up put some of that out there you want to switch over to the the game cam and you can see some of these if you want to kind of look over that beautiful screen there debuted oh yeah so it's basically I don't know cardboards the right word on what would you use some sort of hard board cardboard terrain it's all pre textured and pre painted and so you'd have to assemble it together which isn't terribly hard those little toy airplanes you got when you're a kid yeah yeah and the reason I was really interested in their stuff was because I wanted foreign we're gonna be playing a lot of this in or maybe all of it inside of a spaceship so I wanted a lot of interior stuff and so there's a lot that they had for that and so they are one of the sponsors of this one so battle systems you can check them out I'm not sure we'll be using any of it today but a little bit hair so it's pretty cool stuff it's really cool stuff so big thank you to them also the music you're hearing right now is provided by Syrian scape through their science fiction they have a fantasy player in a science fiction player and I'm actually more excited to use their sci-fi player than I was to use a fantasy for D&D because there's a lot of really good sci-fi stuff there's a lot of good fantasy stuff too but I just found myself using the same three or four but going to the sci-fi one I found tons that I like to use so you'll be hearing a lot of that right now we're listening to freedom City 2525 music for the 26th century it's off by oh no I 39,000 years wait no 37 whatever 38,000 39,000 years whatever an amount of time a large amount of millenniums millennia but that is okay and of course I'll probably be using some the music from tabletop audio comm so thank you then and whenever we show terrain and stuff we'll make sure to mention with the companies of those are from as well okay I think that's it don't forget anything if you're watching this live we are going to be scraped streaming this live every Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and then posting it afterwards on YouTube the following Friday unless something goes wrong the would be posted on the following Friday if you want to support the stream if you want to see us do more then there's a couple ways you can do that you can become a twitch subscriber a silver vault member will show us that you're looking for the streaming stuff or you can donate through bits or donations for stream labs all those available but whether you're on the stream or wash it afterwards those are ways that you can help support us doing this specifically that is it I don't want to spend too much time on pregame stuff so before you know what I'm gonna wait to introduce your characters we're gonna introduce your characters at a certain point let's just start with the story what's wrong what nothing what'd I miss nothing Lucas trying to do it the water sound yeah I would kill him I was killing it because of your beard your beauty the way do it sorry I've read as much as I can today he's exhausted you know long rest I do it so far you can do it again I'm sorry I should've been okay so our campaign starts on the planet Bella Tom prime oh I hate the lata parameter runs me of cracks is 9 here yet it's ok Bella Tom prime you're not gonna see much of anyways we're gonna be talking about it for about 5 minutes and then we're gonna be moving on to the real location that is all happening so you are all on ballot ah've prime for whatever reason you happen to be we'll go over that soon not to be on bella top prime anymore because you're actually all being currently transported as prisoners to destiny which is the name of a Care Act class transport ship oh yeah it's called destiny throbbing game it was something Vader with the indomitable vein it was something dumb vain yes that it's the destiny a character class transport ship nice and you're all being transported there together you're in the current year on the same Arvest later this about you know dozen people in there and you're all in your prison garb you can see crates nearby with all your gear and you're all shackled and to your seats your hands in front of you and there are guards all around you brandishing their auto guns and their carapace armor looking all tough and just staring at y'all as you are heading up there so you're brought into orbit to low orbit and then you dock onto the ship destiny which anybody here know what a character class transport ship was or is I don't know before this I assume it's it's an imperial well I'm assuming the rogue trader friend here knows what it is but it is basically a an imperial transport Imperium transport it's roughly 2 kilometers in length korto is one of the smaller ships has a crew of about 8,000 people right crammed and so honest it's it's if that's a small ship a modest crew it's a transport ship though that's all you really know that's all I'm gonna tell you right now you might discover more obviously as you are you get to explore it or not that's a stained ear as you stay near brig for the whole time and you are being transported to a penal colony we'll get to the reasons why in just a moment it was an orbit around belt off prime for a few weeks as it unloaded its cargo and picked up new shipments obviously prisoner is being part of that close the five of you are sitting in your RV slider and looking around at each other this is when we'll quickly describe each of you obviously the gear you're currently wearing is just prison garb what color is it just orange you know your typical prison garb just up it's an orange jumpsuit hard to stealth in yes it's an orange jumpsuit basically and you each have a number that you can make up if you like Oh Amy before - 90 - write that down 88 3 4 - magnitude so let's go around the room and describe a derby Elsie's and luck you talk with your archetype and you don't have to say the reason why you're here yet well we'll get to that soon we're gonna have a place where we're gonna do that but I just want to get a visual idea what everybody looks like so talk more mention your name what your archetype is and then what you look like ok so let's start with Erin okay so she is Abigail Nevermore who is a skunk hanger and what you see besides the orange jumpsuit would be like very pale skin dark hair a little bit of tattoos around side of the neck because she's gay okay anything else notable better features or hair color it was black oh you said it yourself no skin dark black hair long or long black hair short black hair um kind of long kind of long like shoulder like kind of thanks sure pulled back in a ponytail probably I think it's a bun bun it's like a low [Laughter] yeah okay look at it mmm all right I'm will freak I am an inquisitorial acolyte I was uh we don't need your background that's right what do you look like oh I look like a thin region human so I'm pale of skin I I got a broken jaw - from previous experience very notable broken jaw so kind of like which way is it shifted to the left or the right eye it's to the left for sure naturally naturally and I'm much older I'm well I guess I'm probably round 9200 I've had a lot of Juventud treatments you good all right you're go my character is a Kenya Yvonne castellan and yeah well I realized it was better Kenya he's a repeater his mother was Nocturne born so I'm evany of skin red of I cool bald of hair and average height average build plate you can tell by the way he walks that he's used to having money he's got an affluent walk just like that like a very important man you'd imagine is going likes my daddy we'll hear a little bit okay Josh okay so I'm trooper Constantine the pesticide on kind of big build young young kid recruit yikes agree on like 18 19 19 yeah so it's very young very kind of zealous loyal to the emperor is a big build big tall can a bulky kid okay yeah okay my character's name is Dutch he is a swole man he's about I'd say 611 very talk yeah very tall yeah they had to actually cut off the the sleeves off his jumpsuit because muscles are so mean couldn't find one that fit him no he just likes black he's an imperial Guardsmen from catagen and so he's got like the standard kind of like military kind of haircut isn't [ __ ] Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm Victor integrity got it yeah exactly her one any yeah he's got the permanent never has to shave they're always there yeah gotta love that in movies where it's like they always their hair is always perfectly gelled yeah or you know it's always nice yeah they're like truck him through the trekking through the jungle or something he's doing the middle of the jungle with a perfect five o'clock shadow yeah okay so as the Arvest later is approaching the carrot class Imperium transport is there anything that you guys want to say or do you're you're very well shackled that tempting to break free or come out of there obviously it's not an option but any interaction you want to try I'm gonna keep it cool a nice relaxed posture I don't care and everything's gonna be fine we have read a previous work experience together I got him in this situation that's or maybe he got himself in a situation through I guess we'll find out poor performance okay nobody want to do anything then that's fine you don't have to so it's a it only takes 20 minutes maybe 25 minutes or the arm is later to reach the the transport and you can't see out of it of course there's no window there's no human ports but you can feel the deceleration you can feel the zero genius at this point as as you've entered orbit and then all of a sudden that gravity activating as you know and you can hear the sounds around you the the the whole clanking sounds and the thud as the the lighter lands somewhere and all of a sudden artificial gravity is in place and you're brought back down into your seats male because so you can feel the full weight of whatever you're having not quite fall it's probably at like 90 percent of your weight so you feel a little lighter here that needed down on the surface you can see and you can hear just the sounds of noise the there's there's there's voices there's machinery and all sorts of things so let's see if this one will actually work for that I didn't listen to this one beforehand yeah that works I'll experimenting a lot with that be intimidating you know you hear this help you get out here so then the back of the artist later opens up D it's kind of I can consciously be played in Conair oh isn't it when they're getting all the prisoners loaded and so as you're all your all then the your ear bindings are released from your your chairs so that you're able to walk but you do have bindings on your and your ankles give me two feet close together and those are chained up to your hands well so you have very limited motion and you even have them then bound to something around your waist as well so you have very very limited mostly how you can move your hands we're talking like forty thousand years of tried-and-true method yeah we know this works you also notice a little power source on your belt that is attached to the entire binding system as well but give me what you know to be a shock system in place they need to incapacitate you smart so you're all led you're basically the the guards stand up and they have you go out first and as you walk out you walk into this huge cargo bay probably half a kilometer long it's it's got to be it's it's several storeys tall it's as huge as you look around you can see other artists lighters landing and you can see other larger shuttles bringing in cargo as well you can see there if they're very busy but they're they're obviously at the their cargo loading on the aspect are they the time frame of their departure so you can see huge several haulers dragging big crates as you look around it just kind of quickly glance you see all sorts of things you see vehicles kind of stacked in shelving you see big crates stacked up high you see a lot of smaller crates as well you can hear a lot of yelling there's people currently well being certain areas there's there's there's got to be hundreds if maybe even over a thousand people near you busy working and as you look at the other armor sliders you see it as a lot other prisoners being brought on and some of them are already being brought away to other areas quite quite a few prisoners just for a regular transport and you're so you're just one of many and you can see other artists lighters if you look behind you where the where at the bay is open you can see other lighters coming and getting ready to land as well and so if it you all line up and it's not very long before they shout at you and they they command you to move forward and remember at any point at some narrating you're free to ask me any questions or to say if there's anything that you want to do so don't just wait for me to finish my narration before you think they do you want to do anything to act are we are we all in like single-file line near each other yeah yeah you fibre together it there's there are other prisoners nearby being brought in but you are this is the group this is our little reason for the applied of you to be together now reshackle together as well or just individual yeah each with their own power source and their belt each with your own set of shackles can I try to stable in my power source you're just gonna gonna mess with it right in front of it not right in front of home you want to try to do this doubtfully yeah sure space burger [Laughter] you know you're out one second well there's gonna be a couple tests you're gonna have to do for that first will be a stealth test to see if you are unnoticed and the second will be a tech test obviously with some disadvantage with extra difficulty because of that so let's do your stealth test first now you've got a lot of lot of noise going on around you so what kind of moment would you want to wait for in order to try this probably when the doors are opening I would think that'd probably be really noisy wouldn't it yeah what's this noisy and now that you're in Lincoln or so everybody's yelling to talk to each other yeah nobody you can't if you were just a talkative old volume nobody would hear you yeah but I figure if the doors are opening the guards are probably watching that so Europe but still in the Arvest later as you're going to get out you start to toy with it at that point yeah okay so give me a stealth roll we're gonna make it difficult those to me I don't make enough moderate difficulty of four four so Aaron is about to do a stealth roll which is based on what is it agility yep so what she does that she looks at her agility and her stealth and she adds those two numbers together which are three three and zero yeah is by you have nothing else so you're Julius three let me she's gonna roll three dice one of which has to be a raft I because that tells us in Ephesians every four plus that she rolls is a what they call an icon and every six counts two icons she needs to get four total so in other words with only three dice she's gonna it's gonna be hard you're gonna need some sex in there so go ahead no any complications no no complications or anything okay so she didn't roll enough of them and you do have each player has to wrap one of the things that can be use a raft for us to reroll any of those failed ones and well you can't reroll the complication dice unfortunately if you're all complication that one stays okay so as you start to toy with it one of the guards looks over at unist hey what are you doing and you see him pulling a little data pad can you feel a jolt that's a electric energy is found right through you which feels quite an agonizing and right off the bat you are going to take one shock and one mortal wound from that oh yeah I'm gonna choose this moment to try and take the device off of whoever's behind me the belt thing the power source oh it's what you're still in the harvest lighter yeah something next person next to you yeah whoever's got the person next to you it's on our left hip right it's on your right hip right hip then the thing about this big it's attached really well like it's clearly absolutely yeah you let me look at it it's attached to the chains and the belt that you're wearing especially you can just pluck off darn like it looks like I'll try and disable it stealthily but for that person not me well who's the person next to you yeah you tell me no you tell me I'll sit in the center who wants their device may be disabled but also you might get shocked no one okay so because there's currently an altercation going on I'll give you a plus one die to the same self test of difficulty for sure so basically if there is a bonus you get extra dice if there's a penalty that difficulty goes up rarely do you lose dice or have the difficulty go down it does happen I don't know what's that so how many so what is your total stealth my total stealth is 5-2 from skill free from agility so three agility to stealth yeah so we actually have the stealth skill yes all right so you get six dice in total including the raft died the wrath I is one of the six you don't add on a raft that yes a need for I believe oh you also failed okay so as the guard is currently agonizing Abagail he looks over to you and sees you trying to mess with somebody's next to him it's like what do you think you're doing man at the same time I shift away like oh and you take to shock damage in one mortal room now if you're wondering like mortal wounds and wounds if they take a wound they can do something called a soak action where they could they have wounds me up shock you can kind of think of shock like you're fatigued and your wounds as your wounds if you take a soak action you can possibly take any damage that you take and take shock instead cuz shock is a lot easier to get back if it's a mortal wound then you cannot soak that it's called Sookie basically yeah anybody else want to try to mess with their restraints was a pretty good show I think okay no I think I'm glad we got to see what they did all together [Laughter] there we are okay so now we're past in later we're back into the cargo bay as you guys are being taken there and you're looking around is there anything you want to do as you're being walked through the cargo bay other than designing down the area to keep notes for later yeah the two of you can still feel yeah the buzz and like that the tips of your fingers are numb and we're and because it didn't it didn't actually shock you right where the thing is it actually shocked you through the entire thing so your hair your feet are a little numb but you're having a harder time walking a little bit like stumbling a bit forward it has no lasting effects other than it's a shock and the wound damage that you took of course sorry what did you say you wanted to do playing it cool observing my surroundings you observing your surroundings the time will come right yeah the time will come in fact I want the name of that guard you shocked me there are no name badges ah that's good yeah I'm gonna ask him for his name I'm gonna persuade him to tell me it I'm gonna tell you could tell me you're gonna do that but I want you to actually do it so okay so what are you doing I mean it shock to you yeah and you feel a lot of pain and afterwards I'm gonna huff and puff and be like what's your name give me your name what's it to you I'm gonna tell my daddy on you Oh your daddy's not gonna help you here boy I disagree tell me your name you could have been the man who released me but now you're the man who shocked me and cause me out geez and telling my dad all right give me an intimidation intimidation that's terrifying hold on so first off what is your intimidation well it's based on fellowship yep for because you fell to the floor yeah so you don't have intimidation other words they're not a very intimidating guy no I mean about you that would be intimidating has he ever seen a doctor swordman before oh that's true your appearance um because of the red eyes and stuff and the Obsidian I was a a bad man I just talk about it like you see a man like that in real life his eyes are like neon red because look evil yeah that's true that's true like that's me that's not a good guy okay I'll give you I'll give you a bonus die because of that it's gonna be hard difficulty though because you are essentially to him a nothing scary so we're gonna make it a difficulty five some young boy can do yeah you got a real well one two three four five and I get so you're almost sex on the wrath die which gets you a glory in the middle that doesn't give you any additional benefits if you're old extra sixes you could shift them to make next your benefits five so you kind of looks at you and you can see him kind of think about it for a second I'm just and then he laughs he's like one second here I'm gonna give you a name yes he's joking he's not gonna give it to you cuz you're scared I'm gonna make a note here chilli Jojo you're gonna be CV look over avenge later John Johnson Brander Brandi Brandi BR AMDR there's no er it's just R at the end brand with an accent Brander there's no accident oh he just laughs like haha I like a kid Brander alright that's a good one did you hear that yeah I heard it okay and now you're only cargo bay the equipment is actually with you right now okay it is still currently with you we can see that there's a small servo hauler currently carrying a few crates of what you knew was at least your equipments I think you're not sure about okay but it's still currently with us beam it's being driven behind you so basically there's you there's a couple guards in front of you there's a couple cars behind you Brander is in front and a few hundred people around us and probably over a thousand people around you yes including lots of other guards technicians workers with servitors what was that what's the square footage of this hangar well I already said it's what half a kilometer long okay it's a half how tall is it I already said that 2 min ago listen several storeys tall okay like you can see there's gantry's up higher there's walkways if you look straight up you see there's even walkways right on top you're on the main level right now as you're walking and you can see the huge some big server haulers unloading what look like shipping crates ensigns warehouse like that yeah yeah it looks like cargo bay but like a huge cargo bay but this is you can guess this is probably one of the main cargo bays for the transport now I need one more measurement to complete my equation [Laughter] probably at least two to three hundred meters okay so you're looking for square meters square footage here but it's it's several storeys tall it's about half a kilometer long it's somewhat wide it's pretty big the volume is the volume is large it is large its large cute yeah remember the entire ship is two kilometers long and this thing is about half a kilometer long so it's a good length of the ship right you put your guests it might be another one on the other side or I would yeah well that's a traineeship right is redundancy key there's a lot of cargo leaders cargo hold yeah what's not all right it's multiply the three of them together yeah let's multiply how several stories tall and like about half a kilometre sin' riot anything else you'd like to do as you can walking you're currently you're almost through the cargo hold you consider bringing you to a very large hallway all right one of them one of the many passageways off of the cargo bay it's not good time it's when we're alone in the hallway that it's a good time realize them make them miss their mamas but not brandy no he goes in the prison you guys are something else okay so you exit the the the cargo hold and you go into one of the one of the many side passageways this one's actually quite wide it's probably like ten people wide if you were to look at it that way I don't have an exact square footage free I'm sorry no that's fine out the first time is it and once again it's very it's still very busy it's actually quite packed you can see its width with 18,000 crew in this area obviously there's always a lot of people around you and it's a maze as you're being brought through it they're bringing you through all sorts of different corridors there's once again the the variety of types of people that you see across your path was quite interesting that's what you did you probably all are used to it to some degree there having lived in a high City or having been on a ship is more you see some of the regular crew you see some of the indentured crew which are ones that are more shackled but still doing their duties you see like the servitors shackle like that but I mean like you can tell that they are they have like shock collars and things to keep them in line this weekend holes yeah you just see a sweeping the floors you still see something this is actually wind up at some servo haulers will actually say they pass you and the things going back and forth you see servo skulls is whirring here this time service calls actually there's constantly moving around delivering messages or whatever it is that they're trying to do eventually you're brought into what appeals there appears to be some sort of a deafness administer out on room some sort of records room as you walk in it's still a very busy place there's a there's there's several there's several desks but desks isn't the right word to describe we've seen a deficit minister on a place they more look like throws all throughout as you're looking around is a semicircle of Thrones one big one right in the middle and behind each of these Thrones you can see there's a scribe into the sort and the heavy garb of the adapted Minister autumn and right around them you can see several several skulls floating some of them providing light others providing instruments that they're grabbing and they're all hastily writing down things taking reports of cargo as people are delivering them several scholars appear to come to them delivering data slates and and other things and they're just very busy and you can see that as you enter there are prisoners in front of you currently at the one in the center at the large throne and you can overhear the the record keeper taking their their names and writing stuff down and and dictating which cells they're gonna be they're gonna go to so it's not long before it is your turn and you're brought up to this record keeper so he's they're busy scratching with his electro pen on scratchin on his paper as everything is all this business is going around him he seems great he barely over he barely looks up at you as he he talks out you can hear there's a bit of a Vox enhancing his his voice as well whether there was an injury there before whether it's just some sort of ugly you're not quite sure and he just he just kind of looks up for a moment excuse the guards and the guards kind of part in the the five of you are brought in the line in front of him he's like alright let's make this quick I need should be each of your names and the reasons that you are here and the guard will provide the reason that you're here obviously but I can't let you talk about that at this point so we're gonna actually go reverse order this time nice starting with that good idea Oh declare my name yep my name is dodge you wanted em original I'm here ya know I'm convinced argument I'm convicted of killing my comma saw oh he's a scratching things down and even the guards give a itemized list of your gear that they confiscated he tossed it down as well okay next trooper Constantine 94th hell gasps rifles because the the reason that this misguided Garten give that I'm here is that I was a part of a kill team sent to apprehend the captain of the ship due to charges of heresy equation matter that wasn't sure if you keep the actual answer just like I kind of made up like we're just in prison any of these people because cuz I'm sure how many people are you know on the bat around the good here so probably lies minutes II wouldn't let them know that you're from Inc was it right my character I plan on just saying or the guard is the guard speaking on my behalf I'm here in the garden the guard has the reason that you were arrested but I'm having you guys say it because you're introducing the reason your characters are here oh so tell the truth do not tell the truth at all tell the audience first off the real reason you they okay you can tell them what the guards would know like this is your chance and dick to give the background of your character so if you wanted do you want to say anything more than what you've just said yeah yeah he was just convinced of are convinced he's convicted of killing his commissar which he did as most scatter Chan's are known for doing and that's why he's uh he's here by the books me okay boy next yep Kenya East Vaughn castellan I'm here because your Mac stories I know I should have done it my character got drunk with this rogue trader because I demanded passage was my rid of passage and he thought it was funny that I tried to force him to give me passage like a rogue trader this is an imperial ship well whatever the rogue trader Lee the captain yeah captain you somehow I met the captain the ship in some dive bar yeah and I got drunk said I want to know what was like the live the peasant lines because everyone always calls me a little daddy's boy little rich boy and now I'm in the break yeah that's it you're just slumming it no I this wasn't exactly my choice I thought he'd make me wash the floor or something and I can't think of how he's gonna try impersonating a rogue trader what you want right oh that's actually good yeah that'll get you killed no I'm being murdered now you're being brought to a penal colony that's not a good thing you'll probably get partnered my character what I am what I'm actually here for is an old retired veteran a mercenary that got brought in with the Inquisitor I said I work in Inquisition I work for an Inquisitor in particular and he's chasing leads and I was sent towards this lead about a captain of a ship or a rope in this case is a captain of a ship it's not a rogue trader we're dealing right yeah it's just Imperial captain okay so that's low ranking here okay I'm dealing I'm coming down this lead on an imperial captain that was rumors that he was dealing in a heretical trade of artifacts and this lead would lead to something visitors humming now as I came here I found that lead and I found truths to it and I cold in a force that would deal with it but we caught caught before it got to grand scale and it kind of fell apart that's why we're both here and I would assume that God would just say stealing I am a thief that what did you steal oh I stole well I was just stealing goods i was impersonating dockworkers loading up or hanger workers loading up the ship but I was actually loading them up on a some sort of machine that just took them off elsewhere that's what he's saying now I don't know who here is under the influence of this captain or not and who's a right wing man Lee was proper so cool I can't assume everyone here is evil that's pretty much me okay that's you as you did Abigail was arrested for spray-painting a ship right what happened to be one of the ships yeah just happened to be going to this one but your gang signs and stuff yeah got fresh prints yeah the reason she would give would be uh art work against fascism hmm simple enough okay so as he jots all these things down he can hear him you can hear him giving orders and he passes the data slate over to the service calls which whirs away and that's when he he grabs a data slate and hands it to one of the guards and he says uh present these prisoners to the Alpha Brig cellblock to six to D the guard nods and then the EOS and then he handed out of sight to the other guard he's like that is the location of their gear Lee isn't anything and so you the guard starts to escort you out and then your gear is all outside the room it wasn't brought in now you can see the circles the hall are already going off in a different direction than what you are walking okay any questions any actions a little crowded a little too uh little populated right now yeah yeah funny feeling this was gonna be like throughout the whole ship race not a lot of quiet corners and those eighteen thousand three and plus prisoners ship when I weakened overpowering kind of push them into a jail cell will be fine for five seconds well one thing you do learn while you're in there is the destination which is a penal colony which is a several weeks warp journey from here yeah how many here have ever traveled off the planet Oh believe this is your planet you've lived here your whole life sure obviously you're not from here so all the four of you have all experienced warp travel before and all of a sudden settling glory so you're all familiar with I'd say several weeks it's kind of a quick one even that long okay you've definitely imagine especially a generic lenio and coming all the way from Quetta Shan we're inside can where you're from is right place I've got you know this place could be though oh yeah I know that's any way to your catch okay sorry yeah through support from home I apologize or definite need Nocturne but it's a galaxy right so what is near anyways true yeah several weeks is is a bit of a journey but yeah on the galactic scale of things it's a slight move maybe a few thousand light years ten thousand light years maybe maybe not even that much but you don't know exactly where it is you're not even given the name just that it is a penal colony so your continued that brought you brought through a maze of corridors and at one point you you notice that there is a bit of a change and it starts to get a little more narrow and you are brought to a big I don't know if we call it double door because it's not like it opens like a double doors slides hmm but I thought you can see that there's a control panel that you recognize to be an authorization panel right off the bat and you can see that above it they it's it reads alpha brig and low gothic and and then there's there's a guard station right here there's a there's a couple guards post out of here all the guards are kind of in the same thing they have just a light carapace armor and they're all carrying the standard-issue Auto guns nothing too fancy and they all have their box casters on as well and the as the guards come off they hands a data that data slate to one of the other guards who looks at it knots and then turns around and and types in a keys in a password but also plugs in a little device that he has emits Nancy the pass when you put it give me an awareness test will make a difficulty for because he is trying to conceal it what's your awareness my awareness is four four yeah okay we'll give you a plus one died to it because of your background and hacking and scumbag II got to that too no complications no complications all right unfortunately he's he does the whole like debit machine thing he's like but then he also you do see him from the data state that he was passed he and holds it up to it and plugs the part of it into it and then you're good the slow grinding of the doors opening up as you walk in and you enter into the Brig area brig is not actually a suitable name for it as you soon find out this is actually quite a large prison area that it seems that one of the purpose of the ship is transport of prisoners because it's not just like a few cells but you pass by dozens of cells at first and they used keep going for more of these doors more of these authorizations more guards there are the same code every time whereas it is nice you don't know if the code is so it's really saying so I wouldn't mind trying to take a little looking at the code is there trying to punch it in alright could mean awareness yeah we're going several high everyone should try yeah try to we all try it I get it with for exactly okay so just jot down that you one thing you do notice as you're going through that news so what I'll tell you Josh you notice the code to one of the panels I mean what you don't see is the code of the next panel look or you what you notice is it's different and as you're going through there's so many of them now okay that you're not able to keep track of all know everybody else can try because if you shift a few dice that might be helpful oh no we got a complication oh but I got four so let's bail see pass with the complication Oh was it a five four four yeah I got it I can shift after I can't no no you can't got it cuz you only got five yeah okay so you got it so you notice the same thing as him you just pass where you can shift no I just passed so you just got so you know it's the same thing so you do see that they're different codes at each of them and you also notice that the data slate that the guards the guards are definite holding mechanical equipment to help them be authorized as well I think my complication should be that I think all of the passwords are the same is that it you have to hold complication that's a bad complication it is if we try to skate it's a double it out loud as you're paying attention to it in the game if you roll a one on the raft I we have what's called a complication and you can still pass your roll and get a complication and we outside a combat we we go for a narrative consultation learn the GM and the player agree to something so I'm always and let the players decide if they can't come up with it the easiest thing is that I get a wrath die or wrath but I've already got some nice fun going through it I can ruin sorry I've already got me maximum of five so we definitely wanna come up with something okay so you actually think so you do pass it you notice the one code and then as you're looking you think that you notice the same code each time you stop paying attention basically like oh it's the same code each time it's Sigma Delta but Sigma Sigma Delta Gamma weird symbol and upside-down triangle whatever happened to me oh gee and a happy face emoji okay so here were your brats are quite a few of these it probably takes you a good 15 20 minutes because each of them as a stock oh my there's a lot of guards a lot in each of these you see themselves the cells hold roughly five or six people on each of them some of them only have three but they're big enough to hold more prisoners say anything to us as you're passing yeah it's just your typical like you have the guys standing at the bars it's looking at it but it's also inside of a ship so it's much more cramped then you like don't picture like a prison like you would have picture prison nowadays like it's the cells there's it's it's all metal it's not concrete first off it's much more cramped in the corridors as you're walking through it as well and you can see every it's in almost every area there's a guard post it but there's still some that there's not there's more guards is passing through even as you're going through this you can hear the shouts off in the distance as people are brought to their cells and finally you come to one where you see the designation 26262 D above the door and that's brought into that area and so you're brought into this one section it's a smaller section with a single cell and the cell is currently open and empty and the guards basically order you all to walk into it still with all your shackles on is this still branded is that this is still Brander yeah brand-new is with you he's walked you all the way there I'm nice guy so are we all walk into the cell first I'm gonna try and convince Brander to join us in the cell shirk just that nope you know it don't tell me what your goods it's not it you want to do it yeah just look at them be like hey Brandon yeah how would you like to be promoted to voice man our Rogue Traders crews you all let's get out of here I'll put in word with my dad he's a big-time rogue trader the bond castellan we're family from the indominus crusade that's so a little kid yeah legitimately yeah he kind of looks like you he has this look of of if you piqued his curiosity but obviously convincing a guard to just give you up is gonna be difficult but what we can do here what I'd like you to do is what we're gonna do succeed you can build a relationship with this guy oh yeah and so currently he's in an uncooperative state okay there's actually in Wrath and glory there are five states that NPCs have hostile uncooperative new friendly helpful and this obviously dictates how willing they are to help you a certain situation right now he's on the operative which is a +2 difficulty modifier which means I'm gonna bring here the difficulty of this task from a four to A six so you can go ahead and do a persuasion role oh I will okay what do you got there what rigorously did innocence proves nothing I play it with making an interaction attack or when using an interaction skill instead of combat I add the relevant skill again to the role well what's your persuasion skill it is eight no no what's your persuasion skill my rating in the skill yeah four then what's in so you have a for fellowship and a four yeah so you're gonna add that for again you're going a twelve dice yeah yes yeah yeah twelve days so go ahead the card out rating yeah let's just get ready in Iraq well it doesn't say rating that's all was it say yeah well had the skill skill remember your your your persuasions you don't actually do a persuasion skills check you're doing a persuasions plus fellowship see your persuasions for whenever you're gonna do a persuasion skill test you're also going to add your fellowship so that's why if it says that you're the skill you're adding that for again this is a everybody gets a campaign card that has something crazy like that so they can use what they get one of these processions so you're gonna roll twelve dice anything else and I also can you have more than two wrap yeah yeah oh you can around okay - dude it's just a last your pass that down but now you yeah you can have there's no maximum amount of wrap that you can have because there's that ways either right now all right twelve days difficulty six should be able get over twelve because your average there should be more than six given that six as a route to four or five six seven but you can't shift no no I cannot you could I will use my free rat three-year-old he's done the to rat again okay I rewrote all the fails now if he had rolled a complication he would not be allowed to reroll that died but he did not oh my oh we got the so you got the six and you're f die so throw a glory in the middle so we're up to two glory now they're calling to glory you know how many sixes can you shift to okay so that's actually what I was looking for cuz each shift is what improves your relationship oh yeah so we're actually able to improve them from uncooperative to friendly and so he looks over at you like you know what I like you kid maybe we'll talk later all right now is everybody gonna walk into their selves yeah yeah I'll take that maybe I'm thinking does that mean you're just gonna rat you know what I just assume he's teasing the kid oh I'm just gonna go into the cell you'll see merit of shank is anybody not going into the cell I'm gonna okay I'm gonna assume that you're walking in a cell once you tell me otherwise I'm well I'm going to the five of you are walking into the cell so you still have all your shackles on you walk in the one guard it's a he he holds up his data pad to one of the panels nearby not within reaching distance if you just put your arm out there and then the the cell door closes he then that so it's not just like bars it's more solid with just some bars and there's a little slot location that he has each of you come up and hold your hands through it and he's a special key that is he touches it to it it releases all the shackles around you and then he just pulls the whole thing through so we'll go through each of you so Dutch you come up first you have to lean down to actually get your hands it's actually it's meant for a normal sized person in fact the the height of this room is barely six feet here like 11 inches too tall for this room I think submarine brig idea all the beds definitely your legs are gonna be hanging we had it so you leaned down then shackles it and then we've got tournament of everybody's names I should have written it down Dillon Dillon says constant tube no CH go over to Constantine gets his unshackled as well and then we have Kanye I'm happy to get mine unshackled I'm pretty sure I'm going places yeah is it the same garbage doing it yeah yeah it's not it's not branded though branders currently the one over there just pressing the buttons to make everything happen and then we got will Frick nice he comes over gets his unshackle and then Abigail lastly get yours I'm shackled as well thanks Pig yeah this looks like a kind of snarls and they all walk away one of the guards not Brander is left behind just animals doors as you look around your room it's obviously not very big give me a second right here so the room is not very big there are six beds in total there's basically three bunks one along one wall I started too long with all in one on the end but each of them are there they're like singles even even a regular-sized human would have a hard time what these things are maybe not like once again not even six feet long so obviously and they're all very narrow as well think of like honestly if you think about like those bunks that hang off the side in in a submarine that's very similar to what these are so if you lie inside of it you've got like not even a foot of clearance very claustrophobic on the other side of the room if there call the other side really it's just four feet by feet away there is a long bench and that's where you get to sit so any you would be able to sit in your beds because it's just too little space between all of them as well so that's the solicitors for the mine up in the one wall and to them lined up in the end and then there's this bench along the other side and at the other end right next to the two bunks there's a what you would assume to be the toilet hmm it's very very basic basically a seat with the hole and a little button in the back that it does that whole like airport there's no water or anything it's it's kind of like it just sucks it all out sorry not guys on air for more like spaceship bathroom we're just gonna vacuums it all out [Laughter] just so you can see how it works yeah this number one I just get myself comfortable with the environment sit or stand [Laughter] yeah it's I don't think any of you would be particularly bothered by this given all of your backgrounds except maybe posh boy over here given all your backgrounds I'm sure that you've you've been in similar situations at one point or another right better than some situation worse the jungle are down in the under hive seem plenty of people urinate against the walls of the under hive Kanye here might have a hard time with it so I'm not sure I'm not gonna tell you what your characters gonna do you decide I immediately take about top bunk is well okay yeah they jump up along the top place first thing I do in Italy they do have a little bit more space instead of a foot and I immediately start relaxing just lay back everything I think I'm gonna try and clean the top bunk only one more top on yeah I don't really for that there are two them already oh it's oh if he okay don't mind I'm finding wherever there's in the most room they're all about the same the bed the top bunks have a little more like the floor yeah room from your body to the ceiling okay but given the fact that it's only six feet tall you're kind of Duchess just like this the whole time yeah sitting is probably your most comfortable place to be honest I slay down on like the stool area on the bench yeah room for the bench sure it's pretty narrow cheese mmm I'll take the bottom bunk I'm taking that top one so we got freezing Austria top bunk cuz I want to wake up and then hit my head I'm happy with whatever bunk campers provided right I'm not particular about it so nobody actually everyone gets everyone that's just realize oh you guys are gonna fight over your bucks that was I don't have anything else planned sure you bet we're gonna dress the type by you know where which bed you get yeah she's got a really good intimidation didn't get to use it you're trying to Mitte another PC yeah why not right okay is there anything that you guys want to do at this point huh think about what to do now maybe my character would know how to get out of the situation with no idea how to break out a space prison it's like a space guard friend it's the only way or join a gang I worked again kind of cured any gang the gang I don't know yeah I'm gonna stay here trying to formulate a plot you know I'm gonna take a Snooper and see if there's anything they can use of some sort of an improvised weapon anything that's not welded on properly or if you like fashion to a ship anything all right give me an awareness test now the it's all mental everything but we'll just make it awareness difficulty for you get six dice for it yeah oh so I guess my for not exactly or for yes okay as you're looking around you're able to find a loose bolt and you after it looks like it's gonna take a while to fully loosen it like it's a little rough in it yeah you can start to work at that yeah so you don't just like pull it out you got a ship we're the only ones in this cell right if you but yeah it looks like it could fit one more but like you said as you're passing the cells not all of them are fully occupied is there like like on the ceiling is there like you know how over here there's like lights and things yes I'm trying to find a wave like using my because I'm growing up are surviving deepening basically like this yeah so surviving on catagen I'm used to being able to get out of certain situations so can I try to ascertain if I can maybe I see if I can escape you look at the ceiling there's a couple things that you notice one is the lighting of course which is minimal there's a single light in the middle of the room and it's embedded beyond pasta a very very small slotted mesh of metal behind that so you can't just you won't be able to stick your hand through or anything I take a almost probably half centimeter is about the the width that they are so you have something pretty narrow to poke through you don't notice any like you notice are things bolted okay but obviously not in the way that you could unscrew them from your side now one thing in the one corner is one of the vents it's currently providing the airflow that you can feel air coming out of it giving you regular oxygen and pressurizing this part of the brig as well but it's pretty narrow it's you know no more than that big and it's not just open it's once again that's behind is very what seems to be very well secured like you wouldn't be let your fingers into the foam trying to something to grab onto it it has something much smaller to do so so obviously it's and now having said that the walls are it looks like they used to be blue but they've got like rust color on them and there's other patterns as well you can you can see one pipe going along the ground in the one corner underneath the bench I'm not sure what that's providing but it's welded on so there's no way once again to grab with any portion of that can I smell the pipe what's another pipe or small c4 maybe I can figure out what that what's going through it yeah so you see Dutch this big guy go down to the hands and knees stick his head underneath the the bench and starts sniffing give me an awareness test this dn-3 am i adding my intellect to that it's awareness so awareness so it's an amusing the link to tribute correct yes whenever I ask you to the scale you're always going to use the scale plus the associate injury it's three got it you got a six on the raft I throw a glory in the middle I'm sure so we're up to three glory I'm very satisfied nice we have a crystal goblet in the middle for the glory pool so you long it and you notice a smell of rust first off mm-hmm but as you sniff and you kind of feel long you can feel the what feels at the Russian liquid of some sort now you can't really smell what the liquid is inside because you know it's behind the metal plate but there's some kind of obviously some sort of liquid going through it and you're not sure what it is whether its water or some sort of other ship fluid okay you're guessing is probably nothing like promethium or anything explosive that would be bad yes but it is it whatever it is it's behind a very thick thick steel pipe okay anybody else have any questions about your wonderfully cramped cell sitting up there watching him because city kid you have to lie on your side you can't sit on your bum whichever cuz he said he killed his car so he wants to get out - yeah I surprised it's still alive it's where they've got any leniency on that yeah I guess my major play is to uh wait to see someone else make a move and make a mistake and capitalize on it one big mistake as the one to work right if I want to see a guard coming maybe slip up maybe this kid is actually a room trader maybe he does have some say over this card I guess we'll find out later when the guard decides to show up with or with no friends to give you your regular beating rate yeah okay time for my scheduled skull bashing we see him take this screw yeah he hasn't taken it yet but you do see him notice it's on the side of his bunk he just starts to I'm assuming you're kind of fiddling with it sure slowly kind of picking away at it flaking off some of the rust seen anything it's tight lady it's bit loose but not you you assume so you can slowly get it loose but yeah it wouldn't given this the small nature of the room unless you're really not paying attention it would be hard to not notice him working did you want interact with each other at all you'll have to talk to each other - I know if you haven't done that yet so would you seal good improv skills it's pretty simple to the point right I'm just gonna keep asking random questions I don't know what did you say to me oh no sir Wow - he stuck around knows what I did can you prove that that's why everywhere the passage you do oh yeah yeah I can well we should need to get my stuff yeah getting my stuff would be great I miss her turns out without my identification or rid of passage I'm just a regular guy a regular naked miss miss my armor I dozed off my nap I'm still just working to get my spaceship yes you know he's gonna use that ship to carve the entire book into his match letting character no yeah you're just the only window is the door correct yeah so from my observation of us coming in does this seem like a pretty standard like really this is a very high security prisoner is this kind of like where you are right now no it's just it doesn't seem I would say it's high security there's only one guards to the outside I think your little area that's two doors there's two doors one that you came through and then there's another one that objects it goes to more selves cuz it doesn't even sloppy but you're it's not standardized security there's five of you in a room together that's already not high-security right yeah yeah so you don't feel like you're in a high-security prison but given the stuff that it's a prison on board of a spaceship it's still very confined right so yeah it's only you know you didn't pass any cafeterias on your way here or workout areas or prison yards on your way here break yeah so I will stay silent while I try to formulate a plot and you're just gonna work we might have to find a Morgan Freeman you hear you can feel the shutter of the ship start its velocity the grab plate and of course keeps you in place and whatever inertial dampeners they have in the forty-first money or forty second line and we're not going to think you hard about the science behind this is it is it noisy out in the brig or is the giardiniera won't quiet or trying to keep it quiet you can hear you can hear voices down the hallway it doesn't sound like much yelling but he's not who you know there's a lot of ambient noise you can hear the hum of all these all the machinery that's going you can hear the air being pushed out of the vents to keep the so no you haven't pressure you don't hear any you can hear the occasional yell but nothing that sounds out of the ordinary every once in a while a guard like door opens and a guard comes through checks up on the guard there and then passes through the other door each time doing authentication on each of the doors at least you see when the first one you don't see him on this way in and and you can hear through the wall like at the back wall you can hear all these ambient noises on the other side as well so you assume there's more rooms on the other side on each side of you as well want to figure out the response time is they'll be too noisy we'd have to burst them late or just screamed loudly to see what happens cause ruckus punch Dutch see what happens see how you take someone show and I'll tell you I'm I think I'm like six foot seven something pretty tall six foot eight got like two giants here yeah yeah or both from death worlds - have you seen how tall the miniatures mm yeah I'm super tall oh you're having a hard time in here - I know yeah you're feeling a crap day because only six feet let's see look 60 high you're clear it's like this so yeah that's where my brains kind of going down think about starting a ruckus some sort of commotion to see what the response time for the guards are would be yeah all right that's the long-term plan here it is to get out and try and work something out with I my first train of thought is to find if anyone else is captured from the OP that failed I obviously I have Josh's character here with me and then from there to continue that mission there's only one bring down either contact the Inquisitor give him the proof that we found and or somehow bring down or take control the ship but I think but that's the ambitious plan that's like a best-case scenario you know I still don't have the frigate that's what could wait until meal time yeah that's true so I will kind of open my eyes and maybe hear that idea out there adds how does someone feel like maybe starting commotions with response time is see what see what see what the general response time is for the guards what they're what they're supposed to do if I may happen I managed to get my information I used to work out it only about an hour's passed you can you are making progress is kind of squeaking about you're able to turn it it's now you're just in the hole it's not like unscrewing turning or just like trying to work it loose I'm keeping an eye on him because I don't think we could have tried and get lucky and cause a commotion in the I guess if there isn't any area of there's like a congregation area I'm assuming well I'm assuming we get let out of our caves at some point but we might not ever right who could just be brought to us so if I just we literally have to wait and see how the whole word did their daily work yeah yeah well that's just wait we can't do anything without knowing the routine at least in my mind from a book I was reading I'm pretty sure they just scoop it into your hand I could be a slob waiver let's go that's how we're doing it now recycled water thanks good idea we just wait there - yeah routine okay that makes the person I'm in the first step we should have release weight right like a date you know it's a long journey so it's not like you don't figure it out today it's you're done have any of you broken out of prison before if you have what you do first I barely broke into prison you got to the viewers yeah what's the first step to breaking out of prison pay off the guards oh I'm good - yeah I'm pretty sure you're supposed to punch the biggest guy then hit a guard with food tray start a riot and then get people on your side I think you're on the right track getting a guard on our side but there's got to be more to it than that actually I could be it was that like movie escape there's there's so there's so many different escaper all he needs is to get are you just jump out of a window or my bed just jump out of a window I mean but they probably won't let us just walk around freely no we just need our papers we jump out of a window would never go to space back oh but we do happiness forget about we collecting our gear hide our gear we might not be in this situation great we can try and pass off as I guess the notion prisoners have escaped would be yeah that's when we should dress like that has anyone ever escaped from here before all we have is ourselves into space there's people waiting across the hall yeah like this is the only cell okay and Finn was hoping there's no microphones in herself yeah what is our is ourselves the left and right of us through the basically this is a smaller section it feels like they came down this is almost like a the end of a curved part that keeps going out the other way so you came through one door into a little little hallway and your cell is there and there's the other door oh why we are still pretty secluded but most of them seem that way it looks like it was like a door maybe two or three cells in another door and then a couple cells door that sometimes there's machinery on the other side of the wall or who knows what right the workings of a ship it could be space now you can tell by this side there you can hear sound on the other side of yours and even voices you can feel the ship rumbling at this point you assume that you're in some sort of trier in transit as it's been moving now and at this point the door opens and a couple guards come in one is carrying a big saris pushing like some sort of cart these little grab lifts yeah a funny feeling maybe that wouldn't be the case on a spaceship that doesn't have much space there's a terrible spaceship then not living up to his name ship yeah yeah anyway so they come up and they start to they they tap on the the door and they open up the the little slot that you had snuck your hamster and then they start to you can see a little there's a little spot for a tray that they kind of push on so the first tray comes in and you can see there's a couple of bowls that are just made out of some sort of like paper material no yeah they're full they're full of some sort of grayish sludge and so I think like dinner here shouted back it up to you and they're just kind of holding it in place I suppose I'll just jump down and grab my food if you go over and you grab one of them I'll grab a paper bowl of great mush yeah there's no spoon there's no utensils is it like you don't know if the bowl is edible I just kind of I'd really like the double finger scoops bad more just like tons but yeah you look at it tastes pretty bland like not bad just is it like flavorless oatmeal yeah essentially mister picture like picture like oatmeal with nothing in it with no no actually just kind of like it's just just oatmeal with just water that would be a similar flavor to what this is like not bad yeah you're like so you go back to your bed and just start to scoop it out yeah I just kind of I started doing pull here who else is gonna go grab one so I vegetables over grabs one then they pull it out and then they put two more in so Abigail you grab one about you two Oh have we go alright so you go in your last yeah and so you grab one they pull out and you see then the one guy that's there'd be with the with the other guys Brander mm-hmm and he looks over at you and he's like he whispered something of the guy and he slides in a thing and there's another bowl but this one has like there's actually color to it it's like it's like a green color to it oh you gave me food yeah and it's a bit more if the Bulls little bigger than the other bowls oh and when you smell it you smell the aroma of some sort of spice but when you taste it tastes pretty awful it actually tastes worse than regular oatmeal but you can tell that he made some sort of effort pretty bad oatmeal with I don't know what you'd add pepper pepper and a heavy dosage of you can tell there was some sort of effort there he kind of nods to you and then they are definitely food yeah anybody food is I will fricking I try to eat the bowl no no idea so the meal is the meal is edible oh I'm sorry there's actually a tiny little sink as well that little bit of rice vegetable only a little you can whenever you press it you can see that there's a little a little conscious heater up top of it that gives you a display of how much water you have in those very rationed this is like our drinking water isn't drinking and washing water so you have to be very experimental you realize this is easy press you press the button once and it just shoots out a little bit just enough like to wet your hands or gonna take a little drink but you can see that it quickly yeah the the amount depletes it goes back up like every hour there's a little bit of food but it's enough to survive there's no shower no no okay yeah no and there is a drain in the middle all right well I figured out how we're getting super drink bowls that are paper like material oh my goodness this is smart and we're going with this do you you're gonna clog getting cause a flood no oh we get like this much water today no you get stuck messed up oh let's get down there you you wet the bowl and you crumpled it up and then every day you get more boring weapon rock a guy in the head paper much yeah sure our board much or I now have a power [Laughter] [Music] fiscally I you know I thought you were gonna go with that you stuff the paper and it worried literally take our entire journey just to make the floor damp and then it clogs and then you know there's there's Error error that the send technicians by to fix it we murdered well why don't you suggest that after I suggest my brilliant plan of binky I thought I should have assumed it was gonna be something like a paper mache power of a role in a pilot shake my head they go back to bed you meet your green oatmeal normally mayo and pepper is delicious just mayo and yeah yeah you never had just mayo and pepper you just puts it in a bowl mix it up I believe you I love Michael Orkin up the spaceship yeah go back to formulating a plan that's what we'll do we use the bowl to stick the spaceship to the ceiling whip for inspection time or we get like a bunch of uh like oh Jesus basketballs then just like or throw spitballs that them you know that's not working I give up okay step help them spit balls where we're getting out of here I think this is the worst prison break ever wait that's all we do is wait for the routine to figure out the routine in a plan they come by they give us food that assumed a clock assume the clock no idea okay okay so we'll start is there any way we can keep track of time reasonably in this setting how how would you keep track of time without a device to keep track of time other than counting the seconds well we can watch the water Oh does that risk shows periodically we could we can base it on the water the hole so you're saying for sure it goes up a little bit every hour roughly yes okay there's a regular interval that it goes them so they must say it's an hour not is hard to say they're only friends with a guard right yeah I'm working on it I couldn't go at him again the next day I don't want to seem desperate Hey day one get pretty desperate in here let me out like where's out your transit between planets yeah so a day passes and the only semblance of time that you can feel is that your light dims at one point for a few hours doesn't totally go out cuz dims and so you're assuming that oh maybe that's your sleep time the guards rotate every few hours you're brought food twice a day if you can planning on assembly well our position yeah you're not sure if it's hard to keep track hey there's semi regular intervals that you brought food on twice now so yeah it's base like there's no there's no rotation of a planet or moving around a star - now that everybody works on Eastern Standard Time when your own space like what kind of cycle would you even need when you're constantly than a spaceship right Oh day and night that just be totally thrown off you always keep your clock - hold me Sarah always you try wearing a shocks log - plate it's kind of hard yeah there's a bit of a delay in and syncing it up whenever it's time to write as we know and imperial time the further you are away from Tara the hard just to know if your dates are even accurate right let alone Wow his any time of day is easy because it's just based on your planet but there's different notations right somebody's gonna be 24-hour 30 hours 15 hours 10 hours so what is even a day is it's hard to even say like on ballot of Prime you don't even know ANSYS airily they could I haven't decided this doesn't actually it's not all 24 hour days I don't think the Fenris has a long year and I can't remember how long we're welding great years they're long so if we're going to talk if we're gonna roughly estimate days you think it's been a couple days since you left when all of a sudden you hear the feel you feel a weird agitation in the air and anybody who's been on a ship before it's familiar with this it feels like the spooling up of the warp drive do you have a girl that's very good subtly it's always unsettling to all of you but you've never experienced this before it's a weird nauseous feeling without being nauseous like it's not in your stomach or in your guts it's just like it's like all of a sudden you just your whole body just feels uneasy as it just kind of goes through it's like this thing there's a bit tingling sensation maybe you get like goosebumps you're it's hard to sleep at this point does he feel it there should be proof you're assuming preparing Institute tear itself out of reality into the material and then just as quickly as as it was fully not almost sudden you just feel that moment where the ship enters the material and for a split second reality blinks out of existence for what feels to you like several moments and yet really it was just less than a nanosecond all reality undoes undoes itself but just as quickly than the gel or the Geller field comes yellow together you'll come to effect you assume and the ship is plunged back into a bubble of reality as it is traveling for the immaterial and and that sensation passes if you don't feel it anymore but you also don't feel any motion in the ship at the same time this the hum of all machinery is there but the the sense of motion is gone and the four of you are pretty sure that you have just have to do work pretty sure when reality blinks out of existence to a detailed screaming yeah just for a moment though and also everything's fine if you do this tingling sensation the sensation is gone you feel your look it's sweating but that all the whole sensation is past except for the fact that you're sweating we're on our way now quietly mumble the litany of warp travel definitely believe me personally I mean like a character oh yeah for sure he grew up on this shot flogs what are you sailing shield me from the Maelstrom prove the ship worthy of protecting your legions who bring your light wherever they travel abigail screams as you're seeing this I I know there's at least two loyal serving the Emperor that's long concerned about right now but definitely not three nobody else reacts to either the reading from the primer or the scream of Abigail I chuckle a little bit if I hear the primer I kind of check a lot of movement oh yeah you're in a tiny little room if I hear the scream I'm going to chuckle under my breath no if you're you already definitely heard it and you can all hear him mumbling from the the primary text maybe you maybe yeah I can't hear know the whole situation that's just kind of he grew up Dutch grew up on that too but doesn't say yeah kind of goes by a different code the book says you're not supposed to go by different shot vlog and plate is pretty simple stuff to be fair only some of them are shot most of shot awesome yeah most are shot I'm assuming this is your characters talking to each other right mm-hmm it's not trying to have your characters talk to each other right right now we're having the players reciting litanies and trying to get a space knife right now we're having players talking to players try to have that lead characters talking to characters but my characters dead silent well that's great I know I'm like way too cool like crap was that here we go that's just that's just warp travel okay okay in civilian what does that mean Emma what that we're following the Empress Holy Light oh sure we're traveling to a new planet have you never been in been on his face before it's quite obvious she has just blankly staring at you understand I'm kind of shocked the concept of it boy very happy you served amber you've never been on a ship we'll be fine we'll be fine just gotta wait okay so so I think I'm gonna have to force that Brander guy what I said I'm gonna have to make him a better offer voids Minh isn't doing it for him hey poisons a great law you ever feeling that it wasn't so much like he was interested in your offer as it was just kind of growing fond of you for even trying oh I'm gonna try anyway yeah I'm just saying I'm just saying that's the kind of the or maybe you don't get that oppression but everybody else around he does oh so based on how loose I managed to get this screw like I'm still making progress on getting actually at this point you've managed to pop it out okay so but it's that it's a long bolt probably about two inches long but it's it's not sharp on the animal it's at this point you can start to do the whole kind of scratched against the floor or the wall yeah and hope not to get underneath one of the bunks so it doesn't leave obvious scratch words yeah you kind of try to obviously have to do it slowly so that the guard that's several feet away doesn't notice you you're doing this one thing you do notice after a couple days is that the bowls that you did have they deteriorate quickly like if you leave it out they just kind of they start to crumble cool and eventually you learn just through the guards passing and seeing them line on the floor that they actually are edible they're part of your meal but if you try to hold on for too long they they just it's they flake away very quickly making them pretty useless for anything you try if you ever experiment getting on wets the milk it's like toilet paper although what they get wet they deteriorate if you try to wad them together they start to stink really badly and don't form any any solid material it's just more likely this becomes it's mush of goo that's that smells like a rancid meat so yeah actually as you start to taste it it's actually more tasty than the sludge that is currently holding inside of it wrinkle it on as you kind goes on you can actually tear off as you eat down you can tear up what's up of it red it tastes more like a protein like it's some sort of fruity material interesting well the sludge is like a carb slash protein like a reflex reformed refried beans who knows what the protein was from maybe it's better not to know how the protein bolos made okay as now about three days past three days travel in the war once I'll tell you how many days is it's not too relevant we just did the more sense of how much time has passed as the days are passing you do notice an agitation amongst the guards they seem to be a little more uptight as they're going by and mumbling to each other and you're not quite sure why and every once in a while you do hear some yells from adjoining cells and the occasional even like a sound of wailing some sort of agony it doesn't surprise you too much because your rest is is pretty broken up as well every time you try to sleep you get unsettling dreams now for those of you who travel through the work before this this does happen it's not you know the Geller field usually keeps most of these effects out but it's not unusual for this kind of thing to happen but still it's it unsettles anybody because you can't help when you're in a dream to have you have all of your emotions in that and so you all get visions of past things that have happened any any uh bad things that happen to you sometimes come back up or you just get these dreams or you just you know you're walking down the hallway but never making any progress or that you're just lying underground slowly being buried alive but you know this these different kinds of nightmares that we might plague you but the regardless of what they are and by the way anybody who lost shocking ones can get them back now yay to recuperate those sorry go ahead I was gonna say just out of curiosity when the Gerdes over the days that we've been in here the nerves never coming in to do a check of the room they never enter the room they never they look into the room okay they never open it for an inspection do they seem to respond to any vegetation sounds or the scream area sometimes you can hear the occasional gunshot or you hear you hear you hear shouts and what sounds like a fight you're banging and then but then I'll but then it goes away so we can definitely draw them in back and Brander definitely is a regular to yourself at least once a day he's with whoever's bringing the food you keep getting a variety of color and so out of the out of the three day or four days even fed it now there was one time where was mildly more pleasant than the crap that they've been given every other time you can see that was his probably just grabbing random ingredients and smuggling them into the food none of them have really worked oh so you're actually getting worse but you can tell me he's making some sort of effort which is nice of him next time Brander comes by why not try and get a little information yeah that's what I was gonna do so Brander comes by timing excuse me officer yeah would you would you be able to spare information as to what's going on here in a lot of gunshots looks rad well no warp travel is never easy everybody is particularly not easy but this trip as we're going through an area of the I overheard the word sick a trick something sick of tricks mal addictive and some partly it's a uneasy part of the warp they can still see the emperor's light from here but it a little more faint so this kind of puts everybody on edge if you experience any nightmares or bad dreams I don't want to tell them that I dream about the Bulls he brings me more that's my hallway is the bottomless bowl the captain is purposely going through this part well he doesn't have much of a choice it's near the location where we're heading boys take a long way a safer way reckless individual yeah things aren't looking good I don't know what you know I've never heard materia being particularly safe yeah that's true but this isn't your average trip I would say for us around this area you know we don't have much choice it's not like you could just move to somewhere else you got to go where the money goes now if you want to do a persuasion check to see what other because I have other information that he might give you depending on how well you do now he's friendly to you and so we're looking at a DN of only one oh wow you know grab you don't grab the glory till after you get to rollers you roll first and then you can use a glory after you've done your rerolls to add an extra die come on man I know something else is up won't you uh won't you sure will cost more about a business deal oh that's so pretty good okay obviously you passed it how many ships can you do yeah none so you'd only see basically just pass it yeah I just passed okay so no shifting no okay well I could see one more piece of information in spend raft make a narrative declarations it's been a wrath to re-roll I could spend more you can grab a glory by there and hope you're all six since you didn't really have six is this what you like well I've already contributed to heip so we're using a glory we're using a glory one less glory well maybe you pass again so it's useless though yeah you can roll as many fours and fives as you want it's the extra so basically the way the mechanic works is there's a difficulty number and that's somebody they have to get but if you get it and you have excess sixes that you don't need to get it you can shift those sixes and shipping them improves narrative Lee what is happening in combat it does more damage outside of combat it does things like improve your friendship towards them or gets more information all right hmm he looks always like well it's not particularly helpful that one of the groups of prisoners we have on board is one of the gangs that we rounded up back from Bella Tov prime we got the hive rats down in Delta Brig you recognize that name you're not one of the hybrids nope but it's one of the rival gangs and you did recently hear that they got from trouble from the local law enforcement a little wooden spray painting yeah yeah much worse including their leader on dress they've been causing commotions they've been particularly agitated and uncooperative and throwing stuff through the bars and even starting fights in their own cells to try to distract the guards that put a few of them down mmm it's become that bad that explains the gunshots yep all right thank you I'll just get him everything a little poke a little prod there yeah don't become my best friend by the time we're just little three-second conversations yeah we have no other way to prove wait we got nothing else yeah is there anybody like nah my insights crap my insight is crap how do things get done around here like maintenance that kind of stuff laundry not the clothes around here I see oh if you like I can give you a data slate with the the regular schedules of maintenance and all the guards and everything would you like that yeah no I don't think so hey he turns and moves on the door I do admire his the fourth day is there anything else at your so yours you scraped and you've managed to yeah I'm gonna try to see if I can get like good some fabric to have a makeshift handle and turn into a proper good ship yeah you know it over you're able to do that between like ripping off some from the bed and for maybe some your prison garb another day passes and you've you've given yourself a ship which you've made yourself a ship what you're just gonna count as a knife okay nice that's two plus one eighty damage plus your strength yeah no leaf yeah basically so you can add that to your venturi just a nice yes you can right don't get my knife again okay my character head won't originally so I were to get it written there all right okay it's a ship that basically is a knife so fourth day comes Brander comes by one more time if you want to try to sweet-talk them again things things appear to get even more agitated you're having more dreams you're feeling more uneasy having a harder to food tastes worse than usual and yours even yeah yours is even it's pretty bad almost inedible it's just a little ketchup what is this no way you're special no name brand Keiko cat's a brand-new brand ketchup yeah the food is actually starting to taste worse like almost like it's rancid even yet every time you smell it you can't smell any rancid but you go to eat it you just get this feeling like it's going bad and yet you don't get sick from it so it's still providing you suck someone oh that's good at least yeah the bowls deteriorate faster than they normally do which maybe maybe that's just what happens along the voyage it's hard to say maybe they don't even have bowls by the end doesn't know these bowls deteriorate it's hard to say how they make them maybe we'll find out one of the rooms may be so brand new just come by one more time he comes by once each day this is the fourth day alone right most of the no no no he comes it's always him in one of their guard bring him a food he brings you our brunch time pooch the first meal of the day that's great all right I'm gonna pull out all the stops I'm gonna pull myself together stand up straight how are you like five nine okay I'm a relatively short guy that's average height anyway pull myself together stand up straight so he's hanging a year Bowl it's a blue today one arm behind my back one arm takes the bull you know a noble posture good probably be like rather a man my station cannot be stuck in this situation any longer I'm scared now real serious I request your aid and freeing the youngest member the bond castellan dynasty from his shackles dn1 persuasion oh wow what's that the eight-six is four days obviously you make it I want to know how many ships to get it was one okay three ships do you want to throw one of those in the middle or do you want to use all three I want to use all three I've already donated enough okay so three ships is pretty good he's like hey you know what I like you there Kanye I'd love to help you but we've got worse problems in our hand no it's just this this warp travel is taking a lot longer it's supposed to take weeks but if we feel like we're behind schedule already the there's even rumor that the navigator is having a hard time keeping his eye on the light of the Imperium you in the Emperor you know what I mean but I'm sure we'll get there but the rest of the crew is all everybody is experiencing weird nightmares some of them even like waking nightmares and the the the we're getting even more uprisings amongst the prisoners we never let them out so it's not too much of a problem but there's now probably a dozen cells that have been cleared I've been purged because of this some of them just awesome random violence and attacking each other but so I'm not really able to obviously I can't get you where would you go anyways if I got you a little the immaterial oh no we seek to reenter society not to run away from the ship if you just checked my belongings you will find the writ of passage and it'll clear everything out and what would I do with that let me out we could help with the influence of a rogue trader goes a long way and I'm sure big buff cata chainman and Morty and guy and well not you but whatever you are we can help I'll take a look he's a mercenary I'll take a look I'll have to find them that where they requisitioned your items sure god that's all I can ask I want you to find some very interesting in there big head Batman Inquisitor you alright his little bad yours does yeah yeah I assume they have that in those belongings as well so anyone who takes a gander in there if there's true to the Emperor which most people are I'm gonna crap their pants they want to kill you right it's pretty so we'll find out and we'll see if and uh branders on the right side of the fence here no warrants oh yeah my warrant of trade so you have a warrant to trade that's my class feature is more trades what does I make sure as well okay because he forgot to write that down it's just I don't think you read them I don't technically know if you would have a warrant a trade I think it's your papa that has one but you might have soldier copy that I'll put some like a lot of use all right down has a sort of Road trainer proof documentation that kind of shows your your lineage you know the thing you carry around to impress girls and and try to get yourself out of trouble and free drinks and fruit cakes because people care daddy's money doesn't go that far we're pretty far out in space okay so he leaves and the feeling of unsettling of being upset was now amplified now that you know if there's there's problems going on and you're having a harder time sleeping each night that passes it gets worse you're finding itself having very fitful sleep waking quite often or not weakened at all but waking up and feeling like you didn't sleep much one or the other it's not fun either way and even though you're fatigued throughout the day you don't feel like napping or or falling back to sleep you just try to busy yourself however you can the next day comes and Brander comes back with brunch thanks put him all through one by one because you're his last and he slides it in you one second here none of these things are oh I was gonna be like I'll give you one of your items but none of them are small enough to smuggle lib here's your hand flamer so so he kind of he kind of slides it and he says okay I did look throughout is your documentation that's that's pretty legit I'll see what I can do in the meantime I put something special and an interior grog or take your baggage here your stew and your still assume he just means more spices I say thank you as you eat through it you come across little chunks of brown mmm they're kind of like fancy space studs because you had a little box of fancy [Laughter] chocolates ago what they said in the eighties it maybe maybe this box do we do it never heard like check out many guns yeah oh yeah I've never ever heard that only in old movies that Greece may be like the 50s I don't even know space or is it base bite a box of fancy chocolate okay okay chocolate seems like Milk Duds my friend of a milk dud they could smuggle in my bird servitor no that want to make a little too obvious but yeah most tweets you know what he put chocolates in your in your in your uh your your stew oh boy but they've been saturated by the stew by the time you eat them yes yes it doesn't quite go together yeah so unfortunately none of your belongings were small enough for him to smuggle in apparently yeah but he said he'd do something about it but he said he went through the belongings went through his belongings only oh they all separated my person yeah okay well you never told me you were an Inquisitor so that's true I assume they're all kind of thrown together but that makes more sense yeah anyway so you go to sleep tonight unless there's anything you want to do today so constant you'll kind of sneak over to will first bunk in one point go sir I have to bake my forgiveness I'm sure is remember the Inquisition you've come up with a plan waiting for your signal but I figure he must have missed it this loyal serving the Emperor's ready whenever you into action my plan is to develop a plan it was I'm playing accordingly the only course of action we have is the game this trust seems to be going well I say wait war I'm more of a reactionary man kind of react to events as they happen wait for my signal all right sure I'm ready thank you you're just gonna palm in the ship yeah but like not well gonna be using a coffin somebody's Direction the poor ambitious traitor all right so you gonna sleep tonight for the fifth night unrest will sleep once again in fact have a hard time sleeping at all and weeping I'm waiting this is done a lot like real-life action right now no you over to you definitely feel tired but I'm not gonna have it affect your chakra lose yet but what little sleepy new get you kind of you do all eventually drift off at the the end of these the short night that they give you and you were woken by the sound of alarm Klaxons ringing in the distance yeah mister you can hear the sound you can hear the sounds of fighting and auto gunfire no but you look out your guard is not there yeah and so so you just you just you can just hear the scuffle going on all around you the Klaxons sound like a fire alarm a little bit really annoying ones like so you can hear this all going on around you can hear auto gunfire off the distance and obviously you're I'm not able to do anything you can hear yelling and you're more yelling and the sounds of shouting it is definitely it's coming from every direction so whereas you heard the occasional yell and stuff now you're hearing it sounds like a general riot only we're not quite sure how given the fact that every individual cells and you feel this dairy this is very big unease wondering what the heck is going on and feeling trapped in your cell and clutching tightly to the ship that you created and feeling the slit working its way into the little more comfortable actually and about five minutes into this pass and all of a sudden your cell door just goes and and it just opens I don't know how you did it sir but I'm amazed magical Inquisition thank you don't mind I'm gonna peek out so as you go up to the door you touch it you realize the door is now loose and you could actually pull it or push it all the way open hey get out of my way in space tail air but you can stay yeah it's like seventh you're like an inch away from the ceiling you got to watch as he walk and smack your head until you finally stretch the you step out anybody who steps on the hallway you're looking around you can still hear the sounds from the different directions of the the gunshots and the yelling and it appears the nearby sounds have died down we can hear it off in the distance are there more inmates like no you're just the one selling this load there's two doors the door you had come through to get him here and then the other doors gonna card was that and the guards not there you didn't see him leave overnight but he's not there so the first course of action we have to go back to the administrative desk and figure where our belongings are and then figure planning from there yes sir so I I took all right come with us if you want we're in back really the same information all right everyone please go back to the administrative desk yeah we're gonna find their stuff and you're all welcome to come with me is that your plan yeah I saw him going well I got us this far I'm not following your plan what does the same plan yeah but you better do this part you didn't actually help at all the five years stated in the hallway this bickering I'm adding back towards the door that we originally came to to get to this location from the from the directional okay so as you approach the door you notice that it's actually open a crack uh-huh is there like I look through the cracks or fire on it is there heat coming from inside no there's no there's no heat you look for the crack you can't see anything because that is there's another panel of the doorway so has to open up for longer and we can see try those it feels pretty heavy but if you do it it starts to creak a little bit but you feel like your strength alone is not enough to pull it open okay so we can do a combined action to try to open a store so how does that work yeah well as you may ask how combined action works basically gonna have the main person doing it and we can have like let's say two people helping what's fine actions on page thing before so basically I have one person to lead you to the assistance everybody declares the skills we'll be using in this case obviously it'll be athletics yeah how much you could think of something else that you'd want to do to assist anybody else have any other skills you want to use leadership that we little harder your legs okay tall man go high go low stand behind these two that's your assisting is gonna be to lead them yeah okay I'll leave so the difficulty of leading obviously is not gonna be quite as useful as actual pulling so we're gonna make that a difficulty of five the difficulty of opening the door we'll say it's a three [Music] so basically if you make your test not you and I thought who's the lead sorry I didn't really matter eight I lose the lead it can't be the leader has to be somebody action can open the door for all wallpaper we all right now let me the two of you make your roles dm3 athletics Genji m5 leadership test and then the lead character can add a bonus died for every assistant that passes their own assist test you don't use raf thanks for the assist tester and you can shift your exalted icons view any ships basically get [ __ ] more bonus day oh you just got five six three four so you passed so you can't ship those don't get the do succeed i pass did you get the ship anything and we don't worry about your wrath dice so you get two extra bonus dice to your athletics checks DM 300 i killed him Wow and I can [ __ ] for days so you gonna wrap that for this I think I can leave it okay there you go 5 that little tiny die yeah so what times any shift four times I don't you throw one of those in the middle I'm gonna throw one of those in the middle yeah an extra glory there and you see there's like another panel on the other side yeah what would you like your extra chips to do I would like it to be that through the strengths of both of us that opens up the entire panel slowly and the next room up so you get both the panels open because it is like an accent like some mechanism locks and like reacts to one door opening it opens up the other door yeah okay so you ship it really hard just crash it open with the with the help of Dutch and the fine leadership skills of Kanye back there he goes he fo you feel that extra inspiration you're like oh we gotta do it this way BAM and with ease you open up this door and immediately is he look into the next room you kind of taken aback by the fact that you see several bodies lying around mostly prisoners but there's one guard as well lying dead on the ground is it Brander it's not Brandon okay and the next door is open he's gonna answer but it's it kind of curves around so you can see the mix room as well you see more dead bodies so in this room scavenge a boat or I'm trying to keep a good pace any immediate weapons any like bulk like auto guns so you want to kind of scout to the bodies as you're glad we're going yeah you can give me an awareness test difficulty 3 is there any identifying marks on these bodies there's prisoners of various titans you don't see any the you don't see everything again if you're looking for the high breaths there in Delta 7 wait 17 ever wait yeah through seven okay so I got I got it but no ships no ships no shows okay all you managed as you search the bodies in the first couple rooms all you managed to find is a equivalent to the ship dang well I guess I'll pick it up just count again as I'm walking I quickly see it I'll grab it pick it up and keep moving towards the next door what's everybody else do we'll do an awareness real quick okay so since it's already been we've come an every additional awareness I'm gonna add two to the difficult so yours is aware its difficulty 5 yeah I believe Oh complication there's a complication it's like a complication of me I have an idea if you don't nothing immediately comes to mind nothing to me today no okay so as you're searching through the bodies hmm you overturn one of the bodies of one of the prisoners and you see his hand open up and Google gunk is a primed frag grenade my right next to you so give me what's what is our dodge equivalent here okay is there it is I think it's athletics actually athletics is that buttocks agility based swearing strength based it's strength based the only ones that are jillee debates are ballistics you know give my agility role then agility role yeah it'll be difficult III to avoid this and I'm gonna randomize hold on you as well Abigail you happen to be nearby when this happens well begin the agility typical three nope they'll fill nope oh you simply could add glory those two can you add glory to this happy role you can or you can use Wrath to re-roll it cuz you're pretty flu season because you about to get hit by a frag grenade yeah I probably should reroll this then where you just take it to the only ask yeah you're gonna use a wrap yeah so abigail is using a wrath re-roll the fails no no complication or anything but now you can take a glory died at it if you wanted to where's that honey more yet did you get I have to grab the glory to see the four plus to avoid it we've got we've got some only have up to five right no sense or is it I think it's weird I think it's a group plus two yeah it's the group little seven so you're fine yeah okay so we just need a glory glory glory P News can you get all four plus what I can't okay so both of you fail and you both take ten Oh damage frag grenades I hit pretty hard so what's your resilience six so you take four what's your resilience for so you take six would you like to soak those yes okay so so can you basically lose a shock to the oldest oak your old number dice equal to your toughness we don't do a round time for this and every icon removes the wound over to shock damage instead okay no rapid eye for this oh so you're taking you were taking four damage so you soak at all see table you see lose five shot you're able to shift in right no there's no shifting this is just to see how much you convert there's no wrath diary ants are you exhausted now because you used all your self he doesn't have to use them all by taking damage sucks to because the first point damage your lightly damaged right actually we have a choice not to [ __ ] when you soak can you like this so you can up - or do you have to do all of it of course it's not right they're so keen a lot of tests so crows blah de blah de blah cos the soaking you can use RAF to re-roll it soak choosing to soak costs one shock yes we know that we unfortunately grain you can only take one action it slows you down big-time four heroes hold on why am I not seeing it I remember seeing it damage shocked shocked and cheap shot wounds here we are sulking the role to shock them out a test does not use a Raph Dyson how difficult the bestest Oh girls unaffected such as being wounded soaked these are the rules for NPCs this is pretty much robbed a least what am I missing what am I not seen where it actually says that you shipped over here you know I'm just gonna say that you have to you know aren't you twenty-seven right man it was yeah cuz that's cost of soaking you make a toughness role to reduce the damage suffered at a cost see the cost of something below after soaking the damage any remaining damage counts as wounds it's not a test but where does it say you convert wounds to huh well we write this sort of the case is the sake of speed we're just gonna say you have to whatever you roll that's how many you have to do sure so you're exhausted yes no what about you I soaked one okay how many wounds do you have five and how many do you take five Oh you're unconscious yeah wonderful quickly complications oh all right you so tired it was a good dodge yeah basically you dodged really hard and so you turn it over the frag grenade also do you realize it was holding one and it kind of clicked next to you you both tried to jump out of the way and there's a huge explosion that just it knocks everybody back and a bunch of bodies go flying and after the explosion Abigail just slumps to the ground and you hit the wall and kind of hit slouched down as well but you get pick yourself back up okay little charger your clothes are singed a little bit but Abigail is lying unconscious on the ground so I hear the explosion run over you seem to be immediately fine and he's like getting himself back up mm-hmm like catching his breath we go go - Abigail's to look her over she obviously alive or she look she she looks she's got burn marks on her and she's unconscious you want to try to stabilize her I'll try to if I could do anything quick from my extensive knowledge of Medicaid so it's a medicaid check which I believe the deals might be three I think that the ends three is that right for stabilizing an unconscious person three-plus failed you have that feel the need to find out yet hold on Medicaid is what I immediately do and do it like no no plus one of these on yourself the difficulty stabilized a dying character equals two plus number of defiance checks so you only need DM - okay so Medicaid check with the NC what's your Medicaid three aid yes sure all right this is pretty much the easy some her burn marks right let's see if she immediately wakes up so you can restore to one wound you do come to feeling like crap and having burn marks all over you it's kind of like a tear away of some of the prison garb like uh-oh I tied up an open wound yeah like yeah the burn marks and stuff classic you're it you're in you're in great pain yeah I look over and I say that was an explosion experience I laughing I laughing character totally inappropriate but highly entertaining so the sounds and alarms are still going off in the distance you have to go you got to get up we got to go and we're gonna take a break there I might be safer here that was pretty big complication did she people like move it still like still moving freely and there's nothing slowing down at this point or she's not on shock so have not exhausted that she's just really hurt okay nor it's abstracted damn yeah and so yeah I'm gonna say that you know you're burned all over but you're able to to get up and keep moving but you are in great pain it's kind of one of those like knocking you're heavily wounded so it's pleasure she has +2 difficulty on all of our tests and everything that's rough so wouldn't happen if you believe in the amber war so did you pass your awareness test though did you fail it and get the complication or are you just passing at the passing of the competition so you passed it okay so here so you're certain you find the equivalent of a ship as well I don't remember if you did well to say you this sure coverage so you find a second to do you get to kill two people at once yeah I'm gonna keep it freeze up he can hand it off I already have one sir I found a ship I mean I immediately point over to the big guy give him a knife [Laughter] okay we're gonna take a 15-minute break at this point so we can go to the bathroom or do whatever we need to do during this 15 minutes as soon as we can we'll turn it back on we'll just kind of chat with the chat BRB we're back we're back we're back sorry close reading something we're back Oh get rid of continue so you just see you're still these first couple of rooms managed to find a couple shifts and they primed frag grenades yes well but we lost that yeah you lost a grenade but we gained the experience of it yes we lost the Grenada 100 a big L a very sore very burn and very tired and it had a very tired of console team yeah so in the ground we'll do any I really wanna try and reenact that scene from the Simpson sir he's buying the weird hand from the creepy salesman story monkey's paw yeah the monkeys files like the yogurt what would you like to do can I see if one of those PDFs is on the floor for the doors oh you mean the data sites yeah you don't find any of that we want to start searching around as well to see I can find okay so as you're passing through you can do a search as well it's gonna be a difficulty seven now for awareness okay he's cunning or investigate it won't be investigate but you know what I allow you to use cunning this one time because you're used to battle zones and and trying to find stuff quickly on the fly so I think cunningly somewhat a perfect you know you look for the usual location yeah oh my goodness wow that's one of the bodies wow it's a grenade again you know complication I did did you all anything you get success at least I got three successes and one so what is your total at number three funds three so you don't really sixes I rolled one six and then one for the four Oh okay did you want to reroll or anything yeah you have to keep that one yeah so you're gonna use your other rap so Abigail uses her other rat I think she hasn't done that right guys time out they replenish every session which is a shame good Wow - is that it yeah it's pretty much is did you get your 7 and you got a complication alright what would you like a complication to be it's not a frag grenade oh that's pretty good you know just give you the frag not even you doesn't you just grab a frag related private clinic do you know what you're a complication because I met max ruin so I'm gonna do something okay yeah you going with something alright okay no I got something so as you're searching for the bodies you actually your ear in the you've gone on to about the third or fourth room at this point it's finding more of the same it looks like there's if you find bodies with gunshots in them I don't want is just bludgeoned to death the occasional guard amongst them but you don't find like the guards are they don't have their weapons on them yeah obviously whoever killed him took their weapons you come into one room though and there's like there's one of the guards slumped across against the the wall with no obvious signs of things that have killed him and as he reached down to kind of search this room all of a sudden he just jerks up and attacks you to stay unarmed attack but his eyes are closed as he does this immediately attacks you let me just get his stats die again it's okay what's your defense defense is to woo defense is usually low yeah yeah I'm three so we're looking at a weapon skill roll of five I'm gonna give him I gotta get to my plus one difficulty just considering the fact that he's kind of prone getting up and attacking you it actually has to get three which he fails actually hopefully swings wildly at you as you've just back out of the way just in time now one of you can act you're all kind of close by only abigail is right next to the guy who would like to act first yes go ahead I'm gonna try and talk him down his eyes are closed as he's getting up I still remaining close and just swinging wildly it's a very weird thing what are you gonna say to him well buddy calm down we're not here to hurt you you just you sit back down you recover it's fine we're just passing through okay it doesn't seem to have any effect that's not allowed to have your role oh good thing this is a complication right there yeah he does he keeps blundering forward trying to swing wildly so correct who wants to go back try something work I guess I'll walk though he's trying not punch em out this punch yeah I'm not gonna kill you try knock you unconscious yeah okay make an attack his defense is - this is making a weapon skill attack Dylan r8 see what the scale yeah that's not great I got two icon yeah so you hit him go by his defenses - got him so an unarmed attack I don't think you had any extra dice is just your strength yeah he's wearing like some moderate carapace armor like just like a lower level so what is he what is your strength my strength is four okay so you're just kind of like blunt your hand against his if you teach me really not really anything for unarmed I think it's plus one ad is just plus 180 yeah I think your strength plus 180 but now see if I get it then we can figure it actually got it I don't know if it matters or not so what you get up to five it's an unarmed attack where does even say melee attacks let's go unless you trying to do something like a grapple I'm just trying to like one of those a classic movie like all guys she's unconscious try not come out was 180 strengthless 180 yeah is there a penalty to swing with it or no nope okay so what was your total damage then five total damage okay fortunately it's not enough yeah like crack news armor now you just keeps plundering forward anybody else want to try I heard a little breath all three all three of you guys oh great to act now we don't have time for this I'm gonna shank them all right let's go attack with your shift eight - yeah can't shift any days in so whatever link successor need so I got it there you can ship to the dice to damage nice yeah - damage so you're using a knife so that base is 2 plus 1 and then you add your strength as well what's your strength my strength is 4 so you actually have 6 plus the 1 plus the 2 for shifting so roll three dice is - extra damage so does - damage plus your strength plus my strength which is four it's a six damage plus the value just roll tween - which is 2 so 8 damage yeah okay so you can feel your fist fist cut or your ship just gets right through the armor and does some damage to it but it doesn't follow the ground it doesn't even react with any pain oh let's just say keep stumbling forward Hey so at this point it's surrounded and so the other two of you won't be able to act before it can go again yeah that's fine and so just it just well it turns to you and just um and just wails at you with a strong punch here what's your defense - it hits you and ships one of the dice to damage he's unarmed his strength is three what's your resilience for okay so if I roll I don't roll any see that's three damage just kind of punches out you and you managed to push it aside and just deflect it and then one of the three before next to it sorry one of the two the two of you who are next to it can do an action I've already gotten down my action then I'm wearing the knee round over in a new round I I guess at this point it turns around I seem to get Shanxi I'm just go join in this prison tactic I'll shake you from behind alright go ahead critical hit so we have five icons no I can't shift anything sweet hit but what is it critical so you can shift that sex let's try kinship that's right I forgot it also is a rat it is also a round we don't you don't get glory for that one I don't think I think widows is the yes and the raft is murderous onslaught it takes D three plus one mortal wounds and it's not thrown give me D three plus one more tulum please three today he dies so you just come out okay repeatedly okay let's keep this so you just kind of come out of when you go so hard that you just evens knock him to the ground and he just sprawl to the ground you can see blood soaked into the ground lion still at this point all right now we're in the thick of things the whole thing was weird though because his eyes never opened its rody scream in pain no oh my so I'd like to check them after that I'm gonna do a medicate have something let's see we can see let's see how I can screw this one up you're heavily wounded Sully five did you get a complication no did you get our four you want in your glory role or you can make glory zombie Gloria left one last one yeah 0 4 plus leave no good ice I can't roll okay so if you look over his body you can't find any besides the the obvious two huge puncture wounds you can't find any any other signs on who have anything you're not sure though if that's just because you're feeling kind of lightheaded and disoriented or some other resource still grumbling over at Dylan over there he's dead the guy you're checking we've gotta go we gotta move in that's weird I agree or you keep going on saying does anybody else want to search while you're moving the the armor that they're wearing does it look like a be easy to get it off and get some of the armor is it relatively complex well you're a regular-sized guy right you're not like one of these giants oh you can probably grab like the equivalent of what my problem's I don't have all the stats in front of me but a simple flak vest kind of thing okay I will grab the vest you can yeah you can just say as a guard it's got a couple holes in it so you want to give me an armor reading for door that's I'm doing right that's black black eyes armor three yeah no just deflect best of this I'm not gonna give you a full black armor or code it's still free either way you just yeah I'm probably just gonna have it be absolutely where at what page are you on for that 300 300 cuz it wasn't giving him much trying to find the equivalent here basic armor black oh yeah it's not really that it's more like equivalent to I don't a primitive armor this is gonna be a custom one it'll give you armor to go you know something too heavy yeah it doesn't quite fit properly but it's good enough doing I'm sorry the heat on kappa-chan sometimes gets to my head sir I think there's something wrong with the cabouchins dn9 now no that's okay you're okay what did you select don't have to roll I'm not searching sir the catch and stereo okay so you continue on a few more rooms and it's more of the same story you can as always you can always hear that fighting going on from beyond where you are almost like it's a head staying ahead of you and you come to the first guard room and there's no window to this guard room there's just the there's just the panel that leads into it but you do recognize it for what it is because remember they have this being one of the checkpoints yeah so it's currently closed with a tech panel with a little access thing right there do you want to try to get in there just keep movin I'm afraid to roll dice now probably should tell me what in this exchange have to be a frag grenade or or some getting up to punch me or panel blowing up in my face well yeah it's a sort of security panel to open the door to the guard room I could you know walk over and try and give it a beep in the boot Italian all right so you you try the password that you thought it was first was it you that yeah and it doesn't work oh but you do remember that they also had the hook in some sort of data pad you want to search one of the local guards CPR search around you can find it out of that yeah I'll search a little crab way all right no give me awareness difficulty by for this specifically looking for data pad on one of the guys tell people to help me I hope you take a look I guess I'll please I'll happily look around punch it if I help the tube you will help you both both of you take difficulty five awareness that's no RAF dice difficulty five will be passing against an extra die well I get one from oh yeah don't quit yeah all right you both fail yeah I got it oh you got it so one extra die go ahead for so you don't find a data pad but you can still try to hack it'll just be harder well no he's got other tastes there yeah he didn't get to it last Laurie night what do we need a five let it pour for any difficulty okay huh I got it okay so you do find one most of the guards have been looted for it you do notice that but you do find one so this'll make the tech test a little easier I can give you a plus two to your tech test it isn't be difficulty five to hack it though what's your tech well it's seven plus two so nice oh no he succeeds it sure the data pad okay so you got pull anything for I like that so as you go to use it yeah there's a there's a discharge of electricity yeah not a frag grenade you managed to pull your hands away just in time but it does fry the circuitry the second port on the the data state so it's useless now I like that and that's good the door does open at this point though as it opens and you look inside it's a small room you can see that there's a little panel there as well and you can see a cut like a couple of screens that would display what the security cameras can see in the local area went in one of them being right up to the room that you're in right now so they can check whoever's holding identification inside you find two guards one male and one female and both are line on the ground both appear to be dead okay wait up here let's finish up yeah that's important alright well start patting them down I'm gonna rob them okay we're gonna start with the male or female the female because because her clothes will probably fit me better yeah actually you actually see if your liner she's holding it what appears to be the shock mall uh-huh so all right oh you're gonna go for that oh yeah sure and it's gonna hit me it that's like actually as he reached for it all of a sudden she lurches forward eyes closed and swings full Full Tilt at you with the shock mall I'm going down now you know I'm weak going on it's fine it's fine you get a believe it's fine weapon skill five what's your defense - we're gonna make it a three just because it's the first initial role and she's kind of getting up at the same time sorry three so i get it and i get to shift one die to damage da wall is four plus two extra dice plus the strength of three so it'll be seven seven eight nine what's your resilience five so you take before damage would you like to soak I would like to soak so you lose a shock it's a Soaker and then roll whatever you're so guess which is what I'm hoping I don't know I'm exhausted so you soak all the damage I'm gonna take d3 plus one back though it takes an action it's not your turn yet unless you want that to be your turn that's you're standing there getting smacked it could probably put one more person next to you to fight this this female garden so you guys see him go anything else on you here oh wow and I'm gonna yell for one of my voice Minh so whose turn is it now are you gonna take your turn now then no I'm just gonna yell someone come over and stab this thing now you can you can do a multi action do the action music what's a rapid again D three plus three shock back and then do another action like attack immediately look at plus-2 difficulty here you go one rat being used by Kenny yep so get D three plus three shock back won four out of five it's not too bad and then I'm going to disengage okay so your actions can be disengaging they're gonna your move but you can do now if you're not exhausted yeah that's when you're exhausted you can only do one move one actually I had to free myself in this horrible place yeah and so you're gonna that you're gonna run out of the room so you see you see Kanye run out of the room clutching his arm which has a big bruise and all the hair is staying up on edge boys Minh there are more corpsman in there so were you're the only one that Oh so as they returned now their action no they did there everybody else still has their turn Oh anyone else in the room can we just like boom shut the door and leave we would need the data sleep for that guess what happened to that unfortunately the door is yeah you don't have control over the control panel right now do they seem to be moving at normal human speeds it's hard to say because we didn't see much of what was happening you've done it once you're already a criminal all right there's no one else want to go first yeah I'll make the first move figure to go in find the corner you see this female standing up kind of moving towards you with the big shock Maul her eyes are closed cope with a basin maneuvers my little dumb knife all right are you finished to that defensive things will follow that right he pens this too okay Nick you're up let's go with that you searched in fluid defense an attack like you know what let's full defense never more than my night yes Oh a defense to we head we can shift from one six to damage okay how much damage is gonna be a total of six plus two extra dice a total of six that that's okay you've got her in her resilience is six so you do d3 shock damage go ahead it's gonna be three shock did okay then she goes down she only had three shocks he actually knocked her unconscious nice do you kind of come in here the ship doesn't quite connect but you're managed to swing in a punch anyways and she just fall asleep I owed as far as you could tell just lying there with her eyes closed is it a minor action pick up the shock Moll you mean a simple action simple action that's what was too simple actions sure yes so she goes down I'll nothing else immediately Hannah's gonna pick up the shock shock Molly taxi no it's alive no the mail stanza yeah so the shock mall is operational you can take that Oh what forgot it's brutal and agonizing do I know brutal is that we get close to one of that it's I think it's second izing every wound that the weapon inflicts the victim also suffers a shock Oh an exhausted character who suffers damage from an agonizing weapons rendered unconscious but it's okay because you soaked all the damage did you take any wounds no okay so you managed your soak at all then because if you got an exhausted insulative wound left it would have knocked you unconscious yeah so this weapons made for knocking things unconscious sure shock mall is four plus two AP minus one agonizing and brutal it's actually quite a good weapon that's a really good weapon yeah okay so the female guard is lying on the ground presumably unconscious and then I'll stop breathing okay your left to move back to your attack right oh yeah no you will you moved in you've already done your moves okay well it's all right we're shifting out of combat now that's finite so what is everybody doing basically what you saw happen is Kanye come running out clutching his arm and the female guard kind of start to stumble out and then we'll practice runs up and clocks her in the face I did it and she falls to the ground and he just picks up the shock Moll triumphant say no we're gonna loot them this is the male would be waking up I got that give me an awareness dn-3 test I got the shot more already what welcome I got it with exactly three but there's a complication well you notice it as his head is currently bleeding a lot it was a big pool blood and a lot of blood coming out of his head here's dead what's the complication that's a tough one I don't notice the third man under the debt the computer desk actually I got a complications he has a shock mole as well but when you go to pick it up you notice that it's broken okay oh but he had a shoe yeah so it can only operate as an industrial blender though me somebody wants to try to fix it I will attempt to fix it it's a difficulty seven either with weapon skill or tech skills weapon skill is also how you you can maintain weapons Oh what skills I've come across shocked malls in my life yeah sure it's complication here we'll be all right you said d7 yeah dm7 it's five normally but plus two because you wanted a tool yeah look at that four five six seven and I got I get to add a glory to the pool I got six on the right thigh there's an extra glory there and I can't shift no shifting that's exactly so you fixed it Wow all right you got a second shock ball would you look at that yeah I got balls if I give it to sir thank you amazing by the way you said her eyes didn't open - correct mr. dirt - with medic a searcher or check robot check yeah yeah give me a medic a role remember you're heavily to the difficulty so we're gonna be looking at a difficulty of five of those three you have just dn7 to work for not you once again you're here perplexed you can't tell why these they aren't all our eyes do not yeah the pain that she's still alive she's breathing yes she was knocked unconscious mmm Dutch keep this PG Dutch is going to leave no Stern eye no stone left unturned oh oh murder bleep female guard oh yeah catchers down okay we think your need in the tent no [ __ ] yeah you just do this cozy oh all rights all of a sudden Dutch steps forward and just swiftly finishes matching no guard respect is the female guard Shh nothing to see here so dangerous or unstoppable we can fight back somewhat hey why don't you guys put on that armor I assume yeah it doesn't the two joyous all right I'll suit up you keep saying John I'm like six foot six it's not that tall well I'm you don't need the arbors dude small for you right it would my I protected yes you can pull it on yeah it provides armor to all right you can find one if you wanted to yeah armor to number two that's something I'm gonna write get away your sir just keep your I hope for Medicaid kit I guess we do what you're good so I guess we should search the rest of this room quickly okay give me an awareness DN three times oh my huh I got its with four you got what four okay there is actually a first aid kit a Medicaid kit or what do they call them okay kit yeah there's the Medicaid kit is there a specific number of usages and Medicaid kicks that I think there was [Applause] space morphine please finally have one left what I spent two that's true is it a medikit okay it's really yeah you can use it - yeah it's not a chair do this - Oh medications the base of Medicaid yeah so it has a lot of uses in it we're not gonna give it a limited number so you're going to pull that off of the wall it's full of bandages and some medications and some with disinfectants just your basic Medicaid kick point over to fix yourselves up we gotta go quick do you want to rest here that would yeah fortunately a rest is an hour long oh my goodness look they're not called rasa called respites those are regroup does anybody know I thought the regroups the make it 69 this matter it's basically equivalent of short resin long breath no o regroup yeah that's a lotta sighs laughs in an hour it allows you to tend to injuries I'll check your animal whatever he recovers all shock during a regroup and can recover wounds of the successful medicaid test doesn't met what does the Medicaid kit do I know why decay allows you to not you allows you to get shock back without taking a rest there's a that's that's essentially what I'm suggesting we do but I don't know if there's a little time limit I feel like each Medicaid thing would be a few minutes to kind of catch somebody up and make you feel better give them some adrenaline or whatever they have to to get you going again I'm sure there's all sorts of different meds in there Oh continue to confusedly look at the I'm just gonna get them I know what I'm doing I'm gonna drive it from give me this before you break this I believe it's gonna be a difficulty three but five for you because you're heavily wounded yeah Oh restore shock yeah yeah successful Medicaid 2003 restore his D 3 plus 5 I got a complication but I really passed help has a bunch of you pass did you get any to get to shifting tonight I didn't I could just shift like but I pass so he gets D 3 plus 1 shock back but the kids know what's the complication then if it's not there you'll get shot turns out the kit didn't have as much yeah that's easy it's been it's been well used and not restocked so basically it so is that limited uses ok so we'll give it will give it d3 accuses major maybe after after you've Trina go ahead we're all d3 it's a used needle one okay has one more use and I get the it's d3 plus 1 yes d3 plus one oh man so to shock you're no longer exhausted though feel better it was gonna Lloyd the random frag grenades feeling are you okay killing you're doing don't you remember back in Catholic chat don't you remember when we fight the devils don't you remember we had to do the escape we jumped over the waterfall you don't you remember that one time deal it it's you sir there you go well during a wreck like you know that's not true you can do you can do one Medicaid test between until you take a regroup yeah okay if you do it during a regroup you can shift exalted icons recover there's no loons and you don't need a Medicaid kit to do this so you don't have to use yeah the many kids just brilliant yourself you're gonna need you're gonna need a lot more cuz you're heavily - because you're heavily on because you're the one performant and one cuz you're performing yourself does anybody here know how to do Medicaid cuz I only have seven dice for this the wee boy can I'm gonna only get four dice then well there are five days that's just rolling baby without talking to each other yeah are you anyone else we're looking a little low I don't need no yeah good just patch her heads okay got your seat sit down for a few minutes and patch up Abigail yeah sit down don't gross yourself out with it yeah so it's difficulty for cuz you're not wounded at all right no I'm fine mostly are you exhausted no I got rid of all right you rest we're fine difficulty for Oh how about before that was just water I'm saving a to ones now good job still heavily wounded one more I could be lately with me didn't believe lost more than half oh yeah yeah we're at five you're at two out of five right now so one more nearly lately that's right huh okay okay keep moving keep moving one room at a time until we get back to that interest rate of office so up ahead you can hear the sounds of yelling and gunfire small it sounds like sounds like small arms fire coming from not too far away it's there's a ship there's basically a junction where it's and be turning to the right so you can't see it but you can hear just around the corner sounds like there's a fight going on and yelling getting against the wall out of way right what y'all gonna do and sorry there was it was it was up and around yeah you're close to it you're not at the door the doors are all open all this whole passage has been open to you okay everywhere you walk it all the doors are open let's get ready for kerfuffle I say we just use a sure do I'm gonna do a scouting mission to see what's going on up there good doubling my requirement objective what's your objective uh it was relating back to the book thank you thank you for leading back to the Koran says be sneaking book says be sneaky give you a cell for all difficulties three I'll give you plus one died because they are distracted okay you pass that's the fourth all right so if you look around the corner you can see a big mob of prisoners currently eaten up a couple guards and some of them armed with what looked like stuber's oh the other ones all have ships and they just they just they are just finishing off one of the guards right now Baldy the inmates look like they're armed with stuber's right okay a few of them are not all so we're gonna cut through the inmates yeah I'm gonna go sneak back okay there's old there's a large number of inmates up there think they were quarreling with the guards but I think the kerfuffle is over huh are both close combat and ranged weapons what was the room okay was there a lot of cowboy cover did it did it look like it was like when I stood for corridor if it's just another quarter so there's were like sneaking around he's kind of running the opening gunfire get close enough to see their eyes I distract we could make a distraction come over here in gentleman they walk around the corner yeah we should blend in or we can like faint fighting like make fighting noise over here some sort of conflict over here was it fighting noise are just in the guards armor this is true is it a mob sure looks like it like an armored them there prison guard a few studs alright let's move em over here a couple of way to the door yeah like that assume there's like there's definitely places to hide room like you can go back to one of the nearby doorways and you can hide them around there let's make a commotion yep do you want to take on all ten yeah it's glorious out it was that we go back they has guns we need guns we need to get me and getting that clean we need our guns but we don't need to go through them I believe we are there any guard bodies around here where we are right now you've passed lots of them none of them I've any guns though I will we just dragged some of those up and start beating them thank beat the dead body too little bother us now if you just go back in our prison guard our garb and just be prisoners and we can just join them and then just join the mob maybe I'm no coward willing to join these it's not being a coward Raiders there is light we go through them we don't go through them is not enough we don't have the firepower we United we had to play this one smart we have the upper on our side that's all the firepower we need I like the idea that's that's textbook okay where we accept the end but we're gonna use this bait always have have a couple people making a commotion we both have shock balls right yeah is there a room to wait on both sides of the door we both the shock law so we're gonna we're gonna answer the doors why [Music] now I want the moles at the doors because that's mechanically the best way to the doors and we need you to make a commotion from a safe distance around the corner so they had to kind of walk into the room if if that'll even distract them at all I don't know we I try to see it behind him but I like I said yeah I got it all right begin the commotion I start stomping ugly down some yeah you'll never take me alive let me beat you a little more already we're both waiting at the door okay not peeking so the only noise you're making is you yelling and you stopped on the ground we're gonna do so you're just as you a prisoner no I'm just you you where the torn-up guard outfit you got your orange pants sticking out bill okay John I'm stole a prison guard yeah yeah only a few of us the flags are moving the five chest just yeah you too so should be three three three of us oh you oh you have everyone who could sit I can't fit yeah so you're you look like a prisoner fighting two guards also you're actually trying to like put on the act the three of you fighting leave me alone this is an injustice more stopping for the Emperor that would be okay deception turn up you start to see if someone who kind of come around the corner I do them over they go they all start charging forward as the mob is coming through the day that's a run through one of you gets to attack what's your weapon skill eight six all right and you have a plus two bonus to attack role and one to damage because you're the to view with the chuckles - all right so must be nice oh yes defense for these guys is three yeah so the more hits the more guys I hitting them off with that how every two above the three hit another one of them wrapping it up for a reroll okay so we're using a wrath amendment is using wrath you down to one and you only got three so far right I got four oh yeah five now wait six now six total I only hit two then cuz it's three to hit three to hit well you get the three and then for every two above that you only got three above that so I do hit two of them so how much damage is role damage once it's gonna be actually yeah I don't think what's what's your minimum damage is the four if I roll 12 damage yeah okay so you kill two of them easy as they come as they come around the corner you're just like bam bam and two of them go down now they can react next unless you guys want to spend a glory of course yeah or catch a maggot stab someone no no because it's my church we go back and forth but we just took the four okay yes it's all you're saying yeah it's right so we're at the zero glory now and who's gonna government y-yes between the the the night for that I think the shot must go better but then he could get more hits yeah you don't have surprisingly the shock mall has surprised the plan that's the plan the shock more much you know what no they're aware of you know no the first guys I guess we're the first couple got the crap kicked out of them they're aware so nobody has surprised anymore honey you know you're what's go six yeah it's still chocolates gonna guarantee is the one is it on force three sorry who's going come on Steve nice so that is a grand total of hit one of them how much damage you've got the shock mall oh yeah these what seven plus two H are you going there on are there unarmored that minimum seven damage their resilience is not seven yeah and it's it since they're in a mob they only have one wound each we've already knocked them down to over our numbers still there's seven of them left okay so now it's my turn for sure we're gonna okay so out of the three that you killed four pluses will be one system covers to them head stuber's so there's three more of stuber's Oh looks like we're all getting so cool there was five and five number number and shangkun's numbers are pretty sad that's what I got models right yeah some birds are your your lowest I know either but they're not as good as auto pistols oh wow auto pistols have their differences auto pistols have two salvo whereas stuber's only have one okay so it's like generic it's like if your lowest level of pistol ossible a lock of the four box would be good yeah what's the lowest 32 six shooters I can't the name of the really crappy brain okay so three of them with stuber's are gonna fire okay they're each gonna they're gonna slit their attacks between the two of you so the other please roll the stuber's will go to your character and the four with the shoes are gonna know the unarmored guy now because they're abusing the scum thing for them because that's basically what they are they get to cheat which means they can use their stealth instead of listen skill Mike let's go for the first round Delta seven as opposed to their pluses go weapon skill just five I'm gonna be rolling a seven so let's do these stuber's against you first now get to add yeah one extra cuz this is it one for every against one for every additional mob right up to a maximum of half which in this case will be two so I can do the two I'm all not two dice what's your defects I'm doing the two so I get one too and I can ship three days oh my okay I'm not gonna reroll that so our stuber's are seven plus one extra die so I got four extra dice so we're looking at seven eight nine ten eleven damage three sixes she's okey dokey what's your resilience with your black armor eat why do you take three that's for the Upstate three boons free wounds are gonna be heavily wouldn't be lit by that well I won't even be lightly wounded cuz I got true grit oh right so how many wounds you start with ten you have ten wounds yeah you took a while yeah the talents all that good yet went through that last week I'm sure to see this sounds familiar [Laughter] you don't even count as lightly wounded no so you just feel it this kind of opens up and you start to take a few shots but you feel okay I got shot by bigger calibers as part of my training and then we have the ones foot against you haha I'm defense three holy that's three yeah new you're hissed sa number of dice because the extra defense three oh I don't get the shift okay I rolled it I got four wait hold on three all I get to shift one favor I rolled five and once I got two sixes shifting one these now these are just deer SHIVs straight look at strength five plus three X your Dyson is strength by well there's their strength three sorry strength three plus the ship right so five plus three X - 5 6 7 8 8 0 2 4 and 6 and run ok which is your resilience ah 5 so you take three wounds alright it's ok if you want I will try and soak so it's a shock automatically so I'm done 6 shock and I ignore two of that damage I take one damage into three chakra totals okay those come out you're gonna start attacking me from all angles all right who's next how's your shock so high I came out though the homeworld thing I came over the equation of shock is you put a random number and then oh well that's you're soaked yeah the shock is will power plus one I think yeah well power plus tear okay who's going next come on up a shock Oh our two molars go so go here to go attack the mob yeah you just kind of jump in there shanking everybody all right their defenses three so I got don't worry don't worry about shifty to tell me your totals it's three four five six seven tools so three that's hits three of them and with your ship what's your damage the ship is too damaged plus one extra dice what's your strength my strength is your trinkets - sure my strength is for six just so six yeah okay so you don't forget their resilience is only five okay so you killed three of them yeah we're gonna randomize which ones all three with shins so there's four then left three with Stuber is one of the ship who's next I'm done so everybody gets their actions there's enough of them that everybody can wade into this combat if they like cuz my back I'm gonna try and intimidate them here do the interaction attack yep okay it's gonna be plus two difficulty you know their intimidation is five how they use their default so it'll be difficulty seven so this is an interaction attack basically you can do the intimidation or persuasion it just distracts them this is where my hand pulls off for some reason only three no complication no okay nothing happens all right pretty boy what you gonna do I'm gonna move up and look at the floor hey stubborn he's my simple actions pick up the stubborn and since I'm engaged and just gonna shoot him he's a pistol you can use in close combat but it uses your skill yeah that's the same to me yeah I believe in you what might be tossa glory we got a glorious X oh wait wait yeah yeah hold on you don't add the glory for though it's a pretty cool usage is the critical for me back I couldn't remember so yeah you get the glory - it seems I thought as well pop hold on let me just check Emily you kill - their most morons fell over oh yeah nice yes dubbers why didn't you fire you guys I mean just do it would you I was looking like I killed yeah you got a point of glory and it counts as a critical hit look to toss the dice we have won glory now your critical damage is I didn't know that would just wipe up the Mormon spillover no headshot what Oh III wounds so nothing basically how many sold how many did you get in total I got five total so to die so two dice yeah so you could basically walk up bambam and to them go down to edge one of them is more dead more dead he took a headshot so two of them one of them had a shiv so there's two of them left they both have stuber's now that everybody's gone so they have to see if they're gonna run away they're not very good at not running away the resolve is pretty low only two difficulty oh I got four I roll double six okay next day hey first yeah new round you always hit the person you know what though I got ruined for a reason I'm spending a ruin oh man to let them go first musical or you didn't up that you can't unfortunately Hall you I don't have to get to go I can use one to then go first okay so the two of them they're left now they were attacking you the ones it's the ship so we get staggered now they might switch they don't switch or they better not so they can only use their regular weapons skill now which is just five but they have the one extra healthy yeah they attack what's your defense oh great they get three exactly hey thanks notice these covers left no stuber's left no sir okay they're two guys with ships stabbed you boys so we're looking at five damage + 0 6 - so 7 damage what's your resilience 5 so you take two more wounds I'll try and yeah so cos you shocked just to say you're soaking I'll just if you fully soaked you'll become exhausted your only exhaust at like 0 right okay so I'll soak again Oh nope so you lose the shock and two weeks oh what a bad what you want a rat three-year-old oh no no I'm heavily damaged now though heavily wounded yeah okay who wants to go next another I'm heavily I get I get revenge on them can I bend in some things we all get to go now that's true I want to get first go they made a mistake you're shocked mom you don't get the extra dice anymore yeah just get that Hey defense three the oh I'm heavily wounded so they defense five yes their differences uh uh oh well I do head but only one say oh five six you got sick so you only had one so you kill one so there's only one left see just boom not gonna go into the ground this way as a ship is still uh yeah go your ass right we don't care about you awesome we don't care what you hit five you got yeah alright so you knock him to the ground and he dies as well okay ouch you toss about the group of ten and you came out on top you search their bodies I'm assuming I guess where this test don't worry no complications here you do find five stuber's whoa nice I assume we know now I want the one person to do an awareness test that would be this will help with reloads I got wearing some is the most aware but I you're also wounded that's true is the large I got awareness six no yours is so basically what we're gonna do here is it's gonna be a difficult III to find any reloads otherwise they only have the ammo that's in them which means you can't spend any reloads anything like complications with the guns would in the out of ammo even Kennedy and every shifted die will be another real earth so difficult reason you want to do if I was we doing it the real thing so yeah okay hmm to get a glory got a rap you got the arrests I wasn't sick so throw that over there yeah [ __ ] Laurie now and so you can shift one of them he rolled three sixes so you got six so you found two reloads okay just two reloads totally yeah we're gonna call them reloads we're gonna keep it simple right now you go good good some basically basically assemble enough ammunition that all of you as you're going through assemble enough ammunition to get two reloads worth but not each two reloads obviously you have one of them at lea throw the Shiv away used took at once tower okay the other reload who wants take the other reload I'm not too concerned I got a shock mark so I'm so we're saying that to train the soldiers take it I mean two pistols won't help you over the post combat that this'll help you do two shots but you can do a shot in a melee attack that's true baby plus two difficulty that's coming as far as I could tell there was no rule for having two pistols maybe there's a gunslinger rule I think there's a there's a talent that makes more sense they'd probably like wants to dice it yeah because most people would have a harder time firing two guns than actually an easier time they wouldn't look nearly as cool right sure dude I just saw a dual wielding okay anyway so but having that you can you can so you can have because all your shocked malls the shocked malls are one-handed yeah so I'm like I'm a fully equipped well other than lack of armor I'm pretty hurting now those who so who's got the other reload oh you those video okay so make sure you keep track of that reload and accept it from all the other equipment then think you start with hmm okay is it cool what are we doing now I don't know that's cool we collect ourselves and keep moving obviously is that there's still commotion I assume down the hall it's died down a bit it seems like this was this group right here as you as you continue they seemed to they were a big part of that commotion like they're like the river the remnants of this large groups like there was a big riot going on and these were the remainder that were around here where their eyes open or closed I mused on this group yes they were open they were regular this fighting you there's prisoners trying to take advantage of the situation as far as you can tell you didn't kill them all some of the plan you can't interrogate any of them cuz he killed them all what's fine yeah we're not bucks I don't think they have time to loot the two birds they just murder killed yeah let's go up keep on and keep on down this corridor want to check out those guards yep see what they yeah just punch me alright who's searching the guards I want that second Stover bad alright give me an awareness dn-3 test hey how about five key shift yes do you want to throw at us Gloria do you want to shift it for a better result I'll shift it for a better result okay so normally I would say what you can do to do this but I have a plan better result if you shift it so would you like to come up with something or do you want me to use my plan to better result I would like to hear your plan better really you don't get to hear it I use I would like to hear it as the de facto thing that okay so bases you searched them you unfortunately the only weapons they were carrying seem to be some of the stuber's if the guys were running back with but you do find an extra reload and a frag grenade oh not primed visibly recoiling the other problem with my handedness it's just under - what are you from the 1700 and I'll give my one reload - Luka so you don't have any reload still yeah appreciated you want a card for the frag grenade or use water that's okay I'll I'll find it okay it's good well frag grenade I can its yet if you want it I can tell you what it is next quarter you can throw interception up to four times your strength and meters what's your strength three so thinking of 12 meters six inches last medium which can hit up the three targets and it's damages ten plus one oh it's the same profile as we raid that's gonna it is the same thing but - wait oh really that's four games just gonna - one EP that's it they're not really that great they go from common to very rare and all it does is adds on like an elder yes the elder grenade it's not like an actual Imperium plasma gun oh I see it's a plasma of a different sort I see more stable so like we're not gonna have our your primitive gunpowder flinging little shrapnel we're just gonna have our higher-level engine and energy which just happens to be the same amount of kinetic energy but it's more connect it's a little hot it is more contain system calm sure those from common to very rare but yeah for one extra feet till I make sense crack grenade is uncommon and yet vastly superior Hippo crack grades are spooky I guess it's cause it's al dari that is very rare right I get it I get it I get it a lot of manufacturing carry to make a box pattered a laundry so you can start loading up your grenades yeah okay so you found a frag grenade and a reload yeah is it really I took the real uber all right carry on carry forth carry on 3/4 mosey forward down the corridor right film they're the only fortunately the next door is locked [Laughter] so basically you've come to the end of all the open doors uh-huh and we didn't find any data slates on those guards you didn't look well those guards in helle that's Lee yeah what what about the new guards you want to go back and look for through the four data sites again we need them this is the only door to go right there's nothing there's no side doors just cells and you're still in the cell area yeah cellblock area so you passed the one guard post and there doesn't seem to be a guard post at this one we have to double back and scour through the bodies another now one thing you never did in the other guard posts that I'll just mention is that you never really you looked for the great through the guard post for objects but you never looked through it for anything else like I did mention that there was a couple of view screens and controls as well but you never inspected those that's true Seiko all the way back there and check that out or you can try to hack this panel I guess that realistically it's not that far back or you could if the other thing that crosses your mind is uh if it's locked then maybe you're a little safe in the spot and you could try a regroup that will be love the longer we wait the more enticing it becomes to loot our stuff for somebody I really have the longer we wait the more this whole fiasco degenerates yeah of course they're obviously but at the same time that allow shock to be restored and additional Medicaid has to be done to see people to get some lose back it's a hard choice that's true because if I'm right things are only gonna get worse over time hey you can still hear fighting beyond the door but not like just right beyond the door there's no picked up fighting from the direction we came from right there's nothing I'll be good it seems that because because when you guys commit yourself the one door is locked in the open so you've basically gone along a string of cells that we're all open together there was a big there was a big riot going on and you've basically called the sound until the last remaining guards and mob won't take that long first of a back no because it's not that far back it's just a few minutes back yes go back go back that we should well right here it's locked too so yeah we're heading back as a group or do you want to set up a defensive little posture here hold this other people go back we have no way we have no way of calm so so I don't suggest that yeah we will go back as a group if we had calms we'll go back again we should never see your squad so you want to reroute back at your yourself no dent back to the guardroom the garden location okay take it back to the guard room so you're not doing to regroup I know no we're gonna go tour all the cameras are the screens and maybe I'm not the door from there okay and so you head back into that guard room no it's not very big only fit a couple people sure you see the dead bodies the male and female they see you they still bit so who's gonna be doing the inspecting of the UM the the cogitate errs and stuff inside of this room I'm still heavily wounded yeah I mean so I'm probably still you're still down to six all not down two sexes plus two I know but there's a difference not maybe same tear amongst the group though no cuz it's not the easiest way because each of your dice on average is only adding yeah point five successes yeah so getting to difficulty is like losing four dice yeah all those are some sixes in there to kind of write what the one else my check is plus three also seven thirty times three I'm an amazing pilot if you don't have the tech skills and you're not really gonna be able to operate anything I'm not gonna let late evening rolls for this kind of stuff they just just don't know how to you're an old geezer trying to use a computer for the first time you just don't know how yeah I said up in the hallway I just watched him and I do it or so good 20 YouTube but heavily wounded so probably already lately you're trying to figure it out yeah now these no more you are more familiar with the inner workings of onboard space computers so I'll give you a +1 for this I was gonna say hey try it Sistine want to you want to try this yeah okay so if you want to kind of go in there and look at it too you're just kind of teaming a bit as you're looking at it yet so the the difficulty of tapping into it it's not long but it's more just trying to find any information that would be useful before I say you're too sick so watch you make sure it works Finnick you you don't need a rat died for this because you're assisting right we can't complicate and shifting no.15 helps it gives an additional base can't quite shift the yeah past be past okay so you got an extra die there Kanye Kanye you know he just caught on that that's just a person of your name that's why switches in Kenya can't go as Kenya if Kenya yeah but it's all right so I got arranged seven and a shift you needed four seven and two shifts see my that's it so you passed it and you're able to shift twice yeah what would you like ships to be more well you know what let me let me and let me tell you what this success is and then you decide sure we'll talk about what the [ __ ] happens so essentially you're able to tell that this this guardroom operates the nearby cells unfortunate does not open the door with the regular that you guys were looking to open there's a guard room you do see that if there's a guard room up next to that one on the other side of that door that's why that one was closed so you can tell you can tell that somebody hacked into this panel in particular and open up all the cell blocks that you were in so this is the guard room for this series of cell blocks and when you look at the monitors it just it just cycles through all of the rooms that you've already been in so it doesn't go further than that so that's the basic oh that's he going to but as you hack deeper into the system oh I'm in and you go past the second bleep he bleep fireball a firewall what is it that you would like to find I would like to find the location Brander ooh okay and what else would you like yeah to ship the dice there I want to be able to remotely hack the terminal and the other side of that door yeah that one's a definite yes you want to know where Brander is in particular so you're looking for some sort of manifest yeah he's got a guard ID I'm sure you see what he was in here all along thankfully you didn't undergo come across that are dead for Brander thanks thankfully well for its grandeur man I might be coming with us I've always been brand new I probably I can definitely get I can definitely let you hack that one door that seems fine knowing where Brander is you know I sure yeah sure we're gonna say that he is nearby they can as you as you hack into a deeper year with a cycle through few more monitors and you can cycle to one and you can see him just a couple other guards with a bunch of overturned furniture and other stuff currently and just shoot with their auto guns down a passageway they're holding off a mob currently oh we need to go fast and it seems to be on the other side of that door alright I'm taking control of this at the moment because gonna shoot him in there they have stopped so there they currently have gunned down the mob that is currently okay good yes in there cuz we'll get shot we're gonna walk in have you found them you dad yeah though this is all about yeah my old bed took my ship away so I need new dead Brander yeah they seem to be holed up in a little location and you're not able to tell me anything further than that and you're able to hack the other console yeah and you're able to get your able to download the information onto a data pad that asleep so that you can go you don't you can't open the door from here but now you have the new free program the password and the that data slate so you could open up that door with it let's do it you guys ready to move forward yeah you're not doing to regroup then no we're gonna we're gonna hold up what Brander and do it regroup no time certainly feels of the essence I like it well we might be getting one plus some allies right now forward the door everybody's in agreement yep okay I know what do you do right oh I'm heavily wounded this seems very reckless but I like it [Laughter] I'm heavily rooted this seems reckless I don't like it you're lovely wounded I know you don't count magic effects Mabo has auto guns instead that's the future we're looking at if we don't team up yeah you saw sorry you saw him with no token the other two were just firing my regular pistol whatever wait he definitely had another once we get our equipment we're fine okay so you head back to the door and yeah you know that he's not far from this door his back is probably too like from what you can tell he's a couple rooms down past the store with his back to the door and he was like throwing down stuff like he's the food carts overturned no no and they're using it as like a makeshift cover to fire down the corridor the porridge the plural the girl let's do all right so it's backs to this door we're going through let's do it so you say these about two doors then you shake yourself up I believe so that's alright it seems that way yeah you're not a hundred percent sure but he seems like just once you open it you're probably gonna see him open it up alright alright so it opens up and as it opens up you can see just two rooms down shared up that's exactly what you saw on the monitor that's a three of them and as it opens you see them start to turn around I yelled Boyd's been Brander your time of services come give me a persuasion check now we're gonna ship this back to neutral because it elects you that are with them so you're looking at DN 3 and this is to avoid them shooting at you not because they don't like you but because they just assuming that you're more prisoners yeah does he recognize you I got worried three four shifts okay so he turns around and he's about to unload and he anything it's just in time and he's like aah and the other the other two about the fire and he does he holds headache just he goes home hold your fire hold your fire hold your fire and are you guys now you all have stuber's so I should have asked what you were doing with those before we did this rubra I would assume they kind of ready but now I'm not uh right kind of like the whole this kind of thing yeah that's if your whole - um oh yeah whole kind of like John wick not like this well then you're lucky that I didn't ask that question beforehand because I probably would've made it difficulty five and I think you would have failed that baby toy in my hand okay so they stopped well I look up turn around what sector we had hey what's up luck are you you're still an alpha break I mean like we were in - six - slight - D where are we now all you're like at 2:41 a alright we're making progress obviously we're going somewhere clearly you didn't but when you came in it's not like they're it's like apartment numbers it's not like there's 200 cell blocks like it when he first came in the fish is like 200 cells maybe or whatever on the second floor of cells yeah something like that like it's more like it's the numbers mean something together it's not like they're all they are sequential but then I'll mention 262s - D through - four one - a are cleared good to go you want to say that you're gonna mention there you want to mention it I do I say that all right - the words I mentioned Hey what do you guys gonna be your cell oh you know they're all open lower your lower your weapons he is still he's still fighting see ladies he's like this much sure no put him down put that put your weapons down immediately I think you are stolen I'm gonna put it in my pants do you have pants trousers Jonesy I'm like one moment zip reach up zip down [ __ ] it zip a little bit that's you safe these stuffers don't have safeties yeah there's not much I can do we're talking barebone weapons not even safeties on these yeah if I if I get a complication now I think my Dennis the ends no posterity for you what about the rusty what are you doing oh all over my weapons they say you tried try to you know make a group for the weapons too oh yeah who has the frag grenade where you have that touch I have a attach to the best that I stole like velcro yeah the guard vest yeah sure there's probably a little pocket look Hillary's ouch actually coach this little bulge McCrea grenade then he kind of comes up and he's like he's like oh man this whole places is gone it's just and there's riots everywhere hey what how did you guys survive someone open ourselves rogue trader cata Chan Wardian ghetto rat guy my daddy for everything yeah didn't need my daddy's break you to prison and I would I am gonna say this now all right probably would have had more gun power if you just helped us out of our prisons over here well you know hindsight though well we're here to save you now okay it looks like I'm the one at the Auto gun hey yeah okay enough squabbling what's going on here No I don't know no the doors is open open in a bunch of the cells and the prisoners came out there was a huge riot and as far as there's lots of people dead oh yeah our terminal attacked and it opened all of the cells I learned that when I hacked the term what are you saying you're the one that's responsible for Ohio I'm the second man to hack it ah the or maybe the fourth I don't know I'm surprisingly okay with that what's your current I don't know we've trying to get word and I've lobbied medication and I we've lost communication I'm not sure with people our people are responding their boxes are down or whatever it is but at this everything has gone to chaos no that's an interesting choice of words I'm gonna promote the other two guys the temporary voids when we're going for a hike yeah we're you I kind of look over objective one we need to retrieve our equipment as a very important information in our equipment you'll believe you have to take our word for it we're on an important mission oh I am a confirmed rogue trader that's true confirmed break Brandon yeah Randolph there's some paperwork in there yeah not sure if I officially call you a rogue trader but the paperwork does link you to one it's my dad okay the Dominus Crusade all that well I'm all for that but I don't know where your company is the best place to figure that out let's go back to the records office if the riot hasn't spread there and killed all the guarantee it has so we're gonna have to kill somebody who has the information it's gonna be a lot of walking and shooting I think yeah weird the final one a little runny Gunny is in meantime is there any access to more advanced weapons then stubborn and prison shank we do oh you got a shock mall bud you're good to go yeah you see you seen it done pretty well for yourself unfortunately as you can probably guess from a riot any guards who were killed have also been disarmed and those weapons have been passed on to any of the mob there's no nearby locked up armory nearby no we were in the prison section you don't typically have an armory right middle of the prison section having said that if we can get out of here which were as you can tell remember how long it took us to get through all this we got a long walk we got we got a ways to get out of here we've just pacified the closest mob we can still hear the sounds of fighting from from the distance but I guess we can be allies a convenience for the next little while but it doesn't mean that you're all free to go afterwards it just means that maybe maybe there'll be some leniency there'll be a little more clarity once we find our equipment well you know what I don't seem to have much choice in the matter right now that eight is better than three right that's literally it all we can realize the first sign of backstabbing at all and load this Auto gun right in your pretty faces yeah I get it we have a cat a chain with us they like to stab people in the back not the front all right we know we know the direction to the offices all right but all right soon at this point okay is this still just straight corridor at this point they don't realize is it well even once when he went to the the administrative the administrative office yeah and you came out of it there was amazed that you went through before you prison when I say maze I don't mean literal maze I just mean that you're just laughs going it out so many different places that it would be hard to and some of the quarters don't make any sense either now do you know the way the office is yes I've just hopefully who knows how much they put us in there now I think it's in our best interest we get there as soon as it looks clean as this sector and then regroup yeah there's eight of us that's better than three but there are hundreds of prisoners and oh no hundreds of prison shoes versus actual guns I'm sure we'll be mostly well from what I've been fighting this hasn't all been to ships they are they are fighting better or that is where so far we haven't come across anything we weren't able to gun down well you look he looks around you a few dead guards well not all of us obviously but I'm doing any of these guards are they physically large enough armor I wish there was a luck mechanic right yes it's probably dice and let's see hey 54 or even 33% sir anyone have to make a narrative declaration there you go that's high will that you know one I will spend the wrath and like it's so hey so happens that one of the guards nearby is huge yeah and his armor is not too torn officer gains are over there yep if you want to spend a rat forgive you I'm at it away I want to use something like that well it is for 16 the session is almost over and your wrath expires and you get two new ones at that session oh look it's just so happy I know one medium giant in one large J yeah or just bigger target so they died first yeah they died first a little torn so happens they both lifted on that day well you both get the equivalent of two armor I hope you stay a little more lives everybody's got the equivalent to armor right now in CrossFit buddies man space Bowflex [Laughter] you have to actually work a little harder this is gravity it's not quite as high on the cell phone I was gonna say could you like going through a chamber like in a future gym and they'll or they increase the gravity so everything's so much harder but I'm sure that it was nice probably actually that would make sense you wouldn't you would have to invest in more weights you just push them just body weight this increases by like 10% every couple weeks Oh Cheers that would actually be yeah yeah I think they'd have to like to lower the gravity in the prison area it is 4:17 so this seems like a good place to stop so we're going to dim the music and go to the chat although I guess we should do our outro and then we'll do the chat stuff my campaign I was waiting for but we'll get to that in a second so first of all thank you so much for watching we're gonna be doing more wrath and glory every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and then we'll post it afterwards on YouTube on the following Friday so if you want to see us more of this please make sure to subscribe to twitch or become a vault member or however you like to support us that would be great so that we can continue doing more role-playing shows such as this one thank so much for watching happy role-playing
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 77,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: Wzw_EXCnxqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 18sec (12558 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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