INTIMACY IN WORSHIP by Dr. Sonnie Badu (RockHill Church)

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is mighty and when the Queen night's oppressing the person was called ser and after United every honor that comes with that name can I have the oil hereby every honor that comes with that name sir is given to you accordingly I used that analogy to also help you understand the declaration that God made when he said Jesus has now been given a name that is bigger than any other name I wonder what his old name was before being given the new name could it be doing my crazy thinking again could it be that he was called the word but after he resurrected the name Jesus was stamped because the Bible says in John chapter 1 that in in the beginning wash for word and the word was regard he was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him there's nothing that was made which was made in him was light it never mentioned Jesus and 14 seas and the word became flesh it never mentioned Jesus [Music] then the Bible says therefore I'm starting tonight again therefore God has highly exalted him and now given him a name Yeshua that is bigger than any other name and at the mention of that name hamachi our Yeshua the Lion of the tribe of Judah every knee every knee including animals that has knees including Birds that has knees even if your fish and you don't have these is open your mouth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the owner the owner Lord means owner Jesus Christ is Lord of those in heaven that means if we go search heaven now he reigns of those on earth that it means have we come on earth to search he reigns and of those underneath the earth I'm not going underneath the earth I don't know about you but if we go there he's still the king of kings because on the third day before he rose he wants underneath the earth and took every keys that the devil have taken from you and he said it is finished so he also raised that's why he told John that behold all Power has been given to and I hold the keys to death and the grave [Music] there's a song we used to sing an African Ghana where we've been sunday-school it's very simple girls my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit prays is me for death could not hold him captive even in the grave you know come Jesus is Lord for death Yakko further one could not hold him captive and even in the baby Jesus I think the grave was excited that the Son of Man even laid with them because they even in the grave he was lured no mokou Shonda Labrador and at the mention of his name whether you're in the mood or not it's a proclamation whether you feel good about yourself or not once you hear changes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the other day people were being arrogant when they came to praising him he said you are funny creatures even if you don't praise me I can make the rocks in other words I don't need you to do it I can make the rocks that doesn't breathe or talk I can make a praise [Music] even if Jaden you don't feel like playing I can make the keyboard playing itself that's Joe [Music] I found to God that this place shall be a house of worship we're very soon we will just lay on the floor and just tell him walk over us sit down I'm in a good mood tonight not yet don't push me that don't push me I I come from a royal family in West Africa Ghana the shanty tribe to be specific and we have our shanty king and now this man is powerful very powerful and before he steps out there is another king who is in charge of worship and dispersing is to tell the king who is so every morning before the King gets up somebody goes with drums and starts magnifying this King was he sleeping that the whole nation belongs to you nobody can disobey you when you speak everybody in this land listens a king of special effects you are too big for your throne that's why this morning I'm powered before you the other day when he told that less I King not to cross this road he didn't bother because he knew you kill him you own every land here the other day when he told everybody not to wake up in the morning they should sleep I say they did it because you are the king of this land and then when he's walking you tell him to take his time and walk take his time King dum-dum rush it where all see that waiting for you when that kin is moving nobody dares stands everybody gotta just just be still while the case now even ordinary human being can be worshipped like this then I will wear my most expensive suit and just roll on the ground for Jesus because he paid the price for me and because he paid the price therefore God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is bigger than any other name it wasn't for free because he did it and that God said since he has died for you at the mention of his name you would worship Him you will adore him so when worship is going on and you sniff like a stick you our friend in heaven could it be that that's why you not gettin answers to your problems that's why you're not getting results because you're so overwhelmed of your issues that you've forgotten that God is bigger than your problems [Music] so revelations five revelations chapter five I'm gonna read from five down [Music] I started from four or even three or even five and I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll riddling inside and on the back shield sealed with seven seals that I heard a strong angel with a loud voice saying who's worthy to take the scroll and to open his seal and no one in heaven no on an earth no one underneath that earth was able to take the scroll so John said I wept Matt because no one was able or found worthy found worthy to take the scroll but one of the elders said to me do not weep for behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah for the root of David he has done it and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as though has been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent unto the earth then he came and took the scroll and he opened it eight seas now when he had taken the scroll when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders like I demonstrated last week fell down before the lamb this time round but interestingly each one of them had a harp in form they didn't use instruments in five they used instruments in four they only said in five they added melody to their worship each one having a harp a harp is a musical instrument from the guitar family and a golden bowl full of incense which are prayers of the saints and they sang a new song so in for the golden bowls full of incense was there in form the golden bowl that was full of incense was there remember this but when Jesus showed up they took their heart they took their melodies then they took your prayers in for they were waiting in five when he shows up they take their musical instruments play something on the guitar dandy now took your prayers come Elijah intertwined with melodica worship [Music] they took your prayers with the lamb so when they saw the sacrifice they took worship and prayer when Jesus the sacrifice shoulder worship came in and pray escape this tells me that you cannot pray without sacrifice and worship you cannot sacrifice without prayer and worship and you cannot worship without prayer if you apply these three principles heaven has no choice to step into your complex complication [Music] so the sounds that you provide the fire I'll provide the sound so you can pray but you need worship and sacrifice that's how Solomon captured God he called the minstrel so they'll gather dimensions then he gathered the high priests then he sacrificed Solomon slaughtered every animal that was there every animal they could set their eyes on Solomon said bring them I'll kill them then he told the minstrels to lift up worship so whilst the sacrifice was burning what was going on then Solomon lifted a prayer God was choked in heaven he stepped down and said if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn away from their wicked my God will have said it took prayer and sacrifice [Applause] it took player worship and sacrifice mind you Solomon could not have become a king because his mother is the wife of you wat Uriah Davis bodyguard who he killed Solomon knows that but he learned a principle from his father so much so that God never came direct to David but went director Solomon God never spoke direct to David he always spoke through Nathan but Solomon sacrificed so much that doesn't angels who dog [Music] he was so much that the Bible said that the high priest could decadent Minister there will be a gay in this church that worship will be lifted so I that nobody will want a preacher because the King was sitting on his throne and I pray this mighty revival in every church every nation it's a long time we have a revival so I wouldn't make too much noise and they fell down to worship the land saying you're worthy to take the scroll and to open it why because you were sacrificed understand why you because you were sacrificed you gave your life you died you chose to die for Humanity so why did he choose to die for us it's because He loves us John 3:16 the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jaden come for God so loved the world that He gave His only that means that tating was my companion Jaden was my best friend in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God I had my father are one he was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him there is nothing that means that even go God would say let there be he had to consult the word but when the devil had been conquered and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony there the devil took over the earth God said word you must move from spirit to flesh I'm the word sir what happens to your father he's I'm gonna be fine because your name shall be called Emmanuel sir I will be with you because I'm the father there are some humiliation I cannot take so I need to stay here but I'll always be with you the only time God left him was when he was on the cross because the father couldn't watch what they did to him so he said my father my father why have there forsaken me so for God so loved the world that He gave that means that there was no companion so after his sacrifice I'm taking time to emphasize I'm taking time to break it down I'm not rushing when it comes to worship because I'm an apostle of worship it's my job to teach so after he sacrifice his reward was stated in isaiah 53:11 2:12 I wonder how these prophets were declaring what will be done years to come but what you don't understand is when Adam failed all the twenty-four elders came on earth before Jesus came from Abraham to John the Baptist next week I'll give you all their names so everyone that came on earth said something about Jesus Christ so I thought I said foreign to us a child is born for unto us a son is given the government shall be upon his shoulders he shall be called wonderful counselor everlasting father Prince of Peace how does Isaiah notice before president Ram will go to any country his CIA will go ahead of him to prepare the ground if the king of all kings was coming on earth some people had to go ahead and announce so isaiah 53:11 12 seas after the suffering of your soul this is the father to the son now the bible you need to have divine revelation in the Bible after son look at me after the suffering of your soul he will see the light of night and you will be satisfied once you're satisfied and said it is finished by his knowledge my righteous servant would justify many by your experience on earth when I'm about to strike you will explain to me why they send him by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many and he will bear their iniquity because you know that I cannot do anything to you you would tell them on the mercy seat you tell me I've paid the price 12 6 therefore God speaketh I will give him a portion of the grid and I will divide the small of the stroke a portion of the great that means that the revelations for whatever I am in 5 it must be given to you therefore after this I will given a portion of the great and the spoil of the strong why because he has poured his life unto death and was numbered amongst or with the transgressors when he was dying they were and rubus by here for he bore the sins of many and he made intercession for the transgressors he made intercession he looked at one and said you will join me in paradise and so Sun serum and so the proclamation was declared and it was made by God in Philippians 2:9 saying God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is bigger than any other name and at the mention of this name Jesus every knee will bow of those in heaven or thousand earth of those underneath the earth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the Lord so part of his reward part of his reward was that our people our tongues our tribe so worship him for what he did for us part of him I'm not rushing on this I need you to have understanding part of his reward was that every living thing on earth will worship Him why because he died for you so the summons will say this hard Here I am just wish and Here I am to say you're mine together all together all together one [Music] and King of glory you became so here to come on church to society [Music] Oh [Music] ha [Music] much [Music] Oh now sit down let me ask you a question Sukanya if you needed to pay your mortgage and you didn't have money at all it's okay to cry you didn't have money like it's two thousand dollars and you've been told if you don't pay this month we're kicking you out and then and then I step in you've gone to seven loan companies like seven loan companies and I step in and I'm like what's wrong why are you quiet and like I gotta pay my rent my mortgage and I'm like how much is it he said two thousand I'm like just that okay take three thousand two thousand to pay for the rent to mortgage and a thousand to put and you're like wait wait what do you need from your might no I don't need nothing when the devil gives you something there's a condition but when Jesus blesses you there's no cognition [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the psalmist says and rejected [Music] [Music] you took the fall [Music] and you can sing this in different languages than the Nigerian to say yes you John shaquiesha can me uncle so me denying he every nation and every tune and all nations could sing at the same time and he understands everybody sit down let me work the mathematics of worship up this is my favorite subject so I could go on a northern forgive me if I do that when my time is up I've been preaching eight eight times already I'm really tired so worship has been assigned for him that you had to ascribe to him you to give him that worship and in my turn worship is intimacy between humanity and divinity intimacy lovemaking between humanity and divinity human beings and Jesus human beings and Dhara throw away his pride and he's in the groove the oxford dictionary defines the word worship as the feelings or expression of reverence deep respect or adoration for a deity a higher being a donation for a deity or a higher being a dog Gration intimacy between divinity and humanity I would also break intimacy into three different parts Dean to me see because when it's time for intimacy you see through the person that's why anybody and everybody can praise God matter of fact let everything that has breath everything but when it comes to worship it's not everything that has breath that has to worship it the Bible says God is seeking for those who will worship Him in truth and in spirit so God comes down to search that's why regardless of the worship Saul was given to God he goes to the wilderness to find David and in spirit he's seeking for men and woman after his heart so the Bible says David is a man after God's own heart and some of you use it in quantifying worship not in other words David is a man that's searched for God's heart and by all means wanted to find out what would please God when a man is searching for a woman's heart you will do everything you can to please her you will open the door on the car every door before dinner before you sit down you take you pushes her seat back like you're really romantic because you are searching for her heart so literally David did everything to let me speak and matured speaking in romance God you dropped your pen baby I got you [Music] Tero you only $50 you can hide behind the camera to impress people when it comes to worship I could think you worshipping but God knows you're not if you can impress me turn down and cry on the ground roll on the floor speak in new tongues every day and I'd say man I'm impressed now you go home and not even say thank you Jesus but because you were in church you were pretending under the camera that's ok church folks to do it a lot and God would have been pressed remember this that the purpose of your creation is just to worship God William Murphy Sangha so I was created and I said you are the son of the Living God I'm the Savior I was created just to give him [Music] I was free images to give him all the praise so remember that your purpose of creation is not to look good with your makeup in front of your mirror up to be so busy with the work that you forget your time schedule a church ought to be so engrossed with your business that he suddenly don't know who God is but your purpose of creation is just to push remember this that when Lucifer who once upon a time was the first worshipper ever to be created every instrument we see he was inside of him once upon a time everything Jay didn't play the chord everything played something something play the cymbals play the guitar play that it was in there it was inside of him now walk with me on the kick drum let's go when he moved music what until iniquity was found in here so when he was demoted and important God said I cannot give everything to one person so Jaden you play this show you play that Tara you play this leaders later so God had to separate so that one person cannot hijack the whole heavens and should Jaden decide not to play again he can play should he decide not to play again he can play because once upon a time God gave everything to one person oh this is my best subject worship is my best subjects so because your beam has been created to worship guess what I got bad news for you if you're not worshiping Jesus your being is worshiping something else knowingly or unknowingly that's the bad news [Music] you agreed you've been wired to worship your being naturally is to worship God so if you're not being taught right to worship God right then as you're sitting down anything that you have passion towards you end up worship it so when Moses told the children of Israel to wait this terminal speak to God they got restless and told Aaron listen your brother is incoming let's create ourselves another Idol and worship because the human being yearns to worship something but remember this that the ten commandments the fresh commandments of the tenth Amendment says I am the Lord your God thou shall not have any other gods before me so since the devil knows this rule it's part of his devices and strategies to ensure that you will worship all other things but God so he's created destructive mechanisms to defile the law of God because he Satan is the Prince of this world and so long as he reigns on this world you have to worship Him because he even told Jesus that everything you see belongs to me if you can only bow down and worship me you don't need to die all I've been looking for in heaven is for you to worship so if you're down here all of this has been given to me by Adam and you're coming for it back is okay Jesus bow before me so unknowingly unknowingly you are literally worshipping Satan so women you will do all you can when it comes to those shoes you will put it back in the bag Louboutins and literally clean it up and Jimmy chosen nobody touches that wig like it cost you five hundred dollars and you take it off like a hat and put it on another head and then you brush it put the scarf on your head and that's five hundred dollars and that's six hundred cuz it's got a bit of curls in there you have like seven different weeks blue red green white and what you don't know is your being is worshipping because you have fulfillment [Music] some women would not let their bags touch the ground when they sit down the battle has to go on a seat because it's Gucci it's worth $3,000 so when they sit down the bag has to be on a seat but when you come to church you wouldn't bow before Jehovah what you didn't realize is you're bowing before the bag because you value it that's why dr. on can I give of my life you are the hope that I clinched you you mean more than the swell to me I wouldn't trade you for silver no go I wouldn't trade you for riches are to you you are my free my wife will tell you I'm not moved by material things I have a lot of expensive things but they don't move me that's why I can wear my most expensive suit but when it comes to worship I rip them apart take it all off somebody made a description and said when it comes to sunny battle you take all the and sweat I said well I'm even dignified how about David [Music] David was dancing undignified Micah said look at I came dancing that way David said God gave me your father strong that's why I'm dance in this room so when you see me take my expensive you if the tone shoes or Louboutins off it's because they are nothing I'd rather walk barefoot in his presence so when I'm bad foot it's not that uncrazy but I'm grateful because once upon a time I had wants you for four years and he made me promise him that if he fix me up I would not worship those shoes the other day when I finished preaching Gina took my Louboutins shoes she said that he cannot take her home those shoes are titles there are five in the world it's almost three thousand dollars I said she was wearing it everywhere took it home for two weeks I didn't think I forgot I had shoes like that that boy that footballer still has my Jimmy Choo shoes he even called me to pray for you he didn't bring the offering yet I don't even care how much that $90 shoes is - because they mean nothing to me but he means everything to me [Applause] [Music] can I break what shut down are you are you catching something some of you value those watches that watch your suits do you know how much that watch is that watches everything but what you don't understand is the devil is helping you to channel your worship on that he's helping you literally if someone steps on your expensive shoes your mood will change in the church oh yeah I'm not shouting - damn behaving myself what I'm saying is more than shouting [Music] I feel God here I feel God I feel God telling me son tell them tell them tell them tell them because I need you to get it right so your body or beam has been created to worship they don't have a choice you must worship you must wish it's my prayer that this church will become a house of worship but Jesus would dwell in this place and take his throne Jesus we enthrone we proclaim you asking standing me in the midst of us we waited and as we worship you yes we worship beautiful and as we worship beautiful come Jesus and take your place I also call worship besides intimacy between divinity and humanity I can't worship warship as when true worship is given to God God battles on your behalf he literally becomes a warship on your behalf so you give me you give him worship every morning and when you wake up you do set time aside before you pick your phone to go on Facebook you're gone snapchat to go on Twitter to go see the shoes that girl wore yesterday and the comment she or you read in the comments they put underneath and you're going into your DMS to see the messages you've decided to put one hour 30 minutes aside just to fill your room with the worship and just to lay down with a phone down and just basking in his presence so God now has that relationship with you and for some strange reason this morning he's not hearing from you and he's asking the angel Jaydon was happening to Edwina and then the angel said well she's she she needs something what does she need - haven't heard her worship and then the angel says well she's in need of a miracle what is that why she's not sure give her the answer because God needs you in that place why God can do anything and everything for himself but two things he cannot do for himself is praising and worshipping himself so when he cannot hear you he has to step down and become a warship battles on your behalf stands in the gap fights every enemy so revelations 12 7 12 says and they overcame him by the blood of their land and by the words of their testimony the words of the attested one who was worship so worship is intimacy intimacy for human beings it is intimacy between a husband and the wife intimacy is done between a couple of husband and a wife women give men worship when you're married your job is to worship your husband and in return he loves you back so the Bible says his husband love your wife like how Christ loved the church and women submit submission is a form of worship there is a tradition in Zimbabwe that whenever the women are serving their husbands when the food is on the tray you kneel down and you give it to your husband you submit to him that you are the head of this house thank you for providing for us I'm grateful with my children so for couples the wife that's why women know how to worship more than men even in the church because you have been great wired for for that already wife's try this every morning tell your husband how good and great he is how amazing he is even when you know he's going to make a mistake with that investment tell him baby I trust you that if you get us in that mess you're gonna get us out I believe in you every morning speak to him and see the outcome so your job as the woman is to worship your husband and in return he loves you so God tells Jesus tell us that as men husband loved your wife like how Christ loves the church because the church is the bride and he is the groom am i teaching girl but in return as a man you need to learn to be romantic notice the lipsticks your wife puts on in the color when she puts the eyelash on be observant when she shaves her eyebrow tell her baby that looks good like when I know sometimes you're surprised that she leaves home with a short hair and comes back in their hairs long but still as baby what did you do to your hair it looks good I'm not doing Mary Sam that today but some men are too stiff I literally dress my wife like she knows that if I don't say is good she's not gonna wear it cuz I have that eye I buy all her stuff like maybe I want this one here so when she wears it and she's walking in my walking by that's my pain that's my money that's my money that's my money when it comes to intimacy nothing is hidden from each other when intimacy comes into play you strip naked and scars are sealed hidden scars are seen the body is exposed in deep intimacy is when reproduction takes place remember this so if ownership is intimacy between divinity and humanity between you and your Creator then remember this only love is worship [Music] and it takes two for worship to be complete only love us so some of you are proclaiming love but you don't know what love I love you Jesus is only love this worship so when I'm sweating and crying we were in in in in in where Miami and Theriot took me to a different place and we have a violinist and she's coming oh my god and we were just almost 400 people we were just we were just literally in our space Christo area we were just in our space and we were just worshiping and whilst we were worshiping demons were running witches were running from the building and we didn't lay hands well as I was singing he was just taking me and we were doing nothing demons we're leaving machen out that day before then I told them you are 5 here I've seen you behave yourself but they didn't listen to me so the following day I said I told you not to come here Wow we were just caught up having intimacy with Jesus when when you give him high worship he steps in and when God comes in who can battle with him he steps in your darkness did you realize that the more ice and the more demon screened out the more I lifted up Russia about two years ago in in West Africa ghanakumasi 20 witches I was preached wente of them 20 they said we came from the river for you I was scared for two seconds and God said my hey hey man up god this is no no they came ready they said we came from the river behind the church so I said what do i do God said just worship me and if I start worshiping in my own dialect of an ape ready there are some words that only you can say to your husband right when you say it he knows the baby is talking that's how it is when it comes to intimacy there are some names only you can call him and only him I don't how do you call your other wife baby okay I can call you baby but it'll mean nothing to you but when his voice says baby it registers on your hearts so let me fix this one preacher man said you are not calling the name of Jesus right and the name is not Jesus the name is something else confused sin that yeah let me fix this put it on camera I'll fix it for you and the real name of Jesus is not Jesus it is this it is this it is this the man was going around preaching that nice and let me ask you a question you know Sony means wisdom if I said let me ask you a question of taught sixteen times for it a second I asked you a question my little child Imani doesn't know my name but she has a sound that when she calls me I know my girl is calling me she can't pronounce soon but don't yet but she has a sound that when she calls I know that my baby needs me Jesus doesn't care how you call him there's a sound in you that when it comes out he knows you're calling a baby cannot pronounce the father's day fully but the father has the instincts and note for the childhood so keep quiet with your geology keep quiet stop if you liked it and you have knowledge keep it to yourself use it for yourself I'd like to know him as Abba Father if is Jesus the last time in the car crush I shouted Jesus and he saved me in the dream when something was pushing me down and I screamed Jesus he showed up in the hospital he shut up stop me let me be that child stop what you're doing telling people don't call his name Jesus this is the real name tip your educational background for yourself my three-year-old listen if my three-year-old is asking me Papa Papa and I'm saying my name is Sonny well I say until you call me Sonny I'm not giving you what you want so stop telling me this is the real name the English language has changed it they obtained an accident someone's killed Jesus an angel pictum so what are you saying shut up let us stick to that name Jesus let the English a little Greek did I don't care his name is Jesus but the Bible says at the mention of that name laughing it is Jesus in the morning Jesus in the afternoon Jesus that's how I want to call him leave me if my child cosmic puppy they took my child doesn't know Mariani so well I sound short if you're bored and you're reading Bible and you're trying to interpret it to confuse people confuse yourself your wife and your children don't use social media to confuse the world like you are the most intelligent person and everybody's stupid confuse yourself set your wife down open the church let your wife beat the congregant let your children be the congregant preach to them confuse them don't go on social media and let us all look stupid when the name is Jesus calling the way you want if he shows up godless I will call him our Father and call him hello here College Jesus at the mention of his name every knee bow [Music] intimacy some people come to church with their makeup and after worship their makeup is still on [Music] your Joker the tears came from you for who you are I praise your name you are God or by yourself [Music] what are you doing I might put it down put the light down you are gonna buy from age to age still the same oh my anyone you're the creator you are good or by yourself it doesn't need your opinion - Rico [Music] porsche allah after this season I will graduate you to the University of worship at the school of worship every prophet is a worshipper because in worship secrets are released claude becomes vulnerable and talks and tells you where he didn't listen [Music] there's a way my wife treats me when she needs money for now I know her plan I know her tricks she uses for this day one when she stands yeah I know what she's looking for but she's been doing it in the works for her there's a way she calls me you know there's a whaleship cause have you argued with your wife before when she knows the name she normally calls you and as you call it a name then you're angry why do you call me the name women are strategic I understand when you're intimate with God he shows you where the hidden treasures in your house is the family blessing he gives her to you [Music] worship is what elevated David from the truth from the word honest to the truth God said I like this I need to change your environment so when saw sing God said I don't forgive is the forgiveness Salah have rejected leave him there's someone who's been worshiping me in the wilderness even when he had no food I must change his ever worship changes your environment David will say when I look at the moon the stars in the skies what is a man that you're so mindful of because man was the least the most easiest creation you created because he created him like yourself so you knew what you do with man but how does the Sun wait till it's time hides in the night then the moon shows up then the Sun says it's my turn now that the sea has a borderline and that sea never crosses to come to the earth yet in her let there be light and who spoke to that mighty one Mighty One the birds don't know what they will eat every day yet there is food for them that cloud never descend out yet it gathers rain and the releases will oh is this car I'm feeding you good I'm feeding you good Facebook is going [Music] intimacy ponch true together there is a level of secrecy released during intimacy Samson was a very strong man very strong man very strong man but he was so into me that he said it's here in my hair [Music] in intimacy the two becomes one therefore man shall leave his house and cleave unto his wife and they shall become so the intimacy brings the two to become one intimacy bonds people together so therapy will tell you that after an argument with your husband the best time to make love or to repair the problem is when you're making eight Missi brings the two together it's a feeling that you can't explain that's why there's a level of worship you get to the word she cannot explain in intimacy there is expression of love in intimacy there is healing there's a way you can hold your wife that she knows you're sorry there's a way you can hug your spouse you're sorry when you're intimate you share secrets and you sacrifice for each other that's why Jesus sacrificed for you and so a lot of worship leaders are struggling to lead people to God's throne because they don't have a relationship with Jesus how can I take you to a place I've never been Russia goes beyond you pick up the mic that is why can I tell you something interesting you can start listening to someone's album or track and suddenly you don't want to listen to it again do you know why because your spirit so your spirit captures the spirit in your car and when you realize that the person in the studio didn't mean what they are saying your spirit doesn't connect [Music] there is a blessing that comes with leading the host but it's not a business venture to make money so a little people I've written the song I wanna come up that's about it listen to the song waste of time there is a place God will crush you life will crush you and God will pick you so when you are singing you are singing to God and that's when my spirit can make can receive it because your spirit singing to God I can associate the pain at what you wear at that time [Music] this is Colonel this is business venture [Music] so when I travel and people give me their CDs as my team I'm down put it down and I need to know your story I need to know what life has done to you that made you depend on God so when you begin to sing you don't I praise you so salty if you watch me when I'm leading I'd close my eyes your billion doesn't matter to me it's spirit to spirit soul to soul I see what you're doing one more time I lift my hands and raise of your name you see when you want to enter the spirits your eyes cannot be open to see the physical so when you come to church and they tell you close your eyes and let your hands up we are only giving you the opportunity to leave physical to the sprit because God is a spirit and let those who worship Him worship Him in spirit it's not that I that plays the instrument so your eyes come up close by your hands will still be active oh my god I'm teaching good David was a man of deep revelation because of intimacy with God so God spend time with them to date nobody cannot write him on the sounds and so how do you create intimacy in the church gathering how when we come to church let me bring it down here the mood has to be created intimacy has everything to do with lights sound [Music] you can't just come to church switch all the lights on switch up switch on and switch every light on at the back so you can switch even switch this one's off you can't just come to church and is fly like this you know nothing is happening and praising the Lord always lift up your hands God is here God God is wheresoever two or three I got that there God is in there mess is a big lie it's not every two or three God goes stop lying [Music] if you want to sing sing anyhow any song you want to say go to hear it's a lie and just sing in perfect pitches stop lying stop abusing my job I'm a pastor I want to start a church that you go to any guitar Center and then I want instrument they will you never learn what the keyboard does give me that keyboard because you're arrogant you don't want to ask anybody to help you give me that drum I like that the color looks good throw you bought the drum for the color this one is this one how much is it five hundred give me this one huh four hundred you won't go to show up church was powerful do you know the investment Hillsong has done when you sing you have no rival don't you see it on TV do it anyhow and then there are no impetus anybody who thinks they can sing will go behind the mic old lady you do have voice go is just somewhere they don't show up in church on time president Lassiter ah ha are you saying to me see we've got nonsense Church was powerful pastor refuses to pay musicians I heard pastor say don't pay no musician don't let me go there because it will trend on social media any musician that plays and play skillfully put them on payroll as skillful as they are when they go to the shop they can tell the grocery owner Rabideau sulabha ha maro ba da ba da ba I played the rock here so please give me those drinks and gas for free the next thing you hear is police and go and find another job if I'm busy waiting for this present cleaning and wetting in the shop selling how do I raise and get skillful you are able to bear foreigners to come but that musician you need to invest in yet you want him to create the mood I'm talking about that and nobody can stop me it's the truth so musicians are playing in pain because the posture doesn't have time to even say hello how are you do you need anything pasta or cold musician on Saturday night and be nice because he knows that Sunday you must come to church but from Monday to Friday whatever you do with your life they don't really care they have the Levites they set the mood when you see this crazy head one who keeps ripping the drums off they set the mood yet men of God have all theologies to prove that musicians are not supposed to be paid who said who said who said yes if you're not skilful and not good enough then work hard to get to that level not that you play near you want to be paid no you don't deserve it but if this is what you feed your children with this man has three how many kids you have four you've been busy no he has four kids so you can't abuse his ministry how does he feed his children you see musicians don't ask for too much all we ask for is respect and honesty you want God to come into your building invest in musicians and invest in instruments deck the nothing he please was the Kobe three no no that thing be three I've read is five thousand dollars that's with this boy the thing that makes him Jaden is not this room what makes him trade and that the whole world celebrates him he's only 16 17 17 that Pengy place is $5,000 I'm saving money to buy for him no no no no no no watch this my wife will tell you my team will tell you I don't care taking it and say Jaden this is your gift take go I don't care that Jaden keep it someone saw my wife and said dr. Budd has given us class I said I don't remember hey they told my wife he keeps giving people I don't care saying carry it and go home with it should I stop here so you need to set the stage if you want a romantic dinner don't touch it yet if you want a romantic dinner with your spouse you don't use green candles what Kyle acondo do use so you all know you don't take your spouse to a loud Rock playing boom boom boom boom when you want what do you do you take them to a quiet place don't touch it yet and then if you want them was romantic country take them to Bali Vava voom so what's their server they're speaking French which meets do you want so you create that atmosphere for your wife to feel relaxed and she'll put her head on your shoulder and you put your jacket on here and you just be taking a walk so when you come into his presence from lights to sound to instrument you're not just the preacher who brings go down everybody has to play a part so respect everybody I'm preaching I'm dr. Butler what time was going my time is up I asked Ariel my time is up he says no floor because he keeps telling me you have to close on time are you understanding that I respect him even though I'm his boss I'd look I said so that close I said know where you are hit and carry on you need to respect every single person when when we travel when we travel they'll tell you if you try to separate me and them I'm leaving don't tell you they take their doctor buddy you belong to this five-star place and they have to be a two-star said no no every one of me stays on my floor the other day we traveled somewhere they said this room this big room is for you and let that band the team I hate you when you say you're bandits oh no no they're my family the other day they said Jesus you're your mother's ready for Jesus said no these are my family I said don't worry they're my family let everybody be in my room so when they play they play from the heart if you touch me don't bite your nose especially this one tyro doesn't let anybody touch me where we travel but you need to set the mood so switch the main lights off this one right and give him some red lights right no not the flashing one now watch this even the sound engineer has to be skillful if you listen to he'll song all the lead singers sound the same is the skilled professional sound engineer that they've paid to ensure that everybody sounds as crisp now without reverb this is how my voice was sound the problem I have with Church is sound engineers the Lord they are doing some sound in years yet the grandstand there and behave like they know what they are doing yet they are destroying the whole atmosphere lead vocalist are struggling saying we're struggling they look at you arrogantly like what are you doing keep on singing okay ladies and gentlemen we're going to worship taro hit me on strings play your watch [Music] [Music] [Music] so they lose weight you coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what they will play the wilderness [Music] so they are the red candle light that lights up for your intimacy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Official Sonnie Badu TV
Views: 115,886
Rating: 4.84689 out of 5
Id: gu-C5nc5o8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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