THE POWER OF PRAYER by Dr. Sonnie Badu (RockHill Church)

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[Music] [Music] something is happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha ha ha that's what the heck [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] somebody celebrates Jesus [Music] celebrate Jesus [Applause] [Music] give somebody a high five and say it's your year of Germany [Music] we're taking over we're taking over [Music] be seated no amount of words can satisfy here sometimes the sound from your inside doesn't show [Music] thank you everybody I'd like to thank God and bless the name of the Lord for us for seeing you through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's the right thing to do this is the time we speak on that sacrifice [Music] how do you speak where the master is name [Music] what do you say when he shows irrelevant sacrifices tall than be interrupt [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go to the Word of God I like to bless God for seeing it through this cross over period as your spiritual father I did not take this grant for granted as I am accountable for every single life I am very accountable so crossing over to 2019 indicates that there is a miracle awaiting you and the devil could not do anything about it they tried their worst but God did his best and so let me be the first to announce to you today that this is the year of Dominion on every side you will enjoy Dominion from the east Dominion from the West Dominion from the North Dominion from the south receive Dominion in your finances I need a bigger aim in here receive dominion over your marriage Dominion in your spiritual life two million in your ministry this is the year the world will hear about you this is the year the rail route talk about you coming back if we lost everything in 2018 I've got the news you are somebody I have five hotel that person I am bad I am back I'm back in business I'm glad a menace to you I'm back in my career I am did you get me [Applause] back at baby girl there's nothing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't mean it makes the linear states of authority and he has given us power Wow you're better soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he gave them your enemies better watch out from tonight because everything you will shy listen this year just how it is did you hear what your daddy said if I catch you in a cell shop I'll kick you out of there you don't need to wait for sale 50% drop before you get what you want power in your finances this means that you are going [Applause] tell your neighbor I got Dominion so I am in charge it's it's it's it's an error isn't it will be a big mistake on your part not to exercise Dominion this year it'll be a big mistake for you not to exercise Dominion begin to command your miracles begin to command your breakthroughs begin to command your angels to work for you they've been waiting too long and you've been quiet for too long but tonight he whom the Sun sets free it's free indeed your mouth and your child has needs to degree attained and the south [Music] [Applause] [Music] be seated like that we sit down like a king said I like a multi pillar them sit down like you old the first expensive apartment at the buckets sit down and behave like a moat I tell your neighbor neighbor look at me very well I own apartments and buck heads talk to me well call me sir call me madam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am [Music] can I prophesied can I prophesied can I prophesied by January 17 $17,000 will come into the bank account of the one who [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for how to being for God on our side where would you have be the power of prayer the power of prayer I'm commencing on a new series the power of prayer the power of prayer or understanding the foundation of prayer you're in the spirit that's what I'm hearing that's that's what I heard the angel singing that's what he's playing that's what I heard which one do you want gone [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] some flavors want to ate some three verse 1 to the power of prayer or understanding the foundations of prayer it's a whole series that I'll take a whole month to preach when I'm done reading from the New King James Version Lord how are they have increased who trouble me many our day they rise up against me many are they who say of me that there is no help for him in God that's from my enemies but Thou O Lord are a shield for me my glory and the one who lives of my I cried on to the Lord with my falls adhere I cried with my falls and he heard my voice from his holy news after I cried I left everything to him and laid down and slept and I awoke for the Lord that sustained me so even though I thought the dream I was having would have consumed me suddenly I woke up because he kept me through the shadows of death and so because of this that I've seen I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who set themselves against me all around orion's oh gods me oh my god for you have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone you have broke in the teeth of the ungodly salvation belongs to the Lord your blessing is upon your people Sela Sela means pores meditate some 4 verse 1 psalm 4 verse 1 hear me when I go o God of my righteousness for you have relieved me in my distress have mercy on me and hear my prayer some 18 verse 6 in my distress I called upon the Lord and cried out to my god and my god my voice from his temple and my cry came before him even to his ear some 34 verse 4 I sought the Lord and he heard me and after he heard me he delivered me from my fears Psalm 34 verse 6 this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his trouble sums 50 verse 15 call upon me in the day of trouble call upon me in the day of trouble this is God speaking saying call upon me in your day of trouble and I God will deliver you and after I delivered you you or glorify me Matthew 6:9 2:30 in this manner therefore pray that our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day mark this part give us this day that means you need to pray to God on a daily basis give us this day our daily bread that is means that repeat it on Monday repeated on Tuesday repeated on Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and do it again the follow give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive those who kept our our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever somebody shout amen the power of prayers or understanding the foundation of prayer and this week as or this month as I'm gonna be teaching on prayers I need to take time to break down prayers to you so you understand because we want to start the year on the right foot we cannot afford to make errors or mistakes this year no you cannot that's why from the 8th to the 21st Rock Hill Church were embarking on a 21-day concentration and fasting because some of you must must a stop stop some of you must flash out anything things that are blocking your miracle some of you is not that God doesn't want to bless you God wants to but you are too contaminated to encounter and so concentration means flush out toxins look at what prayer is what is prayer what is prayer and I want you to take your your notes and write it down I'm gonna teach and teach it I'm not making too much noise today I'm just teaching what is prayer the Oxford Dictionary says prayer is a solemn request for hell a solemn request for help or expression of thanks that is addressed to God or to an object of worship a solemn request so you are either petitioning requesting or you are thanking a higher beer a solemn request for help or expression of thanks that is addressed to give the God Elohim or an object that you worship or an object of worship now the Wikipedia also defines prayer as an invocation or that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship typically a deity through deliberate communication so an object of worship typically a deity through deliberate communication so prayer is vocation and act to seek or to activate a rapport a rapport you're activating a rapport with an object of worship typically a deity through deliberate communication it is intentional so some of the synonyms of player is invocation intercession devotion invocation intercession or devotion now this means that the word prayer goes across board and it's not just limited to believers or Christians I'm taking time to teach this the word prayer goes across board and it's not just limited to Christians or believers because it talks about objects of worship objects of worship objects of worship that you pray to so it's not when you say I'm going prayer meeting that person next door I'm going to pray might be different from who you are praying to so once prayer is mentioned it means that a lesser being is engaging a higher being once you hear prayer and means a less Sabine human being is engaged in a deity or a higher being and so the Atheist prays the Hindu prays the Muslim prays and the witchdoctor prays objects of worship so the other time when Moses took too long to come the children of Israel told Moses that let us put our ornaments together and create a God so we will have an object that we can worship that's why the Bible also says in some 102 verse 7 that some trust in horses some trust in chariots but we will remember the name of our God and so it's very important that you understand the foundations or you understand the simple principle that you're not the only one that is praying so don't show off the added time by our he lifts your hands where your hands he went to somebody's house and the woman was Hindu and when buyers showed up she said Badu she said she looked at him and said bye do how did she know that his spiritual father has his name on his forehead it's simply because she has been praying to a god and that god has told her don't touch this one so as you're praying understand that whoever's working against you is also praying contrary to what will make you believe that when the chest say we're going to pray yeah yeah you're going to pray but the atheist is also praying the Hindu the Buddhist is also praying and so prayer is a form of communication between humanity and a deity communication between human beings and spirits of a higher and so as a child of God you are mandated understand that this is mandatory that you constantly constantly in seconds in minutes on hourly basis on the daily basis communicate with your God constantly you cannot break the chain you must pray on daily basis in seconds in minutes in hours on a daily basis you cannot afford to cut the flow you must be constant and consistent did you hear me you must be constant and consistent so Jesus says prayer without the Jesus said and give us our daily bread in other words you are to engage God on a daily basis you are to communicate with your God on a daily patient they just didn't say and give us our monthly breath didn't saying give us our weekly breath he said give us our hey Brenda that means are early in the morning huh I needed really Brenda in the afternoon I need my daily bread butter in the night Arnie you cannot afford to disengage him you must engage him every morning every morning I love you Jesus thank you for providing communicate and constant communication constant as if it is right that's what happens when you wear designers constant communication keep him engaged don't lose focus and don't let him lose focus on you let him watch her will him even in his highest to binnacle let him look down on you let him protect your house protect your children write your prayer list every morning good morning Jesus don't forget my mother don't forget my father don't forget my sisters don't forget my wife don't forget my business don't forget my help get me my daily bread daily bread on my health they eat bread at my workplace get me be consistent and constant with prayers because understand that there are rules of engagement and other people have engaged their gods consistently and constantly I'm telling you that the people have engaged their gods consistently and constantly so in my turn prayer is also the act of developing a relationship with God and constantly communicating with him one developing a relationship with God and after you develop this relationship you keep in constant communication with him so first seek Him and you will free them and after you find him you keep calling his number so constantly number one developing a relationship with you and God and constantly communicating constantly communicating with God I remember many years ago when I met my wife and men you can attest to this I would literally charge my phone and young ladies you know that to you will be looking at your phone and behaving like you don't want to pick up the call but you've been waiting for that call and when I reach you want it to ring ring ring ring three times so you don't seem desperate and then you literally counting one two three and and then you pick up and you you you you you you talk to the pressing and then each other pressing ah you need to go shower and then within two minutes you're like I'm back I just finished having my shower and then your mother will be calling you a lady a cup yeah baby let me call you back and then you don't go down you mom I'm busy then you pick up before I'm back again and then the first thing you do in this modern world is you take their Instagram account your Twitter account snapchat account because you want to engage them in every and on every platform so you follow them if you didn't know them you follow them on Twitter and then you like their page what you just did is constantly engaging with the person that is how you build a relationship so when you're talking you are able to tell them about the dress they wore or the comment they made because if I'm trying to get to know you and I put something on my my social media and you have no idea it means you're not really interested in what I'm doing so one of the jobs you want to do as a guy is you want to look at the color of the shoes and compliment you want to go on Facebook and even count how many friends they have and check how many friends you have in common constantly engaging don't go holy on me you know I'm telling you the truth so communicating meaning the imparting on exchange of information or news and so in a relationship communication is extremely vital and especially when it comes to preyus communication somebody say communication communication is vital remember that I said prayer is the act doctor body said prayer is the act of developing a relationship is not overnight you develop a relationship so it's the act of developing a relationship with God and then constantly staying in touch when I got to know tario some months ago about nine months ago how we where then is now how we are now and we are like this now because we constantly communicate the more we talk the more I get to know you the more I get to know what you like and what you don't like the more I understand your heartbeat so with us human beings even in our own relationship without communication the relationship and the friendship eventually breaks a marriage without constant and consistent communication eventually breaks most marriages and I do a lot of marriage counseling most marriages break down because they don't communicate the wife would hear about information maybe in the letter when she's nosy to pick up the letter and open it praise the Lord some wives or the man's friend told the girl and the girl told the wife and so you feel offended that we stay at home and you haven't told so lack of communication breaks and marriage lack of communication breaks any relationship so prayer understand the prayer is constantly communicating with you and who God it's my prayer that this year you will become consistent in the presence of God did you hear what I said consistent in the presence of God your emotions wouldn't determine whether you come or not but you would understand that you play a part in the heart of God and whether somebody made you happy or not you are just here because I was glad when they said unto me that let us go to the house of the Lord that's my prayer that this year you would develop a strong appetite taking time to break down the foundations of you cannot have consistent communication with God and not have a relationship with him you can't say oh no no no no no you have to be consistent with him you have to be determined that I may know you I I want to know you Paul says I'm determined to know you Peter can you tell me how it feels to sit by Jesus Peter says shut up you used to kill us well Peter wouldn't show you but I want to know you I don't have a relationship with you it's gonna be difficult for you to have access to me if we don't have a common ground of communication it's gonna be very difficult for you to have access to me it's simple so your prayers have not been answered because filling the gap you're fake in your relationship your interview your dressing doesn't determine your relationship with God your massive scarf that intimidates people does not determine your relationship with God is the poof in your life the evidence that manifest on the daily basis in your life that proves that you have a relationship with God is the daily lessons that you count and name them one by one that all men's can evidentially see that something is happening in your life that becomes approval that of the truth the hand of God is abundant so when you heard the sounds David said my father Howard a that decreased that trouble me he was talking to his father that Daddy many a day that rise up against me many are they that say of me that there is no help for me if you but Thou O Lord I know that you are ashamed for me they don't need to tell me and I know that you are my glory and on many occasions you have lifted up my head when I thought it was all over you lifted me out this year may God lift you up in times of trouble internship challenges yes sure may God show up may of God responder in seconds and minutes we've got wells in the Sigma place of the Most High shall applied enough disclosed and I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortune my god you realize that the psalm is kept on saying not yet God my god this this you will look at your enemies I bought to eyeball and you will tell them what your God will do to them you didn't hear me you will look at them around the season I was down this year ha ha ha a different person shall supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] my God my God my father when we pray let us pray and see our Father not his father but our Father who art in when we are communicating with God let us hold our hands together saying our Father Peggy Tausha made the god of rakia answer you by fire this year may he become the light that will go ahead of you when he become the pillar of Mike's the pillar of fire and the pillar of grounds only you watches over his ride midnight the sleeps number [Music] enemies watch what my God would do to you and then when you come to the altar during worship you engage God you remind him that he's a covenant-keeping powerful velocity and actually did you [Music] you are the oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take cloud on the altar and stop engage in human beings or social media this Regis record me devastated is a Papa I am angry Joe sure what is it everybody's happy Jesus says so son my son I have taught you not to engage human beings the / doesn't the Eco doesn't engage this snake on the ground the ego picks the snake and takes him to the atmosphere occlusive I said son engage God with your seat implicates he texted and said Papa everything I asked God for he ester I said that is my god when they say no to you stop talking this year if I catch you talking on social media you can call me darling you can call me baby but I need someone to call me mama I will engage on the altar she thought she was true she said sir I'm not drunk my eyes are but what I am looking for is in the back oh I stand as an ally in your life and I command your son walk he be released this year 20 [Music] while you're working on the relationship number one he'll get to know them better than anyone does relationship you get to know them better than anybody does in other words you begin to know the jokes that makes them smile you begin to know what their favorite color is you know that what time they want to go to bed you know what takes them off and so the more you get closer in communication with God the more you know him and he knows you and the more you can access him quicker and better simple John 10:27 says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me this is a solid relationship between the Shepherd and the Sheep you notice that Jesus said my sheep this simply means that amongst the several sheep he knows is so you are wondering why your prayer has not been been answered is because you don't have a relationship with God when you have a relationship with somebody and you make a request you don't shout this is what I got a fix I might shake a few tables but forgive me I'm tired of people going to church and then let us print your Papa you don't shout we're talking to your wife when you need food you ask so jesus said when you pray when you communicate when you talk just say our Father in Heaven Jesus didn't say shout he said say the reason why you're shouting is because you don't know him and he doesn't know your force so you're shouting because he can't hear you so you want to shout but they'd that low dear God they shall to excellence in fact when you know God you develop strategies of pending hizmet and that is what David did on the daily basis after killing Uriah after murdering somebody God said I will wipe you out as the child died yet God say David is okay get up let me take that child away through the same woman I'll bring another child if I let this child live don't say I'm in justice but the same woman who give you the same job back [Music] developed what is man that you are mindful of man was the last creation you created because you had an idea of how man would look let us create man in our own image and likeness so we add the image of Jesus Christ but he's not the image of us so you know how to engage somebody when you know them you know when they're in a good mood my wife knows how to collect money from me and and I don't know how she got the money she knows what time to talk [Music] why because there is a relationship so she knows when he's not having a good day don't dare it know so you have to get to know him stop running to false prophets they don't know God they are scum as and tips who are acting upon your vulnerability because you don't know him when they tell you you are going to die tomorrow tell them that man of God everybody has enemies and the deadline of an every enemies for me to die so prophet as you are talk to you to have enemies that want you to die so telling me I'm going to die is no news because nobody lives forever tell me something that God is about to do stop scaring me to take my money no are you you people have put false prophets in business because you don't know God the first foundation of relationship with Jesus crisis he speaks to you in the midst of noise you hear his voice and whatever church you are in the pasta is your prophet he doesn't have to tell you your name and your number but so long as you are obedient and subjected to them whatever they say does three is the Lord it shall come to pass let me cut you going to prophetic meetings for profess if I cut you there you stay with them if they are going back to Africa you follow them there I'm not joking no I'm very serious because I know the real and the fake some of them your prayer requests they're flashing in the toilets at the hotel oh yeah I'm doing a series on explosion for false prophets your prayer will question thought you gave them oh they flash it in the hotel they left it there if you like as the cleaner don't tell you or the airport oil that they left it there so no God for yourself and build a relationship with God even if God doesn't talk to you direct there's something you would do that you know that God has spoken God never spoke to David but he always spoke someone you get to know them better you know that even though he hasn't answered he will show up on time you know that he is working behind the scene you know that the ghetto Oteri's and succumb to unexpected end so you don't go vulnerable but you wake up every morning thanking him in advance for the miracle baby for the miracle job for the miracle money because even though he has not responded you know him too much to know that he is too big to fail and your miracle is the cheapest he has ever encountered you sing songs of worship that is why when it comes to prayer it is so important to add worship that's why I told you worship prayer and sacrifice so in the atmosphere of worship you engage God so you cannot afford to play games when it comes to worship anymore in this church and worship less cannot afford to play games when it comes to leading if I realized that you're nothing I'll take the mic from you myself now I understand if I see that you are not flowing I'll say hey give me the mic and I'll leave myself because it is an atmosphere of communication between humanity and God and you are to do it within the shortest possible time so when you're coming in you go to the bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will sing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when the Speedman connects to divinity there is an engagement you begin to speak you communicate so when you stand there stiff it means you don't know God but this is the time you run to the altar this is a tiny of she cries [Music] [Music] I'm gonna give you one minute to run to the altar and engage [Music] having speech in kitchen your sacrifice [Music] Kevin screams love your power never squeeze [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] given that she'll be given unto you Luke 6:38 if you love the Ministry of the
Channel: Official Sonnie Badu TV
Views: 57,431
Rating: 4.8175597 out of 5
Id: JsaqjrzbTGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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