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Rock Hill Church how's everybody doing man it feels good to be home must feel good to be home feels good to be home and you're gonna have a great great great time tonight I promise years heaven is gonna speak to you the month of November has been declared as the month of Dominion the month of Dominion that means that you will take over I need you to preach with me tonight you gonna take over come on somebody shout amen there you're gonna take over tell your neighbor I'm taking over that means that the houses you couldn't buy this month God is gonna make it possible your dream shall come to pass that car wouldn't be a dream car anymore you're gonna walk into the showroom and you're gonna fire somebody shout I got you minion shouter better than this shouting louder than your neighbor I got the million if tonight is your first time here if this is your first time here we want to welcome you as a friend or partner as a rock you at the rocky old church we want to appreciate you so much our ashes are passing down leaflets blue cards and purple cards and the yellow cards please lift your hands if it's your first time here lift your hands if it's your first time here and come and celebrate them celebrate them come on rocky Oh celebrate them celebrate them this is the rock your church the home for winners the hole for multi-billionaires and the house of worship my name is dr. Sonny Badu the lead oh sure in this church worship leader Jesus is the captain please make yourself comfortable whatever you need I'm kindly pass a leaflet or whatever you need it will be served greetings from the first lady mrs. Annie Badu we appreciate you god bless you god bless you tonight worshiping with us is a reverend 8'o Washington from fgg my father's house all the way from Germany please help me appreciate Reverend and his protocol come on come on come on come on come on appreciate him here I appreciate him here sir we honor you we appreciate you thank you for coming over to visit us please make yourself comfortable avanti while you're ministering god said I should move you to a pastor while you a ministry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from today you moving from a minister to a pasta and everything pertaining to being a pasta will be given to you every license you need to be a pasta will be given let us stand for the reading of the word of God John chapter 5 verse 1 to 9 John chapter 5 verse 1 to 9 let us stand it's the culture of this church that we stand for the reading of the word of God let us stand for the reading of the word john chapter 5 verses 1 to 9 after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went to Jerusalem now the was now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep gate a pool which is called a navel Bethesda somebody say Bethesda having five porches sold a pool in the fester which is in Jerusalem having five porches three in these porches laid a great multitude of sick blind lame paralyzed or waiting for one thing the moving of the water in these porches laid people with all kinds of complication all waiting for one particular miracle fall and the angel went down at a certain time somebody say a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water so the Bible did not tell us which time God doesn't reveal with time an angel goes at a certain time to stir the waters then who ever jumps in first not before the staring of water but right after the staring of water whoever jumps in first tell your neighbor are you ready to jump in first tonight come on you better do a ladder you you're gonna preacher me tonight tell your neighbor are you ready to jump in first they did all shut after the staring of water was made well of whatever disease they had once you jumped in first once you jump in first you meet you will be made well of whatever disease you carry five now a certain man was there who had an infirmity for 38 years for 38 years he had a complicated sickness for 38 years he had an infirmity when Jesus saw him layin down there he knew that he was already been there a long time with his condition so Jesus goes to him and asked him do you want to be made well I have a problem with this question and I'll explain why Jesus asked that question Jesus I've been here 38 years and then you come to me to ask me if I want to get healed that don't make sense the sick man said sir I have no man to help me put me into the pool when the water is there but Wow I'm coming another steps down before me none o shahe nobody would take your blessing tonight in this month of November nobody would take what belongs to you and then Jesus said to the man you don't need to wait for an angel to stir up the water you don't need to wait once a year for a miracle I am your miracle right here rise up take up your bed and walk amid oh shut up AHA dah a predicate ah and immediately the man was made well took up his bed and walked [Music] right after his command strength and healing came to him sit down let me work this physics out if you won the right note then I've titled the message the Jesus encounter at the Pool of Bethesda and this will be the last series of the final Jesus knowing Jesus and then the next series will be on prayer and worship now the Bible says there was a pool called Bethesda [Music] and God had purposely planned that an angel would go to the pool at a certain time that nobody knew off and then the angel pastor Barbara will stir that pool and whoever jumps in that pool first regardless of what sickness you have would get healed now I'd like to throw a little light or magnify what the Bible is trying to describe so we will all be on the same page first of all the Bible says there were multitude of people that means the Bible couldn't even count how many sick people were there once you see the Bible says a multitude of crowd it means its lot it's is lost count of how many people were there and the spoon of Bethesda which the picture will be on the screen had five porches or five kids five porches or five tents I did a little bit of research to find out where this pool was and the picture you see was that pool now this pool is probably 200 feet deep with rocks all over this pool is not a swimming pool like the Bible says a pool this is literally how the pollutes look at the depth of the pool it is not a swimming pool it is a death Oh Prada KATUSA me didi be an ekala a do-over Laurie ekata and blonder dosa a vltava Casa de yada a Monday brutal of Socotra mhf Azula this pool had five porches and a multitude of six surrounded the pool let me help me work some mathematics out because we couldn't count how many people were present because there was a multitude so for number sake for numbers sake let's just say it's porch around the pool had 250 people for numbers sake let's just say each porch or tent had 250,000 people because let's face reality if there is a sea here in Atlanta that everybody knows that once you jump in the sea you get healed every sick person will gather at that scene because perhaps they could get healed so every sick person in that city and beyond all when there because physicians could also take your money like the woman with the issue of blood the Bible said for 12 years physicians are taking all her money and some people just cannot afford it perhaps she was a rich woman but with this this is a complicated issue where 1 million people because if we have five porches and have 250 per pot then we have 1 million people gathered around the pool and these 1 million people are all on the amok set and they are waiting for the gunshot Elliot come over they are waiting for the gunshot I'm gonna work with me so sit down here Morgan come over sit over here now watch this he is disabled he is blind he is crippled he has a friend who's helping he has a family that has rejected them because they gotta go to work and so he has no help he's been here 10 years he's been here 20 years he's been here 15 years and he's been here 38 years everybody is waiting once that year once a year for something strange to happen everybody is waiting for the angel to come and stare the water but some of them cannot walk because they don't know how long they have to live the sickness is tearing them out they are losing breath they are easing on themselves but they cannot move and go because in case they are going to ease of themselves the angel might be here and they might have to wait another year so we're gonna mess ourselves up we can ease ourselves up but we are not leaving because we are 1 million people waiting for one miracle [Music] if you make a mistake and you go to the bathroom and you come back and they tell you the angel was here you're gonna have to wait another year we're a now this also means that somewhere right at the edge of the pool so that if Easter is their role but if someone rose over before you you're gonna drown that's why I said it's a death pool and Toyota because it's either I my work and sit by you so that when the angel stirs the water I put you on my back and run and throw you in but this is where the problem is someone also is waiting to throw them into a but the angel is here to heal one rushing [Music] I'm blind so where is the pool for me to jump in and Lee ringing hello Shawn that are cool in Manama afraid Oh Sita [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da baja in the moto shota and after the festival Jesus suddenly heard the cry of a young man who has been there for 38 years you need to understand 38 years of staying at one place 38 years of not changing clothes very 8 years of sleeping on one bed you need to understand how serious that this issue is and some of you you have been at the same place for 1 year 2 years 10 years same situation every 31st night you write a new era solution but 20 night that December you still didn't see anything changed you are like that same man who was with sitting there for 38 30 years he keeps wearing out waiting that one day he will get closer to the poor but the same story year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 years 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 hair going gray losing his teeth losing his eyes blows and everything yet he has a little bit of Hope inside of him that something will happen and someone will help him jump some of you are in the same sit away Sara you've been waiting for your documents for so long you keep calling but nobody picking up you've been waiting to get married for so long and you've been waiting for mr. right but ain't no mr. right coming huh you've been waiting for healing for so long and the doctor keeps telling you the same reporter putting you on medication but tonight Jesus clapping to Europe if walked into here enough roll-call enough of signing a letter hooked in an appointment you don't need appointments a night huh you encountered Jesus tonight shall jeez [Music] how long would that go through what I'm going through some of you have been bleeding for so many years the painful part of this issue you have is that you have lost all your money I'm trying to get here you have lost all your friend ances and so the friends you used to have when you had money I've all left you have to go through your issues alone the last one that gave you $20 when you call them they don't pick up anymore because they think you're gonna ask them for another help when you try to be a real Christian it looks like that's when you go to problems and sometimes you wanna compromise sometimes you want to do something sometimes the devil says like he said to Joe curse your God and die but I came to tell you that in the month of November spiritually I am setting and it is the season were the angel your water huh and if you cannot jump in huh Jesus what to you huh and YP line of every cursor that was sickness huh that the pain that the enemy has been mopping kibbe gonna clean you huh give you the stink of the baby I hear yes up your water get ready to jump up get ready to jump up to jump up somebody shout Jesus [Music] same old story repeating history if you have cancer and you are stronger this year definitely next to you and don't be strong something will wear you out you need to understand the complex situation they were here some of you in America here cannot even afford medical bills that's why you need to encounter Jesus tonight [Music] Deborah Deborah Xhosa a class of aha a mecca for safa Apophis ah ha ha ha and make a debe querer if we leave a supernova pyah pyah pyah alumina ha as your hands I lifted her I see the outstretched hands of God reaching out to Hillier reaching out to touch her with no more daughter of Zion with no more sign of thunder it's about time huh God comes to your rescue hold on help is on the way hold on help is on the way Wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] which keep in a slapper [Music] hop on like right in the Sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon you shop reserved [Music] even for Oh right and my oh I could hear them singing [Applause] you have to say more [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] No if you wanna calculate the equation this way then you will tell God he is not fair let's face reality god this is not fear those sitting by the pool are not strong people their sake some have drowned how deep is the pool take me there some have drowned in the pool and then God you tell me that an angel comes to steer it once a year and whoever jumps in first knowing that they are saying see the sides they if they slide they could hit that side but if you slide first no matter where you hit you gonna be healed but if you're one second late no matter where you hit you gonna drown and then God healing 50 people doesn't make you less God healing 200 people would only make way for another 200 to come into the tent remember the in the tent those who owned it were charged and rent it was not for free this is a big problem it'll make sense to me so God why did you do that [Music] and he says my son I made this happen so we will understand times and seasons he also interested me when Jesus gets to the man Jesus asked the man do you want to be healed now that's a bit of an interesting question because I'm here because I want to be healed why do you ask me if I want to be healed God says you will be amazed that it's not everybody that is sick there that really wants to be healed because just as they were there as sick people the rich will come and give them money and some of them know that after they get healed there is no job for them so getting delivered and healing hewed is a choice and some of you here you don't really want a miracle because you're very okay with where you are you are very okay with tim pity party team pity party where people call you and feel sad for you where you call everybody and tell them your problem and they like hmm it's gonna be okay you're very comfortable you're not Restless you are not saying enough is enough so Jesus had to ask him are you one of them who wants to get healed or you are just comfortable that's why Jesus [Music] he's got opened my eyes to understand that just like the Pool of Bethesda this is how he's designed our miracles and breakthroughs that as human beings you have to be spiritually alert to smell and know the times and seasons when your miracle and breakthroughs will be activated some of you must know the wind that is blowing in Atlanta at the moment but because you are in the flesh you can't smell it so the angel is staring the water but you are still dead in the mind so your eyes are not seeing that and people are jumping first so God makes this happen so you will understand that in as much as there were 1 million said people if you miss it you gotta have to wait another year for a miracle [Music] so Jesus comes to him and tells him pick your mat and walk avanti come pick your mat and walk the Bible says immediately he picked is not the words of Jesus has brought healing pastor Barbara please go I have a problem with this story Budi [Music] there are multitude of people and the Bible says Jesus wants to one definitely they were sitting together do you want to tell me that when Jesus told him to get up and walk the other ones did [Music] get up and walk I have seen you Restless on your bed you've been my neighbor of sickness for twenty years you've been here 38 years I've been here 20 years but we're all schoolmate classmate from the same University so if you got up was I'm not sensitive enough to ask you that what happened to your head what is going on I think the pool is not here the pool is there who are you talking to back show me this person and he will probably prowl the Lion of the tribe of juda and say have mercy [Music] [Music] this means that even though they saw a change they were not sensitive some people are caught up in religion and culture the wind the move of God has started they can smell it they're caught up but there is a change coming there's a wind blowing tonight I release the wind of God let the wind fall on you let the wind fall on you [Music] every time Jesus saw the thing it was moved by compassion there is no Jesus could have healed all the 1 million people yet he hewed one person hana no kappa lucifina villosa make let us leave our to our brothers and make it a villosa a politically Atossa Amica potosi eepa are to cut up only my god let me untie what I just said so I asked Jesus the poppy this is complicated why didn't you heal everybody Shakya come avanti come a Twinner car register standby so Jesus walks up to him and was having a conversation but there is something this one was doing that attracted Jesus the Bible didn't say it was a dream the Bible didn't say it was a vision it was open plain so when Jesus was asking him the question and he was responding there was not a vision it was open plea Hey are you catching the picture but he had build therefore solo and that said enough was enough there was nobody that would help him get into the pool he called on the son of David because he had heard stories like the woman with an issue of blood I'd heard stories he had heard stories that there's a bomb of Gilley so he even though he could not move his voice was louder every time he slept he will keep asking son of David I've heard about you I cannot come to you but you can come to me in this situation you are not a respecter of person you are not a man that will lie so watch this she says here's his crowd tonight he will hear your cry over you are living here buna who are living here the level watch this watch this jesus walks to him commands a bigger bear bigger and walks what happened to the other people Jesus said my son for this particular encounter and miracle it was personalized for this one it was not a multitude miracle it was a personalized miracle and so this is what I did Anika - are you ready for this one he said Sonny what I did is simple I was visible to him but invisible to all of them [Music] so while we were talking they couldn't hear because I had blocked the conversation after 38 years we couldn't miss this everybody had let him down we had made the $1 fader for longer and I had to do something so he could see me but there couldn't see me I can tell you that night Jesus to you we will reveal himself to you they will he'll give up every sickness up shout Jesus up shall genies name wallet that deliver I've seen the hands of Florida reaching out to you I call him the spider-man his hands can be everywhere he can multitask victim peed in your house and me in my house' and me in his house and we in his house at the same time English people near us we timeless one and shits a place is a stop she ha [Applause] [Music] our time ha if you can own got the crushed [Music] there is deliverance up in Lisbon flawless name the Bible save good makeup - tower [Applause] of the line there's a strong tower the righteous [Applause] and play I'll say that the black will say that well sir in the signal blazer Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty ladies and gentlemen it deliberate it lifts your voice and cry on this altar lashing until you bless me I'm tired myself I don't mind her waiting hi I'm not in the hurry just do it do it away my soul says yes [Applause] me touch me move Jesus I don't have Jesus is saying here doctors treat her but you hear dr. Street Oh [Music] all we know is his age that means you are not a respecter of anyone it means stuff when it's my time it will break protocol that you need something when it's my turn it's not me then stop me no devil can slap me know which stop to tell you is uniter to encounter cheese's cheese's some updated [Applause] [Music] kiddies Oh [Music] I cannot look [Applause] [Music] nothing by the blood Oh [Music] walk away my sin it Oh what [Music] right walk [Music] [Applause] [Applause] something is happening here I see the window blowing all over here it's not for everyone so you can stand and watch [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] victory I'm sorry Lippman the Gillette [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] devil you can help me this time the month of November as a month of the minion from tonight you will take over didn't hear me you will take over your finances will receive over floor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha in the spirit remember me me [Music] [Music] Lucia by Lucia bind your feet and your legs might be crippled by your voice is still intact use your mind you might not have the means of transportation yet but you gotta flourish loose your mind don't let them keep you quiet huh in this church you can shout let the baby come let that marriage come not break you open your mouth shout you survive yes and life is in the power of the tongue I'm clear [Applause] [Music] ha do you attract him to encounter here number one by being sensitive being spiritual don't sit don't sit I'm done no by being sensitive by being spiritual sensing the time and season most of you come to church and you're too much into culture and religion that when God is moving you're still standing open your mouth and talk but what they don't know is a closed mouth is a closed destiny so when the devil attacks you the first thing he tries to do is to keep your mouth shut that's why those who are in the grave cannot talk I permit you for one minute rearrange your destiny I have declared November as a month of Dominion it is my month let me give you the father's blessing everything you open your mouth to see it shall come to pass open your mouth any money you want open your mouth test my call test my god is the baby is it the miracle child is it a new job is it your child be released from prison open your mouth as your father I release the miracle I release the breakers you have my permission you black check tagless [Music] something is about to happen [Music] from tonight I prefer sigh on you that you will walk in your season of harvest I need a beginning there tonight I decree and I declare on you that you will never miss your time of lit room had no shikata later map a Natasha Taha tonight I decree and declare that the blessing that God has for your household let it fall on your head tonight as your father I decree and declare that every healing you're believing God for your healing shall be permanent Latoya your child will be released your child will be released from that jail I speak as your father in my office let angels floor let me charge of loss imprison I release them unlock them shadi as your father I position you to attract uncommon failure the one that shouts the loudest amen this month is my month receive uncommon favor uncommon favor favor that doesn't make sense to man elevation to the presidential status to the first-class status receive it now tonight as your father I position here to attract the mercies of God [Applause] they're amongst the 1 million people he walked to one was visible to him but invisible to every other because this time around nobody can touch your miracle Michael every time is seen like America was coming to him somebody took it and he had waited for 38 years but this time around jesus said nobody takes your miracle it's in your hands in the next seven days I am sending angels to release a personalized miracle to you that has your house address that has your corner burn that has your pain the miracle is coming first class now in the name of cheese [Music] something is happening [Music] something is happening [Music] so by being sensitive number one number two having the heart of a worshipper when you begin to worship God he steps in your situation and becomes a warship a warship when you worship below him when he worship Jesus he steps in and he becomes a warship lift your hands everybody can I lead you and worship can I lead you now hear me ladies and gentleman this worship carries miracle this worship is the only thing that God could not do for himself in this church you can kneel on the altar you can do whatever you were you are not restricted to worship so if you want to lead up the motor you can if you want to bring an offering on the altar once your worship and you can but don't waste it I want the ministers to come and stand here come and stand here whatever your spirit man tells you coming to god [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Official Sonnie Badu TV
Views: 23,194
Rating: 4.7624702 out of 5
Id: jHR4QK0eTj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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