The Journey Within || Tu Lam, Ronin Tactics - ATF Magazine

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[Music] thank you [Music] so we've spent the morning together yes started before the Sun at o500 I think it's interesting right with your background coming from military military is very structured very routine get into good habits discipline I think normal civilians you know everybody has their routines some of them good some of them bad and Veterans coming out some maintain that discipline and structure some seem to struggle with maintaining it so why oh why did you embark on this this journey to establish this disciplined start of your day you know 15 years of war 23 years of service 18 plus years Special Forces Green Beret 27 countries you know you you see the worst in the world right you see the worst in humanity you see the worst in yourself you know sometimes life takes us in a direction right sometimes we get lost so we can be found so I tell you after my 23 years you know I was lost I was um I was stuck you know stuck in a rut um like like most veterans Patrick you know I was uh addicted to painkillers you know cut a IED in o5 and you know subscribe painkillers but what I what I realized it didn't just numb my pain and numb the pain that I had inside as well from Lost teammates you know all the the bad stuff we see around the world you know so um when when I got out of the military I was kind of stuck in this drug addiction I was stuck in this really bad rut no purpose and it was that point where I reflected you know and I became the person I didn't want to be right so you know in the teachings of Bushido you know teachings of Samurai you know one must journey within you know all through my life I want to tell you all through my life I travel around the world 27 countries I live I fought for the people you know so I looked for the answers in the world the answer was Finn when you were in the midst of the the rut and the struggle um you know we're were you aware of yourself falling short of your own expectations and your own potential you know I didn't really notice it until I got out of the military you know you're moving so fast in the military especially on the a-teams you just don't see it right you don't see it you know it's Mission first it was mission it was men and but you see your performance dropping right but you just think it's um everybody else you know kind of deal but what what I started noticing was yeah my performance not only draw but the way I looked at things you know so um those were the first Clues and when I got out of the military I had to sit in this space you know you know a lot of people understand what that means unless you you kind of seen it right so you sit in the you sit in it and it's forever burned into every crevice of your soul you sit in it and you know I I didn't want to say it anymore man so you know I um I dumped down all the paint literally cold turkey wow you know I dumped it all out and I uh man it was hard I tell you I was shivering I was shaking you know withdrawals right heroin controls pretty much yeah but you know I I sat every morning I didn't believe man I didn't you know I I knew that if I look Within I knew that that you know if I if I pray and I didn't believe in any of it because all I saw was the worst in the world right right but you know I prayed and I believe you know and I sat for many years you know you know in pain and uh just suffering trying to trying to find an answer trying to get your bearings again right uh and we're going through drug withdrawals at the same time so for the first six months it was stomach cramps it was shivering four o'clock in the morning yeah four o'clock in the morning I would roll out of bed I'm dead and I was sick in darkness I remember there was a lot of times I was shaking or shivering from vomiting and I was sit total darkness it was so much pain right so I kept you going discipline yeah I have this amazing discipline I've been taught this discipline I was adopted by the Special Forces I was taught this discipline a very young age you know military that's what you thought about giving up no I just realized it it wasn't working but I I knew if I said if I sit here and if I sit here with God and I didn't believe right and I wrote down all the things that was you know I was grateful for because I was at that time you know I was trying to heal myself so um I would listen to podcasts about mental health post-military battle fatigue pts I was listening to every what a doctor had to say about trauma and I was trying to implement these things but I didn't believe so I would sit there I would sit there I'll say the third year it was around the third year right I was sitting on the deck and I heard Birds I heard Birds now look when I say that you know I always we always hear birds right but to truly here and be present enough to appreciate that noise right so that was the first thing and then I started noticing you know the Sun and this is through periods of years understand it's not like you know I I quit and you know I found every no it was right years I was said and and finally I I show gratitude to the son right like oh my God it's so beautiful he's giving us life you know through this Darkness and you know at that point when I was healing myself and I would sit there in disbelief or focus on on breath right so I you know as a Green Beret we would study we would study a lot about intelligence I would study different you know in the military I had to study different Commander groups I had to study you know country studies I had to understand that's how we find fix and killer enemies what happened to the enemy is you right and that enemy was getting stronger right and the voice was getting loud or it was stronger and that matter you were getting weaker yeah and I could feel you know the grip that it had so anyways I would practice I would practice I would listen to you or listen what the monks had to say on podcasts and I would listen to different transactions between people I was studying my enemy right and then I would write notes during the day like how do I feel in the mornings when I wake up for me during that time and for many years it was straight up anxieties the first thing I felt right and then I'll have a default Network thinking where it goes straight to what I thought about yesterday and the traumas I thought about 12 years ago whatever right and each thought comes with an emotion well you know I had a lot of trauma right so um I would sit there and I would feel now now I was present enough to feel these emotions right because you know I tell you Patrick a lot of us go through life unaware we're just not present correct right and then isn't that a defense mechanism right yeah like if if I'm not in this moment that is painful if I'm not in this moment that is boring or is routine or is not what I aspire to do if I can just shut off kind of numb my way through it but it does it doesn't go away it doesn't builds up baggage right you just said it bills a baggage so if you're aware of this baggage if you're aware of every emotion through your everyday life through I don't know the form of meditation mindfulness then now now you're situationally aware right so if I'd send you out to the combat zone and you go out and you know in this combat zone where you don't even know the enemy you don't know where the location you don't understand reactionary forces you don't understand infrastructure you don't understand Terrain you're unaware you're unaware of the situation so if you go through life unaware of your emotions your thoughts within each moment that's tied to your emotion then you're under also under equipped you're under equipped yeah right so you're under you're not aware and you're under equipped and you're not present and I I would say majority of the world lives this way yeah they they wake up with the goal of let's get through the day so I can go back to bed tonight yes so you're not really living no you're surviving and surviving's not thriving no certainly not that's a whole different level so you know I got tired of feeling this way and I practiced and I was feeling mad I was failing you know I was doing a mountain Warfare training in the Himalayas you know and I I met a Tibetan monk and I asked the monk a serious question what's the meaning of life serious right seems like a reasonable question to ask it's about monk in the Himalayas I mean yeah life is better hand that submerges itself in a flowing river gift from the heavens pass to Earth melted down into water now this energy flows through this River the hand submerges itself and goes numb from the cold feel of this River this energy moves the hand the rocks and gravel and sand moves underneath the hand remove the hand from this flowing river wipe it dry did that moment not last forever that is life it's so we can gain experience this is what he said to you yes but how did you react to that well you know I mean now now you recite that like you know because this is part of your life and it's part of your daily routine and everything but at that point when you were still lost and you were still ill-equipped and you were still trying to figure things out like how did you react to that obviously it stuck with you you know during that time frame I was full of Fire so I didn't look at things the way I do now yeah but you remembered it I do I remember how deep that that message was because I do understand what he was saying but also like I I mean so so this is the first time I've heard that really um and and Beyond it obviously making sense I think what's most thought provoking about that is that in an individual has thought about that for so long that they had the Consciousness to be able to respond to that question in such a thoughtful way I I like to think of myself as a student I I want to learn from everybody around me and you know through my travels I've encountered a lot of people that I look at and you know from appearance or from stature or from accomplishments or whatever it happens to be I think wow I bet that person has the answer and you ask him that question and it's been such a string of disappointments because you know that person who supposedly has it all together well they should know the answer to a question like that right or some they should be able to respond with something and in most cases yeah to keep getting more or work harder than the last day or say really that that's the secret to life there's no truth there is no truth that comes from what other people say or your narrative or what you think is actual the only truth there is in life comes from consistency routine so your morning routine started at 0-500.04. okay so let me tell you what goes through that why everything that I do is for a reason you know Bruce Lee says that the world is your teacher see at this point in my life you know I am a commander I have been taught by the world in so many different senses as in I ran with different foreign Commander units I have experienced worldly right so the answer was external and then when I looked internally it was a different War so my thing was you know I had to listen to different podcasts and doctors I told you I gained intelligence right and I even went through different seminars I went to Tony Robbins seminar I was the guy who was dancing shaking my body screaming [Music] at the top of my lungs because look Patrick I was hurting yeah and I needed answers so I was willing to try anything I was willing to let go the ego right so there I was I was learning to change my physiology and you know in the mind and body is connected so I extract that lesson I extract a lesson to journaling I extracted less and importance of spirituality physical training and mind and body I extract these lessons through my life right and I wouldn't say one I had one teacher it you know I just told you about the monk in Tibet when I was 24 years old right right so my life was my teacher so then I started dissecting on what worked now I understand how the enemy worked the mind and body is connected the mind and body is connected what you think about today neurologically is what you're going to think about tomorrow and it affects you physically because every thought is tied to experience every experience is tied to an emotion the more traumatic the experience the more dramatic the emotion I understand so now you know how the enemy works and this enemy was programmed during the prehistoric time right when we are a hunter-gatherers this this mind was developed to look at dangers it's a fight or flight but see we were different from a lot of other animals because we have this big cortex right and we can think and we can generate thought memory memories tied to emotions emotion is tied to baggage right so if you never release that emotion it's still in you right right right so my everyday routine is I wake up at four o'clock in the morning because it's hard not everybody wants to wake up at four o'clock in the morning it requires discipline so first I show discipline I wake up at four o'clock in the morning 4 30 I'm sitting out boy you saw in a private five acres dark deck right aspen tree so beautiful here's a knot amazing and you know I sit there in total darkness and I focus in on my breath star stair you know if at first you know you you may not lock into breath okay look it took me years but I tell you what I do I I focus first on my breath and then I start this rhythm I build this rhythm of breathing and what am I doing I'm changing my physiology if I'm changing my physiology by regulating my breathing pattern my physiology my body is connected to my mind so once I breathe I'm breathing in and then I focus on breath inhale exhale look it's going to be very hard at first okay I focus more on feeling than on thought like people say focus on in health I don't focus on that I focus on my inhale I focus on how cool the air is entering my lungs and on exhale I focus how hot the air is exiting my lungs but as I breathe into my Domino I can feel anxieties I could feel stress I could feel maybe some baggage that I had from yesterday thoughts right so I'm breathing that baggage out I'm breathing that emotion out because I don't want that trapped in my body you know scientists have identified that people have trap emotions that causes physical health of course like people felt like they were about to have a heart attack and it was just a emotion that was trapped in that heart well sure it's um you know that that's what you know stress is an emotion right um fear is an emotion uh hurt is is an emotion and and all of that creates stress and you know I I think it's universally accepted now you know uh causes of early death you know of of heart disease and stroke and even you know now they're speculating even cancer that you know this stress can build up toxins in your body and you know you have to find a way to release that yeah right it's very important and so you know I think uh a lot of our audience and a lot of you know veterans struggle with that right they struggle with how to deal with that stress and you know in a lot of cases you know they're not healthy ways right you know so so drinking May really you know give you the perception of relieving that stress right because it numbs your mind the the problem is it pollutes your body which then pollutes your mind and it you know becomes a carousel so I mean as you talk about this to to a bunch of people that haven't been enlightened it sounds it sounds a little odd right yeah I mean when you're talking to somebody that doesn't meditate and you know maybe hasn't realized that you know you used to be that person like how did you what kept you going in that journey to get to that point to now you see and feel the benefits of that portion of your morning routine because you know a lot of people are going to try it the first time like I've you know my wife you know God bless her you know she she always tells me God you have such a noisy mind like you need to learn to meditate and it would help you so much and just try it here sit with me and try it and I'll sit there and I'll tell you in 30 seconds I'm I'm you know it feels like I've been there for 30 minutes and my mind is bouncing around through 50 different things it's anything but peaceful and relaxing and I just want to get my hands back on something and get back to work so if that's my experience with it then my quick reaction is yeah it doesn't work for me if I give you 45 pound dumbbell and you never lift weights before do you think you can curl it if you never ran five miles do you think your cardio is developed your lungs are developed it's almost ignorant to think that you sit in meditation you don't see the results but yet a lot of the same guys go to the gym and they don't see results into maybe five to ten years later right right but they stay with it but they stay with it but meditation because you don't see the result after one or two right it's almost ridiculous isn't it completely when you say it that way sure so foolish the mind is a muscle you have to exercise that muscle and there's only certain ways that you can exercise a muscle you know if I tell you hey you need to develop your cardio there's only certain ways that you can develop your cardio right same with strength training same with power lifting same with muscular endurance there's only certain ways so the thing is you have to sit you have to sit there in meditation you have to sit there and quiet even if you don't believe sit there and I promise you if you sit there look man I I told you three years three years before I even heard a bird so um sit there make yourself do it make yourself do it because you have to make yourself get up at 0 400 too if you're saying that it's important to be a good human being or is it important in your life to be happy well happiness don't come from money happiness doesn't come from success it doesn't come from being a celebrity it doesn't come from your cars your house or happiness comes from consistency and what you're willing to do to make yourself happy every single day and that's training the brain which is a muscle right so you know I sit in meditation in the mornings first it's called mindfulness meditation so you have to sit there you have to train your your mind every single day and you know people was like how do you train your mind you have to slow down that analytical mind so okay so 95 are just saying your brain is subconscious five percent of your brain is conscious and is divided through the analytical mind that's what decides what's right and wrong that's your Narrative of things so when you wake up in the morning your your brain weighs hasn't fully woken up yet that's why I wake up so early so I can lock on to that lower frequency early on well I think I think what I found interesting you know which was which was different than my experiment right you know I mean my experience experiment was you know I mean with my wife and she happened to be out in the backyard and here tried this and meanwhile you know you hear a neighbor's car you know and them arguing in the front yard is straight over and then my dog runs by and wants me to throw the ball for it and then you hear the kids run around doing God knows what in the house while we're in the backyard but what I noticed about the experience this morning that that fell far closer to even me meditating watching you meditate was you're right it was Darkness it was before the rest of the world woke up it was peaceful you know there was a fire there was incense and let's talk about that like the incense you know you know a lot of people trying to tie my spirituality my my my practice of uh mindfulness meditation they try to tie that into some kind of religion it's not religion right you're the reason why I light incense first is because I'm I'm I'm breathing I'm attaching to that sense that smell that keeps me present but spirituality spirituality right spirituality the practice of it that we believe in at higher power and it's right here so basically what I'm doing is that that incense allows me to open up that channel into that world that spirit world right so I can sit there with so I could sit there with the Divine I could sit there with God I could sit there with you know spirituality and I can rid myself from this world of ego judgment anxieties and everything else I'm transcending into the next you see in the next um level of Consciousness right I'm living in a higher frequency so after I do that you see me light to incense is I'm also playing gratitude to the day right and I when the sun comes up I pray you know to God for today I pray for life but then I also I show gratitude you know at first when I didn't believe I had a notebook and I had to write down what I'm grateful for because I didn't believe you know how many times you say this man Patrick you know you're you're accomplished man you come home I'm grateful for my house I'm grateful for my accomplishment and really mean it we don't live that way because when we look at the house we go I can get a bigger house yeah you I can drive a better car you see because that's look that's what made us who we are that's our ego right that's makes us competitive in this physical world but you have to look at the ego and the Soul as two different entities the soul is within the spiritual world and the ego lives in this physical world right so basically in the morning I'm allowing the soul the soul to lead me not my ego right I'm transcending past the ego I'm sitting with My Soul I'm setting an attention I'm showing gratitude when I set that intention that day it's like a mission statement right so the intention of the day is easy for me it's I want to be a better person right you know maybe sometimes I'm I'm not I don't know uh polite you know because I have my stresses too right so some you know sometimes my attention is you know I want to be kind I don't I want to work on this today right you're setting out the intentions and you're sitting in this spirit world with your soul with the incense is opening up a doorway into this higher dimension right level of Consciousness right right regardless of you believe it or not can you imagine just sitting with yourself and being thankful for that day like you know you don't have to think about it as in you know incense and light that's that's my practice because I saw different practices throughout the world and I drew a practice that worked for me well you know what what what strikes me is you know I I've traveled a lot I've done a lot of things and you know I I also I I wake up at 0 400 every day make myself do it because it's hard the same exact thing I go downstairs and and work out um sometimes those are good workouts sometimes they're not but you still make the effort to work out but then the rest of the routine you know is uh is now I see just not a good use of time right and it is a routine but uh you know the family's still not awake oh you know jump in the shower I'll get dressed I'll go downstairs so you know make a cup of coffee I'll turn on the news you know which is a horrible idea um and you know wait for usually my daughter to wake up and then she comes down and you know sits there with me and then so the family starts waking up and once they're awake then you know head in fight traffic because I'm going in at you know seven in the morning so it's right in the middle of rush hour so I sit on the freeway for 45 minutes you know full of a bunch of angry people and then I'm usually in the office before anybody so you know the first hour of the office I'm kind of waiting for the team to get there and warm up and everything else and again so I look at all that and I look at your morning routine and and truly this is just you know being enlightened just from this morning I never would have said this before but the thought of spending 30 minutes just quiet with yourself thinking about things that you should focus on improving you know in yourself and the things that you're grateful for and you know wishing praying well for for the people that you care about and even the people that you don't care about just praying for a better world spending that time deliberately focusing on that what a better use of time than watching the news or sitting on the freeway for 45 minutes right I mean at the end of the day I think you know every good plan and strategy starts with an efficient effective plan right if we're going to conquer something anything yes you know just as is your analogy earlier you know you we we try to avoid at all costs being dropped in blind into a scenario that we're supposed to fight our way out of right but isn't that life every day no it shouldn't be no so you describe to me your morning routine just a snapshot Patrick although you get up early in the morning you're reactive you see you're reactive right see when I get up in the morning I work on myself so I'm not reactive I set the intentions of the day so I'm not reacted to the day I know what my intentions of the day is right is to be kind right it's to be a better businessman is to be more creative is to be whatever right well you know let's just talk about being a business guy being a business guys you have to be creative don't you you have to think you have to navigate without emotion right so how many bad business deals have you made with bad emotions right bad relationships right bad missions all this is created through bad emotions right he who can't control his emotions can't control the situation right so when I get up in the morning I control my emotion um I clear my mind of all things so I'm not reactive right so you transitioned then from from mind to body so then you go from meditation into your morning workout yes so after gratitude then I go into cardio cardio training in the morning so I have I do uh physical training twice a day just off of my my daily schedule based off the demands right now I'm doing physical training twice a day in the morning I concentrate more on cardio let me explain why I practice intermediate fasting so that means seven o'clock at night I don't drink sugars I don't take you know I don't drink sugars anyways but no carbs and no eating after seven o'clock at night so then when I wake up the next morning I don't have sugar or carbs in me and I know my fat burning Zone right if you train that way you know within a heart rate you know your fat burning Zone if I can maintain my fat burning zone for an hour which is low impact cardio that I can maintain every single day without getting injured and that's how I started my day did I not train my body right to be proficient to be able to burn fat to be able to have a good uh you know uh mechanism to to burn and release fat you know and that's the thing is like a lot of us we eat over eat we don't know when to eat we don't know when to exercise some guys are like I want to get really big so to eat like crap and they get really big and then you know they lack cardio some guys get too cardiovascular with a loose drink right it's about Yin and yangs about balance right right so when I attack my physical training that training that I did in the morning was prep last night through my fasting right all right so each moment bees on to the next so yesterday I fast so this morning my my blood uh my sugar content and my carb content I was able to burn fat right and you saw me switch in between different uh machines and the reason why is because once you lock onto a certain heart rate right then you're not spiking and lowering it anymore so I changed to give me different routines and work out different muscle groups now what I just do I train my brain in the morning my mind to be at this Elite level and then now I'm locking in with my body to be at this Elite level basically what I did is I line up the frequencies right mind and body right so after an hour and a half a cardiovascular training then you saw me go and I sit in it right usually for me what I'm doing is I'm shocking my body again because after you do your cardio training I go into you know cooldowns right and your body's cold again so then I jump in my hot tub to warm up my body again so basically I'm changing my physiology again right it knows how I go into deep breathing within the hot tub because basically I'm changing my physiology I'm slowing down my analytical brain my mindset I'm locking into mind and body again which is programmed this morning to work at Elite level right right so basically I'm sitting in this Elite level right and you know after I get out imagine you get out of a hot tub or you get on a pool or whatever you know that change in temperature changes your body it makes you present right so as I sit there I light incense my body and core temperature has changed now I'm sitting in a physiology I'm sitting in a different state my mind is basically slowed down I just did it in the hot tub right because I'm present now I'm locking into the incense so basically what I did was I trained my mind and body to perform and work at an elite level and now I'm sitting in it right right and that's how I start my day right you know and um it's not reactive yeah it's so interesting to me because you're you're the first person in all of my travels that has laid it out in a way that makes so much sense to me that I feel like an idiot for not getting it sooner you know which is a great thing by the way I love feeling like an idiot um you know we spend so much of our Lives training for whatever our goal of success or whatever our definition of success is right um you know whether it's you know sof teams and all of the the training in in proficiency and tactics and physical and mental strength um you know or or it's entrepreneurs or or parents or whatever it happens to be but I I think it's so even for our our veterans you know once they they come back to the civilian life I see a lot of them struggle with applying the same lessons and the same routine and the same discipline that made them successful operators to their personal lives once they become civilians you know in my own life you know I I think there's just this sick thing in America today where you know adults are programmed themselves almost with this martyr mentality that oh well you know if I if I abuse and neglect you know my health and you know I don't take time for myself or my mental health and well-being and oh you know I I won't take the time to cook well yeah well I'm doing it all for my family and meanwhile that person's falling apart right you're creating a false narrative which is somehow you know this is some badge of honor that they wear around like yeah look at how I abuse myself for the good of my family what is that that's your narrative yeah that's a ego and that's your name is the same narrative as somebody got you know some you know if they they've been robbed and then they they they become a victim or they have a bad relationship they're a victim for the rest of their life that's your narrative God's given us free will yeah right that's your narrative and for me look man I I went through trauma since look I was born in war right the city was falling apart by a territory fire in the morning of my birth like I was in it you know Escape genocide and look I have my share of trauma I have a full career in Special Operations I have my but I choose I choose to be better and I know that it takes work right it takes work and it takes a different mindset the mindset that I had kicking in the door was a different mindset that I have today but the discipline to to affect those actions is the same right like you're right the the mindset is different but the but the discipline to affect the actions is the same right you've just shifted your focus from if I tell you this if I tell you Bushido it's the redliest of death right in the mindset that I had in war is readily accept death I'm willing to die for what I believe in and my mindset today I'm willing to die for what I believe in how can you stop that right how can you but I think there's there's an interesting balance or even in some people I think an internal struggle between the statement I am willing to die for that right like I think any parent would say I I am willing to die for my family but are you willing to work so hard to live your best self for your family right it's just because you're willing to die for something doesn't mean that you're willing to fight equally hard to live your full life because a lot of people are living just a shell of themselves if I say this you know I'm willing to die for your family okay you're willing to die for your family were you even a good person to your family exactly were you even a good person to yourself exactly because you're not a good person yourself you're not a good person in your family you cannot be you can't give what you don't have yes you know Confucius was a philosopher dating back to 200 BC in in China and Confucius said and this resonates with me Confucius said that if you wish the world to be a better place and it starts with you so you know every day it has to start with you it has to start with first the most powerful muscle in your body is your brain it has to start with there and then it has to it has to go into your physical training because you have to change your physio you have to have the same frequency of mind and body and that's what I'm doing I'm lining up that frequency number I told you I get up in the morning first thing I have is anxieties my frequencies off okay I have to Exhale exhale I'm going to Exhale that negative energy and and and then now I'm gonna now that my brain is calm my my soul is calm I'm gonna hit it with intensity right because I'm changing my my physical state yes to to work in unison with that Elite mind right if I say I want I'm training my mind to be elite I have to train my body to be elite of course you know and a lot of guys you know in in the military in my peers yeah they might have been this Elite Commando the Commando and a lot of Team guys is very pack driven when you remove yourself from the pack when you become Ronin when you walk alone that's when you find your true strength you had it or you didn't right somebody had to tell you to get up at four o'clock in the morning work on yourself or was that the Army telling you to do it right which which one did you draw from was it you or was it the Army was it year or was it a teens you know and on the teams look man it's it's about the teams right it's about that guy next to you that's but when you walk alone that's true I never thought about it that way but you know if if you got through buds with your with your team could you get through buds all by yourself well you know how did you get through Halloween also you know at one stage of your life to you know the guy that you were in your 20s not the guy you were in your 30s the guy that's after war is different it's true so you know did you have it or not right you know and and it's not about having it when everything is is perfect everything is right did you have it when you're [ __ ] in the dark did you have it when you're lost do you have it when nobody believes in you did you have it at all yeah and you know that's that that comes from walking alone you know that comes for consistency it comes with discipline and you know what I did this morning was look six years of me Gathering intelligence finding what worked for me listening to different doctors listening to different Elite athletes right listening to what they have to say pulling that knowledge been putting into my world but I think the other thing is it's it's given you another mission right because when you were in it was always about the next mission and that was the focus so we're training for the next mission we're staying healthy for the next mission we're looking after our team for the next mission but once you're out what's the mission or you can make anything you want exactly and that's what's so beautiful about being Ronin to be masterless you know I'm an artist you know I'm going to give my art to the world and my art consists of being in a video game my art is to be on the history of my artist to teach my Arts philosophy my art is Bushido you know and this stage in the world is about me giving [ __ ] means to intercept to stop she is the one the one who's strong enough to walk that path and dull that's what I'm doing now is to take my whole life package it up and give it back to the world and that's what I'm doing not just in the sense of being a warrior but also healing let me show you how I healed myself and I wish you nothing but love because I know if I give you love and kindness that we create a better world yeah that's true right and what is a warrior a warrior is here to create a better world is here you know to stop the suffering from the evils of this world um you know so what does a warrior do when he's off the battlefield he gives and that's what you know I'm doing that's part of my healing process right so understand like you know with with just my morning routine is also a mindset it's a way of living and it feeds into being an entrepreneur I love it I I think you're on to something and I think there are countless people that can benefit from what you've discovered thank you well too I mean we we've only spent so far a few hours together but I I can tell you um I have already learned so much um from what you've walked us through about your morning routine and especially why it is that you do it you you know I think like I shared earlier you're one of the few people in my travels that has presented this in a way that you know didn't leave me walking away feeling like oh yeah that's that's you know mystical Hocus Pocus that's good for you but I'm not that guy but but I think that that having that spiritual center which I have in common with you but I think it it is applying that discipline and that routine um to all areas of your life to Aspire to be the best version of yourself so that you're prepared for whatever Mission stands ahead of you and and whether that's just serving your family or it's serving your community serving yourself you know being an entrepreneur whatever it is that you're capable or you aspire to do you know you hear it a lot you hear Tony Robbins talk about you hear everybody some version saying you know you have to invest in yourself and and I think when a lot of people hear that maybe they even think okay yeah you know I'll work out for an hour a day like there I'm investing myself check the box but you're right the most powerful weapon and tool that we have is our mind and and honestly I would argue it is probably the most neglected thing that we abuse on a daily basis right that we don't take care of we don't invest in it we don't train it and and we expect it to just perform flawlessly day in day out as we age and as we continue to add baggage to it so you know let me let me say something yeah the worst thing that you can do as a human being is suspect Something New by doing the same [ __ ] over and over every single day and expect change yeah how foolish completely foolish I feel yeah I I'm feeling that so mission accomplished on your part and uh and I'm I'm personally excited to you know begin this journey and I know it's not going to be easy it you know likely will take me years as well by you know for the first time I see the benefit to it and and and it is just common sense right I mean it's it's logical why why wouldn't you invest in that so I really appreciate um you taking the time and you opening up your home and uh and just you know kind of bearing you know your soul and your truth and everything to us and and sharing this you know this personal part of yourself and your journey with us because it it uh I'm telling you it's uh it's changed me I think it's going to change a lot of people and I'm super excited to spend the rest of the the day in a little bit of tomorrow with you to learn more because if it's anything like what the morning's been like um I I think we're all going to walk away change people for the better so I appreciate it brother thank you so much foreign [Music]
Channel: American Bedrock Media
Views: 5,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATF Magazine, ATF, Firearms, Guns, Tactics, Training, Ronin, Ronin Tactics, Dicipline, Freedom, Magazine, Exclusive, Educational, Tu Lam, Colorado, Gun Range, Firearm Drills, Meditation, Mental Health, Therapy, Focus, Infinity Ward, Call of Duty, COD, Military, Special Forces, History, Green Beret, US Army, Army, War, Peace, Mindeset, The Way, Musashi, Japanese History
Id: v_SSbyLDqrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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