Walk Like A Wise Man Not Like A Fool

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have you ever wondered how can I become more wise you know the scripture says wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom with all that getting good understanding but where do you get that wisdom do you go down to like the publics and say I'd like seven pounds of wisdom please how much is it per pound uh I don't think so but I'm gonna share with you some Concepts about how we're supposed to be wise uh from the book of Ephesians in Ephesians chapter five here's what it says in verse eight it says for ye were sometimes Darkness but now are you light in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of the spirit and is in all goodness and righteousness of truth and truth proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is a shame to even speak of those things which are done of them in secret but all things that are approved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever death make manifest is light where Force he saith awake thou that sleep it's going to rise from the dead and Christ shall give Delight and then it says see that ye walk circumspectly that word circumspectly means wisely see that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise Redeeming the time because the days are evil and then it says wherefore being ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit so it's really interesting it says it says um make sure in verse number 15 I think it was it said it said see that ye walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise don't walk as a fool but walk as a wise person the scripture says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but the companion of fools shall be destroyed and so I think we have to first define wisdom and I know I've defined it before in other other videos but I'm going to Define it again today but before I Define what wisdom is I have to define the prerequisites of wisdom so wisdom has some prerequisites I'm gonna go over here to my whiteboard or my Blackboard I'm going to give you some some prerequisites to wisdom and with prerequisite number one is uh in fact I'm going to write that pre prerequisites requis I think that's how you spell it which means these are pre-requirements prerequisite number one is ignorance congratulations you were born with it right all of us were born with it we were born ignorant we didn't know anything now what is ignorance ignorance is the absence of Truth okay so ignorance is the absence of Truth now if you don't know truth then you're ignorant anything you don't know when we were born we didn't know our head from our foot we didn't know our hands from like our shoulder we didn't know anything right and so so we were ignorant but over time we begin to learn things I believe probably one day I was sitting there slobbering on myself as a baby I was going like this and my mom said that's your hand baby that's your hand and I eventually learned that was my hand but then I found out guess what I had another hand and I found out they're not the same hands I got a left hand and a right hand I got a left foot and a right foot I was like wow so not only do I have hands I have like I have a I have different orientations of hands Okay cool so we begin we replace Ignorance by gaining the second prerequisite which is knowledge now what is knowledge knowledge is the accumulation of Truth and we begin to accumulate the truth and when we begin to accumulate the truth then we have knowledge so we know things we know what our hand is we know what our foot is we know what our we know what our eyes are we know what our ears are we gain this knowledge and a lot of people say knowledge is power I don't believe that knowledge is power I believe that knowledge is potential power right and so we have to understand not the more knowledge we have the more potential for power we have but we don't necessarily have more power just because we have more knowledge I'm gonna see if I can move this thing over here I can't okay so I'll do that after the next video okay say them now the third prerequisite is understanding now what is understanding understanding is the assimilation of Truth see knowledge is when I know what it is understanding is when I know what it means so this is one of the things I say about the Bible a lot of times people have biblical knowledge but they don't have biblical understanding they know what the Bible says but they don't know what it's saying they know the logos but they don't know the Rhema right and the Rhema is what it means it's what it's say it's what it's saying the logos is what it says so so the scripture says we're supposed to walk wisely not as fools okay well what is wisdom wisdom is wisdom is the last it's not a prerequisite now we get the wisdom what is wisdom wisdom is the application of Truth it's only it's only wise when I actually do it so the application of Truth is wisdom if I don't apply the truth now there's one there's something that comes after wisdom what comes after wisdom well the thing that comes after wisdom is foolishness what is foolishness foolishness is when is the abandonment abandon a man abandonment of Truth of Truth so we walk away from the truth okay so that's foolishness so a person who walks away from the truth you've learned the truth you understood the truth you apply the truth for a while and then you walked away from it why because maybe your flesh caused you to walk away from it may your your desire to experience something to feel something made you walk away from it maybe it was your maybe it was your desire to to know something or your desire to be somebody you're uh what is that your your worldly Ambitions your need for other people to think something about you right so that's foolishness so you walked away so the Bible says we're supposed to walk circumspectly so the wisdom of your walk is doing the things applying the knowledge that you have if you don't apply the knowledge that you have you're not wise you might be smart but everybody who's Smart's not wise there are a lot of people who are smart fools I've met a lot of smart fools can I get a witness where Are My People okay so we understand that just because somebody knows something that does not make them wise so the Bible says we're supposed to walk wisely what does that mean that means the things that we know to do we should do and if I don't do the things I know to do I'm walking like a fool the Bible says don't walk like a fool but walk like a wise person so make sure you're taking steps in wisdom now what do we do when we start walking in wisdom when we start walking in wisdom one of the things we learn to do as we learn to realize that we're expiring like where we become more aware of the fact that we are expiring what did the psalmist say he said Lord teach us to number our days why that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom what does it say in Ecclesiastes it says whatsoever thy hand finders do do it with thy might for there's no work nor device nor service in the grave whether that goes you're not gonna have time to learn anything after you're dead too late to learn when you're gone it's too late to earn when you're gone it's too late to do it's too late to love it's too late to do anything so what we have to do is we have to walk in the wisdom of an awareness that we are expiring and stop acting as if we think we're going to live to be 875 years old we have to go through life with a sense of urgency if I'm going to be about something I need to be about it now so that's the first thing we we find out it says that we need to walk according to wisdom all right The Wiz what is let me ask you a question what is the wisdom of your walk are you aware of the fact that you're dying and are you making Every Day Count because you're aware that every day you live is one less day you have to live are you acting as if oh it's just laissez-faire I'm just gonna go through life and just kind of do what I feel I'm just gonna chill I'm just gonna chill out I'm just gonna hang out I'm just gonna waste time I'm just chilling I'm just wasting some time are you insane we have to have a level of intensity about the number of days we have left if I'm going to live to be 140 I only have like 30 what do I what I got 140 I only have like 80 um like 78 years left right I got to be about the business what if I don't live to be 140 that I have less right so I gotta act like I know this deal ain't gonna last forever and and because of that there's a Country Song Country countries music country songwriters are so funny they love double entender's right and there's a song called Live Like You're Dying like what would you do if you knew you were dying is like you know I'd I'd [Music] um um something about go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu right they'd go bull riding go skydiving go and you do all of these things that we keep putting off why because when we think about it which most people try not to do when we think about it we realize that the quality of our life is not measured by the number of years of experience we have doing a thing by the number of experiences we put in our years and see a person can live to be 70 80 or 90 years old and have 10 years worth of experiences in those 70 and 80 90 years because they just keep doing the same things over and over or somebody can live to be 35 years old and put 100 Years of experiences in those because they don't just keep doing the same things over and over and over and over and over it's really interesting like people say well Myron this is all I know how to do I've got 40 years of experience driving this forklift but I got bad news for you you don't because it don't take that long to learn how to drive one you got two weeks of experience repeated over a 40-year time period and that's how most people live their lives they learn a skill they add nothing to the skill and they just do that whole thing that same thing over and over and over again keep living Groundhog Day every day for the rest of their lives so we need to apply some wisdom to our walk okay so we need to walk according to wisdom cool that's not all we need to apply wisdom to our work how do I apply wisdom to my work because that's what it says next this one's going to shock you it says he said in verse 15 he said see that you see that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise Redeeming the time because the days are evil now a lot of people this is another one of those verses a lot of people know what it says almost nobody knows what it's saying this the scripture is telling me to work according to wisdom what does that mean it means when I work according to wisdom I work to redeem the time redeem my time now what does that mean what does the word redeem mean that's what I'm going to go into right now so redeem means the first definition that we find when we look it up in the strongest concordance redeem means to buy back or by up so I'm supposed to buy back my time or buy up my time you're tracking y'all tracking okay so I'm buying it back I'm buying it up then the second definition is rescue from loss so I'm supposed to buy back my time rescue it from loss and the last one is improve opportunity so I'm supposed to buy back my time rescue it from Lost and improve opportunity you say Myron what does that have to do with why like applying wisdom to my work here's what it has to do with it the scripture says I should buy back my time let me ask you a question when you buy coffee what do you use to buy it with coffee money when you buy clothes what do you use to buy that with money when you buy a car what do you buy that with money So when you buy your time what are you going to use to buy time money how do you buy time with money you buy time with money by paying someone else to do something that saves you time so I have a landscape company that comes and cuts my grass every week if I were to cut my grass every week it would probably take me at least an hour and a half of my time when I pay somebody else to do it I bought that hour back oh I don't even think y'all understand the significance of what I'm telling you right now so now I bought that hour back and I can use that hour to invest into my relationship with my wife invest that into your relationship with my children invested attitude to release you with my granddaughter invested into my health by working out I can do something else with that time why because I bought that time back okay so I'm buying back my time guess what I have a pool but if I don't clean my pool why I pay somebody to clean my pool they come by and clean it every Tuesday so I I don't know how long it take me to clean the pool it might take me another hour and a half so I pay somebody to clean my pool and guess what I bought back some more hours of my time but I'm married it's not cool for me to just buy back my time I need to not just buy back my my time I need to buy back some of my wife's time right so what did I do I hired a housekeeper she comes by she cleans the house three days a week she does the laundry she owns the clothes she folds the clothes she does the vacuuming she mops the floor she cleans the bathrooms and so I bought back my wife's time why because when I come home from work I don't want to watch my wife clean the house I want us to be able to sit down and invest that time into our relationship and so now I've bought back some of her time and I bought back some of my time like when I come here like there's stuff that gets done here that I don't do their stuff here I don't know how to do so what I do I make my time more valuable by spending my money on time buying back my time it's really interesting how you know how if you invest your money over time you become wealthy that's because there's something called the the time value of money and if you invest money at a certain rate of return over a long enough time period that money becomes more because of the time value of money don't like the present the current value of money is not the only value the money has we have to there's such a thing as a financial calculator and one of the things you there's a button on the financial calculator that's FV what's FV stand for future value so you can calculate the future value of money so here's what you need here's what we understand based on compound interest or simple interest or investing here's what we understand time makes money more valuable I know I said that kind of fast I'm gonna say it again time because of investing time makes money more valuable watch this because of Delegation money makes time more valuable I have like we all have cars cars are nice but they and they buy back some time right so if like having a car gets you from point A to point B a lot faster than your tennis shoes right so we bought back some time when we bought a car right we bought back some time by having running water in our house we don't have to go out to to the pond behind our house and get buckets of water to wash our clothes so we bought back time through technology and through the Techno leverage of Technology but we also buy back our time not just through automation but also through delegation now here's what's really cool if there's such a thing as the time value of money there's such a thing as the money value of time what is the money value of time every hour of my life that I buy back by paying somebody else to do something I'm either not good at don't like to do don't want to do or don't or don't know how to do is an hour of my life I'm buying back in fact I might buy I might pay somebody to do something for an hour that it takes them an hour but it saves me three because I'm not good at it are y'all tracking and see here's part of the problem here's one of the reasons like the Bible's not just telling us to be wise in our walk but it's telling us to be wise in our work one of the ways that we can be wise in our work is to work in a way that buys back our time the scripture says we should use our money to get time back we do the exact opposite we use our time to get money and we wonder why we can't get ahead I'm doing it backwards are y'all tracking so we go out and we sell our time to the highest bidder ten dollars an hour twenty dollars an hour thirty dollars an hour fifty dollars an hour hundred dollars an hour and we sell our time to the highest bidder we wonder why we can't get ahead we can't get ahead because we're not walking according to the wisdom of our work by buying back our time now here's what's really interesting I pay you to do something for me that I don't want to do can't do don't know how to do don't have time to do whatever whatever the reason I'm not something I'm not going to do if I pay you to do that for me then everybody wins why you get something you want you get the money I get something I want I get the time back the reason we do the trade is because both of us are getting more than we paid for what does that mean you want the money more than you want the time I want the time more than I want the money so everybody gets what they want here's the problem here's where you get stuck hey there my friend I just want to share with you one of the best business books you'll ever have the opportunity to read it's called boss moves boss does not mean you bossing me around or me bossing you around it's an acronym that stands for business optimization success secrets and this is business optimization success secrets from a million dollar Roundtable I have one client who read this book and in two months made eight hundred thousand dollars from what he learned I want to give you the opportunity to get this book by clicking the link below or just go to bossmovesbook.com and get your copy today and now back to the video you were watching when you love the money more than you love the people that's where you get stuck what does that mean that means if you love the money so much that you want you don't want to pay anybody for anything I just do it myself because I can save the money because you bought into the LIE that money is a pool to be viewed and not a tool to be used accumulation okay like people say accumulation of wealth wealth is not money if you don't believe me go watch the video that I did on the fact that wealth is not money what is money what is I mean what is wealth wealth is the ability to create value for someone other than yourself that's what wealth is fewer stranded on a desert island with 15 billion dollars in briefcases and nobody else is there how much is it worth no well it might be worth if it's dry paper to use to start a fire other than that's worthless so money is a way to store value as long as you are in a community of people who value that store money is a way to transfer value it's a way it's not the only way it's a way to transfer value but money itself is not value money itself is not wealth wealth is your ability to create something for someone other than yourself that's why that's one of the reasons why it's easier to make to earn a lot of money in a city than it is in a rural area because there are more people to serve are y'all tracking is what I'm saying making sense so so so we want to walk wisely according to our work and how do I do that I do that by two things there are two things that that'll be would be very wise for me to do disconnect my Revenue generation from time stop thinking in dollars per hour start thinking in dollars for value what what is value what or what what is value okay so let's talk about what that is so because I said um I I'll talk about that on a different video to take too long so so and I've talked about it on other videos anyway so just go watch all of my videos and you'll have the answer okay so now I'm going to disconnect my Revenue generation from time that's number one and then number two I'm going to use my money to buy back my life the the most valuable thing I've ever bought in my life is not a house it's not a car it's not an article of clothing it's not a vacation the most valuable thing I've ever bought in my life as I bought back the rest of my life that's the most valuable thing I've ever bought I would recommend you do the same thing so now we're talking about walking wisely according to our work we talked about walking wisely the walking and wisdom period then we talk about walking applied wisdom to our work and then we need to walk wisely according to the will of God what does the will of God mean I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna Define that for you as well okay it said in verse number 17 wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is and be not drunk with wine where it is excess but be filled with the spirit so I'm not going to go into the details of being filled with the spirit because I just did a video on that a couple of weeks ago so I'm not going to do that but I'm going to go into the detail about walking according to the wisdom of the will of God so I believe that success can only be defined one way discovering the purpose of your life develop yourself for that purpose and then deploy yourself in that purpose if you do anything else you wasted your life I'm gonna say that one more time success can only be defined as discovering the purpose for your life developing yourself for that purpose and then deploying yourself in that purpose that is the purpose that's the to me that's the definition of success if you do something other than the thing you were created for you're not successful you might make a lot of money you might be rich but you're still not successful if you didn't do like I could take my Mercedes out there and I could open up the sunroof and I can fill it up with dirt and park it in my front yard and plant some trees in it and it'll be an expensive flower pot but it wouldn't be used for what it was created for so I basically wasted the the whole purchase that car was wasted and when you fill your life up with anything other than the purpose for which you were created you are like a Mercedes flower pot in somebody's front yard so what is the will of God for my life I'm going to tell you what your purpose is and I'm going to say it in a sentence and then you have to go discover how to fill in the details right I'm going to give you the numbers now we used to paint by numbers I'm going to give you the numbers and you can go paint it later you ready here it is your purpose my purpose is to live in your creative space and make the world a better place how do I live in my creative space I discover the things that I'm good at and the things that I love to do and I do those things to serve people other than me it's so simple how could it be that simple now here's what's fascinating one of the reasons it's not good for man to be alone is because no human being no man no one man no one woman has everything no one man no one woman is good at everything what's amazing what's mind-blowingly amazing is I am really good at the stuff that I'm good at and the stuff I'm bad at I'm worse at that than I am good the things I'm good at but there are so many things that I'm bad at that my wife is great at and there are things that she's bad at that I'm a great at and if we were both great at the same things one of us would be unnecessary in fact both of us would be unnecessary to each other how many y'all tracking and by the way I know those differences like sometimes they create friction but beyond the friction they create fulfillment we can get past the friction we can get to that place of fulfillment like here's the reality there are people that you in your life that you don't love but you ain't gonna like them all the time can I get a witness right and the reality is a part of our maturity is developing our ability to work well with people watching us now who are different than we are because Opposites Attract until what until they attack but then after that what we have to do is we have to get back to the place where we give people room to be different than us and understand that doesn't make them wrong it just makes them different so I will say this about what I I believe this about the will of God I don't believe specifically you will discover the will of God for your life until you yield to it before you know what it is what does that mean you have to be willing to do what God has created you for even before you discover it now here's what's fascinating in Romans chapter 12 it says this chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you therefore Brethren beseech means beg I beg you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service it's reasonable for us who've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb it's it's reasonable for us to yield our bodies as a Living Sacrifice like in the Old Testament they had burnt offerings that they would kill these animals and they would cut them in pieces and they would put them on an altar and they would burn the whole up the whole thing it's an illustration God you have every you can have all of this well our lives are supposed to be living burnt offerings we're supposed to burn all of the energy of Our Lives as an offering to God anyway then it says and be not conformed to this world the word conformed means to be made like something with pressure from the outside it's like a cookie cutter like we all use cookie cutters before right sometimes when I was a little kid my mom we'd make cookies we wouldn't even use a cookie cutter we just use a glass right and cut the cookies with a glass or you cut biscuits with a glass right y'all remember that or with a jar right okay so and so that word that word be not conformed don't be made like the world with pressure from the outside but be transformed which transformed it's metamorphosized it's like it's like a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and From the Inside Out becomes a butterfly so the Bible says don't be made like the world with pressure from the outside but be transformed metamorphosized by Runa by the renewing of your mind from the inside now the word renew is not just renew the word renew literally means renovation and when you renovate something you tear out all the old stuff and then you put in new stuff and renovation is not covering up the old stuff with new stuff renovation is tearing out the old stuff and putting in the new stuff and I submit to you that I believe the biggest problem modern day churchianity has is that we don't renew our minds what do I mean we don't tear out all of our old baggage all of our old habits when we discover a principle in the word of God we don't say okay I'm going to start doing this I'm going to stop doing I'm going to tear that way out that I used to tear it out throw it away and I'm going to build my life on this new strategy on this new truth on this new it's an old truth but it's new to me he says be not conformed to this world don't be made like the world with pressure from the outside be transformed how by renewing renovating your mind and then it says that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God that is not three different Wills God doesn't have a good will he doesn't have a perfect will if you miss that you get his good will if you miss that you guys no no God's good and perfect acceptable and perfect will of God are the same thing and I want you to notice the order in which they're stated that you may prove what is that good and then acceptable and then perfect so it's good first it's acceptable second it's perfect last why is that well good is what God knows his will is for your life in my life God knows it's good acceptable is what God desires it for it to be for us he desires for us to accept it as good when we accept God's Good Will as good instead of thinking it's bad like Joseph did when he said to his brothers you meant it for evil but God meant it for good oh y'all tracking now right okay so when we do that when we accept God's will as good even when it doesn't feel good when we accept it as good even when it doesn't sound good when we accept it as good even when it doesn't taste good then and only then is God's will perfect or Complete because he knows it's good we accept it as good and now it's perfect it's complete how do we do that that's called Walking in the wisdom of the will of God when we will do that when we will apply God's wisdom to our walk and we apply God's wisdom to our work and we apply God's wisdom to yielding to his will we will live a wise and productive life instead of a foolish and destructive life I trust that this blesses you if you haven't done so already like the video share it comment and all the other YouTubey stuff that people do on YouTube and in the meantime in between time I'll see you next time peace out Cub Scouts
Channel: Myron Golden
Views: 44,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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