Interview with ART THE CLOWN (David Howard Thornton)

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what's up weirdos welcome back to my channel today I have a very special guest a little to say I might freak out it's not that we fun but this is David Howard Thorne who a KA and art the clown the Fronteras fire so high you can get these at terror threats calm actually no no that's how we actually yeah that was on the first things fashion show like oh god we got to put it out definite enough I know and it's so funny because the new Halloween movie has a head jack-o'-lantern and it seems like we got copied by em - it looks really I've heard the reviews let's just get into a little bit talking about how you prepared for a role like this yeah drop any inspiration for their horror movies or crowns yeah a lot I mean this is my first time doing horror as well so I mean I my backgrounds all in comedy I've never really done any drama or anything serious so that I've always done like comedy so that's my that's my background so but I drew a lot of inspiration from like physical comedians of all like you know Chaplin Buster Keaton Roland Hardy the Marx Brothers especially hard though also like when I was about 13 or so my aunt got me a whole like gift set of the whole entire mr. Beeney collection so yeah I was just I watched it just constantly just they just trying to soak in everything he did cuz I love that character it was like such a mischievious character that hardly spoke in his own way he wasn't necessarily evil but he was always up to you just like this childishness and I love that council I want to play a character like this one day you know I don't know if I can do it but I would love to have that opportunity so I definitely brought a lot of that to my care yeah and I can see that that would be like you are so specific with your physicality yeah and that I think it's what has made this character so like it's like everything you do from your movement to your stillness yeah it's hair plucker well I had a great teacher I mean it's like I learned from those films but I never really had an actor that could actually take me aside and help me fine tune and these things I had been just a math these skills I've been at math but I thought the years ago I started touring with How the Grinch Stole Christmas the musical our branch was Stefan Karl who you might know as rock rock from the show lazytown thank ya and Stefan unfortunately passed away two weeks ago the cancer program killed killing something ii wonderful human being but he was so talented he had you know just a mastery of his body de psyche he could do so much with you know very little look like it just totally never unless I didn't he would be like this even offstage to be joking around something you know there's lieutenants of life going around like it's just part of me is what he would do it was just like there was so much I could learn from him and he actually went to school to learn how to do all this and so I finally had someone that you know was better at what I did it could actually help me find and I took a lot of what he did and I had moments on set where I'm like okay how am I going to approach this thing what am I gonna do here in this instance and I'm like I called him my what would step in new moments you know it's like okay how he how would he approach this I would he play around with these like that's what he would do here so I put a lot of stepping into the characters yeah you learn from the best absolutely teachers are so important so how the filming of this movie she well Lister what was your favorite scene like how could it be crazier going it's creepy yeah my favorite scene to film was the pizzeria Singh because I got to have a lot of room to play around the character in that scene but you also saw so many dimensions to the character of heart and that's what you saw his playfulness they also just saw his outright evil and maliciousness later on and that's he goes back in there and it just slaughters the guys that ran the place and it was like there was just so much going on in that scene it set up so much stuff it was just it was just responding is so much fun and I think that's one of those things where I had a lot of freedom just to play around with the characters I totally enjoy flying around with man like it's like a little boob that she did on my nose that was something she added and I it almost looks like later on with the same ride kill her it's like I have to bring that full circle sighted in to dual boot back to her nose I love bringing things you know full circle oh yeah I love that also were the other actors like really turned a corner on a few times maybe begin that that's expected especially in dark you know you like dark places that were filming it's like I would steer myself I forget because like the makeup after it was on he's very comfortable was all to my face and so I would sometimes forget I was wearing and not be in the bathroom watching my hands I look up and really was somewhat difficult to act under it and it was very easy to act and that was one thing else actually concerned about because since our is such as silent character you have to have find other ways to convey his attention to blacks and you know what he's feeling and you know do with physical gestures but I was really want to do a lot of stuff with my face and luckily that's how the mask was made was glued to my face that we could show little twitch anything I did my Facebook tilted red and I actually spent like a good like 20-30 minutes and father beer my first time learning about rescuing a full house yeah just so I wouldn't know how it would look on film I I do that with every character I play where when I get my makeup the first time I like to sit on the mirror and it just makes aces people think I'm not spelling I want to know what's going ya know that really makes sense what's possible with this face on yeah and your eye your eye that wasn't making the character that I really that really affected me was your eyes they felt so like full of information even with the silent character and so I thought that was really exciting that does say especially the silent character that's like the eyes are so telling me they're just in general and so that that's one thing both Damien and I have made sure to do a lot with a lot of acting like stuff that to you is even like this is the look I want you to have on your face is painting in your eyes like like the scene where I'm using the gun like when I'm killing Jenna you wanted no really one way I used to be dead just yeah it's like you're getting no clutter out pleasure out visit or just just dead eyes no mo okay cool that was one of the most shocking the ones for me that that he had a gun yeah yeah for some reason in my habit this sort of these sort of characters would like to kill really with their hands yeah I mean he does yeah that was his contingency plan he didn't want to miss again but you know he doesn't want to lose either so he's gonna be what I'm kind of surprised he's so yeah of course he like that's his last-ditch effort he's like okay she's got me on the ropes but how am I gonna get out of this okay I was shocked they were not going to see that coming and let me tell you I love yeah yeah we've also taken a lot of criticism where that scene as well because I think we've broken the splash of code per se but like I don't really think we broke the code because that codes actually been broken into other films before I was even like specially the screen they use guns all the time yeah though it's like but we also now live in a culture where gun violence is very prevalent it's it's a different time and it's if that's a scary thing to a lot of people yeah that's a very real thing and he used a very real means of killing people absolutely and I think a lot of artists now are being much more careful in the film and specifically in theater also I know a lot of people are like it's a big decision whether it would have done on stage now but you know a much bigger decision than it used to be oh yeah I'm like I mean myself I'm not very comfortable using because I grew up around guns because both my grandparents were in the military so I'm like yeah but I was taught at a very early age to respect them my mom looks like no you're not going to have anything but you know you've been holding them you feel that power even though I did there were not bullets in that those blanks you know you feel that power it's kind of scary even I did we were very careful with those but I thought the scene was handled very well no I thought it was really really shopping and very cool well he's sadistic he's not a good guy that brings me to a question about how you approach the character when you have someone that is extremely evil how do you get on their side how do you come from within that character from their perspective with him I just looked at it as as I he he realizes what he is he knows he he's accepted that lot in his life and he's chosen to enjoy it he laughs he's like.he him he's embraced what he uses and he's a captain because he have different villain you know there are some villains that don't realize they are they don't they think everything that you're handling is virtuous right and those are very interesting villains themselves but art realizes what he knows and he embraces it and enjoys it and I think that makes a little bit scary in itself absolutely loves this he loves it and that's helped do anything yeah he will do whatever he can to come out scary wasn't worth like to work with debuted on set let's have an interaction and that was oh we had so much focus we were like he Damian did my makeup as well yeah he's extremely talented he did all of the practical effects for the film he wrote and directed it well we have we had a few women that helped out do makeup for say other people ball but anything that had to deal with like my makeup or any of the injuries that people incurring the faster Damian was like I'm doing that that's his thing he grew up learning how to do special effects makeup multi-talented man wrote it directed and did all practical just like so invested in this character what I could it says yes I could see him like to fully take care of that he was like no no one else is doing your makeup killed yet [Music] anyway but he was feeling great I'm like we my makeup process usually took about three and a half four hours of some things more because we'd have to leave me to go set up shots at shots or sometimes be in the chair sometimes upwards to eat powers out get the chair about four o'clock in the afternoon and get out of the chair at night to go film the exhausting yeah you know especially mentally you're too soon but we got to get to know each other a lot because we spent I would say well over a hundred hours together in that chair alone just chatting with those like guys which is great yep this is a very small taskbar or maybe there's podcast very small crew so everybody got to know each other very well routine I also feel like you can sort of feel that when you watch the movie it's something sort of like close-knit and special there's nothing special about it what do you watch the movie it doesn't it like it's really obviously like it's a well-made stone but it also feels not like a big movie bajillion dollar production it feels like people that really care about horror and care about these characters making a movie versus like a big studio making a movie it wasn't about just making a lot of money yeah and I feel that it was a that's exactly what it was all of us that made this our true fan genre and we wanted to basically make this as a no ha or a love letter to the older slasher films from a sentence that we proved up and those films you know we're not having on plot they weren't having a carry on development they were all about the door and they were all out just having fun with it yeah and people talk about that there's not really backstory and I was like wait maybe this ability is his backstory I like that because I know you have what happens at the ending and I think that's where you know art truly awakenings to these new powers two points for music also I wanted to talk a little bit about the gore of this film is extremely gory though oh yes I feel like I actually see in modern horror movies like in the last light years like I'm just like wow this is intense and I'm wondering what was like to work with that much beloved and how is it different from other like did that mean like oh we can only do so many takes because we have to do is crazy blood thing I'm definitely prepared for that I mean it's like the only bad thing about I was that we found a lot during the winter so it was kind of cold had that blood onto everything is like especially where we filmed out Trenton there was not any feet in that buildings so before for Catherine when we were filming out there in Staten Island for her upside down scene that Seattle was blue I have all of the respect of the world for Kathleen for what she had a new earth at night because it was at least 20 degrees and on the at most at most 20 degrees at night and she was in the elements like she had a whole like a brother no it was like that was like the one night that we were not joking around it all on set because I was a very dangerous thing that she was having to do as well she was literally hanging upside down we don't let her hang upside down for about 30 seconds at a time and they would have to brush in and when we had a whole ring so he will you back up and let her lie down and just relax but even because of just those 30 seconds off and on again ended up getting sick the next day because all the blood counts of going up yeah what dedication no no kid that guy said how she gets the MVP of workers it was like and even before that it's like when they were making the the full-body mole with her for that they forgot to put the releasing agent on her so when they went to try to get her out of it had to take it to the ER because she was stuck in a ditch they had slowly prior out of that thing it was like that's terrifying like her body was encased in them yeah yeah yeah so she went through a lot I love you Katherine [Music] what's it like for you to do such a brutal scene I could just had to like you know just get outside of my head because you know I'm I'm not about violence towards women at all yeah so like I mean my sister came from a piece of marriage first marriage and stuff like that so like I'm not but I know how to differentiate myself from the character and that's the thing now I just had it like oh great this is this guy's people he's sadistic he's mean and this is what you would do acting exactly like spread through family reacted very curious well well my sister recently called me absolution a group home down in Alabama yeah she's like well we watched your film everybody's scared of you now my dad has a wash it yet because he's trying to make her like my uh my great kisser migrates Depp nephew and these are they leaves to stay at their place so yeah they just want to make sure yeah no no no I don't I don't want to scar those children I don't want to be coming home they're like oh because I mean not a [ __ ] handle works oh my god you did them my mom I did not watch horror films longest time because of my mom because her spear impacted me my mom thought the original fall the House of Usher was the most scary movie she had ever seen it she would not see movies after that [ __ ] it's like if she was still alive she would be like I love you but no yeah and I've had friends that have told me the same things like I love you but I did not watch this and like this okay yeah it is it's a lot that's not for everybody yeah for everybody my mother would snuck out of her house if she was 15 to go see The Exorcist Oh old boy and pathetic scarred everything yeah I can see why she's like stop talking stop talking I'm like and now such a mass amount of people are seeing it because if it Netflix this month in September and that's how I started really hearing about it not like for our communities and everything is because it was on this big streaming platform so everyone was just like hit yeah and everyone loves it which is great yeah the thing that I'd like feels like it it feels like a cult movie no you want to mean and I know a lot of reviews have said that like a field it feels like it's gonna be a cult classic and when you and when you were filming it did you expect this sort of successful no did anyone know we hoped okay not expect yeah we said first started doing the screening is back in 2016 and tell ride our festival out there and they've got a great reception and you know people one more to the film so we ended up shooting some extra seams or so like the scene where I've been had the one experiment oh yeah and there's a fun Easter Egg with him and the two guys who play the cop said there's no they're part of a production team called possible in films sometimes but my kids team they were the guys that started the whole scary clown cravings out there in Staten Island Mike is the Staten Island cloud yeah so that yeah so it's a nice little Easter egg in there it's like yeah I end up killing Steph [Laughter] oh yeah love it and we added that scene in that we also added the ending scene in the morgue because originally we hadn't seen it did with like are killing himself and you know we want to leave something in there that wouldn't hit that a sequel so like okay well what do we do it's like okay well bring it back to life within this leave that it's like a cliffhanger like cool totally and I am obviously everybody oh yeah it has its peak time you especially right now my people are crazy about it and for my final question what is your favorite movie oh boy hard that's a very hard question because I don't have absolutely but I would say my top five will say left Texas Chainsaw Massacre is that movie was so extremely disturbing oh my god it's just like the dinner scene alone and that especially know it's story behind how they've known that scene please 100 degree plus weather no hole boy - all kinda crap that's that's so good just the finger and I thought he was dead until that part I was like oh my God he's like oh that was that sticks out in my head so you have Texas Chainsaw Massacre Exorcist Thank You classic I would say also well I love The Nightmare on Elm Street but my favorite is dream warriors yeah that's just a fun I think that's like weird I think that was like where this series really peaked it's gutsy things and start having more fun yeah with knowing what they are yeah yeah it's like they they they were under sink like we know what we are yeah we're having fun business that's why I love it Nayak took a lotta exploration from Freddy Krueger as well for a quiet yeah even though look there's opener Freddy I always kind of like art is being like wow it's like such a nice small touch that thing is a pain but keep on Oh we had end up duct taping it several times because it would just block off Oh does that look like constant constantly it's like cut it fell off that's a good take to into it go yeah so we have that's three mom Doublemint that graveyard scene rather the hellhound surround that's a great movie I thought that you're seeing a lot of like a class yeah yeah and I would say I would see scream too because that voice my first first like part of them I really just stabbed through and washed that is a very and there's there been some good ones have come out recently and I've enjoyed I mean I've enjoyed like the first paranormal activity oh yeah I had a girl break up with me because we need to go see eventually for a week it's like I can't see anymore like you remind me of but I'm like okay I mean I love you girls I haven't seen any happy deathday yet but I hear that's great that's not so happy yeah I hear it's great I loved the babysitter oh that was just fun I thought that was it mostly Erin laughing it was like a very like r-rated version of home alone and I loved the final girls a really clever take on this laughing yeah people are really having fun with the porridge on stage and I enjoyed it as well the new first habits oh it was great I just wish they had used so much CG but I mean that's and that's something else it's so great about your film is that it doesn't have a lot of that yeah and so it feels that much more at all and it's I think it's because you even though you know that those are you know not real body parts being hacked off and stuff like that you have that balloon you believe it because it's something that's tangible that is actually physical there's I think there's even part of my brain when I'm watching films and I know there's I can I have a little bit of disconnect that I why I can tell it's CG oh absolutely because just not there it turns into like a fantasy film yeah instead of like a brutal like a horrible it just like it's so much more effective actually having something physical there it's even better for that actors because they actually have something after absolutely like someone with thoughts on their face that's like wexel and I'm like you know the bill like takes a point like that the head that I was stabbing into it the pizza scene it's like that was Damon this house killed they mean is he actually build muscle ligatures and everything underneath his skin and it was just like I was standing was like dude you got muscles under this yeah right I was like you would actually the blatant again I don't have to do it's just like this is it gave me so much more to work with because I actually gave the will absolutely that's so much more to in those same just heavy yeah just something back there yeah I said it gave me so much more than act with that's really really cool it's like I even cut down the dummy yeah that part is so brutal yeah like literally seen star knows like and then my face you stayed like that through the ends like I would not look away oh that was interesting yeah we had a very interesting night with that scene too because we were originally supposed to film that scene by two weeks prior but we're we're çb mental hospital the room flooded during increases snowstorm fell that night so we had intestines that we were going to use for the scene they happen you got the the casings when we film in fact dad's yeah this back of course recovered with the fake blood so point my grill intestines well our DP during those two weeks forgotten to put it in his refrigerator he just loved it in his garage so we got to open it up like I was so glad that my makeup made it harder for me to hear things but the rest of the crews of their own and I made a mistake when I was cutting through the body accidently cut into one of the the casings and that's when I finally smelled it I was like we didn't have sound going that night literally behind the camera just sit there go oh yeah we're just trying to get one let's get yeah I think Kathryn was glad she was not there that night oh yeah she's a vegetarian tip so she was like no no screw you guys nope yeah well thank you so much for joining me today well I have really I've had a great time and I've learned so much about this film now that I can't wait to share with people welcome thank you for sharing it with everybody yeah absolutely and I hope it helps more people see this one because it's incredible it's an incredible horror movie is all of us and honestly you get a great keep right here about what goes on in this is crazy but thank you so much and to all you out there have a nice Creek [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Girly Gore
Views: 252,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror Reviews, 6-24-18, terrifier, art the clown, art the clown interview, art the clown terrifier, david howard thorton interview, terrifier netflix, terrifier terror threads, netflix, terror threads, dread central
Id: cqlTxIInQlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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