Interview with Adele - "The bigger your career gets, the smaller your life gets" | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

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This is one of my favorite interviews of her

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ediza 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
I was I was actually this far from stepping on your on the address I'm sorry about that what do you want well welcome you came back from American alright do ya everyday I'm so jealous you did that so you might ask you question him in then I'll start talking about something totally right and you might fall asleep I put it yeah I wouldn't do that I won't do that just wave me off if I did I will when you when you launched this new album 25 there was nothing from Adele for years and then it was like 30 seconds yes from the first song of the album without your name on it I mean it's just your voice singing those first lines yeah we didn't add for that started here in the UK and it was during a program called x-factor yeah that we have and yeah it just came on and it was like a black screen with white right ingress of the lyrics of a bit of the first verse of hello and then it ended with three dots as in to be continued and then I mean I was watching I like expect this we were watching it and I just lurched himself like well it came on and I got really excited as if it wasn't me as well and then afterwards I'm very new to like being on social media and afterwards I tried to check Twitter but I didn't have a Twitter account so I just saw what was on there if you're not on there you have a shoot with Twitter Catherine well I do have one but I'm don't do I don't have access to it I don't so I can't login to look at stuff so I was just looking at what was there if like your granddad looked on Twitter you know sort of like that and there was like two tweets I was like oh my god no one likes it no one cares and then my boyfriend who does have a Twitter account was like laughing just going through or when it has exploded and that was like eight weeks ago it wasn't that long ago that it happened so since then every it so much happened feels great yeah I'm getting curious it why why don't you have access to Twitter is that is that cuz I might say something stupid you'll learn during our conversations that every now and then it's not pretty stupid I mean yeah I think it would be a great idea because III think everybody on Twitter is saying stupid thing to me what Twitter is about yeah I know but I didn't have that I like to be try and be a little bit not give everything away all the time so that I can surprise people with things sometime and so if I was if I had a password to Twitter maybe I'd be on it all the time which means that no one would miss me yeah because your last album 21 was was I mean he broke all records in Roza it was like the most that the biggest British album in the century and it was an amazing success and I'm acting possible to follow anyway yeah how confident have you been that you you would manage to do it I mean I wouldn't say I'm like out of the woods or anything with it but like for a little while I was a bit like I don't know if I'm ever gonna have to follow this up with anything that I like that I feel is good enough to put out and but that only lasted for about a month where I was like I don't know if I can do this and then I just realized that I can't talk to anyone but once I let go of there and also once I realized that I don't want to be in the same state of mind I was when I wrote 21 because it was a miserable one um I let go and I was out I was writing music for fun in which it felt a lot like I was making my first album again because I was doing it cuz I wanted to rather than that oh let's try and follow it up with something you know you know and so I got over it and I'm I'm fine and I was not expect this is that matter than 21 - tell me about Tottenham I mean you grew up in Tottenham yeah which is it's a part of London right oh yeah and I'm growing up there you grew up with your mother uh she was quite young when she had you it was how was that that upbringing how was that it was great I was I never we didn't have very much but I lot love and which I think now that I'm a parent and that really is the best thing you can give your kid and then I always felt loved and she always I think like the youth in her like it was just everything was fun everything was always fun and I remember being about 15 or 16 I wasn't in Tottenham at that point but and me like starting to write songs and stuff for me being I'm writing an album and she was like yeah I know it was never yeah I know it was you know she was ever patched I thought yeah I know like I can't wait to hear it one thing so it was never she was never like oh maybe have a back-up plan you know she was like I know you are and looking forward to it what what's your first musical memory yeah yeah and Houston to a lot of gigs and my first like really clear memory was a concert of the beautiful South that she took me to at Brixton Academy and in South London and she snuck me in like a trench coat but underneath her do that I think I was like free before and it was amazing it was incredible and then another one choice to the Cure infinity park and I was a massive show and and it was incredible I don't think I was snuck into that one I think I was allowed into that one I think I was been five and but she was the biggest Jeff Buckley fan so I just remember the race album all the time growing up it was just like I'd hear like when she put me to bed and she can have her evening to herself like I just remember hearing it from your point of view who who's got the greatest wasn't greatest male singer in the world today today probably Bruno Mars I would say he's the best male singer because he was like cut who's like this far away singing full voice at me and it was he was hitting notes I couldn't even dream of he'd be like I'll sing up here and I can't sing up there like bring it down an octave like you know he was just amazing and he could do so many things of his voice so we were doing that loads of duets in the studio like just mucking around I was singing that all different types of songs what what do you miss from your former life just delight innocence of it I think I mean not that I'm terrible or anything like that but um just the lack of responsibility and and basically living someone else's life while living your own because you know you live your parents lives your Guardians lives and they take care of all the really boring stuff and while you just live a life with your friends and doesn't have that many consequences and so I think the lack of responsibility I really miss and that's not to say I'm talking about my responsibility being a parent or being successful or anything like that it's just that things get really serious when you become an adult and you don't realize you've become an adult until randomly one day when you're doing something and it comes and that says hello to you that out of the blue and it scared the life out of me it's good I don't know oh don't get all not old so but feel it I feel long enough like I'm only gonna get older not to depress you when you're like 13 14 you're only ever getting one step closer to like going out traveling and having sex having a drink like that's what you're doing and now it's like now we also I got left to do no I mean now you know I can't even send out the tweet you know I can't even send out the consequences are too big but all of those things have nothing to do with my work and you know my music is like real life and it's funny because all my friends we're all between that 26 and 31 and we're all having meltdowns well like what do we do so have a baby so I get married shut my house yes I get dog otherwise man what to do once I'm 29 five kids you're a nutter yeah me in your I'm out have after you well if I'm 49 if I'm not old then you are you sweet little going on oh no I'm no I'm no I just you know it's a shock we're not old you know we're not not I win old I mean I only old people they're really old um you've said once the more success you have yeah the less life you are the smaller your life gets the smaller your life's get yeah my life's so wonderful and it's still blossoming and all that but I just feel like there yeah the bigger your career gets the smaller your life gets and and I remember seeing it in this not said like that but you know Devil Wears Prada the film when like you know she's like breaking out of her boyfriend everything to do everything I ever do is based on the film like literally I have little snippets of films that rolling in the deep' was about Mark Wahlberg floating in the sea during the perfect storm when he's leading the love letter like that's what that's about so yeah that's my why envisioned when I was singing it so which film is hello and hello is not how it's not really one hello didn't really have one but like the saying of you know the bigger your career gets the small your life gets in Devil Wears Prada and her boyfriends like getting annoyed and he's and someone else says to her like when your whole life goes up in smoke you drew a promotion and I never being like what does he mean by that and then I just as my career got bigger on 21 my life didn't go up in smoke at all and I love the opportunity and my life I love everything about it but it's just you know some people get quite fazed by someone's success so I had to sort of be a bit like distance myself from a lot of people that I've known my whole life and just make my circle a bit smaller is the project for you is to just sort of try to maintain normality in all this well I think that's that that's the main goal because I don't know how I'm going to write records that people can relate to and enjoy if I'm living some mad life and the thing is also that it's a very seductive business yeah I've been that's why that's why I'm not into it because it tries to seduce you in charm you and I'm not you're not real like everyone you know there is I like coming in and out of it because I feel like I could enjoy it more if I'm not in it constantly but also it always goes Fame always goes and I find it so tragic when you see people that have no idea that they're not what they used to be and it's like I don't get to the point where like no one wants to come to my shows or listen to my music and I don't realize it and I think I'm firing my manager and stuff like that thinking it's it's like that's that's the thing that you you get a lot of naysayers around you a lot and they will say no all the time as you I I say no don't okay so you have who would say no to you my manager my best friend's my boyfriend everyone really and that's what I want no I don't want people like blowing smoke up my ass because I've seen people that surround themselves of yes people and they make records and their people I'm not loving it I'm liking it Oh what what you're not having common is that we have a three-year-old yes actually I I have always that in common with Muslim I guess because I have children all ages but um um and I wonder how do you sleep well he didn't see in fact the first nine months so I thought my body was shutting down um and he's a really good sleeper now but with the traveling and like I probably only had about 13 hours sleep in like a week um cuz the jetlag and then he's fine now and I'm just like wide awake at like 4:00 in the morning now that I've got him through it but um you know it's the hardest it's have my balance before like when I was making the record and that being mum and now I'm just like I need to readjust my balance a little bit to make sure that I have some me time as well because right now I do my stuff with my work and then all of my other time is for him which is great but like I need to display his chill and hang out just my friends just for a couple of hours here and there and I'm sleeping I'm steve-o I dunno I are you do on doing the the lullabies yeah I mean I have anything special weirdest to like I'm sure you guys have them at twinkle twinkle and row row your boat but if I try and sing him anything that's actually amazing it just tells me to shut up but I think it's cuz he doesn't know the songs as well as he knows that otherwise so so which one is your favorite twinkle think you must say that know what we don't have it in Scandinavia you don't have single Danko do we do cheats on my PC July ah the fact is we have wrote do we have Twinkle Twinkle I think they have it in Sweden I'm Norwegian you okay ain't no way come on I bet when I went I bet when I go to Norway I could sing in sucker three well maybe like ah yeah III really I enjoy because for me singing lullabies is it's like the children III mean her room is the new shower for me okay yeah you know III sound so good oh you're a vicious guy in our yeah I sound so great you know and sometimes she pretends it's always good when I'm singing otherwise it's really like Twinkle Twinkle it's not great it's not I thought I'm just going through the motions so you don't have the build up so there's no build up the yes I mean I don't sound like a singer when I'm singing nursery rhymes no very disappointing you want to give it go don't I have your moment and sing a song for us rightly white companies - can you sing us one sing me one that I wouldn't know that you sing to your daughter fun sing why be using her okay I'll bet that's something we general okay oh whatever then comme cela foreign tongue then I know it's your turn please twinkle little star how come on you're better than that's honestly how meet me and I could do it honestly you sounded wonderful what I love in your nose Eva thank you so much it's wonderful
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 4,098,369
Rating: 4.9305658 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan, Adele (Celebrity), hello, singing, live, tinkle tinkle little star
Id: 16cH5a16Oig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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