Interview with Bruno Mars: – That's the hardest question anyone has ever asked | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

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new album is called 24-karat magic please welcome Bruno Mars [Applause] how are you huh great to have you here again it was good to be back as cold out there it's cold out here yes it's wintery yeah and I'm tell me ah it's I mean I having listened to your rehearsal here it's really all about dancing now it's dance music isn't it yeah that's what musics supposed to do yeah make it make you dance so what I mean the internet is full of Bruno Mars moves oh yeah you never you never Google ears no never we're really it says Bruno Mars moves it's a Google Google Mars moves I don't do this often you were trying some under to prepare a few moves no see III did it did you just I mean I wanna uh what I wanted to do we'll see what are the new moves of the air well I'm your guy so yeah so what what are they what are your favorite moves my favorite yet what is the perfect move this year the Bruno me 24-karat magic in okay I've never seen that before well you know how to do something here that's it amazing yeah Bruno you could you call yourself a student of music what do you mean by that um before anyone knew who I was I was producing music for other artists and I had to be able to produce for a rock artist hip hop artist all kinds of different music so it's my job to study all kinds of music so I'm allowed to go into the studio and know what they're talking about you know what worlds they come from so if I'm a student of music I've read somewhere about you that you you are the kind of musician that have music constantly in your head yeah how does that work take a take of it how does art eggs in there um you don't want to go in there no it's just it's cons you know I'm constantly for this album I was constantly thinking about how I can make it better how I can make the course better different chord progressions different drum beats and now that where the album's ready and I got to perform I'm thinking about alright how am I gonna how the lights gonna hit and how I want to make sure everyone we traveled all this way I want make sure everyone has a good time so I'm always constantly thinking about something involved with music do you do you ever get time off do you ever get doesn't ever get quiet no what do you do to get some time off I like movies I go to the movies um you play cards as well I do yeah I was like a guitar since I used to play poker a lot how do you do I mean are you any good or is it um little money no I used to play I used to play a long time ago for a long time I actually that's how I would pay my rent and then um and then I stopped so you paid your rent by by playing poker yeah so you I take it you you've won more than you lost I want to go that far I got him I had a lucky streak for a while but at some point it had to come crashing down you can't you know your shoe box of money starts depleting you know you have I had a couple couple dollars in a shoe box and then all of a sudden my car breaks down and whatever dr. bill and all of a sudden that that that money is not looking so pretty we were talking about that earlier in this in this program and I know I don't like to talk about the election I was going to talk about that but we were talking about class and I wonder because now you're sort of pop royalty in in America thanks but you are awkward but that sometimes before that I mean have you have you ever experienced the other side of it have you ever experienced to be really on the other end of the scale yeah my whole life I feel like I've been struggling to do what I want to do and that was music this wasn't easy I had to go through some things and uh but I can't regret it because I might not be here if it wasn't for that journey that I had to take so were you where you're like like poor or middle pores are understatement I was blo poor well you see it started off my father had a show in Hawaii and we were it was a successful show and we were you know we were doing good we were well off when my father mother divorced lost the businesses and then that kind of spiraled into getting his poor as poor as it gets this is something you you just decided that you were going to be an artist you were gonna be a star I was always gonna be doing music I was always gonna be doing this that's all I know it's been in my videos of me you could look up on the Internet of me is this big singing and dancing and and I'm not good at anything else and that's all I wanted to do and I was just I wanted to take it to the next level so I moved to California and figured out that you have to write your own song you can't touch you can't ask anybody you know I was going into studios saying I wish I could I want to do a song that sounds like this that feels like this they don't know what you're talking about so the only way I had to uh I had to do it myself and it's do you agree that this is a also a part of your gambling personality yeah I think I'm always betting a huge gamble to to just musica I am always betting on myself before anything I bet on me did you have a gambling personality I don't gamble so that that's what the voice is telling you yeah don't gamble yeah yeah I'm sure you've taken this yes really maybe cool suppose I mean maybe it's not camp and I never play poker and I don't gamble in that sense but you have to be willing to throw votes absolutely absolute stone and and just go for it when you write a song it's you very much think about a film or in in in that I mean in in the perspective that you're telling a story but no for this album because because I love music so much and because I come from a producer background and work with different artists for this album I took and of tricked myself and said I'm gonna write a movie I'm gonna write a script and I can see it in my head I can see me and my band dancing and gold everywhere and women screaming for me when I do interviews so that's how are you envisioning I just I just envisioned that I didn't this fun album that made people want to dance many people want to make people want to fall in love maybe want to make love and dance and like it was because of my upbringing there's music that I grew up with that I was dancing my mommy my friends when I think about the height like going up in Hawaii if you didn't dance girls weren't looking at you so it was very important that you knew how to dance and that was the music that was playing on the radio and that's the music you make today to me as I aspire to make I remember that feeling that feeling of wow this is this feels so right this feels so good so I'll just try to make with this album that's what I was aiming for is to try to capture that feeling and give it to the world and one last question before you you you go on stage I I just wonder if you were to pick one song that can really get you up on the floor and it's none of your own songs right I can make it I mean you're in the disco and the DJ puts on one song with which song would be the best choice the best choice is q2 afterwards so prepared that's the hardest questions anyone has ever asked me right now how I feel Rick James super freak Rick James super freak I'll make a note of that and I'm gonna play it in a locked room by myself uh-huh very loud when I come home mm-hmm yeah nobody's gonna see me which one is your favorite I love cats with the Cure hey a really good song I grew up with diet I think it would have to be something with ABBA of course it should be ABBA yeah don't you know who doesn't like a bidet I mean I'd like to make bet okay that's like she'd be what's your favorite about you you can dance together having the time of your life thank you so much Bruna [Applause]
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 3,175,342
Rating: 4.8053851 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan
Id: Iso1iWGXrls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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