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so folks appreciate you watching thanks for tuning in so you got an interview lined up you nervous right just like everybody else most people are very very nervous for interviews because it's it's literally you sitting in a room and trying to convince someone to give you money and they have no idea who you are you have 30 to 45 minutes and sometimes if it's crazy you know four hours to prove that you deserve their money right essentially that's what you're asking for so yes yes I'm nervous at every single interview until I sit down and I actually get to talking I actually love talking so once I start talking I'm not as nervous but one thing or there's a bunch of things that I try to do before the interview to make me feel a little bit more confident before I get in there so obviously you want to fake it till you make it right so being confident is not something you could just wake up and say I'm gonna be confident in this interview and it's gonna work out is that it just it takes practice or I've been I've been lucky enough to be in a whole lot of interviews oh man it's been a lot right both as the interviewee and as interviewer as part of an interview team as the sole hiring manager and a bunch of different situations I've been in the interview room multiple times in and more often than not there's nerves right especially for the interviewee so to eliminate a lot of those nerves before you walk in the room be prepared do some research on the company do research on the role study a little bit so I've interviewed for a lot of technical roles so if you're interviewing for a technical world you know you're going to be asked technical questions study try to be as prepared as possible for whatever question that they may ask so of course you have no idea what questions they're gonna ask but you know what the internet might so google it look through glass door look through indeed look through LinkedIn look through YouTube look through Facebook just just every form that you you find related to that job description or that that the roll the title of that role in the organization and just you know start taking notes and trying to figure out you know what do you think they're looking for in their their next person in that role look through glass door to kind of look through you know look through people's comments on on the company so if you if it's a larger organization that has a lot of comments you're gonna have to you know kind of go through a bunch of pages and just look for a comment from someone that's probably in the role that you're in or or has occupied the role that you're applying for and in the past and try to get a feel for it obviously you're gonna see a lot of negative stuff but try to try to read between the lines as much as you can and just get a good feel as best you can but what that's going to do is when you get into the interview room you're going to be able to talk educated Lee about is that a word not sure but you'll be able to speak knowledgeable about the the role in the organization and you want to do that they they'll probably ask you have you have you heard about us do you know what we do that kind of stuff and you'll be able to answer that so make sure you you prepare yourself and you do your research on the organization and do your research on that role obviously if you're lucky enough to to know someone that works at the company talk to them get that get that knowledge leverage their their experience in the organization to bring that to the interview you don't necessarily have to use that person as a reference if you don't want to but you can definitely talk to some of their experiences and how you understand because you have you know someone that works in that organization that has have given you some of that information so that's always a positive thing you want to make sure that you're listening well so be attentive in the interview listen ask questions be interactive you know throw in some ad-libs make sure you let them know how how some of your previous experiences align very well with what's in the job description make sure you ask for clarification on things that you're not sure of just just make sure you're being an active participant in the conversation and you're not just sitting back like alright ask me a question and I'll answer it you want to you want to anticipate what the next question may be you want to elaborate your answers they ask you a question why should we hire you well I think I'm a hard-working individual and and I really appreciate this type of work and I think I'll be a great fit on the team go into why I'd be a great fit on the team because I think I have an excellent personality I get along with all sorts of people I come from a very diverse background and my previous role I was able to do this this and this at home in my personal life I do all these things and I think it really helps me to be to be a very personable person and something I'm very passionate about and you've just given like a 30 to 45 second answer from a very simple question that most people will just say well I think I'll be a good fit right so you want to elaborate as much as you can so the easiest way to to to show that you're involved in the conversation is to ask questions based on some of the questions that they had that they passed you so bring a notebook with you write down some of the questions that you may have along the way but you know just just make sure you have some questions to ask I can't tell you how many times that I've been in an interview as the interviewer and as the interviewee all right so I've done a lot of talking now what questions do you have for me what what questions gonna answer or anything specific you'd like to know about the department anything specific you'd like to know about the organisation and the interviewee says oh no well you've you've done such a great job explaining everything I don't have any questions that is not that's not a great response you want to make sure you have questions you should have questions right you should have questions about you know what are the expectations what a success look like in 30 days you know how long have you been interviewing for this role there's a lot of question there's a lot of generic question he's gonna ask - do you guys allow work from home do you do you guys do any tuition reimbursement is there any room for growth how long have you been in your role can you tell me a little bit about the company culture those types of things you can ask in any organization any you no matter what the role is about just make sure you have some questions and if you bring that notebook with you have those questions written down obviously you won't forget them after the end of the interview when it's time to ask them cuz that's another big thing that I found earlier in my interviewing careers that I would have all these questions prepared in my mind but once you get to get down to the end of the interview you've answered all these questions you've done all this this talking with your with the hiring team and you've forgotten the question that you wanted to ask so make sure you write them down and that just goes to that being prepared so be prepared have your have your notes have your notebook have multiple copies of your resume it doesn't matter if you've already emailed the resume to the hiring manager or to the recruiter or if you know what that is listed on LinkedIn make sure you have copies of your resume you'll probably not give them out but I've been in situations where someone comes into the room and says oh man I don't have a copy of your resume I'll be right back and you can be now here you go here it is right here and show it that you're prepared dress well so I'd like to wear a collared shirt and a tie to an interview right maybe that's old school I don't think so I think presenting yourself well physically is is really a key thing to to kind of show the hiring team that you're serious about the role that you've taken that extra time to to look nice for an interview so you're not to spend a lot of money right you don't have to go and and and spend a hundred two hundred dollars on a suit from from wherever to for the interview my first few interviews I got I had one interview outfit for man I want to say like a year or two and I wore to every interview to the point where I thought it was my lucky interview outfit and it didn't fit anymore but I was still wearing interviews because I thought it was lucky but I bought a shirt from KNG which is a discount store about pants from Walmart I got a tie from Walmart and I'm not sure what I had for dress shoes probably pay less but I'm sure the outfit was less than like 50 60 bucks and I'm working all the time and you know and when I will walk into an interview room a lot of folks say oh hey you look nice thank you for dressing up I literally kind of thank you for dressing up at an interview before so it's very important my last interview I get into the interview room with what the interview panel it's like eight or nine people and the VP just he says were you just outside walking around the building you know what I know you're outside because I saw I said to myself that is the best dressed guy that I've seen in this building in a long time and to me of course it just it relaxed me a little bit right so I was extremely nervous for that interview but once I got that it was kind of like an icebreaker it's like ah all right cool I know I did one thing well so far right so I think it's very important to dress well another thing that's really important is to be positive be extremely positive be positive to your previous employer be positive about your previous co-workers be positive about your previous life experiences be positive about about the new role that that you're hoping to to to gain to gain rather I've heard plenty of plenty of times interview we say things about the negative things about their previous employer about how their previous manager may not have been that great at their job maybe that person was a little too overbearing maybe that person just didn't you know have everyone's best interest at heart that's nothing that your new manager should know right those types of things should be left between you and your previous employer obviously there's a reason why you're looking for a new job maybe you're just looking for two to grow in your career for that next that next experience but sometimes like that that old saying goes as most people don't leave back companies they leave back management that's all fine that's well and good but you don't want to be that person that's disparaging their their previous employer because those are the types of things that you're hiring manager will remember when they're sitting down to have that that debrief meeting about the interview about you they're gonna think like oh well he did say a lot of things about his previous company and maybe maybe them that team knows people that work there right maybe they hire I used to work there in there like well they're bad-mouthing the the company and I don't think it was that bad or some of the stories that they told me about why they didn't like their previous employer I don't think was that bad and I think we may have some of that those same personalities here so you just want to kind of be careful right so just just don't do that be positive say things like hey you know it was just time for me to to grow on my career it was time for a change and I'm just looking for the next opportunity if they ask those specific questions about you know why why you left your previous employer hey so a little mama just woke up from her nap and I rub them on baby oh say hi you want to make sure you bring your personality with you right be charismatic be who you are so you want to make sure that you set yourself apart from the other interviews I'm not sure you want to make sure that that you your personality sets you apart from from the other interviewers or interviewees I'm sorry so bring it with you tell stories about your life tell stories about your life experiences tell the thing you tell positive stories about your previous employer and things that you that you'd like to do things that you found very very exciting things that you that you do outside of work you know maybe talk about your family a little bit if you want to get into that just make sure that you you bring that charisma and you smile a lot so just to show that you're a happy person that that you're you appreciate the moment that you appreciate the opportunity to even interview that you've appreciated every opportunity that you've gotten so far a year in your career in your life and just you know be happy people like to work with people that are positive that are in good mood so if you if you bring that smile with you in and it's contagious and people people see the joy in your responses it definitely goes a long way even if they don't feel like you can answer the question the right way or the way that they expected you to it shows that that you're still that you may be coachable that you know like you're your are open to feedback and make sure you always say that right that you're open to feedback in constructive criticism and that stuff but if you say that with a smile it's more believable so just make sure you're always positive make sure you're smiling again and you bring that that charisma to the interview and those are some of the the big things I think are very important to to having a successful interview so if if you want any specific advice for a specific technical role or a leadership role that you're that you're looking to interview for soon or that you are looking to kind of maybe need some advice on what you should do to to transition into that role or it's a help you transition let me know please comment if there's anything I'm missing let me know and just remember to always fake it until you make it right you may not be confident but you can you can appear confident even though in the inside you may be like oh my gosh that's fine so please subscribe comment all that good stuff thanks for watching
Channel: Garcia - Garth Family
Views: 27,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INTERVIEW, tips, blacj, corporate, america, how to, hood, high school dropout, ADVICE
Id: TvDrOkylo9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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