Held for Ransom (1938) CRIME THRILLER

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so have you i want to know when i'm to be released my nephew's paid you the money hasn't he you told me so and you were here before yeah that's right but there's been some other delays well now you've received the money why don't you keep your end of the bargain well i can't answer that the big boss dishes out otters and i follow them here you know morrison no matter what you federal men think i believe that young scott is mixed up in this kidnapping not to my way of thinking chief you just point out to me one concrete lead that ties him up with this kidnapper you can bet your hand any way you like i am playing mine according to the cards that i hold young scotsman tossing around money like confetti the old man may have turned off the supply [Music] last the police are no nearer solution of the scott kidnapping than they were yesterday at this time the last development still holds that is the ransom has been paid but the millionaire has not been delivered as prearranged flash rumors throughout the various cafes in the city carry a sentence to note regarding this latest snatch these whispers run to the effect that it was an inside job that is all donnelly there's an extra out see if there's anything new will you sure mr scott but nothing has popped her headquarters had put his wife yeah maybe you're right but i want one here all right have it your way hello mr larry this just came up in is afternoon train i must see you right away the aztec cafe you know near the plaza come in the rear entrance nobody will see you yeah i'll get there early and watch for you are the police in on it no i haven't said it to anybody all right all right goodbye there you are johnson get busy yes sir chief howell speaking all right daley let me have it scott upstairs just talked to a man who called himself kimball he and scott arranged to meet at the old aztec cafe yeah down near the old plaza about eight o'clock tonight good work daley keep the dictaphone open did you trace the call the operator is working on it now contact me just as soon as you get the information well young scott has a date to meet a man by the name of kimball and a mexican dive on the plaza so that's something we'll have to find out about [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] people who wants anyone no there'll be some others i'll wait at the bar season yours [Music] kimball isn't in there are you sure yeah but i did hear scott tell the headwaiter that he was waiting for a friend that's swell all right you stake out at the rear entrance joe paul you stick around here i'll plant myself in a private room now get busy [Music] so an aspect special please oh i'm terribly sorry i take your part sorry but what about my dress are you drunk i beg your pardon hey haven't i had trouble with you someplace before well it's possible i've been someplace before remarkable really cigarette thank you mr kimball mr scott is waiting for you in room number three sit down kimball what do you mean once with me oh we just want to have a little talk with you about what so you thought you'd pull a fast one they kimble i don't know what you mean i quit that innocent dribble where's that doe okay isn't your name larry scott what what makes you think that well if your name isn't larry scott it ought to be you certainly resemble a larry scott whose pictures have been in the papers lately well suppose it is whatever nothing only i'm glad to meet you mr scott thank you dance nothing hella kimball we know that you stumbled under that money up in the old mill then you beat it down here to squawk you didn't bring it with you where is it i i don't know listen i'm giving you just five minutes to spill the works why'd you hide that doe up the lake [Music] hello all right [Music] [Music] hello don this is larry can you come up the apartment right away well maybe well i'll tell you about it later okay all right see you then goodbye well at bill in this railroad ticket definitely tied kimball in cedar lake with his job they do seem to fit the serial number on this bill heads the list must've been taken right off the top of the pack come in what is it donnelly the guy out here says his name is john you want to see him sure i've been waiting for him all right hi you fella hello don say who is this guy the police assigned him as my bodyguard i don't know whether he's with me or against me say any news about your uncle not since the ransom has been paid but plenty's happened tonight what kimball was killed up at the lodge now they caught up with him at the aztec cafe where i was gonna meet him but why didn't you meet him here he was afraid the place was being watched and i've got a hunch is the work of the same gang i want to do a little investigating on my own before the police start messing around you with me sure thing we're going to leave for cedar lake right away how long will it take you to get a suitcase no time at all hop to it say does this bodyguard have to go with us i'll get rid of him and meet you as soon as i can get away okay see you later chief howell speaking what's up donnelly sure you're supposed to stay with him so young scott's trying to take it on the lamb to cedar laker hold the phone a minute downline you're sure that scott and kimball never got together positive but scott knew what kimball wanted doesn't that tie them both in on this case we'll find out ready you're leaving to cedar lake at daybreak i'll arrange for a plane donnelly make it easy for scott to scram understand we're attaining him good luck buddy thanks i'll be back in a minute chief [Applause] get me some cigarettes too joe hey man look at that plane up there looks like a private job i don't know what he's doing in this neck of the woods search me about an airfield and miles are here oh maybe one of those crazy coast-to-coast record breakers [Music] [Applause] where's the village about dreamworld come in for a long walk sorry [Applause] [Music] going my way miss which way do you mean straight ahead can i count on this yeah are you sure this is as far as you want to go miss certain and thanks for the bloody ride but that's okay we have to give you a lift anytime [Applause] wait a minute how do we know this guy has a way of shooting on a square yeah that's not worried me too i'm mix we'll find that out soon enough hi boys that's so good be on the way up here it's your job to see that he doesn't make it that money must be in the hop get it if we have to tear the place to pieces been any strangers up here lately no not around here oh there's a jail down the end came in by airplane this morning that must have been the plane we saw suppose the cops picked up our trail wonder what the dame's doing here i don't know mail carrier said she was a novelist or something all right moe find out who the dame is and keep your eye on it okay you be sure you take care of young scott joe we're gonna get that doe [Music] that was either a good shot or an awfully bad one you think it was aimed at us they weren't aiming to the moon that's a cinch well let's change that turn it won't change itself hi there is what can i do for you i like a box of english tea biscuits hey yes ma'am right away i don't believe i got those biscuits i'll sit and get them for you oh no thanks i don't expect to be here that long you're a stranger here in town ain't you i'm a novelist up here looking for little local color well you ought to find plenty the way the leaves are returning here lately say i heard you just gotten down early this morning came in on an airplane mcintyre said you rented you one of his cars my news certainly travels fast in this town yes well most people don't stay right here in town mostly they have their own places around the lake oh sam how are you coming get that stuff ready for me we'll be back after a while sure sam i'll put it up right away he was all by himself across the lake from the scott please don't understand him quickly usually only buys beans and bacon now he starts orders tomatoes and canned peaches and fresh meat and even imported sardines to the day i guess the person living alone like that is likely to get a bit strange well you can call it strange but i think the old food is just plain crazy and he ain't the only funny one around here another old man kimbo slipped off to the city early yesterday morning very mysterious acting scared to death of his own chatter really yes hey larry this looks like the same car to me i'll say it does i wonder who it belongs to i'll be seeing you dad yeah you better like my car not exactly but i would like to know where it was about an hour ago that's easy it was outside sitting with me you sure you don't do your sample mountain road hardly why say aren't you the girl that i spilled a drink on at the aztec cafe last night who me yes you not that i remember what are you doing here well if you must know i'm writing a magazine story and i heard i might pick up some good character stuff around here there are some odd people up here that's just what i saw when i saw you boys examining my car darn that's the same girl i met at the aztec cafe the one i was telling you about had you been drinking when you met her not that much what do you think your angle is i don't know well i'm going to get some groceries meet you at the car right hello larry right glad to see you good to see you again i'd might have sorry to hear about your uncle you know i got a feeling he's going to turn up okay maybe but it's beginning to look pretty bad i hear you paid out fifty thousand dollars for him yeah hey jed who was that girl who was just in here what do you think of that i plum forgot to ask her name but i know everything else about her yeah what well she come in this morning in an airplane stopping down the end rented herself a car from mac she's a novelist looking for color whatever that is seems like a real sociable kind though for a young woman her too i noticed that here jen fix me up with these groceries oh sure same old things i suppose say did old man kimball come up with you no why well he went to the city to see you late yesterday morning really yeah you know i said to myself james says i there's something funny nimble isn't up at the lodge you'll have to send me another cook get a hold of the brooks boy if you can all right they take me around noon tomorrow to find him but i'll get him okay you send the groceries up with him bye jed goodbye larry [Music] [Applause] hi there miss mason ever in trouble already the air just seems to have gone with the wind yeah guess you're right i see you have another car just like that one yes got them to rent to the tourists don't get much call from after the summer season today was the first time that that one's been out for a week then i didn't get nothing for it how was that oh had a load of old sam hathaway couple of hours while i was doing some work on his only i'm afraid it's going to take me a little time to fix this tire miss well that's all right i won't need it tonight anyway i'll pick it up in the morning got your stuff all ready for you same about time you showed up i want you to fill this order for the scott place do i have to take it clear up there yet tonight no i don't have to go up the in the morning but we got to get it ready here come on hurry spider and behold you just lays here every day you're getting so it will just keep oh by the way what did you do with that packaging empty shelves old man kimball sent down with you the other day just well take them with a girl she's back to the lodge said he was going to take him to the city and get him reloaded the coot went away and forgot him where'd you put them i suppose i don't have to find them myself here they are in this old rubbish box whether somebody didn't take them out and burn them up hey bill put that in the box with the groceries sorry to keep you waiting sam but i got so upset i forgot about you this scott kidnapping business is terrible ain't it yes terrible bill turn on them lights it's dark over early these days may i have my key please can i clean the telegram from here all right certainly miss mason i'm glad to take care of it for you [Music] some stationery please will this be a night message with mason no a straight wire oh i won't be down to dinner tonight i'm going to do a little writing go to bed early right [Music] so [Music] western union please this is a paid straight message to mr j.j morrison 1215 beach monster in los angeles california getting local color faster than i expected stop better come up tonight and go hunting with me early in the morning stop we'll guarantee you plenty of wild game signed betty right looks like some of our local boys have been kidding her about the good hunting we have up here well there hasn't been anything but mud hands on the lake for years [Applause] hey there you take the other side hey don right here larry here's the keys to that door that bird must be inside well somebody's certainly been here yeah kendall was right when he said plenty was happening up here whoever that was outside came into this house so since she's not here now how do you account for that i don't know but i'm positive he's not upstairs well anyway let's rustle up something to eat and straighten the place up why would you on that eating business say if you're that hungry you better foam jet and have him send that grub up tonight i'll make some coffee while we're waiting okay hey larry what's that number about the grocery store [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] what's the matter did you have to stay and witness the old [ __ ] oh you're always beeping what's the right rush we're picking up the mall and beating it up to hathaway's cabin come on now romp on it [Applause] [Applause] what about the dame nothing to worry about she sent one telegram and i stalled around till the clerk read it back didn't mean anything just to her boyfriend something about going hunting say she's all right to play watchdog too why don't you keep your mind on your business uh she's all tucked in for the night all right hop in so so by the way by the way other way other way i wonder where that guy can be uh relax boss he can't be far away well i still think hathaway's giving us a run around i'll do all the thinking joe it's about time you showed up you suddenly fixed young scott he walked in on us almost before we had a chance to die and we didn't get the place half torn apart forget it i found the money well don't stand there looking at me where is it and jen's grossly they think it's a package of empty shell kimball left it there had that gruesome kid take it down from the lodge for him why didn't you grab it how could i jed was looking oh he couldn't get the dough the big bad man was looking well there was no use tip in our hand i'd get easy after judge locks up for the night it's right where the groceries is going to send to the lodge in the morning yeah well you're staying right here i've had enough of you all blundering well you and i are going down to the store on the double quick joe you go to the cave and keep your eye on that ace in the hole oh how do we you wash those squirts at the lodge who is it come on in as a matter of fair you look like you've seen a ghost roaster didn't see no ghosts and don't want to neither i ran all the way from the gate you don't think there's any ghosts up here do you i don't know i hear kimbo tell jed there was some mighty queer goings on around here lately what's this oh yeah that's a package kimbo was taken to town forgot it i guess so i brought it back well done there's the groceries know how to cook listen i'm so hungry i can cook by instinct well you're elected but the pots and pans are in the kitchen i was afraid of that i'll get them okay bill thanks [Applause] so so i don't see no box or girls who's put up for nobody that's what he said you think the old fool's trying to pull a fast one that my friend shouldn't be very hard to find out hey hey listen you what'd you do with that package kimble left here well what package you got a package from the scott place oh you you mean that package of empty shells old kimball sent down here that's right well i must say young fella i can't see any reason for working up a sweat over a package of empty shotgun shells very unsociably like to come busting into a man's head up all everyone knows about that package i i send it up to the scott place along not be tied up throw your rod in the bed i said throw your rod in the bed now get your hands up both of you stand over there tie those boys up dad but ma'am officer all right hear me yes ma'am officer i got a piece of rope in the store i'll get it i thought you told me the dame was all washed up all sleepy by passing the buck huh keep those hands up here's the rope ma'am tie them up dad tie them up yes ma'am officer see if they've got any more guns on them yes ma'am uh officers lie down on the floor so i can tell your legs all right what's over lightly oh smart guy eh you better not get funny with me but i don't think that young lady officer is a phone phone the constable and tell him to come right over and tell him to lock these men up until officers arrive for them in the morning yes ma'am uh officer these men are tough customers so don't take any chances i'll see you later yeah that ought to hold it thanks cupid hello hello lemuel this is jet down to the store put on your constables badge and get over here right away i got some business for you yep right here in the store hurry up i got to get my pants on kinda nippy these nights look here how would you like to make a thousand bucks fine but i don't never expect to things being like they are now no i'm not kidding i mean how would you like to make a thousand bucks right now all you have to do is let us out of here and the dough is yours now see here mr you ain't gonna bribe me i've been an honest law-abiding citizen all my life and i ain't going to change now no siree limbs are getting over here just squeeze again and you're going to jail and you're going to stay there i promise that young lady uh officer i'd keep you and i'm gonna do it okay okay only sign off will you you bet i will don't see no reason why i should waste my time talking to like to you now there's lame now i hope well how's the mastermind going to get us out of this mess come on liam wait a minute dad what's all the fuss about i got a couple of desperate criminals i want you to lock him up in jail you know that lady that came in on the airplane she turned out to be an officer caught a ride in my room with guns hmm city slickers eh well i guess i can handle you looks like you fellas better come along with me what do you want us to do roll reckon you're right on time jed these knots are easier to put in there to take out oh all right let's scram [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who is it it's betty mason the girl you were talking to at the grocery store today what are you doing here where's that patchy that jet set up with the groceries today right over there whatever say what is your record anyway you've caused me nothing but trouble trouble you know nothing about trouble but you will if you don't get out of here with this how'd you know about that never mind take this and the two of you beat it out of here quick we picked up two of the hoodlums down the village and those who are still on the loose will be up after the stove wait a minute not so fast what's that money are you all right somebody slugged me they got the money where are you going i'm taking another lamb i just heard that dame squawking a young scott she's a copper well so did i but what about my cut of the money what money you heard me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] take care of my own well you're just in time take mr scott back to the lodge and don't leave him for a minute right smirk all right yes all right take your hands off that bag okay mole time up what about the skirt i'll take care of her she's going with us on a one-way ticket you're too smart to try it mcbride a move like that and you're a cinch for the hot seat i'm not so dumb if they do catch up with me there won't be any identifying witnesses get me all right into the cloud gang [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and jed told me the darn crooks broke loose and stole lem's car which way with the heading son up the old mill road [Music] [Music] [Music] betty betty are you all right are you hurt no i'm all right we left larry scott tied up in the mail and it's on fire henry take charge here we'll get back okay [Music] [Music] get ahead now time well it's all here mr scott except the bill the police are holding we recovered the ransom money but give all the credit to miss betty mason i'll be in the morning and make a formal report wait a minute hold the wire i'll ask her betty you know i can't imagine anything nicer than the honeymoon and honolulu can you how long will it take you to get ready perfect [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 90,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ransom, Grant Withers, Bruce Warren, kidnap, filmstruck, Blanche Mehaffey, classic movies, CLASSIC, #classicmovies, MOVIES, FREE, Held for Ransom (1938), classic movie
Id: jfN7etnewOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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