Intermittent fasting with Tim and John

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well welcome to this video always a pleasure to have Professor Tim Spector on the channel welcome to hello there great to be back and thank you on behalf of myself and all of our viewers that you've been sharing the Zoe data with us which is uh really been quite fascinating we get it pot off the press every every Thursday so it's uh it's uh it's great to have that so uh so fresh just before we start Tim well there's only two of us here I know you are positioned with it with a specialist interested in metabolic health um just a personal problem I'm quite like to lose five ten kilograms and um I wanted to know do you think intermittent fasting is an effective way for me to lose weight uh well intermittent fasting is a broad Church of different approaches some of them actually involve fasting when you reduce calories and certainly those ones you will reduce weight short term but it's unclear whether that is going to bounce straight back again after about six weeks and then there's other ones where you eat the same amount but you're eating within a different time window and that's called time restricted eating and that is where I think most of the real interesting focus is now uh research-wise and a lot of the studies are showing that just by changing the times you eat not what you eat you can improve your metabolic health your blood sugar levels your blood fat levels your cardiovascular risk Etc potentially your energy levels Etc and some people not everybody some people can lose weight and this is really something we're interested in at the moment because the data so far either are not on animals or they're done in lots of small very highly controlled studies that don't really mimic real life and what we'd love to do is to really see you know if we take half a million people uh doing this and they all shift their eating times a little bit a couple of hours what effect does it have on their energy levels their mood their hunger their sleep patterns and their weight and that's exactly what we want to find out because I can't tell you John whether Someone Like You of your age and your your BMI whether you're going to do well on this system or not and it also depends you know your environment and what your current eating times are which we you know everyone's going to vary everyone's gonna have different circumstances so this is a a chance for everyone um you know to do this and that's where we're calling for volunteers for this study so we could find this out hopefully in the next few months it might be possible that I can eat the same as I'm eating now but just eat at different times and lose a few kilograms that will be that would be ideal yeah I mean I think what we find is that when you when you tell people to eat in a shorter time frame uh they naturally tend to eat slightly less anyway without really thinking about it just because you know you you don't instantly go for those extra snacks or you don't grab that last biscuit or a bit of cheese before going to bed you think about it a bit more sensibly right so we we sort of we always have this temptation around us but if someone's saying okay you know actually this could be good for you and this increasing that overnight fast um we know helps the body repair itself we know that it helps the microbes repair the gut and it's generally good for our immune system so it sort of makes sense that we should all try it but it's quite possible that only some people are going to benefit not everybody and that's really why because you know as you know I'm a big believer in this personalized approach to nutrition and many other things really lifestyle as well like exercise doesn't suit everybody um and we have to try and find which which lifestyle approaches to health work best for us and which are too much effort and I think this massive study if we get what I want to get is like half a million people participating or doing the study at roughly the same time individuals will find out what works for them and we'll feed those results back to them but also they'll see how they do in comparison to other people of the same age and I think that's the exciting thing in a bit like we did with the covid study giving people lots of feedback uh you know about whether their symptoms were average or not or what things were going on it's the same principle we want to do and we're calling this the big if study if because it stands for intermittent fasting but also if because we don't know a lot of things about intermittent fasting and we'd love to find out what really works in practice for the you know the average person and we see the countdown to the beginning of the study there Tim not in lifetime that was about 20 minutes ago so and we can register for this it looks like so uh pre-register now online you could yeah and it's and if you go on and down the key is to downloading the the um the app the Zoe health study app it's the same one that uh the people who are logging the code that are already doing but those who aren't doing it can just log on just to do this study if they want they're not as interested in in logging for covid that's absolutely fine and we want people to share it widely uh if you want your friends and family to also do this experiment at the same time it's a great um way to do that and see if you can shift the whole family's eating habits and see how they feel and see if the kids you know and your parents or whatever you know feel the same way about it as you do so I think I I can't wait to find out these results and and this hopefully if it works is going to be the first of many lifestyle experiments that we can do um in all in all areas where we really don't know the truth and that we have to you know so often in science we're basing all our recommendations on that 20 people done multiple times but in a very different scenario to the way we live our lives so yeah join up everybody share it that'll be fantastic let's make this as big a success as the uh the covert app was well I'm going to register Tim because I think it's great for science it's a lot of uh Mass data but also I want to find out if it works for me personally so it's kind of killing two birds with one stone there which is what I want to do and just in terms of weight loss Tim could just in a sentence or two can you summarize what we've learned so far what you've learned from the Zoe data so far on how to optimize metabolic Health in terms of eating plants and you know the things that are important foreign yeah so the data we've got comes from either epidemiology experiments that I've been doing for the last 10 years with twins Etc plus the Zoe predict studies where we've been given people identical meals and seeing their responses to food and um that's now part of the commercial product that is live in the US and and the UK where and so we know from the epidemiology studies and we're just starting to replicate it in the Zoe studies that eating a diverse range of plants is really important for your gut health and with this the magic figure of 30 a day 30 a week I should say is what we're aiming for we may refine that number as we get more information and many brightly colored plants and polyphenols these defense chemicals eating fermented foods and avoiding Ultra processed foods they're the they're the sort of standard way to get your health but in the predict studies we've shown that people who have high peaks and dips after eating carbohydrates are more at risk of inflammation metabolic ill health and slowly putting on weight and so the other side of the coin is to try and find foods that suit you that don't give you these big fat and sugar Peaks and often are in Oxford process foods anyway but sometimes they can be in Natural Foods the things that we regard as healthy like an oat porridge for example um that many people regard as a healthy way and was told to reduce cholesterol in the 1980s but we now know for many people that's actually an unhealthy food because it will give them like me a big sugar Spike and make me hungrier make me overeat cause inflammation and ultimately you know over longer term make me gain weight so I think this is this is the new what the new science is teaching us it's a very different way of looking at food and you know this is why I think this new science is really starting to help us re-evaluate food in a very different way and that's um part of why I write my books and my new books coming out next week by the way John I think I've sent you a copy yet have you seen it yet I don't know I've been looking forward to it Jim food for life no I haven't seen that one no it's a bit of a it's a chunky read it's good yeah it's taking more than a night to read it but yeah because it's really an A to Z of foods this time so rather than just the theory of what we're talking about it actually gives some practical guides to um how to eat and tables about you know which foods rank for me highest and lowest with some surprising ones and you know even within breads for example there's a tenfold difference uh in fiber levels in what looked like healthy breaths and probably you know and so there's all kinds of different ways now looking at food with this new science that I think everyone needs to get themselves up to speed on so they can make the right choices not rely on NHS or governments uh guidelines or labels on foods which I think are totally misleading and uh lead people down to eat actually very unhealthfully when if they knew more they could be making those right choices so uh it's it's an exciting time in nutrition definitely I know since I've done the study I certainly think about when I'm shopping how to get a wide variety of plants and the things that work for me and the things that don't work for me but I think it's fair to say the ultra processed foods are pretty bad for for everyone they're the things we really need to cut out if we want to be serious about metabolic health yeah exactly so you know sixty percent of the American diet is made of ultra processed food and 50 uh 53 in the UK and we often don't realize that they are Ultra processed uh because they've got healthy labels on them they've got things like low-fat uh low calorie uh extra vitamins um omega-3 you know all these all these signs that uh you know the vitamin D that you love John you know um but it's all to disguise the poor quality yeah of the food and that's basically good food doesn't need a flashy label yeah it's there you know it's uh it doesn't need advertising if you understand what Whole Foods are real foods and so it is this educational process but in the real world again we don't live in cocoons we can't avoid processed or option processed foods it's virtually impossible so we have to learn which are the least bad or which ones just to have occasionally and which ones uh you know it might be okay to have regular but I think we we never whenever we look at the full choice and you've probably seen this now now you're using the the Zoe app you know many more things you wouldn't have thought of putting in your diet you do when you're prompted in this way and I think the nice thing is it does get us out of ruts and um but have you found it to use have you found your easy to get your your high scores or nothing not particularly there's a few foods that aren't readily available in quite a few supermarkets see even fermented foods aren't that readily available apart from sort of pasteurized forms so I've been having a go at making my own but I think I think we need a change in the individual but a change you're in the far north retailers not that far just just nine miles south of Scotland yeah no no it's it's a factor though it is difficult getting trying to get a particular food yeah I don't because I obviously I live in London I'm totally spoiled and um I think there is a few several years ahead of food Trends every single shop around me has kefir and kombucha uh and kimchi um and yet you know but they didn't five years ago and so I think they will find their way and and similarly in the US I think there are hot spots where you know you can get the latest foods and others where it is harder but um yeah I appreciate uh you know it sounds a bit elitist sometimes to talk about all these foods but um uh I think they will they will these you know people will understand what foods are healthy and then they'll demand it and then the retailers will get them the cafe is fairly standard now but the kimchi is not that available so you've got to look around for I actually work with you can make your own you know you can yeah I actually work with Koreans in in the university in Cambodia and they had kimchi with every meal breakfast lunch dinner no and you know they have the metabolic Health to prove it it's a it's it's all it's all there well they are yeah they are one of the healthiest uh populations who and certainly of the of the developed countries that have rapidly uh got rich they're the ones that haven't got fat and diabetes and I think it is interesting how they made because in the 1960s they were a very poor country and uh the South Koreans have uh shut up you know to the same living stands as the UK and the US without getting the the Obesity uh epidemic and diabetes epidemic and I think we have to look at some of the things they're doing right and it is keeping traditional foods I think as well even if it seems strange to us to have a very strong garlicky chili fermented food for breakfast if it works well you know don't knock it copier you know frosties yeah there's a group of 40 50 academics I was working with and Medics and uh none of them are overweight um it's quite noticeable actually it was um yeah so just before we go to look at the Zoe data Tim I just want to just reassure people I have no financial interest in this this is a genuine belief in getting huge numbers of people in to contribute to Citizen science to give us data that really isn't available any other way apart from Mass participation and now we have these apps and things we can do this so I think we really are on on the cusp of a new a new era in in uh Mass participation science which um I certainly find fascinating and it's your full-time job so uh that's just the reason why I'm doing this so I'm going to share the screen here Tim if we can sorry go ahead no I'm just saying it it is totally free as well so um it's it's not it's not connected to any commercial product or anything and it is it is free and I think the whole idea is that people do things themselves and we've got you know the ideas you want to add in people measuring their own blood pressures and measuring heart rates and sleep and all these other things so they can compare and maybe we can start to get community groups working within them that can even suggest the next trial and things like this so I think it potentially very empowering for people to sort of you know self-direct their own personal Healthcare whilst also doing uh adding to research so without needing lengthy grants and uh you know five years of applications uh to do it and as always we promise like with the covid ACT to give the data back immediately to people not wait years for the publication yeah there's an instant gratification you just get you get the data with it within days it's uh it really is very satisfying and it's also science that's Medical Science that's not limited by um the randomized double blind control trials which might be quite expensive or of course are very expensive and might be done with people with a commercial interest in a particular product whereas this is this is a democratization um of Health so I'm going to share this screen Tim and we'll have a quick look at the Zoe data if you don't mind running through it just make sure I'm getting the right uh been giving people the right impression over the past few weeks I'm sure you have
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 177,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: pQH48I5wBtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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