Vaccination and multiple sclerosis

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Personally, I trust the experts. And so I’m an vaxxmaxxing and about to get my 9th booster.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/trollergator 📅︎︎ May 30 2023 🗫︎ replies

But Canada still pushes them as ‘safe and effective’.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ImpressionableSix 📅︎︎ May 31 2023 🗫︎ replies
well a warm welcome to today's talk Monday the 29th of May now last week the World Health Organization put out a release showing that there was a possible cause or relationship between covid-19 vaccine and multiple sclerosis and we're allowed to report on this because it is an official who paper we're limited to other things we can report but we can report this now this is the paper here now um it says covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis via cross reactivity with t helper cells so quite a mission from the World Health Organization now this isn't available on quite a few servers now but I've got DuckDuckGo on my um on my desktop so I could find it again but that's that's that's it there and it is as I say who publication so we can actually talk about this nice to be able to talk about things now what is this actually uh showing what what is going on here well I'm going to sort of do a quick explanation of what seems to be going on so what we have here imagine this is a nerve fiber here so the nerve that the nerve impulses will travel down here and this will be in the brain or the spinal cord and these nerve fibers are surrounded by this protective myelin sheath and in the nest central nervous system they're made by cells called oligodendrocytes here we have the spike protein from a natural uh SARS coronavirus II infection and here we have the spike protein produced by the vaccine on its own now in learning to recognize this is the CD4 lymphocyte here the T helper cell this is the famous tea helper cell that's disordered in um in HIV so when people become immunocompromised in AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome what actually happens is is the virus destroys a lot of the CD4 helper cells until they can't produce any immune response but here it's not lack of immune response it's too much immune response that is the uh the problem so the CD4 is learning to recognize rightly as in the principles of vaccination these uh these Spike proteins and it can beat up these Spike proteins which of course is is good these are the spike proteins produced by the vaccine and the idea is that will help the CDL CD helper cells to get rid of the spike protein should there be a natural infection which we could argue about but the point is the same sort of chemical profile that we're finding on the surface of the spike protein um molecules there we're finding very similar proteins on the surface of the well there are very similar proteins on the surface of the myelin sheath so the T helper cells are also orchestrating a response which beats up on these myelin sheaths and when the myelin sheaths go in central nervous system um that is multiple sclerosis the myelin sheaths of course are essential they facilitate what we call bouncing transmission much faster so-called salutatory transmission of nerve fibers the nourish protect the protect the nerve fiber so without them basically you get progressive paralysis that is the main feature with multiple sclerosis and I've looked after many hundreds I guess of multiple sclerosis patients so over the years horrible debilitating disease although with a very varying path so that's what seems to be happening and that's reporting on this paper so if you can't find it on Safari or something do do try Duck Duck Go because that's where I got it I actually started to prep this about three days ago and when I went and clicked on it this morning it just wasn't there you know one of those can't find it sort of make messages anyway let's look at a little more detail now because it's a pretty significant paper and it's not only showing what this this particular autoimmune reaction is to Multiple Sclerosis but is there other autoimmune reactions well the one I'm allowed to talk about is is this one because it's a who publication um you get the impression it's probably been taken down from some other servers um but hey what do I know now this is the paper here uh covid-19 vaccination can induce now this is the this is the who so Canon juice multiple sclerosis via cross-reactive T helper uh CD4 Health cells recognizing SARS coronavirus to Spike protein and as we've said myelin this essential myelin that protects the cells in the central nervous system now the article goes on both natural infection and mRNA vaccine based vaccinations can be accompanied by transient autoimmune phenomena now this is pretty significant in itself because here we have the who actually admitting that uh SARS coronavirus 2 vaccines can cause autoimmune phenomena this is actually a pretty big breakthrough um let's hope this paper stays up because it really is quite a groundbreaking piece and I am live from the who website now via Duck Duck Go uh and uh and um I can't remember the search engine now but just don't don't go anyway um do let me know if you find it under the search engines because I've had difficulty um so on set of autoimmune disease confirmed by the World Health Organization now here we have a test case of two multiple sclerosis patients with clinical signs and new radiological Signs Now what this means is radiological signs is the um if you do MRI of the brain and the spinal cord it's very obvious when you see multiple sclerosis because you have these multiple patches in the old days multiple sclerosis used to be called disseminated sclerosis because you get patches in different parts of the body hence the different uh symptoms in different parts of the body from different lesions in the brain and spinal cord but we now call it multiple sclerosis now they're saying it's a temporal relationship to the spike protein vaccine in other words the vaccine came first and the multiple chlorosclerosis came second does this mean there's an automatic cause or correlation no it doesn't but we go back to the title of the paper covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis so the very title of the paper is indicating that there is a causal relationship at least that's the way I read the title of that paper how long it will be there for of course is a different matter um the aim of the study uh the onset of multiple sclerosis in two cases are very likely so the saying very likely caused by the CD helper cells that cross recognize SARS coronavirus to spike protein from myelin proteins now um Spike specific uh T helper cells from peripheral they found these cells in peripheral blood and they found them in the cerebrospinal fluid most of you probably know the cerebrospinal fluid is the fluid that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord all the central nervous systems in this cerebral spinal fluid is a shock absorber but it's also immunologically very important as as well and they were underwent Auto antigen screening now an auto antigen is is part of you it's a it's a it's a it's a it's part of you it's endogenous um but it stimulates the production of Auto antibodies so it's when one of your own proteins stimulates antibodies to beat up on your own proteins which of course is the the essence of autoimmune disease and that is what is happening in this case according to the who circular which is uh which is still there um um so they looked up a list of well-known Auto antigens in multiple sclerosis these people knew what to look for the results self-reactive T cells were detected from Spike specific T-cell populations so the yes the vaccine in that sense worked it stimulated the T helper cells but also showed reactivity against various proteins now this MBP we'll look at in a minute the MOG is the myelin oligodendrocyte protein now what that means is this is the um this is the central nervous system here's the myelin sheath and in the central nervous system this myelin sheath is produced by the oligodendrocytes or the oligodendron glial cells so it's a protein that's specific to these cells that are producing this myelin sheath the oligodendrocytes so these are specific myelin related proteins now I'm just going to give a quick this is papers in parenthesis here but um this is just to give a some insight this is about multiple sclerosis and myelin based proteins um my myelin-based protein uh so this MBP that they found the cross reactivity to one of the ones so this cross-reactivity between the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and the spike protein there's also a cross-reactivity between this myelin-based um protein here it's a central nervous system protein in the myelin as uh MBP has long been studies as a factor in the pathogenesis and the beginning of autoimmune the auto neurodegenerative disease multiple sclerosis so this is not new science this is well established it is the cross-reactivity where the antibodies produced from the vaccine that is new and multiple sclerosis is characterized by central nervous system inflammation demyelination axon or loss and as we said Progressive paralysis so getting back to the paper finally we found pro-inflammatory T cell clones so in other words these the T cells were involved as as well um now it's the T Cell involved here just seems to be the T helper cells whether other ones were involved we're not told but anyway these pro-inflammatory T cell clones like the CD helper cell the CD4 cell they recognize spoke Spike protein and immunodominant myelin-based proteins in other words they're beating up on the myelin tooth as well as the spike protein and as we said myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptides which have previously been implicated in multiple sclerosis their conclusion detailed studies of both peripheral blood and cerebral spinal fluid derived CD4 plus T cells that's the C help Burton CD4 helper cells the T helper lymphocytes shows that the onset of multiple sclerosis in these two very likely caused by the T helper cells clones that the population of these cells that are developed the cross-recognized SARS coronavirus 2 Spike protein derived peptides and peptides derive from myelin proteins in other words it's beating upon the same it's beating up on the same similar structures a similar molecular structures in both of these areas beating up on the spike protein is good beating up on your own um myelin in the central nervous system is potentially a disastrous so um I think we'll actually leave that out there's more I'll tell you well we'll go on for a bit more there's always more there's always more to say but um um you've got the main effort so that's just part of the text I was working on before I lost before I found the new DuckDuckGo site uh now post misrepresent research on multiple sclerosis vaccines found by 2who databases now the fact Checkers have helpfully waded in on this and um quite a few fact Checkers it's obviously put the wind up them a bit um very good of these fact Checkers to tell us uh what's going on so we don't need to bother thinking for ourselves but I think we'll pass on it because I think we do like to think for ourselves now this is a bit of line because this is not new now this is a paper here this is another paper new diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in settings of mRNA covered vaccine exposure this is published published published in January 2022 so this is based on data collected in 2021. why wasn't this highlighted at the time why wasn't it highlighted at the time multiple sclerosis with onset uh with onset in the settings of acute SARS coronavirus 2 virus infected people has been reported so yes it's possible after natural infection and reactivity of multiple sclerosis following mRNA covered vaccines there have been three reports of newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis following exposures to mRNA covered vaccines so yes that is occurring in 2021 the association cannot be determined to be causal of course because it could be caused by other factors but it's temporal correlation whereas the new who paper goes further and says it's now lightly um we report a series of five cases of newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis following recent exposure of mRNA covered vaccines now this bit's a bit concerning latency from vaccination to initial presentation varied neurological manifestation the clinical course appear to be typical for MS so the time between people getting vaccinated and developing the features of multiple sclerosis varied there was latency how long could this latency be we don't know in these cases it was fairly short because of course the vaccines only started in in 2021 so these must have been within the course of a year are there more to come we don't know that not least we haven't been told that someone there's probably some information around somewhere um but there's multiple sclerosis responding as normal so their conclusion was acute neurological deficits in the settings of recent mRNA covered vaccination and administration may represent new onset multiple sclerosis so we knew that in uh 2022 and yet nothing changed incredible why won't the warned of these risks at a much earlier stage well the the research wonders but it didn't translate into um any meaningful findings right now just a couple of quick things um this is um petition if you're in the if you're in the UK you can sign this petition here that we're concerned about the new who amendments and some amendments that are going to kick in in just a few months that we didn't know about that have been kept quiet so if you click on that if you're in the UK you can sign that uh petition and when we get to 100 000 signatures there has to be a parliamentary debate albeit it's a fairly small one but there has to be something let's get up to a hundred thousand and um stop this uh uh these new international health things from the World Health Organization or at least not stop them let's have a parliamentary debate rather than rubber stamping it and the other thing I'll put a link in in the description as well but I've started a sub stack as well um don't know how much time I'll have to put on things but um you can put some I've put some quite detailed physiology and pathophysiology on there and um as well as news more news related items so there we go World Health Organization quite surprising really covid-19 vaccinations can induce multiple sclerosis from The Who itself um and I can tell you about this one because it is an official who site let's hope the who published more so I'm free to discuss more pathology a bit concerning about what's going to happen over the next couple of years in terms of prevalence but um we'll find out won't we we'll leave it there for now and uh thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,002,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: I9S2jooTxkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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