Interface and Features in QGIS # Lesson 2 of 29.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to up and running with qgs 3.14 lesson 2. in this video we are going to talk about ugi's interface but first let's look at the reasons why we use qgis the first reason is qgis is free as in lunch this means that it's absolutely free there's no recurring fee there's no licensing nothing you'll pay a total of zero money to use qgis secondly it is free as in liberty this means you can sponsor the development of a feature if you are good at programming and add it yourself bad reason why we use qgis is because it's constantly developing because anyone and everyone can add new features and improve on the existing ones ugs never stagnate don't need to wait for a year or two or for you to get the new updates and all that both reason is that extensive help is available online if you're stuck with anything check online and see what other qgis users are are doing and the fifth reason is that it crosses platforms this means that it can be installed on a mac on our windows linux and even android so now that we know the reasons why we use qgis let's go to our installation folder where we had we had actually installed ugis so we're going to look for our folder remember we in our previous lesson we had installed qgis 3.14 so we're going to open qgis 3.14 within the folder there are other shortcuts of the program so we're going to be dealing with qgs desktop 3.14 so one thing you can do if you don't want to keep on coming to the folder you can right click on the folder on on the on the on the shortcut and then send it to the desktop and create a shortcut the desktop the reason why i like leaving my my my qgis shortcuts in the in the folder because i have so many qgis versions installed i have kgs 2.16 2.18 3.4 3.6 which is 3.8 and 3.10 many people will ask me why why do you need all these ugis application some are already dead and dead and buried but i will tell you one thing sometimes when you're running and when you're running something in qgis 3.14 it may it tend to crash but if you use which is 2.16 or 2.18 it runs smoothly so so it's always good to retain some of these uh older versions so let's open qgis 3.14 now that we have our desktop or the shortcut on the desktop and see look at the interface for first time users it will actually load your plugins very very quickly but since i have so many plugins installed on my on my qgis will take a little bit of time but let's wait and see what comes up as you wait for it to come to come up i can show you my previous version like for example when i open the folder for 2.18 i'll find all the shortcuts in if i open my folder for 3.4 i'll find all my shortcuts in if i open for 3.6 i'll find all my shortcuts in so it doesn't really matter it does it doesn't really make sense so much sometimes to put all the shortcuts on the desktop because they'll actually just crowd your desktop so it's always good to let let them be in a folder it will be up in the next few seconds now when you open your qgis it might be it might have a different interface from mine the reason why mine is like this is because i have i have done several projects previously before in qgis but since you are doing it for the first time it will be it will have so many blank spaces like for example another recent project you might not find is so we want to start by just knowing looking at some of the very very most important features in qgis [Music] we start by customizing our qgis too to i need so to for for me to have almost similar interface with yours i'll click on project and then new and i'll have a blank project you might find that you have a browser panel up here or down here it doesn't really it doesn't really matter i cancel i can't i don't i normally never use the browser i usually like to have this nice interface i can see most of my layers without any interference so if you if you want to you can actually close that browser panel or you can let it be there for your news how do you how do i return my browser panel very very very simple i just go to view then i go to panels what do i want to see on the panel i want to see browser and you'll see my browser appears below here yours might be up or below so i usually just normally cancel i don't i usually like having just the layer when i'm there so first things first let's look at the interface of qgs there is the menu bar just like any other software the menu bar has tabs and viewers might lack one or two tabs that i have this is because i have customized my kjs already have loaded plugins and all that we're going to talk about plugins in another session now the the on the menu by the things that you are not going to be like are project edit view layer settings plugins vector raster database web mesh i don't think you have htms and and all these others processing is very important to have it and then they help for you to start a project you will click on project click on new project if you already have an existing project you can go to project go to open a project or you can just go to open recent and it will show you a list of all the recent projects that you have for example i have a recent project of this i wanted to just load it to kgs i'll click on this but now we want to dwell on the new new project that's the first thing you do when you open qgis and you want to set a project you click on project then select new now the next thing you're going to do is we're going to look at some of these tabs under under edit you'll see that there is some certain things or some certain things you can actually do in in qgs like do and do that feature copy feature they're actually mostly inactive right now because uh there's nothing loaded on on your on your working area so we'll go to the next view and you can see this new map new 3d map and and it has also several tools that you're going to use when you're doing your your your project then there is setting you can actually change your settings here i want to encourage you to change much of what is inside here then there is a plugins plugins enable you to have extra functionalities you can see i have so many plugins here but for you since you it's the first time you've installed your qgis you might just have managed an iphone console i'm going to show you how to install and improve your qgis by putting plugins the next thing is vector this is where all the vector analysis runs then raster raster also has all the rest analysis database web mesh and all that then there's the processing where there's the toolbox and and other features then there is the help this is why we were talking about we were we're saying the qgis hack actually is a very user friendly software a lot of help can be written here to maybe say resources that are actually put in this uh this section so let's start now that you know the interface of the qgis where we have the menu bar and these are the toolbars some of them which are just within here another shortcut then there is the layer panel where all your layers that you're actually working on will appear then there is the overview this is where all the where the nice drawings and all the nice maps will be appearing so let's start by loading our first simple layer so below here you can see i have some figures when i when i when i scroll like this i can see some figures under the coordinates changing it is because i've already worked on any project for you for for your for your case you might be having a something blank so let's try and see if we can actually add some information here so i'm going to just cancel everything here then i'm going to type the world the word world [Music] and hit enter yes and you will see the map of the whole world will appear here and i want to explain some things there is and you will see the coordinates now research working you'll see when you move around to different regions of the world the coordinates keep on changing then there is the scale this is the scale of the map currently there is a rotation you can rotate then there is the eps g this means it's this is the projection of a map so let's say for example and and people usually ask what is projection normally we usually told that the world is round or spherical but uh when you when you get your maps they're usually flat how do you achieve flatness on a map by you you you achieve flatness using uh projection the projection is the way the surfaces of the earth surface are represented by 2d on a 2d flat piece of paper or on a 2d flat screen so we are going to that is how actually the the world is stretched it's it's called projection so we're going to learn several kinds of projection so how do you change your projection let's just try and do one or two manipulation currently it is a psg 4326 so i'll just click on that tab and it will load these as you can see under crs we have selected there wgs 84 and you can see there's an overview here of a small map the world and how uh the map actually changes so i want us to do this i want us to change it instead of for the 326 i want us to put 38 57 and then select the pseudo mercator then select apply and see what happens and you see the shape of the world changes let's also do something else let's change it from 38.57 and let's use an a bit of a projection that is a national projection system like a utm or like for example those guys who are in the northern hemisphere they'll use that 326. and those who are in the southern hemisphere they will use [Music] 3 27. let's try and see what happens when we try to select these regions try to select your region and be looking at the map and you can see there are very very many you can select from so if you're making a scale actually utm is not usually suitable for large scale areas so we normally just use mostly the wjs84 in many projects so let's go back to 43 26 which is the geographic coordinate system the whole world by okay so that is how you manipulate around the projection now how do we load another layer on qgis that's that's the next thing here now that we have loaded our first layer which is a vector layer how are we going to get other layers overlay in our qgis very very very interesting we'll open our browser there's several ways and most of these most most of these gis links i usually have bookmarks for them i think i'm going to i'm going to share most of them in the description below and see all my bookmark box but i will type here diva gis get my first data in qgis you will see the first term actually there is a free simple and effective select that first first link then go to there are actually three tabs here select the free spatial data because you want to talk about a special letter then there is under the free special letter there is this red red popping icon red popping link that actually will enable you to select your country level so select country level data and you will select any country of your choice like for example i can select any country like for example maybe they select let me say italy i want the administrative areas of italy so i'll say okay and then it will take me to the next the next tab where i click on download out of my downloading i'm downloading there and with administrative units of italy i'll click on download [Music] it will ask me where do i want to save them i will look for i'll create my working folder on the desktop and i'll call it new folder i'll call it gis i already have a folder called gis on my desktop so i'm just going to select it oh i don't have it i'm going to just create one called gis within the folder i'm going to create another new folder called data open it then i will save this into my folder already downloaded i'll not open it i'll go back then i'll go back to download data for my country and i will select now in the drop down there roads i want the roads of italy i'll say ok click on download then i told my brother my downloader to remember our folder gis folder files are downloading has already finished downloading i'll go back again about the tub then i'll select maybe say inland waters these are special data inland waters for italy then i click on download then i will save it in the same folder and that is how you actually download data for any country i can go back again i can select any other that i want so actually not all the data that you want is in this in this at least it gives you a starting point so i'll go back you can go to a different country maybe a maybe say let's go to an african country maybe say nigeria yes administer administrative administrative areas of nigeria click on okay download [Music] and then i still save it there minimizes it's good it continues unloading it has already finished downloading i'll also do the same thing for inland waters what [Music] then i'll also do the same thing for the rods okay glory hey that is one way of downloading free special data another way of downloading three special data is to especially for humanitarian organizations they have a very big database in ochre so [Music] your special data or special and you'll see humanitarian exchange welcome then i'll just i can go directly to the datasets or click on the website to see what they have so find data what kind of data do i want i want and you can see there are very very many kinds of data so i want data for maybe say let's say uganda and you can see i have a new tab appearing here and it's saying uganda health sites i'm going to download the zip shape file so i'm going to click on download the zip share file so i'll just open a new tab and i don't lose is just open it in a new tab then i'll scroll down usually on overview here but i'm not waiting for that i'm looking for shape files [Music] this is what i'm looking for i'm looking for shape files i'll click on download i'll still save that in that folder then i'll go back to this again there is ugandan roads i click on zip ship file you can see there's a small preview being loaded there but i'm not interested in that i know that these are ugandan rules i'll click on download then i'll click on save download i still go back oh i closed that so only going to go back then go to maybe say how many i'm looking for the ones that have our zip share file you can see there are sub national administrative boundaries here i'm going to download zip shape files i'm going to click on share files there are very many you can see there is one here oh okay it's just one i'm going to download this share file that is hp shp and i think that is enough data that you're going to use for our exercise as it downloads now let's go to our folder where we have actually downloaded our data so i'm going to my desktop and i have a gis folder here another js folder you can see that is our data so all these are zip ties that you can see there is italian military road italy water nigerian arduin nigerian rose nigerian water then there is a ugandan administration boundary garden roads and uganda and sheffield i think there's a health facilities if i'm not wrong let me just change that to health so what i will do i will unzip all these so that we can start working with them so i'll unzip them into into separate folders i'll extract each archive to separate folders the reason why i do this is because i want to retain more original data and work with this data so that if in case anything goes wrong i have my original data so we are going to learn how to load vector layers how do we load vector layers for me i have shortcuts here but for you being a new user i'm going to take you to the layers tab so we'll go to the layers tab then other layers tab there is letter data source manager create layer then there is a layer what kind of layer do you want to add because you already have the layers downloaded from different websites so i'll go and add vector layer remember all these kinds types of layers can be loaded in qgs but currently working with vector layer which are the shape files so we're going to select add vector layer then this box pops up you can see vector raster so vector should be selected we are adding a file and we're going to browse for where that vector layer is we're going to browse for our gis holder so i'll select then go to my desktop then go to gis and you see gis here csgs then later now we have our folders here the italian italy roads italy water nigerian admin nigerian roads and nigerian waters and i when when you are actually so i'm going to select uh first first and foremost i'm going to select for it and let's see what italy how literally data looks like i'm going to select it only that and you can see italy admin it has actually so many files here some of these files like for example you can see there is italy admin zero admin zero admin zero then there is italy admin one admin one admin one again so for every feature for every for every layer it actually has supporting files like but the most one the most the one that you're interested in is the shp the shape of whatever you're working on so i'm going to customize here instead of all files i'm going to select you can see there's so many kinds of file formats that actually can be included in qgis the autocad these the excel files the comma separated values you know there gpx the gpx files the kml files so we're going to look at all these some of most of these files that as we continue with their lessons so currently i'm interested in the sri share file so i will select s3 share file esri f5 and you can see now it customizes what does this mean it means italy's administrative unit is comprised into one two three four five in four units so you can actually load all of them at once or you can load one by one so for now i'm going to just load one of the layers then click on open and click on add then close and you will see a new layer will be loaded here called italy so we have several tools here that we are going to use to actually be able to see if just to see our data much better so i don't want to see the whole of the world i want to see italy there's so many things i can do here one i can decide to use the zooming tool i can select the zooming tool and then just zoom in and when i'm done zooming in i can zoom zoom out second thing i can do is i can just come to my layer select my layer right click on my layer and say zoom to layer that's another way of zooming in and out so we load another layer from italy so let's click on sorry there add layer add vector layer into browse again i'm going to select italy rose i'm going to select the rod now you can see once you've already customized [Music] it to an sd share file then automatically it remembers that you had actually customize it to share files if i return it to if i if i maybe select gps exchange you can see there's no gpx file here so we always maintain and most of and most of the time the kinds of files that we use are either s ratio files or kml files or gjs one so we are going to just maintain sd share file here and you can see i can go back here to data then i go select runs then click on open then click on add click on close and you can see it has loaded can use the zoom in tool here zoom in and out zooming out zoom in you can see it has actually loaded um some layers here and these are the road networks of italy so the third thing that i can actually load is i can load the inland waters or italy so i'll go to layer add layer add vector layer then i'll browse the cell under file i'll browse go back to data inland water then i can select areas water areas maybe i want to see some of the legs some of the the damned and all that so click on add then close and you can see there's some new data here that is loaded so that's how we load and you can use the zoom in zoom out you can use these tools to zoom in and zoom out zoom to last zoom to next and all that so basically that's how we load our first layer in qgis i hope this was helpful before we before before we go to the next lesson i'm going to just tell you to do something very important many people forget when you're working on a project we'll save our project so i'm going to click on project then click on save then i'm going to save it in my gis folder call it lesson two this one to interface you can call it anything you like then click on save so you can see it has changed here to listen to it and that is the interface of qgis you can load you can try loading all the other data for uganda and nigeria by following the procedure that i've shown you just the same you go to gis data and select maybe say nigerian admin it will tell you the administrative units of nigeria so i'm going to select admin 2 open add close then you can see i can't see nigeria here but i can right click then zoom to layer and it will take me to administrative units of nigeria so i can zoom out i want to see if it's placed well and you can see this is the exact place where nigeria is you can also use the pan tool to see how far nigeria is and can also compare it with italy so if you found this video useful hit the like button and subscribe for more videos for the next lesson make sure you hit the bell icon so that we can notify you can be notified of my next video which is on friday thank you you
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 1,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movavi, movavi video editor plus, QGIS, GIS, GIS Tips and tricks, Up and Running with, QGIS 3.14, opensource, software., opendata
Id: oHobzt03ksI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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