Creating a Soil Map in QGIS # QGIS Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] hi guys welcome to today's ggs tutorial in this video we'll learn creating a simple soil map in qgis you can subscribe to this channel to follow all my previous useful years tips and tutorials if you like what you do here and we want to support this channel you can join our patreon i provide a link in the description below so let's go to today's exercise so in this exercise we're going to take a very very simple three very very simple steps in creating our first soil map with some data that you're going to download so we'll start by where can we get the soil map data for the project then we're going to customize the data for region of interest and finally we're going to make the cell map in the print composer so let's go to the first point and see where we can actually get this oil map data for our project so for us to get this soil map data for our project we're going to open our browser for this this case i'm going to be using google chrome you can use any browser that you have then in my search panel i'm going to search for fao digital digital trial map and i'm going to hit enter then it's going to bring me to the fao dot org i'm going to select the effort due to rg the soil map of the world then under the website of the fao which is the food and catch organization i'm going to select land then under land i'm going to select the first link where it says therefore digital cell map for the world digitizing a version of so i'm going to select this fao unesco soil map of the world so i'm going to select that link i'm going to appear to a new tab then it will bring us to the new tab and you can see under the new tab we have uh several information that you can actually just go through it on your own but whatever your intensity is we are interested in downloading the soil map data for the whole world so i'm just going to scroll down and you can see we have very many options there is the legend where you can actually just download the legend for the soil maps now we're going to come back to these later on but you're going to just download there well soil map data so i'm going to select the digital soil map data of the world geonetworks to open a new tab then under your networks you're just going to scroll down you can see we have our first map here you can actually click to look at just how the map looks like i'm having to we're going to come back to this uh later on so let's just go down and scroll and download our data so i'm just going to scroll down continuously until i reach where there is the download summary then there is a transfer options so we can actually download data from you can actually download the high resolution pdf for the map of the whole world and you can also download data for your google apps in form of a kml file so you can actually download the digital cell map of the world the second link is for the kml file you will actually be able to get the current kml file then the third link now is what we're interested in i'm going to download the digital cell map of the world which is the sd shift file format and there are very many other formats for the different software that you can you can actually use in gis but for our case we are going to download the digital sign map of the world this format so i'm going to click on that link it will prompt me to download the and save it in my computer so i'm going to save it somewhere i want to create a new folder in my js folder chairs data and i'm going to call this a new folder and i'm going to say soil data world i'm going to save it in that folder click on save then i'll start downloading my data good my download has completed i can also in the meantime download the soil map of the world i can actually download the kml file so i'm going to click on that okay and i'm going to save it in my js folder still desktop gis data soil data world then i'm going to just call it well so else it's a kml file i'm going to click on that i'm actually going to view that on in google app and see how it looks like so you can even still download the pdf format i'm just going to click on download the pdf format i'm also going to save it in my soil data format and i'm going to just if this is a pdf file somebody click on save so wait let it download and then we're going to go to qgis and just look at the kind of data that you have actually downloaded so we'll open a qgis and create a new blank project i've already done that the next thing you're going to do is you're going to access a folder that where we actually download the data the soil data folder and i'm actually going to unzip the two files that we actually downloaded and i'm going to select all of them i'm going to actually unzip them in separate folders then after that i'm just going to minimize my folder here and i'm going to access my shape files from the folder so i'm going to go to layer add layer because i want to add a layer i have to add better layer then i'm going to browse for where my vector layers are then i'm going to go to the desktop gis data soil wild soil data and i'm going to select the dm dsmw data so i'm going to select that then i'm going to customize here to an x-ray shape file because i remember we actually downloaded these three share files so i'm only interested with the sd sharepoint so i'm going to select this for the whole world then okay then i'm going to add and then i'm going to close so it has actually got down i added all the data files for the world that are going to be using in this exercise so the next thing we need to do is we need to look at the attribute table but first before you look at that to be double you'll see that it has actually given you a question mark here and it says layer has no connected reference system set yet so what you can do is you can just right click on the layer export the layer again same feature as us then i'm going to browse where i'm going to save it i'm going to save it in my data folder soil again letter of the world and i'm just going to save it and say well soil data it's a shapefile going to save it then you can see the crs it says is an invalid it says that it's an invalid projection so i'm going to change that into the prediction that one i want to use in this exercise which is the wds8426 then i'm going to say okay and it will it will just run and convert it now so that it can actually be have some coordinate references in it then i can actually now remove this layer here and when i look at my data now when i go to properties i can see under the information you can see the crs now is 4326 which is a geographically system so the next thing we want to do is we want to look at our data so i'm going to open the attribute table by right clicking on the layer open attribute table then i'm going to look at just the information that is within and you can see there is a soil type here then if you continue scrolling like this you can see the country so what i can do is i want to go to the next step here which is customize the data for region of interest and now and for region of interest i'm going to select one country here so i'm going to say maybe my country kenya which i am familiar with so i'm going to go to [Music] select feature using an expression and select that then i'm going to go to fields and values then i'm going to say the country which is equal to then i'm going to say list all unique and then i'm going to select my country which is kenya and this is kenya so i'm going to double click on it to add it into the expression so i'm going to select only the records that are within the country called kenya so i'm going to click on select and then click on close and then you can see it has selected you can see it has selected 231 records we can actually scroll through to just look at what has been selected and you can see there are some that have kenya in it so now that you have selected all the data for kenya and you can see here on our map it's highlighted in yellow you can just right click on the layer select export then you're going to save selected features only as a new as a new layer then i'm going to save them in my soil data and i'm going to call these data kenya kenya soils it's an ssh file you can change it to any other file you want by selecting the format here you can change it to your package layer you can change it to any other kind of layer that you want but we will be using the sasha file here then i'm going to just make sure that it is save only selected features then i'm going to click on run and i have now a new layer here called kenya so if i'm going to uncheck the wild soils i'm going to zoom in to the kenyan soil later now the next thing i want to do is i want to just understand my data i'm going to open the tributable here and you can see i still have some that are null which you can do away with by just these null fields you can actually do away with them by just selecting the toggle edit then deleting the null fields there is the first one first two so i'm just going to delete from phase one there's two and then permafrost up to permafrost yeah but actually there's no data there and i'm going to click on ok and i've actually deleted whatever is not necessary in my data i'm going to click on save then stop editing so now i have the data that i want to use in my exercise the next thing i'm going to do to do is i'll notice that they have some codes here for their kind of soil so you can see gmv vc jc lf if i if you're not a soil expert then it will be very very difficult for you to just understand this kind of data so what we need to do is we need to actually go back to our site and check look at the legend that you have they have provided for these codes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just go back here and then you can actually uh click on this digital soil map the first one just click on it and it will open a blank a new png format that you can actually save on your computer so you can actually see it has some legends here and you can look at these codes here and understand the kind of cell that is there we can just right click on this and then save the image into our computer so that you can actually understand that i already have it somewhere on my computer but i can just still save one of the png file click on save so i already have the png file here now and i can zoom in and out and just look at the kind of soil that you are actually looking at so the png file has been loaded i can just zoom in to the legend and you can see the different chords represent the different kinds of soils and there are very very many chords so what we're going to be doing in our map is we're going to just be classifying them using these chords and then if you want to go further and write a report about this then you'll have to refer to this code and write a very nice report about your soil map so the next thing you're going to do is now i'm going to go back to qgis and we have a certain that you can actually classify our data in in two ways we can actually use this code here to create our our map so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just close this then i'm going to right click then i'm going to go to properties then i'm going to now go to symbology and other symbols instead of a single symbol i'm going to use the categorized symbols then the value that i'm going to categorize is there the om soils then i'm going to use random colors and before actually what i'm going to do first is just going to use the random colors and then we'll look at we'll look at how we can actually still customize it so i'm going to click on classify and you can see it has classified them using the different colors i'm actually going to remove the last one which says for any other that is not classified it can actually be assigned another color i'm going to click on apply okay and now you can see every kind of soil has been assigned its color so this is actually very very good but what i i want to do is i want to actually remove this black border here within the different soils i want to remove this black border so to be able to remove it i'm going to go through the same same process again i'm going to right click on my layer then go to properties then i'm going to delete all first then under the symbol type i'm going to select it then it's a simple fill then i'm going to make sure that the stroke style which is a solid line if there is no pen so actually there will be no pen around that then i'm going to click on ok then now i'm going to do do the the the same thing i did before i'm going to select the dom soi as my value then i'm going to select using random colors then i'm going to click on classify and then i'm going to remove the last color here and then now i have the random colors i'm going to click on apply okay and now i have i have it looking much better and you can see the black border is no longer there so actually this looks good so the next step that i want to do is now the third step which is we want to make the soil map in the print composer so to be able to create our sewing map we're going to go to the project then you're going to go to a new print layout so i'm going to select create a new print layout i'm going to say this is a kenya soil map you can have any title for your composer then we're going to compose our new map here so there are two ways you can actually do it you can actually do it as a landscape or a portrait and i've already ascertained that my map will actually look better if i do a portrait so i'm going to select a portrait how do i do that i'm going to click on the blank screen here then go to page properties and i'm going to change it to portrait then i'm going to make sure that i maximize it to the full screen then i'm going to change the size here i want to print it in a three paper so i'm going to select that then select a three paper and also do that so you can see it's a bit longer now that is a three and a three by the length of the width is a bit longer because i want to print a very big map now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to add a map here so i'm going to click on add map so i'm going to select where the map is going to be so i'm going to select here is where the map i want i want the map to cover then it's a bit small in size i actually want a map that covers the whole of this region so i'm going to click on the move content then i'm going to just resize it to maybe say it's a bit smaller still i'm going to say 4 million and let's see how it looks like yeah i think 4 million or 3.5 million will work but 4 million is ok for me so that's the first step i'm going to do i'm going to change the scale then i'm going to make sure that it has a frame around it i'm going to move it centrally here then i'm going to stop this moving of the content the next thing i'm going to give it a title i'm going to add item add label i'm going to add a label here i'm going to call it kenya soil [Music] i'm going to change the font by clicking on the font button here i need to put a font of 20 and i'm going to make sure it's bald then i mean i'm going to say okay still small in size i need to add it to maybe say 30 okay now that's much better then i'm going to click on the center and then i'm going to just click on the alignment in the middle so i have the kenyan soil map here i can actually change them to capital letters yeah that looks better so i have my kenyan swell map here the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to now introduce my legend here so i'm going to add item are legend then i'm going to add my legend down here that's why i left this place here so i'm going to have a long legend because i think there are very many kinds of soils available and you can see my legend is very very long but no worries i'm going to show you how we're going to work on that so on my legend here i'm going to remove the auto update then i'm going to now change how many columns this uh legend has by just scrolling down here i'm going to go to columns and you can see the count is one i can actually just put maybe five columns then i'm going to say equal column width then i'm going to slip split the layers and you can see now my legend looks much better and manageable then i'm also going to give it a title i'm going to call it the legend or soil types soil types then i'm going to just delete these clear soils i'm just going to make it blank and then let's go back now we have the legend showing the kenyan soil types then i'm going to put a frame around it and then i'm going to add all the other elements very quickly i'm going to add a scale bar to add a scale over here that is my scale bar i can actually make it a bit longer by just going to the segments and adding a few more segments here and then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to add item again add another arrow i'm actually going to add another here i'm going to select a nice nut arrow by just scrolling down here i'm going to arrows then i'm going to select my arrow that i want to use for this exercise and the color of the arrow and i have my nice arrow here i need to make it a bit bigger then lastly i can actually add some other things like maybe say a logo or anything that you want to do but i think these are enough elements on our map and then i can add the grids by selecting on the map here and then going scrolling down and adding the grids i can also modify the grids and say the x maybe say 30 degrees by the y 4 degrees yes interior and exterior ticks only then i can also do the coordinates here and make sure that the contents are well like for example the left one and the right one should be within the print printable paper so i'm just going to change them to vertical ascending and the right to vertical descending so that they can actually fit in the paper and i've added pretty much everything every element on my map so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm just going to click on save go to layout then i'm going to export it as a pdf or as an image so i'm going to click on export as pdf but you can have our first soil map for kenya then i'm going to select the folder where it's going to be in which is in the desktop gis data soil then i have like that map there which is a pdf file i'm going to save it say okay save give it a few minutes to do that and then i'm just going to click on the link to open my map and you can see i have a kenyan soil map here it's a pdf when i open it i have my map and my map has a legend so actually what you can actually do is now you can actually be looking at these codes here and comparing them to these codes here that are in these in this table here and that is how you create your simple soil map in qgis that's it for today's exercise if you found this video useful and you want to learn more djs subscribe to my channel don't forget to give this video a thumbs up otherwise i'm just happy you're here see you in my next video you
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 3,552
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Id: -gI3hKUgz6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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