Interaction system | Unreal Engine 5 tutorial

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Being able to interact in a world gives  to the game another level of perspective.  Interaction system lets the player use  things such as door, pick up items,  talk to NPCs or receive quests from them, loot  and much more…   Essentially, it brings life into the game. So, let’s create an interaction system. We have freshly created project out of the   Third Person Template with Starter Content. First thing – let’s create widely used function   (which you might already know) called Raycast. And because I might use it later in   other different classes, let’s  create it in function library,  which let us call functions in it from any class. Create new folder and name it Libraries,  because I will probably create  more than one function library.  Right-click, and under Blueprint, select blueprint  function library which I name Tracing and open it.   Name automatically created function Raycast. Add “Line Trace By Channel” which will execute   right after calling this function and leave space for calculation.  Now we add Input parameters. First one is StartPoint which is Vector type. This   represents point from which the line is traced. Second one is Rotation of Rotator type,   which tells the direction of tracing. And the last one is TraceDistance of Float type,   which indicates how long the line will be. Connect StartPoint to Start and create Reroute   Node by double-click. Drag out Rotation and search  for Get Forward Vector which magnitude is 1,   so out of it search for Multiply and multiply  it with Trace Distance. Multiplied vector would   currently start at world origine which is 0, so we move it by Adding to it Start Point vector.  We can also add some input parameters of line  trace as input parameters of Raycast function,  but this is up to you. I might use Actors to Ignore, but   I definitely use Draw Debug Type and Draw Time. Move to the end of line trace and add Return node.  Drag into it Out Hit and  Return Value and hit compile.  I also sometimes forget to setup values, so I set  default values for Draw Time and Trace Distance.  Now let’s implement it to the  blueprint of player character.  Go to ThirdPerson -> Blueprints  and open BP_ThirdPersonCharacter.  First, I just change two things in the viewport. I want to have clear view on   the object I am looking at, so move Camera Boom to 100 units   on the Z-axis and set Target Arm Length to 200. Switch to Event Graph and move down under default   events. Here, create Custom Event which I  name “LoopForInfo” and add Raycast function.  Drag in Camera Boom and out of it search for Get  World Location and connect it into Start Point.  Now drag in Follow Camera, search for Get  World Rotation and connect it into Rotation.  Trace Distance is up to you, I go with 500.  I change Draw Debug Type to “For Duration”  and leave Draw Time at 1,  so we can see that it works.  After Raycast add Delay with duration of 0,1  and create infinite loop…at last for now.  Function is done for now, but we also need to make  the initial call. Go up to Event BeginPlay and to   the end add call to LoopForInfo. Hit Compile and test it.  You can see that line starts above the head and  it takes rotation of camera and not the character,  just as we wanted. Now, let’s create some UI. Go to   Content folder and create new folder Widgets. I always go with Azure color for   Widgets. In it create new widget. First, I'll create a bordered box   that I'll use across multiple UI elements, so the early design is consistent. I name   it A_BorderedBox. I will show  you later, why I used prefix A.  Open it and dock it. First, add Border – this  size doesn’t matter, so we don’t need to adjust   scale. Under “Draw As” select Rounded Box. Rounding Type change to Fixed Radius and all   Corner Radiuses set to 25. Set width to 5.   Set the colors which suit your game best. I  set outline to black color and alpha to 1.  I set Tint to slightly above black (you  can see exact number on the screen)  and set alpha to 0,6 so it’s slightly  transparent, but not too much.  If we want to use this widget in another one, now  it can’t have any child component…which we want.  For this usage add Named Slot. Name of it is text  which will appear when this component has no child   and you can use it to remember what you want to  do with it later, without opening this blueprint,  so we can rename it to something like  Add Item. Set Padding to 0 for now.  As you can see padding is value which have  both components the same. Now hit compile.  Create new widget WBP_HUD and open it. Add  canvas which represents player’s screen.  First, I want to add small middle point, so  players could aim exact object to which they   want to interact with. Add Image, rename it to  IMG_CenterPoint and change anchor to center.  Set both positions to 0 and alignments to 0.5, so  the center of image is in the center of screen.  Size is up to you; I go with 4. Set “Draw  As” to “Rounded Box” and add Width a bit,   so you can see we got a little circle. Later, for  example, you could change its color when aiming to   interactable object or enemy, if you want. When you scroll down your Palette,   under User Created you can see why I used  prefix “A_”- so widgets made by me are the   first ones. So, drag our Bordered Box in. Set anchor to middle and set X alignment   to 0.5, so when both positions are 0, it touches center point with its top line.  Size doesn’t matter. Change Position Y, so there  is a space between Center Point and our Box.   I go with 150, but this can change later on in  development process with adding more UI elements.  Add to the slot “Add Item” “Text Block”. We  could set size of the box to fixed value,  but I don’t know how much text I  will be showing in it in the future,   so click to Bordered Box and check “Size To  Content”. Also don’t forget to rename text   block. I name it TB_InteractableText and check Is  Variable, so we can add to it some logic later.  You can see that text is out of the box  because we removed padding. If you have   more than one monitor drag Default Bordered  Box there or just undock it so you can see   text in HUD and you can also change padding. When you change value, you must hit compile,   otherwise you won’t see any changes. I  want more space on the left and right   than on the top and bottom, so I go 20 for  left and right and 10 for top and bottom.   Set what values you feel like look the best. When we write some two-line text to test it,   you can see, that the box is changing its  size appropriately, but I will also change   Justification to center. Now go to the Graph.  Create new function which I name  TryShowInteractableInfoText. Add   two input parameters. The first one name “Show?”  and leave it as Boolean. Second parameter name   TextToShow and you can choose string or  text, both have pros and cons. I go with   Text. Add Branch which Condition is “Show?”. If we want to show the text, we must set it   to text block, so drag in TB_InteractableText,  out of it search for Set Text…those two do the   same functionality, so choose one of them.  Connect it after True and “In Text” connect   with Text to Show. When the text is set, we  want to show it. So, drag in A_BorderedBox,   out of it search for Set Visibility and leave  visibility as Visible. Duplicate it bellow,   connect Target, change it to Hidden and  execute it, when result of branch is False.   I also set default visibility to Hidden, but  our approach solves it, so you don’t need to.  Now back to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter. Move  Loop for Info and disconnect it. First,   we must create HUD, so add node Create  Widget. As Class select WBP_HUD. Promote   Return Value to variable and name it HUD.  Out of right pin, search for Add To Viewport   and after it finally execute LoopForInfo again.  Because here is nothing to change in the future,   we can clean it up a bit. Select all three  new nodes, right-click to one of them and   select Collapse Nodes and name it Set Up HUD. Now move back to LoopForInfo. Move Delay to   right and drag in reference to HUD. Out of it  search our function TryShowInteractableInfoText   and add it in. Connect it before Delay and for  now we want just to test that it works properly   so connect Return value of Raycast to Show?. Drag  out Out Hit and select Break Hit Result. Here we   can see all information we get out of Raycast  function, but for now I just want to show some   text, so I connect Location to Text To Show…it  automatically makes conversion…and we’re ready   to test. Hit Compile and hit Play. You can see,  that when we don’t hit anything, nothing shows   up. When we hit anything, text shows up. And when  we stop hitting any object, text is hidden again.  We have interaction system done (almost), now  let’s create interactable objects. Go to Content   folder and create new folder “Interfaces”. In it  create Blueprint interface. Again, you can add   prefix BI or I, but I name it just Interactable. Right after you open it, new function is waiting,   so name it ShowInteractableInformation. Add input parameter, name it HitComponent   and change its type to Primitive Component. Add output parameter, name it “Show?” and   change its type to Boolean. Add another Output parameter,   name it “TextToShow” and change it to Text. Add another function and name it Interact.   Add Input parameter and as in the  previous function, name it HitComponent   and change its type to Primitive Component. Hit Compile and go to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter.  Here, move those nodes to  right and delete conversion.  After Raycast add call to function  ShowInteractableInformation of our new interface.  Connect its output pins the  ones with the same name.  As For Input parameters, connect Hit Component  of Break Hit Result with Hit Component,   and Hit Actor is the Target. And here  you can see our completed function.  It would be also good to be able to   make interaction with another  object. So, move down a bit.  We’ll be using Enhanced Input  System later in this series.  For now, just search key and add one you  want to use for interaction. I use E key.  Now, go up to LoopForInfo, copy all Raycast  related nodes and paste it down to E key event.   Connect Pressed to Raycast. After Raycast  add call to function Interact and as before,   connect Hit Actor of Break Hit Result to  Target and Hit Component with Hit Component.  Now I quicky show you how to create  basic interactable objects and how   to interact with them. Later in this  video we’ll be making propre ones.  I just quickly create new folder for just  testing stuff and in it I create testing actor.  In order for this actor to  be an interactive object,   it must implement our interface Interactable. You do it by going to Class Settings and under   section Interfaces you have drop down menu Add. Here you can see all interfaces this actor can   implement so you can search for Interactable and here you can see it. When you add it,   you can see, that on the left   side was added functions of the interface. I just add some mesh and you can implement   those functions by double-clicking to them. Here you can implement whatever logic you want.  Function “Show Interactable Information”  will be used for showing to player text   of what will the interaction do, and  function Interact will execute the logic.  Here you can see that I created basic cube  which after pressing E key changes its state.  I also forget turn off visibility of  Raycast, so set Draw Debug Type to None   if you have it as I do. But what if we want to   interact just with part of the actor? For this functionality create function   in library Tracing named CompareComponents. It doesn’t do any tracing, but I will us   it only with it, so it’s ok…I guess. Add two input parameters. First one is   Hit Component which is Primitive Component. Second one name BP Components which will be   more Primitive Components, so change it from Single to   Array. BP Components will be a set of parts  of the blueprint, we want to interact with.  Add For Each Loop. To Array connect BP Components. Out of Array Element search for Equal and   compare it with Hit Component. To Loop Body add branch and to   Condition connect result of Equal node. If we found searched component we can   stop looping, so after True add Return Node. As the result of this function, we want to get,   which component out of the  array is the one we want,   so take Array Index and connect it to Return Node. If this isn’t the part of blueprint we are looking   for, we want to continue to go through Array, so leave False statement blank.  If we went through whole Array and there wasn’t  the searched component, we want to know as well.  So, add Return Node after Completed and set Array  Index to -1, which we can’t get out of array.  We don’t change any values in this function, only  getting one, so also check this function as Pure,   which removes Execution pins that we don’t need. Now let’s see how you can use it. I add a few   basic mashes to blueprint  - Cube, Sphere and Plane.  I add them after Event BeginPlay, Make Array  out of them and I promote it to variable.  You can see, that Unreal  recognized they are static mashes,  but because they are part of blueprint now, they  are as well Primitive components at the same   time. Because approach will be the same for both  functions of interface, I just change displayed   information. First, I add Compare Components  and connect into it the array of our objects.  Out of Array Index Search for Switch on  Int and execute it after function starts.  I add pins for each object and connect  them to appropriate Return Node.  Default pin is for each number which isn’t added  as separate pin, so it’s for all negative and   higher numbers. We want Return Node for  all possibilities, so add Return Node   to Default pin and just uncheck “Show?”. When we test it, you can see, that when   I aim to base, nothing shows up, and for each mesh is displayed   appropriate text even it is one actor. Now, let’s create propre interactable   item. Good example is one you use in your life  in daily basis. I am talking about door. So,   we’ll be creating sliding door and to make  it more interesting, it will be opened with   lever. But because we don’t have 3d model of  it let’s go into Blender and quickly model it.  If you want to follow my steps, just make sure  in preferences, under Input, you have checked   “Emulate 3 Button Mouse“. This option let you  select connected parts by double-clicking.  First, let’s create the door and frame in which  the door will be set. Shift+A, Mesh and add Cube.  Open detail panel by clicking to the arrow here,  or by pressing N key, and set size of the door.  I set X to 5, Y to 0.5 and Z to 3. Switch to Edit Mode, press 3 for   selecting faces and select bottom face. Shift+S, Cursor to Selected. Switch to Object   mode, right-click on the door, Set Origin and select Origin to 3D Cursor. Shift+S   and Cursor to World Origin. Shift+S, Selection to Cursor. Ctrl+A for Apply   and select All Transforms. Now it’s positioned right   and set for future exporting to Unreal. Switch to Edit Mode and add 10 cm which   is 0.1 to all narrow faces. So, select face,  press G for Move, lock axis (in this case by   pressing Z or X) and write 0.1 (positive  or negative). Or after selecting a face,   change appropriate value of Median. Now the door is done for now, so duplicate   it by pressing Shift+D and right-click. One object rename to Door (I add _01),   the second one rename to DoorFrame and  hide the Door. Select the large faces,   press I for Inset, scale it down a  bit and press 2 for selecting edges.  Select two top lines and set Z in  median to 3. Bottom ones set to 0.  For side lines set X to 2.5 and “-2.5”. Select middle faces on both sides,   press X for Delete and select Faces. Now we got groove in which the door will   slide. Because this will be the inside part that  you can see, normals are wrong. You can check them   by clicking here and turning on their visibility. Those blue lines show direction of normal. In   Unreal it would be transparent if you wouldn’t use  two-sided material. To fix it select all faces,   Alt+N and select Recalculate Inside. Turn off displaying normals. Select   inner edges, E for extrude and right click. Since thickness of the door is 50 cm, I decided   that the door frame will be thick 1 meter, so set Y to “-.5”. E for extrude, right-click,   S for Scale and scale it up a bit. Repeat the same process for the other side. Select   both edges on one side and set X to 4 and -4. To top edges set Z value to “3.5”. Bottom   edges just have to be lover that the groove is, so set Z value to “-0.2”. Now let’s finish it,   so while you have selected two opposite edges, press F for Fill. All you have to do now is   select one edge facing into the blank space and press F key 3 times. Because we fixed normals   earlier, all new faces have correct orientation. Why did I make the groove? When the door will   be sliding it looks a bit better and  because the groove goes to all sides,   the door can move to all sides as well. I just select outer part of groove   and hit Ctrl+B for bevel tool to lower  sharpness…and I do the same thing for the door.  Now the door and door frame are done, so hide  them. And let’s create the lever and its frame.  First let’s create the frame. Shift+A -> Mesh  -> Cylinder. Open details of added object.  I want it more rounded, so set vertices to 64,  Radius set to “0.25” and Depth set to “0.2”.  Proportions look alright, so continue. R for  Rotation, Y for locking axis and write 90.  Ctrl+A and Apply All Transforms. Switch to Edit Mode and now we create   a groove in which the lever will be moving. Select all faces except those two side   circular ones. I for Inset. 10  cm groove looks too much to me.  6 cm looks good, so it’s 0.03 for both sides. Select side faces and remove them.  Press 3 on Numpad, turn ON X-Ray and  select all vertices bellow green line.  Press X and remove vertices. Select all  vertices on one side and press F to Fill.  Do it for the other side  and for bottom side as well.  Now we have to decide how large  the groove is going to be.  The fifth square looks like the best place to  start so select it. Press Numpad 1 for front view,  turn ON X-Ray, select all squares from top to  the selected one, press X and delete those faces.  Press one to switch to selecting vertices,  select all inner vertices on one side,  press F to Fill and repeat  for the other side. Select   inner square and fill it as well. E for Extrude and right-click.  S for Scale, Y for locking axis and scale  it down so that there is a bit of flat area.  E for Extrude and push it down. Select inner edges and add Bevel   by Ctrl+B so edges are not that sharp. I write 0.001 and do the same process   for outer edges, except the bottom ones. I also turn on Auto Smooth so it’s smoother.  Rename the object to LeverFrame  and move to the lever itself.  Shift+A, Mesh and add Cylinder. Press R and Y and rotate it by   90 degrees. Ctrl+A and Apply Transforms. Numpad 3 to side view, turn ON X-Ray and   switch Viewport to Wireframe. S for Scale and scale it down,  so it’s smaller than the flat area on sides,  and its larger than bottom of the cavity.  Numpad 7 to top view and scale it along X axis,  so it’s slightly thinner than the groove is.  Select all side edges, Ctrl+B for  Bevel tool and I use value “0.01”,  so now the wheel will be visible at a glance. Shift+A and add Cylinder. Numpad   7 to top view, turn ON X-Ray, S for Scale and scale the cylinder down,   so it’s smaller or same size as unbeveled  part of the wheel. Numpad 3 to side view,   G for Move, Z to lock Z axis and place it,  so top of it is above top of the wheel.  Adjust height if needed and Ctrl+B for  Bevel so there is smooth transition to rod.  Select middle face, E for extrude and  drag it up. Median Z “0.35” works for me.  E for Extrude and right-click. Numpad 7 for top view, S for scale   and I make it the same size as the base part. Numpad 3 for side view, E for extrude and set Z   Median to “0.6” so the handle is pretty big. Select top circle and outer edge of handle.   Ctrl+B and bevel these edges. Rename it to Lever and you   can also add Auto Smooth. For now, we will be using   Unreal default materials. So, make  all objects we’ve done visible.  While you’re in Object mode, press A to select  all objects and switch to UV Editing tab.  Hover over right side and press A to select All  faces. Move your cursor to left side and press A   to select all as well. Go to UV, Unwrap and select  Cube Projection. Expand Details and set Cube Size   to 1. This way, all default materials in Unreal  will look the same size and I find this approach   the best for prototyping with materials. Last is exporting of these objects to   Unreal. You can export them as one file, but I export door and lever separately. So,   I select Door and Frame. Now go to File, Export, and select FBX. Name it appropriately,   check Selected Objects and hit Export FBX and I  repeat the process for lever as well. Before we   leave Blender, I also create new collections for  Door and Lever and move into them those objects,   so when I make another 3d model, I can make it  here and I can turn ON/OFF visibility of already   created objects for example for size comparison.  Save your Blender file and back to Unreal Engine.  I create new folder and name it just Props. Drag  in “.fbx” files, select Do Not Create Materials   and click to Import All. Now open all imported static   meshes and the first, we want to add to  them materials. So, open content browser,   go to Starter Content and open Materials. For  door I like Sandstone material, so I click to it   and by clicking to this icon of left going arrow,  you assign selected material to a material slot,   without needing to drag them into it or repeatedly  searching for it. So, assign it to the door frame   and door. You can use some metallic material to  lever and lever frame, but I like Rock Basalt.  The second thing we need to do is changing  collisions. Automatic Collisions create the   simplest convex collisions, so now you are  not able go through the door frame. For low   poly objects (such is the door frame) just scroll  down in details to Collision section and change   Collision Complexity to Use Complex As Simple. For  higher poly objects is better to create collisions   in Blender or add Colliders in blueprint. I do the same change for Lever. Other Objects   are OK, so you can close those tabs. Go  to Props folder and create new blueprint   class of Actor. Name it BP_Door and open  it. This will be a parent class to all   doors we can use and will contains generic  functionalities that all doors should have.  But what are these functionalities? For me it is  capability to open or close and toggle between   those states, and capability to lock or unlock.  I also want to know if the door is in motion   (opening or closing) and in what state the door is  currently in. We use inheritance, so no matter how   we implement those functions, we can always just  cast and call parent function. So, let’s do it.  Go to Event Graph and add Custom  Events. Name them Open, Close, Toggle   and Close&Lock. You can add Unlock&Open and  implement it by yourself. I will add it later.  Now add variables. First one is IsOpen  of Boolean type. Second one I name   Opening/Closing of Boolean type. And the third  one name IsLocked and it’s Boolean type again.  Variable IsOpen indicates state of the  door. If it’s true, the door is opened   and if it’s false, the door is closed. Variable Opening/Closing indicates if the   door is in process of Opening or Closing.  In other words, if the door is moving.  And IsLocked indicates if  the player can Open the door.  Events Open and Close will manage the door  animation and changing variables. But Toggle   will be the one we will be calling the most,  because if the door is closed, we don’t   want to close it again, we want to open it! And Close&Lock event can be used, e.g. when   the player enters the boss area, this function  will be called, and the player can’t escape.  Now to the door controller. Open content browser  and create new blueprint of Actor class. Name   it BP_DoorOpener and open it. Go to Event Graph  and add one custom event “Use” that will contain   animation and call the door function Toggle. Add  variable InUse of Boolean type, which fulfills the   same logic as Opening/Closing in Door blueprint. Add another variable, name it Door, and change its   type to BP_Door. Lastly, go to Class Settings and  add interface Interactable. Finally, hit Compile.  Open Content Browser, right-click  to BP_DoorOpener and select Create   Child Blueprint Class. I name it BP_Lever_01.  Also, you can rename imported Static Meshes,   if you haven’t already – I just remove name of  the fbx file. Now, open BP_Lever_01 and drag in   lever and its frame. The lever looks good, but it  could be unnecessary hard for player to interact   with it, because it’s thin. We can solve it by  selecting the Lever, clicking to Add button,   and adding Capsule Collider. Now, just rename  it to LeverCollider, adjust location and size.   Because this collider is only for interaction,  scroll down and under Collision select Custom.   Change all to Collision Responses to  Ignore, but Trace Responses set to Block.  Now go to Event Graph. First, let’s implement  Interact function, so double-click on in.  We want to execute interaction only when curtain  circumstances are correct, so add Branch.  To the circumstances: we want to interact only  with Lever Collider, so drag it in. Out of   Hit Component search for Equal and connect  Level Collider to the second input pin. We   also don’t want to do another interaction  when the lever is in use. Right-click and   search and add Get InUse. And we want “when  it’s NOT in use”, so add to it NOT Boolean.   Branch must be True only when both statements  are True, so add AND Boolean and connect it.  If the branch is false, nothing  happens, and if it’s true call   function Use. And Event Interact is done. Now to the Use function. Go to left panel   Functions, Override, and click on Use. When it is  in use, it is In Use, so search for Set InUse and   check it to True. After that add Timeline and name  it Lever Rotation. I will be returning my lever to   initial position, so connect Set InUse execution  pin to Play from Start and open the timeline.   Change Length to 1 and add Float Track. But  what values are we changing? To get the answer,   go to viewport and select the lever. I don’t  want the initial position to be in the middle, so   switch to rotation and rotate it to the corner of  the groove. The axis along which we are rotating   can be different according to the direction from  which we modelled the object. We can see that X   rotation value is changed, so go back to timeline.  Rename track to Lever X Rotation. Right-click and   add key, set Time to 0 and Value to initial  rotation value, which is in my case -60. I   want to lever to be quickly pulled and then slowly  released, so add another key, set time to 0.1 and   value to 60. Now we want to get it to the initial  state, so add Key, set Time to 1 and value to -60.  For command to open the door add track, select  Add Event Track and name it Use Door. Add Key,   I don’t know if value does anything,  so I set it to 0 and set Time to “0.1”   and go back to Event Graph. First, we want to animate the lever,   so drag in its reference and out of it search  for Set Relative Rotation. Connect it after   Update. Right-click to New Rotation and select  Split Struct Pin. Connect Lever X Rotation   to New Rotation X and we can leave Y and Z  values at 0, because we didn’t change them.   When the animation is finished, the lever  is no longer in use, so after Finished add   Set InUse which is unchecked so it’s false. To the Use Door pin, right-click and search   for Get Door variable, which we added  in BP_DoorOpener blueprint. Out of it   search for Toggle and connect it after Use  Door. And we’re done with Use function.  Now let’s implement second function of  Interactable interface Show Interactable   Information. We will use the same condition logic  as for Interact function, so move up and copy it,   go to Show Interactable Information, paste  it and connect it. Duplicate Return Node,   connect one with True and second one with  False. The one connected with False must   have pin Show? unchecked. To Return Node after  True statement check Show? pin to true and write   appropriate text to Text To Show. I write there “Press [E] to use”.   We are done here, so hit Compile and  the last thing we need is the door.  Open Content Browser, and similar as with the  lever, right-click to BP_Door and Create Child   Blueprint Class. I name it just BP_Door_01  and open it. Drag in Door meshes and BP_Lever.   Position the lever to one side. You can see my  final transform on the screen. Duplicate it.   Inverse Location X and Y. Rotation  Z set to -180 and now it’s mirrored   on the other side of the door. Now we must set reference of this door   to the levers. To do it, go to Construction  Script. We have nothing in Parrent class,   so we can delete inheritance here. Drag in levers  so we get references to them. We have only two   levers here, so you can do it one by one or in  a simpler way that I show you later. For now,   add For Each Loop and out of Array search for Make  Array. Add one pin and connect them with levers.  Now it’s a bit tricky. Right-click into open  space and search for Get Child Actor. None of   the options we see is the one we are looking  for. We have to uncheck Context Sensitive and   the one we are looking for is Get Child Actor  under Child Actor Component. So, select it and   to Target conncect Array Element. Drag out Child  Actor pin, turn back Context Sensitive, search   for Cast To BP_DoorOpener and connect it with  Loop Body. Out of As BP Door Opener search for   Set Door, add it in and connect it with the first  execution pin of Cast. Drag out input pin of Set   Door and add Self reference. This way, you can set  reference of a blueprint to its child components.  Now let’s implement functions of the door. Go to  Event Graph. As with the lever, add our function   one by one, by going to Override and selecting  them. So, add Open, Close, Close&Lock and Toggle.   Before we start any animation in timeline, it’s  good to change variables to the appropriate state.   Start with Open. When we open the door, the door  is opened, so add Set IsOpen and set it to true.   We are about to start animation, so add Set  Opening/Closing and set it to true as well.  Copy it, paste it to Close and  connect it. When the door is closed   it is not opened, so set IsOpen to False. To Close&Lock add Set IsLocked and set it to   True. After that, you could paste same sets as  with Close, but it is the same as after Close.  Instead, we can avoid redundancy  by connecting the execution pin   of Set IsLocked to Set IsOpen in Close. Add Timeline and name it Open/Close. Event Open   goes into Play and Even Close goes into Reverse. If you’d want to have some doors start as opened,   connect it to Play form  Start and Reverse from End.  Open timeline, Add Float Track and name it Door  Z Location. Add Key and set Time to 0 and Value   to 0. Because the default height is 300 and the  groove height is 10, value of opened door is -310.  So, add another key, set  Time to 5 and Value to -310.  Back to Event Graph. Drag in door reference, out  of it search for Set Relative Location and connect   it with Update. Split Struct Pin of New Location  and connect Door Z Location with New Location Z.  After Finished add Set  Opening/Closing and set it to false.  Now go down and let’s implement Toggle function. First, we must check if we can toggle the door   state, so add Branch. We need to  check if the door is unlocked,   so add Get IsLocked and to it add NOT Boolean. We also want to change the state of the door   only if the door is not in the changing process, so add Get Opening/Closing and add NOT Boolean   as well. We want to change state  only when both statements are true,   so connect them into AND Boolean and  connect it into Condition node of Branch.  When the branch is false, we want to do nothing,  so leave it blank. After True add another Branch   that will decide if the door should Open or Close.  So, add Get IsOpen and connect it into Condition.   When the door is open, we want to Close it. And  when the door is closed, we want to Open it.  We are almost done here, so we can test it. Add  Door blueprint to your level and I move it a bit   up, so bottom doesn’t flicker, and hit Play. Go  to the lever and press E. The door is going down   and you can go through. Press E to the lever and  the door is closing. By the implementation that we   did, you can use lever multiple times, but only  when the door stops moving, it does something.  Now, let’s take advantage of inheritance. Go  back to BP_Door_01 and move up. All initial   changing of variables will be same  for most of the potential doors. So,   select all sets between Events and timeline,  Ctrl+X, go to BP_Door, paste it and connect it.  Go back to BP_Door_01. Because we used  Override of functions, the code we   inserted into the parent class isn’t here…yet. We access it by right-clicking to Event Open and   selecting Add Call to Parent Function. Take new  “Parent: Open” node, connect to it Event Open   and connect it to Play. Repeat the process  similarly for Close and Close&Lock events.  Now to the Toggle. We can see that  this implementation is generic and   doesn’t contain anything for this door  only, because it’s only about switching   states of the door when conditions are met. So, select all the code except Event Toggle,   Ctrl+X, delete Event Toggle, go to  BP_Door, paste it to Toggle and connect it.  Now to how we can use inheritance to make  easy adding other functionalities. We have   function Close&Lock, so let’s  implement function Unlock&Open.  Add custom event and name it Unlock&Open. We  could do it as with Close&Lock, add Set IsLock,   uncheck and connect it to Set IsOpen of Open  event. But locking and unlocking doesn’t have to   be so easy in all cases. For example, what if we  want door that needs a key to open, and we don’t   always want to open the door after it is unlocked?  For this it is better to create new function   Unlock and add isLocked with false. Now it’s  working and we can Override it in future cases.  Add new function Lock, add Set IsLocked and set  it to true. Go to Event Graph and replace Set   IsLocked for Unlock&Open with Unlock function  and IsLocked for Close&Lock replace with Lock   function.   Hit Compile and go back to BP_Door_01 because we  added new Function. Go to Functions, Override and   select Unlock&Open. Move it above Event Open,  right-click, Add Call to Parent Function,   connect it with Unlock&Open and connect it to  Play. Hit compile and let’s check that it still   works. Sometimes when you move bunch of code, you  may forget to reconnect something so it’s better   to test it right away. Everything still works. Now let’s clear up the files, so in folder Props   are parent blueprints and child blueprints  are in their files with their meshes. Open   Content Browser and Save All, because  while moving files sometimes you move   what you shouldn’t and Unreal crashes. Create new folder and I name it StoneDoor.  Move into it BP_Door_01 and static  meshes of door and its frame.  Create another folder called Lever and  move into it BP_Lever_01 and static   meshes of lever and its frame. Now just let’s quickly look,   how easy is to make door, that opens in other  directions. I take BP_Door_01 and rename it to   BP_Door_Down. Duplicate it and replace “Down” with  “Up”. Open it, go and open timeline Open/Close,   select 2nd key and remove minus from Value  so it’s 310. Now if we test it, you can see,   that door goes up and it’s in line with the  groove as well. Don’t mind the overlapping of   the floor and door going into the air, because  in proper game level, you wouldn’t see it.  Similarly, we can do side  going door. In this case,   we need value of sliding to the side that is plus  or minus 510. Go and open timeline Open/Close,   rename Track to Door X Location and change  the value to -510. Now go back to Event Graph,   disconnect connection leading to New Location Z  and connect Door X Location to New Location X.   Hit compile and go to level preview. Here I place  the door to side wall, so it’s like in the game,   where we wouldn’t see where the door is sliding  to. So, let’s test it…and it’s looking good.  Now to the part that I promised  you earlier. In many cases,   you don’t want to have lever as part of the  door, but you want to place it in your level.  For this, duplicate blueprint of Side Door  and add to its name “_NoLever”. Open it, go   to Consctruction script, delete all code here and  delete levers. Hit Compile and open BP_DoorOpener.   Here just make variable Door public and hit  Compile. Place the new door into your level,   as well as levers. I place one on wall here and  second one here. When you have selected lever,   you can see here variable Door. You can  search for the door or just click to   picker icon and pick the door. Don’t forget  to do it for both levers. If you don’t want   to make variable of lever Door public, you  can assign door to lever in level blueprint.  --- So,   we have finished the interaction system for  now and you should be able to create at least   basic interactable items on your own now. Last thing I do is clear the level and delete   testing object. If you found this video useful, give it a like and if you don’t want to miss   next episode, subscribe. Thanks for watching and  see you in a next episode or in another video.
Channel: QX01
Views: 385
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Keywords: how to interact with objects in unreal engine 5, interaction system unreal engine 5, ue5 interaction system, interaction system ue5, interactable objects ue5, interaction unreal engine, interactable ue5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 blender, blender ue5, ue5 interaction system tutorial, game development tutorial, gamedev tutorial ue5, interaction unreal engine tutorial, interaction system in unreal engine, how to interact in unreal engine 5, ue5
Id: 6UcQb22-IFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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