Intel Arc Goes Where NVIDIA Won't: A580 GPU Benchmarks & Review vs. A750, RX 6600, & More

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[Music] Intel Arc has some downsides like this you may need to upgrade your PC for this game but it's improved a lot in the last year and they're now launching the a580 which is $180 and interestingly its closest competitor might be the a750 also from Intel which we just checked and that's $190 depending on where you look so that alone uh presents kind of a challenge for the new a580 we got this card in yesterday the day it launched and uh We've turned the review around in about 24 hours to get you some detail on what it makes sense to buy it's closest competition other than the a750 would be the RX 6600 so Intel at this point uh has done pretty well to stabilize its drivers it had major issues like we just showed actually that's a that's one that's still there that's for Starfield and a lot of those issues were with directx9 games and then directx11 games and Intel has been working almost game by game to try and Patch it up and get the drivers to a point where overall the card can be recommended to someone who might not have troubleshooting experience that's been the challenge for Intel and it is competing with large players in the market who have mountains of last generation gpus that are getting dumped for relatively cheap now compared to what the market has been and so for the a580 this is a difficult entry point but a critical one because there haven't been sub $200 gpus that have been relevant for quite some time now probably the most recent stuff we've had has been like 16 series gpus as in basically 20 and maybe the 3050 kind of but other than that you have to go back ways to get to things like the 6400 so Nvidia has functionally abandoned this market for now there's rumors that they're making a 3056 gab so we're looking forward to that disaster uh and the a580 has the a 750 to look to for the closest alternative cuz it's now only $190 depending on where you look so they're 10 bucks apart and that's what we're going to focus on but we have a bunch of other cards in here too so let's get started before that this video is brought to you by the thermal T swappable blade fans available in 120 and 140 mm sizes the new thermal T fans include three sets of swappable blades so that even as you change builds or cases you can ensure the LEDs are always presented on their best side the swappable blades allow Builders to get the fan frame out of the way of the lights by reversing the blade direction to reconfigure the fan as push or pull while keeping the struts relatively hidden and keeping the fan frame oriented One Way swapping blades is done by applying pressure evenly to opposite sides then pressing until the click each fan also has pin to- pad connections for caess daisy chaining and you can learn more at the link in the description below first up for the a580 we are using the latest drivers Intel had drivers it knew were coming for launch but it didn't make them available till launch fortunately because our our card got lost in the mail um we were able to run with version 4887 for the Intel drivers at time of filming those are brand new they're supposed to include some Starfield improvements that are like triple digit percentage uplift or something like that although you can't divide by zero being unplayable before so we'll see to quickly recap the spec so uh the Intel Arc a580 GPU it's on Al Miss that's their current architecture it runs 3072 shading units has an 8 mbte uh cache memory capacity and type come out to 8 GB gddr6 on a 256bit memory bus so that's good in the sense of memory bandwidth here uh should be able to keep Pace a little better than some of the other low-end cards but compared to the a750 it's a lower TDP it has a reduction in Shader count from 3584 units down to this 3072 number and likewise it has a drop and rck TOs and tmus for testing we retested the a750 everywhere we didn't retest the a770 most places those numbers the a750 uh we last tested these cards in like I think it was September for some games and then it was August for others and the numbers haven't really moved so there's a few specific games where there have been changes and we'll talk about those but for the most part it's been very stable and there's not a lot of uh retesting required because it's all looking about the same but we reran the a750 just in case and because frankly we wanted to test with a partner model 750 cuz we used a partner model uh a 580 so we have the sparkle orc here uh and uh we also have the sparkle Titan not an Nvidia Titan just to be clear but these are the two we ran this was the 750 model and that's where they get interesting because of the $190 pricing versus the uh well depending on which 750 you get anyway but 190 to 200 versus the 180 Mark now more traditionally this 750 has been close to like 230 but even still so a lot of our judgment here is going to depend on what that price Gap is couple other quick references before we start so the 7600 is typically around $240 to $250 and then the RX 6600 is around 200 to 210 at the moment and Nvidia we're not really worried about right now because hopefully they'll have something in this price class soon it's just the the 3050 would be the most relevant and uh it's not it's not really going to it doesn't outperform any of the others that were testing today which we would recommend instead so let's get into the gaming we'll talk power as well power is pretty interesting because the a58 is wildly inefficient uh almost in a surprising way compared to its competitors but we'll talk about that start with gaming falers Gate 3 is up first this is one of the newest games to our test suite and it works great for cards that are below the $400 price Mark anything above that tends to hit bottlenecks on the CPU especially the lower resolutions as we we settle into the upcoming chart though remember that Intel had difficulty running balers Gate 3 with the direct X API which is the default for the game we talked about this in our balers gate GB review that you can find on the channel already but Vulcan performed significantly better on Ark and in ways which weren't replicated on other cards Arc had serious frame pacing problems with direct X so here's that chart we'll start with the like for like comparison the a580 with Vulcan its best and most appropriate use case for Intel allowed the a750 with Vulcan a lead of 5 to 6% we also retested this with the newest drivers and we had the same exact result also like for like the direct X result for the a580 had it below the RTX 2060 and the RX 6600 with this 6600 carrying a significant lead and low performance everything in the 80s is hitting a CPU bind at some point so let's move on in balers Gate 3 at 1440p the Intel a580 orc ran at 56 FPS average with Vulcan that has the a580 ahead of the 6600 sft we're still not sure what a sft is but we hope to one day find out what a sft is anyway missing vowels aside the lead is mostly a technicality in average FPS but the lows are better but this is Vulcan for Intel and dx11 which is uh closer like for like here the 6600 leads the a580 by 9% let's stick with the like for like for Vulcan for a second the a750 ran at 64 FPS average and that led the a580 is 56 FPS average result by 15 % that's a more significant Gap than we saw at 1080p which is because the a750 was occasionally brushing against the CPU limit Starfield went terribly for Intel we used the drivers that claimed triple digit uplift for Ark but considering the Baseline was literally not working at all maybe that's an easy way to get three digits in our testing we observed 18 FPS average and lows that were completely unplayable the game was a stuttery disaster comparisons don't even make sense here because it just broke Bren right now maybe it'll work better soon as Intel has noted it's still working on improvements here Bethesda is working on updates as well but as of right now it just basically doesn't work in Total War Warhammer 3 before we make the move to Pharaoh the game ran at 85 FPS average on the a580 at 1080p that has the a750 sparkle card about 82% ahead of the new a580 lows are scaling as we'd expect with the average here so nothing out of the ordinary there and depending on the price at the time you're buying if these cards are further apart it may be worth going for the a580 it's getting a lot of the performance uh so depending on that price reduction it could be worth it but if the cards are within say $10 to $20 of each other the a750 appears worthwhile that however ignores everything else it's only looking at ARC the a580 is ahead of the older RTX 2060 but given the importance of the 2060s former $300 positioning for the KO it's a good spot for the a580 to be in if a generation late compared to the RX 6600 the a580 leads by a 16% in average FPS with lows similar it's good positioning for the a580 to look at One Price class up the RX 7600 which these days is $230 to $250 is at 101 FPS average that has it leading the a580 by 18% while costing about 33% more on average at 1440p what we want to know is whether the scaling Remains the Same the a580 leads the RTX 2060 by 14% here almost identical to the 1080p lead against the 6600 it's 25% ahead a larger Gap than the 16% lead at 1080p the Intel Arc card is doing relatively well scaling as resolution increases although it's still ultimately more of a 1080p gaming card but that's useful information to have the a750 Titan meanwhile leads by about 133% up at 62 FPS average The 1080ti Remains a familiar phase here except with significantly improved lows over some of its immediate neighbors looking between the a580 and the a750 Titan we land stand on the RX 7600 right in the middle at 62 FPS average the same 133% lead over the a580 and Shadow of the Tomb raater at 1080p the a580 ran at 98 FPS average allowing the a750 Titan to establish a 5% lead over the newer a580 if this were more consistently the Gap then the cheaper card would be the clear winner 5% is not a lot but it's not a consistent Gap it changes based on the game the RX 6600 however leads both with its result at 125 FPS average gapping the a580 by a relatively massive 28% as long as there's price proximity between these two cards at least in this game and as long as the 6600 is still available it would be the Clear Choice for more expensive comparisons the RX 7600 pushes further ahead with a 54% Advantage the RTX 460s 157 FPS average result is a little further ahead still and one note here everything at or above 230 FPS average would be CPU bound since we're at 1080p so uh those wouldn't really be directly comparable and we've removed the cards like the 700 XTX XT the 4070 TI and similar at 1440p the a580 74 FPS average haded about 5 FPS behind the a750 giving the a750 a 6 1.2% lead that's more than we saw at 1080p so they're getting more distant as resolution increases but not in a relevant way the RX 6600 is 83 FPS average has a 12% ahead of the a580 here so again if they're the same price the 6600 if this is consistent would be the better buy but we'll look at other games too the $20 Gap gives us more to consider and we'll need the full picture to make a determination at the end spending around $100 more would put you 35% ahead in performance if you bought the RX 7600 instead which also pulls up its lows although the a580 is lows in this game aren't a problem it's just scaling proportionally going to the 4060 would increase that Gap by a couple percentage points but increase the dollar amount more significantly of course in Final Fantasy 14 at 1080p the a580 find its place at a high frame rate and a less intensive game the 154 FPS average result positions it about 52% ahead of the RTX 2060 you shouldn't of course change from a 2060 to an a580 it's not really an upgrade uh but it gives us a good idea for industry Trends in this price class and again it's a couple Generations old intel was probably expecting to ship around one generation after that card so it gives us a good idea of where they were positioning the RX 6600 is about tied with the a580 on this one although the a580 pushes better lows uh We've noticed that AMD cards in general run disproportionately low for 1% in this game it's not a particularly bad or stuttery result but it definitely is worse than what we measured on the compared inti car the a750 leads the a580 by almost 8% here a little more than we've seen in some of these other games and as for the 7600 its 20% leadership puts it in an entirely different class of card but so does the price tag that or the 4060 would be the next logical major Step Up receive you bound at 1080p starting at the 470 so removes everything else 1440p is next the a580 can still play Final Fantasy at this resolution landing at 93 FPS average that has it just barely ahead of the 6600 and average more in lows and still about 7% ahead of the RTX 2060 spending more for the a750 would get you an increase of 14% with the 7600 reducing its lead to about 19% not much of a change and mostly within error Horizon zero Dawn is next at 1440p the A5 580 73 FPS average allowed the a150 Titan a lead of about 7 to 8% in average FPS the RX 6600 is technically behind the a580 but they're well within run-to-run variants even the lows are about the same rendering the 6600 and the a580 functionally equivalent in our benchmarking here the a580 is lead over the 2060 is 8 to 9% here again showing that it's positioned as one of the more proper successors given the price reduction and slight performance boost but again there's that multigenerational Gap in F1 2022 at 1080p the Intel a580 ran at 120 FPS average with the freshly retested RX 6600 at 126 to lead of 5% in average FPS for the 6600 although it's a bit behind and 1% lows they 750 was 12% ahead in this test with the RX 7600 22% ahead of the a580 at 1440p The a580 Falls to 91 FPS average with the a750 now 9% ahead so that's a slight reduction for the A7 50 the RX 6600 is behind the a580 here allowing the new Intel GPU a lead of 4.8% so they flipped spots with the resolution increase we'll look at some quick R tracing numbers to close things out on the gaming side in Tomb Raider with rt Shadows the r a58 managed about 60 FPS average at 1080p with the highest RT settings considering the equivalence with the 6600 here and the close proximity to the recently retested a750 Titan we'd say this is great relative positioning for the a580 it allows the a750 Titan again with brand new data a lead of 9% but that's similar to what we saw on rasterization so given the a580 is cut down spec that's not bad at 1440p the a580 Led the RX 6600 once again it's proving itself here as compared to earlier results and the a750 5 FPS average lead isn't unexpected but overall the a580 is doing relatively well an F1 2022 with rt enabled the a580 once again performed pretty well it's encroaching on the RX 7600 here the a750 has a 14% lead in this one similar to what we saw in some of the rasterization tests the RX 6600 remains behind the a580 giving it an advantage in this particular title with rton finally we'll run some thermal tests this is contingent first on the power that the Silicon pulls and second on how good the cooler from the board partner is so that'd be Sparkle part of the job the a580 orc ended up at about 68° cus for the GPU core temperature when at steady state there's really no problem with that even if your ambient were significantly higher than our 21c test environment that' still leave plenty of room and with v bio's thermal targets the way they are probably the fans would just spin up more these lower end gpus tend to run relatively cool so even in spite of the inefficient performance the power consumption we saw the total power consumption remains more than manageable from a thermal perspective thermals were about 78° C for the memory temperature that's well within spec it's warmer than we'd like to see on something like say a 4090 which often has massive heat sinks but that's fine on a card like this one especially because it doesn't really have that much more room to get hotter from a power perspective because it's pretty much at the limits anyway you're not going to be forcing more power into this particular silicon testing the a580 for power consumption now we found that the card pulls 218 Watts from the pcie cables and the pcie slot combined that makes it one of the least power efficient cars cards we've tested anytime recently the Nvidia RTX 470 blows it away for power to Performance as does Intel's own a750 which itself wasn't particularly efficient uh and pulled 234 Watts but it's more efficient than the 580 the RX 6600 only pulled 136 watts in the same test making it significantly more power efficient Intel has a lot of work to do on this front it seems that Intel is in amd's Old habit from Generations past where it's blasting power to keep up with competing Hardware fortunately for Intel at the lower end that's not as limiting as at the high end because power although in a relative sense it matters in an absolute sense is when it gets really important if they were blasting that say 500 watts or something high end but this is still Intel's next most important area of improvement after driver support as evidenced by a Starfield drivers are still the primary point of concern because people need to be able to play games at least within the month that they launch we normally don't report on idle power consumption we collect it but it's not typically that interesting in this truncated chart we see the a580 was pulling 43 Watts when idle on desktop the a750 was at 45 Watts it's a lot of heat for a passive computer by comparison the 470 was around 11 Watts here with the 6600 at 8 watts now to be very clear on something one of the other reasons we don't typically report on idle power consumption is because it's very hard to get a meaningful difference one to the next just because idle is a curious state with windows so 8 watts to 15 watts we'd call that kind of a wash it's maybe a a testing variance possibility but once you're talking eight or 15 watts or 20 watts versus 40 that is a real difference and Intel is inefficient here too for those wondering this is a single monitor setup we know that multim monitor sometimes causes different issues so if it's really a $10 difference if you're set on Arc and you're looking at a 750 versus a 580 and it's 10 bucks we do think you should go to the a750 the a580 strikes us as a card you know if this follows Intel's Trend we really wouldn't be surprised if within a couple months the 580 is like $160 card or something or 150 even uh which is what it feels like it probably should be uh or maybe was intended to be but that's not what it is right now so with a $10 difference it really sticking with Arc would make sense to go to 750 it's not always a massive uplift sometimes you're talking like 5% commonly 8% but we are occasionally seeing double digit uplift it just depends on the game of the scenario then for Alternatives if you're open to them the RX 6600 is clearly the one most worth considering uh ever since the 6600s price began to drop sometime over a year ago now or something it has been a a a key choice for us in this segment the 200ish dollar segment now for Intel so we talked about this in our original Intel Arc reviews some things have improved actually lot of things have improved uh One Thing Remains the Same though which is there's kind of a certain audience that really makes sense for an arc card and it's going to be someone probably in our audience or similar where somebody who is capable of doing some self troubleshooting and you know if it doesn't work with the newest game like Starfield as a great example you're okay with that so that's that's really what you need to make peace with if you're buying Ark they have significantly improved the drivers we're very impressed with how far they've come in such a short time that doesn't change the fact that at a consumer level if you only are going to have one video card uh you're not particularly good at troubleshooting or you're buying for someone who shouldn't be troubleshooting or working on their own computer then uh those are the the factors that would maybe push us to say maybe consider AMD or Nvidia instead especially the 6600 but if you're okay with occasionally being frustrated or you just don't play the newest games then sure go for it now the biggest beta testing period is mostly over so dx9 stuff has largely been updated improved and fixed dx11 has gotten big fixes so the the people who did the grunt work of dealing with large amounts of unplayable games or just stuttery messes they were before you at this point if you haven't bought Arc yet it's just you're still going to be in that early adopter area for Intel uh so what they've done is impressive RT performance is also promising that the price we may talk about that more later in a future video as we add more RT stuff to the suite but for now we think at this price categories between really the 750 and the 6600 for the most part if you look at Nvidia the 4060 is the newest sort of cheapest in any kind of proximity uh alternative and that's at like 300 bucks so um otherwise we're kind of waiting on them to do a 4050 or equivalent or you have to go back a generation or two so that's it for this one thanks for watching as always subscribe for more oh one more thing power efficiency the a580 is massively inefficient but it's a low enough power envelope in total that fortunately it's not quite as bad in terms of percentage against a a larger number like a 4090 type class card anyway that's it so subscribe for more go to support us directly like by buying one of our mod bats we turn this review around really fast to try and get the buying information out for you in case you were considering buying one of these and uh hopefully that's helpful but we'll be back with more very soon we've been posting a lot lately so check the channel and you can also go to Gamers Nexus to help us out we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 346,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, intel a580 review, intel a580 benchmarks, intel arc a580 review, sparkle a580 orc, intel a580 vs a750, intel a580 worth it, intel arc drivers, intel gpu drivers, intel a750 vs a770, intel a580 vs rx 6600, intel a580 vs rtx 4060, intel a580 vs rx 7600
Id: FT2yk9PL-t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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