Integration in with Integromat

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very much welcome to tonight's webinar all today about integromat and monday in combination and actually building on top of the capabilities which are already good with monday but that can be fantastic a bit of use of integral mod magic on the side as well so stick around for uh towards the end and i will also share with you a rather nice little present at the end and this is only for those of you who are actually here with us tonight most of you know me i'm fredrik castlehome i'm the cro that means i'm the head of sales and marketing basically here at omnitas and with me here today is vigo calendar release which is one of our main top guys when it comes to automation and especially automation in integra mod they go do present yourself yeah thank you very much for the interaction we're very happy yeah nice meeting you all some of you might recognize me from other webinars as well i was attending or yeah i had one together with thomas last week for example i had another webinar in september and one in june but the one in june was in swedish so some of you might recognize me already from that exactly uh yeah you joined thomas for his last webinar and then you and me the fort knox one way back when yes you are a repeat customer here with us yeah i could say so uh we ain't gonna take up your time much more with that here we go one take us away yeah sure so let's get started first let's talk about why we're having this uh webinar uh monday automations they can do a lot but we all all of us who use monday we also sometimes run into the limitations of the nasty automations where you think that okay if i could just add this one single thing into the automation then all of this would be perfect right oh yeah i've done that right why can't i do this yeah so that is why uh this possibility is integrating with the integro mods as well so that we can extend the breadth of automations that are possible for us and even import completely new logic yeah exactly and uh the second reason then would be that sometimes you need to click a lot in a board that you have a lot of columns that are for some reason not able to automate with each other and so on and so on and then you need to also fill in like for example if you have a we will look at this later if you have a project board and you want to connect all of these items through a specific high level uh all of these uh repetitive tasks we can build into mods and oil for and run it once you have to have the task over with so similar to how you would run a script if you're into programming and that's yeah the further reason the main reason at least would be that sometimes the monday integra uh ultimate integrations uh are not complex enough for example if you integrate with uh we will not do this a lot today but for example if you integrate with uh some uh for example facebook leads then maybe the new very nice facebook lead integration i mean it could fulfill most of what you want to do but maybe you also want to pull in fields in a kind of different way or with a mapping that is not exactly what monday offers or what you want to do some kind of calculation i i have one for you yeah but with the automation within monday you can do and functionality right but you can't do if or else exactly that kind of stuff so then we can make more complex automations and integrations with uh integra mods as well and also one thing that is very nice is that we can have no limits on which board we can fetch the information and put it in as well while monday is a little bit more limited on it so yeah basically we can do this impossible automations and uh you can see here that i put this in a bracket because we will not go through it that much today instead we will focus on these first two uh capabilities that mode offers together with monday interior mode for those of you who have not used it before it is a tool where you could yeah kind of manipulate any monday data you can receive a webhook signal from monday in the same way from a starter change or from a column change in the same way that you would from an automation and from then you could do all kinds of stuff so you have a few some real world examples here one is that is simply scheduled that straight after midnight it starts a certain uh chain of events that is the most simple uh scenario i've ever built the largest uh we built was actually not this one with 275 right before this uh webinar we found an even bigger one that i had created that i totally forgot about how big was that over 300 something 322 modules so to explain a bit to all of you what you're actually looking at all those colorful blobs is one module so basically if we take the middle kind of one we first have a web hook then we have a data retrieve a set of three data retrievals from monday which we route to different places and spread out information stuff like that so they they can get very very large yeah so here for example i mean huge in this scenario that we see here in front of us then it will always go through these four first modules and then it will pick around and go through four more before it ends but as you can see then this can be quite large and in a huge spider in it which is the one with a 300 something it was for example where we needed to check for a lot of conditionals for a lot of data before ending up where we actually wanted to end up [Laughter] yeah it also took a while for me to build that for over 300 i don't know how many hours i didn't count so anyway that's a brief introduction basically for those of you who are completely new to integromat it's a tool to integrate between different stuff but also we can basically integrate monday into itself and in the loop there add in extra logic which monday doesn't contain itself correct and i mean right now we're talking about high picture stuff we're looking at this we will get it down and uh into the specifics in a short while so don't worry about that if you don't get it right now so let's start with a simple automation that where we pull the item name in a monday board and we update it with another column field i will show you in a example here yes so actually to explain to all of you where vigo is going with this we are actually going to show you how to do this within intake remote correct so it's not showing you what can be done it's actually showing you how to do it so we'll share my screen here now and we can have a look at a money board that i have prepared so here we have a field in monday called project id so my idea here is that we would fill in the project idea and then in so let's say that i fill this with a number like this zero zero zero one and then automatically we want this to fill in ash project name scrum and heroes as you know so let's create that one together so we don't have to do that manually the first thing we do is that we open integra mods also prepared here and we go and open a new scenario i'm just going to call this another one for now so first thing we want to do is to receive a signal from monday what we will use then is the web hooked module not the monday module at this stage instead we will click on webhook down here and create a new custom webhook we will add it and we call it scenario1 i usually take the same as the scenario name so i know where it belongs and now it has created a webhook but the webhook also received a url endpoint for those of you who know what that is but that is basically a information where monday will send a signal to so you can see that money will send me to a impossible to remember id so we will copy this address to the clipboard by clicking here and then we will go back into monday and we will tell monday when to found this thing novel we click on in the integration view here in monday we click on webhook and we want it to be triggered when a column changes so directly when i put in a new uh project id i want it directly to just end up in front of the name so we click on that one and we i always use another account even though it's in the list here because it's impossible to find the right one in the list um and i put my web hook in here right so i copy uh paste it there uh sorry i paste it in here and i click connect so now money know where to send a signal and now it asks me when do you want to send it i say when we change this column and a project id and then we click add support great it sets up in monday that's but we could see here that it's still listening inside of um integral mods for the signal to be sent so let's remove the old uh or let's add a product id here we each would send the signal to integer mods that is right now listening seems to take a little while sometimes i did put it on oh yeah there we go you didn't run run it no no no but it should be just listen at this stage yeah and now uh as you said afraid we want to run it in order to get the right metadata into the module right this is a module i told you earlier and i will show you later why we want metadata in here so i will again trigger it by removing this value because that is also the same as changing it and then i will see when it pops into integer mods sometimes it takes a little while first of all the metadata is what appears here so now we receive the signal we want to see what it contains then we click on this hot bubble up here and we can see that this is basically a tree of data so we see that the user id of me who sent the signal or my user within we see the name of the project here project xyz it's the same as the one in monday predict is why i said we also get something called uh and this is very important pulse id that's the one that we're going to use now we get the column id uh text where boots the is basically where i put the you can also see the column id here if you have the developer mode on in monday so you know the exact id for the column inside this board and you get the title and of course we get the value which is empty because i removed a value and then the previous value which was zero zero zero two the one that i removed i will try to remember not to speak so quickly now so now we will uh change something within monday so we uh what we do is that we click on add another module and we search for monday here if we find it then i click on it what i want to do is to update a specific column so i click on update column values of a specific item i go and select demo one here good for the connection you can have several connections to several monday accounts here which we do got a bit of board id so now i want to select the project overview i'm gonna call it webinar i will update the list of boards because what's nice in integromod is that they actually get the names of the boards like this so i can just type in pr to get to project and we see project overview webinar here and i click on it and here we will start loading all the metadata for that board first i will map in the item id it's the same as the pulse id that's why i said it was important earlier so in order to change the same row that we actually send the signal from then we need to select the pulse id from the metadata that we received and then what i want to change is what i specified here so i want to change the name of the row and i want it to become the new value which is actually i want a new metadata in here so i'm going to run it one more time approach with existing webhook because now i will see a metadata from when i add a value instead which is a bit more pedagogy better go vehicle compared to uh compared to using functions to retrieve it so in here we have the new value zero zero zero two it gives me also an example which is very nice and i put it in here and then i want to have a space dash space and then i want it to fade the fame pool's name again project xyz good and i click add and i click ok and so this is basically it i'm going to fail this now and then i'm going to put it on so at any point now it will run immediately so let's go back to monday and do that i'm going to put in fear of your hero 3 here for the further row and maybe i'll put in here with your hero4 there you see it the magic happens so we get zero zero three pretty fantastic for example and zero four projects romeo and so on so that's it that's the first integration or automation whatever you wanna call it uh have we uh received a question so far for it uh no just oohs great so let's pause the sharing for a little bit and look again at the next automation that we're going to do yeah this would be an example of what we could do with insecure mod as well which is to also quickly do uh to quickly fill in for a lot of items a specific value so uh in this example then uh let me share the screen again yeah let's uh just empty all these projects instead and then we can show you how to fill them in even though we can do this specific thing with batch action there is a there are other specific scenarios where we want to do this dynamically and that's why it's always good to learn how to do it in integra mod so later you can do it with different conditionals as well based on routes but just to give you now a quick overview on how to fill in some values then we will select here a monday module for example lists in this case i want to list all the boards item and the board is called projects monovino project so i will go to demo one and put the limit on basically unlimited project word monovino where do we have it there and here uh i want to to output in order to favor some time when we run it i only gonna how to put the uh actual column that i'm lately going to change what would you call again it's called project overview column okay there we go and here we go okay and then i'm gonna manipulate that column by updating it again i select the update column values of a specific item module and i select demo one and it will be the same board project v newman and the item id of course will be dynamic based on the id that we're going to iterate through so to give a little bit of background here what this list sports item module do is that it's we'll get all the items from a specific board in this case our project board and iterate through them and send one at a time to the next module and here in this uh module we want to change the product overview and in its add a specific item let's see here we could we will add this one project monovino or we could map the exact item id like this which is the way i prefer it because then you can do it more dynamic right and if you want to add more than just one item then you could map in a whole array of items in here for those of you that are advanced enough to know about arrays in the robots but in order to go through that now or need a whole second webinar to be honest though okay now what we will do is one by one we will fill in the items here with that specific link back to the overview to monovino in the overview through this link column i'm just gonna run it and here we see that it ticks one at a time and we can also see it in a board where it just appears like that and that is the basic principle behind how you could add values into a board without you know clicking or copy pasting or doing anything it goes the same for for example if you have a google sheet or an excel sheet and then you want to map that into a monthly board then you do the same principle it's just that you iterate through the sheet row row-wise instead and then you find the correct item and fill in the value so that was the shortest kind of introduction to how to do that and then you can just build on it anything else that we have here uh any other questions really we actually got a question we can take it now in kind of an interval and uh let's uh huang uh who won this if if there's a weekday functionality like you find in excel or actually in monday within that you can use from within integromas uh integroman itself doesn't really have a weekday function but i mean it is something that you could calculate with the help of different functions inside instagram i've done that myself so for example if you have a time span of x amounts of days then you know that you always abstract two of them and then if you have for example you know our specific holiday maybe january 1st then you can see then you can see the order of the days during the year and the first day of course is january 1st and you know that that one should be subtracted always and so on and so on so it's a lot of you put a lot of if functions in there which you can do in in integra mods function itself is not present i'm afraid yeah i know luke has actually built that functionality for me and a client uh just recently where we actually picked out so they have a very strict schedule that starts so they know that certain things should always take place on the project day with a certain number so product day one will always be the first day of the project whether it's a monday or a friday then project day two should not if probably day one is a friday project day two is actually the saturday it's the monday so we needed to like loop those in and actually come and that is yeah but uh you're you're uh straight on point that one it's basically if else okay let's uh check the other uh impossible automation and to answer you one it's very very doable and lucas did it for me uh rather quickly so when you got the hang of it you can sort it out exactly so let's uh monday have amazing formula columns but sometimes for certain widgets or use cases or even monday's own automations then you need to have number pollen instead and it's difficult to do that calculation by hand for all the items so instead we will do that with integer mod so we will do a formula that takes two values and put it in another number column so let's get to it we want to calculate the body here we have a format column that calculates uh pro approved budget minus total expense we want to do the same i'll put the results here in a number column instead here we have project budgets and total expense are here this is a quite uh advanced one then because then you would need to also go to the board beneath and summarize all those numbers but uh sure let's do it so scenario number three i'm gonna do this a little bit more quicker now so that hopefully we can have time to do another uh scenario as well uh juan asks if integromat can actually operate towards sub items yeah it can as well uh that's actually what means what vigor is all about doing right now so uh in a way yeah i mean the principle is the same first of all you can get the trigger from sabaita with both these web books here but also you could find some items through the principle that i will show you quite soon on how to find sub item and pull the data from there so i will put this on when you change the budget uh i know it's not the best trigger but for now it will do and we are then going to yeah it's listening good so then we're gonna change this to 150 great uh then we're gonna pull uh through a monday module we're gonna get the whole row so we get an item it's a very useful uh this is a very useful module that i like a lot that you just get a id and you get the item with all its column values right and from there you can do whatever you want really so now i'm going to run this once in order you have to get an item and some metadata in here as you can see i get all the item values like this and here you have the column id i mentioned earlier text and you can see that it contains this number here and here we also have connect board so which is why i'm actually gonna trigger this again but on one this one here instead that connect have all the connections that we did earlier with the integra mods and from here we can see that the connect board is now filled with a lot of linked pulse ids so it's just the ide of the underlying pools and that's also how you find the tab items because they are in a similar column as a connect board we want to iterate these connections we put in the whole array an array is a bunch of it's a list of ids in this case and then for each of those we want to get the underlying item in the other board uh notice now that i'm actually going into the other board and fetching one item at the time here uh yeah slow down because we had a bit of a video lag but what vigor did uh was he is yet again getting an item yeah i'm getting an iphone in this case i'm getting the underlying linked item so for example i will get each of these 25 items now as you can see here it just iterates through each item like that very nice we can stop it and then we're gonna put these together with a numeric aggregator so that will be again summarizing all the items i'm gonna use some in this case you see that we have other functions too and we're gonna summarize the expenses so we select the expenses here good uh so this will output a sum of all the expenses and then we want to put that back on the original item where we triggered it so in the product overview we want to put it in the right number column so we once again select the project overview [Music] webinar and we map in the pool's id and here we select the column called budget left and here we also put the results for dynamic aggregation and we click on add and we click ok and we test it out so let's put it on there we go so now it's activated this will take a little bit longer because as you can see when it iterates it takes about a second for each of these items so it might take 25 seconds for this now to fill in this budget left column here i'm gonna clear it so that it's empty you see that by this left left has nothing in it right now and it's a numbers column let's trigger it by putting 220 ah i almost forgot uh actually we don't want to put the resulting line we want to put the results minus uh or we want to put the budget minus the result right we want to do a calculation so we have the numbers which is in this case the approved budget yeah it has the id numbers here good so then we go back here and we put the numbers and then we select mathematical functions up here we have a bunch of nice functions here we have mathematical ones plus minus and so on here we have for text for dates and also for arrays for those of you that want to progress later than use a lot of functions it's a very nice feature that makes integromod very powerful okay now let's trigger it okay so let's put 20 volts thousand here and uh let's let's have it collect the uh result so right now if we uh you can see that the state of of integromod says running here even though i'm not inside integra mods now myself and uh but it is running in the background and now i that i updated a page i can also say that it's a success and it took 11 seconds for it to go through all the items and puts back the results here which is 225 sorry 220 000 minus the total expense which we can see here in the mirror column 65 62 500 so it was put there by integrals which is quite nice and it's a numbers column so we can do a pivot table and everything on it so yeah uh do we have any questions so far on that for each no we've got even more wooten wars and i think huang is about to explode over there currently a lot of mine of his scenarios is actually having to have a spreadsheet in between but well now you know how to ditch that spreadsheet yeah i mean having a spreadsheet is okay as a data dump or if you want you know pull data from that as well but in general you would not need to have it for that this use case let's progress and look at how to do this again but in another currency so what we're gonna do now uh we're gonna go back to integrator mods here and i'm gonna [Music] hold shift and click on all these we can't see your screen mate oh sorry sorry so i'm gonna go back to scenario number three the one that i have created i'm gonna hold shift and i'm gonna click on each of these modules and then i'm gonna right click and copy modules and then i go to scenario four and i open it and in here i'm gonna just paste all the modules there we go basically a copy then i'm gonna take the trigger put it here i'm gonna delete that one i'll go back to scenario three i'm gonna shut this off because i want to use the same web hooks so we're going to do the same now but we're going to also make a currency conversion before putting it back into the mod into the numbers column and we're going to do it in a separate numbers column as well so i'm going to click here on add and i'm going to search for currency and there we go so integral mod has a built-in currency function here that you can use convert an amount sure and here we have amounts which is again okay let's get some metadata in here let's remove this and then get the metadata here here we go to one of our thumb and we get the web book we could uh stop that great so here we once again in the amount we take the numbers column uh we take it minus the uh result of or our iteration uh the input currency we had it in us dollar there and we're gonna output it in swedish chrono because we are swedish here automaton and then we're gonna input it in another column that i prepared here called buddhist left in swedish krona sec so both put it in uh the body at left column and in the body it's left thick column so they are both clear now and i already specified the budget left column and now i'm going to add also the values left in thick and i put the result uh amounting output currency here i could also pull the exchange rate if i want to save that you know on the project row you have to see what that was but i'm not going to do it right now or if i want to use it for a native monday format so let's click ok yeah and one thing that you are doing a lot of currency exchange rates and stuff like that when stuff is final be sure to make sure it doesn't update the currency because your financials will not be complete after that one if it just comes continues on exactly that is why it's a bad web hook to have it on the approved budget maybe yeah because yeah you want to do it when a project is finished so maybe a project close status change then you want to do this where you get you know the whole difference over in local currency so you can uh keep it in your books and so on a bookkeeper it's called okay let's uh activate this scenario make sure that the last one is deactivated very good and then we once again trigger the web hook you can see that both of these are empty and i'm gonna trigger the webhook over here uh 220 000 enter and over here we will just wait for the results to pop in on these ones 11 seconds last time oh i think it took the same now yeah so here you can see eighty two thousand five hundred left of the budget and in swedish runner that's seven hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven point seventy nine crore yeah that would actually be correct with today's currency rate so perfect so yeah the currency converter is quite nice for uh a lot of use cases as well let's proceed to mandatory fields i mean this is something that a lot of clients our clients are asking for like could we have that this need to be filled in before we can change the status to something else and that is something that we can solve within second mods kinda because what we could do is some a certain field is not filled in then integra mods can change back to the status again to the previous value so uh let's have a look again in our project overview here um where i'm gonna do this so we have budget approved or yeah project approved budget let's say that in order to go from planning or in order to go to execution you need to have that filled in so let's empty it there we go and then let's go back to integromods fifth scenario and we're gonna put in webco we're gonna spell it correctly there we go i found i i have found out that it's much easier to find when you actually spell it correctly you have a point yeah because i'm the master of misspellings myself so so scenario five we set up a new web roof same procedure as earlier only difference is that it would be on a status change instead so i isolate one of that change or something it's on a web book okay always use another account always paste the url even though even if it's the same and we go for on project phase and we select when it goes to execution send web that's the trigger that we want good now i'm gonna trigger it once there we go and we will receive this there perfect and now we can start doing the money stuff so monday morning get an item uh there we go and we once again select uh our connection and we select our pulse id to get the item so we can check for certain values good and then we're gonna update the column values if a third term if a certain criteria is not met so we're gonna update it again to let's i will explain if i do it so we go back to project overview we select the same item by bull's id we are going to update the status column protein space to a label which is mapped in as the previous value label text so the webhook gives us two values as i said earlier it gives off the value which is the new value that we put in and the previous value so if i click ok and okay so now what this webhook or this scenario will do so far without any conditionals if i go from planning or any status to execution it will change it back again the old value to planning in this case but i only want this to happen in certain cases and that's why we start using filters filters are in my opinion next to functions here then uh filters are the most valuable part of instagram because here that we go show again where you clicked uh sure uh i'm also gonna first thing when i put some data in here sorry and there we go so where i clicked was in between the two modules here we can say that it can only take this route if a certain criteria is met in this case you have to have numbers which we know is the approved budgets column it should not exist because then we change it back but if it doesn't exist then it will not get past this filter let's try it so i'm going to run this one while we or trigger it and then we have a look while it runs so let's go execution and now we will look at the so here it passed and that is because as i said earlier i have not filled in a project allowed budget if i fill the theme and then i go to integromod and i want to do this visually so i run it once again this is only when you test it then you click on run once in order to see how it progresses between your modules right so i run it once again [Music] i select execution in here and here i have a look where it doesn't go past the filter and then you can click on why doesn't this goes best because this one is existing yeah it had a value it exists so it will not go to this last module which would change it back and we can verify this by looking here it actually allowed the change to execution here uh we could build up on this and also add that okay we let's create an update as well so for example if i go for a fool's id fill in up through the subjects please there we go let's have a look at that for uh now it's activated very good so we're gonna clear this column we're gonna go back to planning and then we try to go to execution without filling this in and let's have a look at what happens oh it gave me a update here saying that sorry fill in the approved budget please so that is quite nice and it also goes backwards to planning here so then you know why it goes back so that way you can have certain criteria uh on a standard change in order to allow it or else it will just go back to the old value again i've got a question here uh can integra mode work with dependencies and the relations of them like changing one one value from the dependent for example a number then it also changes its predecessor and vice versa i mean you could do that uh because when you access a dependency column uh here we have one called predecessor it's a dependency column uh when you access that through integromod actually we did the scenarios of this almost so let's have a look at that one then we get the map mappable column values so then we will get that the predecessor value as well so here i can have a look at the mappable column values and i can look at the dependency i can see that it gets a linked pulse id so that one i can use in a new yet item or a new update column value as the something and with an iterator if i have many items dependent so i can use that one in order to actually uh update another item that is this one is dependable awesome and then thanos asks if that starter change can we actually pull the one uh the information on who the user actually triggered the event and tag him yeah we could uh we could uh let's see if we can attack it i never try that fun question let's get a user uh so here or actually let's put that one after the filter otherwise it's unnecessary that it will cost yeah it's an unnecessary load yeah so here we'll also get the user and the user in this case will of course be [Music] mapped in as the user id from the web book the one who calls the trigger and here we will also click on [Music] and let's see if it works i never tried it so exciting and we put [Music] the name then that's usually how we do it actually i'm quite sure it will not work but let's try it anyway now that i think about it it shouldn't work but if it works then i'm super amazed thank you so much dimitri um we've got a comment here for you we go uh the most valuable webinar dimitri's been to during 2021 oh thank you very much that's nice to hear uh i tried it uh it didn't work i'm sorry it might be something to explore though see if we can pull the user id instead and see what can be done with that maybe yeah i mean it will because this module here only sends uh plain text those of you who know uh are advanced in using monday api you could do some exploration on the documentation there from the api you could also have a look at creating a custom app with the integer mods of the backend because if you have an app then you can send monday notifications directly to users uh these kind of notifications so to say so that you could do if you use the app framework that money provides and then connects that app framework to uh integromat yeah but that's the whole webinar yeah but uh thanos at least with this you can at least explain in your update who's being the ass basically yeah you can just have the name there and their phone number and home address and all that email address you know that's good question very good question actually we are nearing that time of the day we go i think i don't know if you had one more scenario i'm gonna tease you guys because i had one more and maybe this one would be a separate webinar then on how to automatically fill a deadline according to a reference label because we don't have enough time i'm afraid to do this one right now as you can see if there is time save it for the next time right yeah but now we have a continuation so we will probably or we will i can promise you do a part two to this so this is a deep hanger yeah but with that said everyone be sure to subscribe both to our youtube channel because then you will never miss any webinars because it will be updated after the fact and be sure to also subscribe to our newsletter it's on our website you go to it's all in english guys uh and subscribe to our newsletter and you will get the information when the new webinars are put out there and you will get well in advance you can reserve your seats because we are always limiting the number of seats so it's first served in this case so be sure to book your seat in time because our webinars are getting to be pretty popular jorge i don't know when we will do part two but i know that you are a subscriber to our newsletter so you will be the first to know and i will definitely do a part two but i feel it and i mean this was a lot of fun we also received the last question here from natasha i really have to take it before we end it natasha asked if possible to integrate virtually any third-party app with monday using web books with the integra mod and the answer is yes you can even find the most obscure api and connect that to monday with the help of integromat i've done that so yeah and as we go hinted in uh on before uh earlier on you can actually do quite a lot if you know some api coding we can actually really deep dive into certain things no things so we don't even need to rely on pre-built modules and stuff like that we can actually call on apis within integral so you can do a lot and yes just to give you some some really cool thing that viggo did it was a bit back now but we we had a partner of ours uh that we work with from time to time and they were trying to make an uh a classic custom api build couldn't get their head around it really they were working for a week or something and then we're like we can't really do this and then we go said can i have a go at it with integromat three hours later he had sold what they can do in a week so it is an incredibly powerful tool when you master it so uh sign up for that account and start playing around great link though that you shared with that said guys that's all from sweden today so have a lovely evening or a lovely day depending on where in the world you are and that's all from vegan me so take the best of care everyone thank you all very much thanks for watching if you like our content remember to subscribe
Channel: Omnitas Consulting
Views: 220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kXwo49ji6Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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