Integrate Botpress with Flowise: FREE Stack AI Replacement

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in this video we're going to use a stack AI free replacement everybody's been telling me I don't want to pay 500 a month to use stack AI is there a free alternative yes there is although it's a little bit tedious it's easy pretty easy to set up we're going to use flow wise um so it's an open source Sakai basically um if anything it has more features although stakia is just more easy to use everything's set up for you it's more plug-and-play this is a little bit more for developers but it's very very easy like this is basically no code so you're going to need a good GitHub account which I'm getting now I'm just let me get it there we go let me get the code copy it paste it in um just fill out this information skip this put the free plan boom now we're in GitHub so next thing we're going to do is go on the flowwise repo so just search in the top I'm introducing land flow for a name so once you're logged in you're going to search flowwise in the search bar and click the first one that comes up and now we're gonna look for the render deployment settings so all you're going to do is scroll down until you see documentation self-host render so to click deploy to render and then we'll have step-by-step instructions on how to deploy it so we're going to Fork it first which is in the top right of the repo click Fork and then make sure you got the fork successfully done wait till it's done afterwards you want to sign it to render you can sign in with GitHub so authorize it and we forked it so we can go back please set up and then it should send us a confirmation email we'll go to our email this is not three one go back and look for a render there it is click on it then we're good number in so now we'll go back to the instructions and it says click new plus so there it is new plus the button click on it and then it's going to be web surface select web service yes and then we're gonna select the flowwise repo so you're gonna have to connect your GitHub account which is on the right side where it says GitHub so connect your account and then install render onto GitHub and now it follows a pop-up click connect and we'll connect and now you have to fill up the settings so it's going to tell you how to fill up um fill it out so for the name if whatever you want we'll just put flowwise and the server will leave it default and the branch me okay this runtime we have to put node and we should be good to go so your name personal Fernanda Phil and build a command start swallow yarn Bill yarn yarn build you want to start looks good to go let's look at the right and click right here we'll use a free plan if you want to keep it up then it's free okay and we're going to click on that link flowwise.1render dot domain and now we have it set up so now we can create flows okay so flow wise AI there's a lot of templates that you can copy um let's see all right now click on new flow press plus and now we have a lot of options different aging solder GPT all the good stuff so we're gonna need a PDF loader for this example with your PDF file search PDF and then you can see what you need um in a text splitter so we'll get a text splitter here um characters that are actually I think it's called character splitter character text splitter we can use either either or it doesn't matter um I like to use the recursive one though so let's delete the other one and let's connect this to that um what else do we need we need the Vector database so it is pine cone for this or chroma so we have the upsert and we'll drag that in there so that's going to be where the PDF file will be stored and it'll be embedded with open AIS and better let's go to Pinecone and let's go to open AIS to grab our API keys for these apps to work and our flow wise application so secret sign in with Google I'm gonna hide some information here um let's go to open AI API let's grab the API key okay create a new secret key generated copied now we go back to flowwise we can copy that in there paste it in there I mean and now we open a chat open AI window this is the actual track gbt model and we're gonna attach that to uh QA conversational retrieval chain so this will be the link between the document and the llm and then this is a PDF that I found that we're going to be using it's just done like a bunch of drugs by the UN so some information about drugs so we'll upload upload that in there and now we need our information from Pinecone it's still initializing so we'll give it some we'll give it a second okay so now it should be loaded okay so we get create index and we put any name that we want I'm gonna put drugs I'm gonna put 1536 Dimensions which is a standard and cosine As the metric these are all standard this is what you need to do anything else is more complex you don't need to worry about it so we'll get drugs we'll paste that in there for the Pinecone index that's the name then we need the environment to copy that paste it in there and then in the API key so we can generate a new API key drug and we'll copy it copy let's paste it in there and then everything should be good to go so now if we were to test it out make sure everything's good yes make sure everything about okay wait we have to wait for our initialized Vector database Let's test it out it should be done any second now though take some time to set up press shot this should be working now what is a drug wait for the still initializing so it might not work let's give it a second bear with me guys oh we got an error okay let's wait till initializes while we're ready please like the video you mean a lot okay so let's try again what is a cannabis let's see what it gives us okay there we go Works once it's set up now it should be working good so now we can ask another question is it safe to make sure it's gonna be safe for now awesome so now we know it's working so now we can go to about press then we can create a new bot fun part begins so let me just delete an old one in a second create and edit so we can start from a blank template before we do that so you're gonna click get the code this is going to be your API link so we need that flowwise dot primage dot unrender so it's in the top right beside the save icon and flowwise to the left of the same icon as the code button click on that and that link you see there the https is what you need for the code that I'll give you guys so this is the code that will connect but press to flowwise okay so that's all you're going to need the code will be in the description you're just gonna have to subscribe like Etc to get it you want to start from a new black template and start and then we're going to connect our start node to a new standard node um we're just gonna make a simple plot here we're just gonna see if the user wants information on a certain drug if so they'll just type um the name or some of it's specifics of the description of the drug and then they'll get a more detailed analysis of that a drug based on the PDF okay so now we're just gonna speed through this a little bit we're gonna connect this node start we're just going to ask the user if they're interested in learning about or plea what uh do you know what drug you want to find to another node so give them a yes or no option which will go to the same place because the AI is going to search for the information either way um so we'll get our input we'll see if the variable is drugs drug just lower case drug and what please describe or save the drug you want information on and then we can just get an xq code block the code will be in the description you have it yet again so make sure it saves this drug okay so the code is there so that endpoint you're gonna have to replace with your url which is found in the flowwise which also in a second and all this code is doing is gonna send the data what is variable drug so the drug will be filled in by the user and there's going to be a pre-prompt in the code which is what is so the floor wise will generate what is drug and then I'll give an answer and send it back as AI response variable um that'll be the response sends back and all we have to do is send that to flow wise and then flowwise will give us a response which will be AI response variable which we can add right now so AI response add and again this code is going to be in the description there's a link to get it okay um then we're gonna go get the endpoint URL which you're going to need once you get the code from the description and you're just gonna have to replace it where it says your API URL here you just paste it in there and it should be good to go it's Plug and Play code not to do anything is there any problem with the code DM me on anything and I'll help you I'll fix it for you so then expression we're going to add a transition here to a new card and she's just gonna say do you want to search again or do you want to end the conversation so we can ask the user are you done no search again yes I am so he's done we'll end it if you want to search again we'll just restart it from that node and then the text will add AI response so flowwise was in the response to this text so the user can see the response and we'll make the transition true so it always Transitions and now if we test it out we'll type here weed and it should give us a response just like stocky I would so usually since that guy stack AI costs 500 a month guys this is free use it's hosted for free as well but you can pay for a better server and it'll be faster um there we go so weed is a common shooting for cannabis which is a tobacco label trailer from dry flowering fruiting tops and leaving the use of Canada is Supply awesome so now we can search for another drug if we'd like this is just a basic chatbot example you can use this for so many use cases just like you would use stock AI this is a complete replacement if you'd like um and we'll see yes we're getting this harmful so where can I buy we let's see how to assess I don't know okay so there we go so there you go there you have it fully functional chat bot with custom knowledge base from a PDF file that's loaded up into llm on a different platform that's not bot press which is flowwise which is free and open source and a replacement alternative for stock AI I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys this helps you and if you have any requests any ideas please reply Below in the comment section and I will try my best to help you and or make a video that solves the issue or what you want to do bye
Channel: Red (AI and Crypto)
Views: 13,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Botpress, Create a chatbot, Custom Chatbot, Flowise, PDF Bot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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