ALL ROADS LEAD to AI CODING: Cursor, Aider in the browser, Multi file Prompting

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if you are not using AI coding assistants to write code I'm going to be real with you you are running out of time watch this we're going to run a single prompt to generate the beginning of an entire code base so with one command with a sentence and a half we've generated 70 lines of code and let's go ahead and run this to make sure it's real right this is a bond typescript application I asked for docs I asked for Cle documentation all Ron Bond index and you can see there we got uses docs all Ron Bond index view you can see this file doesn't exist let's go ahead and make sure that it doesn't bomb when the file doesn't exist so just highlight we another prompt don't bomb when file doesn't exist let that run it's going to add the existence check it's going to run through every single line I'll accept run this again no error this time let's go ahead and add an item if we check that API via our docs we can just say add and then we pass in a link so let's go ahead and add a link to add a new resource imagine we're building at a you know small tool that allows us to store AI resources maybe we'll read them into an llm ADD and then we'll pass in some link we'll use the AER website URL we'll hit add and then we've just added resource with i1 let's go ahead and run our view command again and you can see we have AER in there let's go ahead and add another link We'll add bun and let's go ahead and add cursor since we're at it okay and then we'll run our view command again and we now have our three resources great so if you've used AI coding assistant before you already know what's going on here you already know the power of AI coding assistance you already know how much they can multiply productivity in this video I want to share and show off some of my favorite AI coding assistant features I'm going to give you a couple tips and tricks on how you can get started and to progress your AI coding abilities and then at the end I want to look over some of the incredible blogs that the cursor Bros and AER are working on so AER shout out and cursor shout out the NYS spere team you guys are building great products these two products are by far right now the best AI coding assistants we've talked about them on the channel before it's important to bring up every now and then because the space is rapidly evolving let's go Ahad and just backtrack a little bit right what just happened so we ran two prompts generated 70 lines of code I just want to contrl Z this a little bit and I want to look at the actual multiplier that we just unlocked by using an AI coding assistant right I'll just control Z all the way back I'm going to copy the prompt that we use and I'm just going to go ahead and open up a node instance paste this in as a string and type length so you can see there that was 125 characters now let's go ahead and split it and what we're looking at here is the number of words that we use to generate 25 words to generate what what exactly did we generate let's go ahe and look at that first generation here you can see I have a word count enabled here this 25w prompt generated 208 words so if we take that let's just go ah and do some rounding right we'll round down so 200 over 25 that's that's an 8X multiplier this is incredible right I just want to really shout out how important this is It's very rare that you end up in a scenario where you can directly analyze your productivity gains as an engineer by using a tool I think that when you look at a coding assistants and you look at what you can do with them it's blatantly obvious how much you can get out of your AI coding tool right it's just so easy to measure the productivity gain um adex right we had another prompt in there let's say we had a couple or round it down right let's say it's only a 5x that's still insane it's still incredible and most importantly I think one of the big highlights of a coding assistance is you're not wasting your mental Cycles on the boilerplate code right you're just you're just not wasting it let me go ahead and show off another feature that I'm really excited about with a coding assistant the ability to update multiple files so let's go ahead and switch over to AER the best free open source AI coding assistant what I'm going to do here is create another file I'm going to call it um I'm going to call it C.S and I'm going to open up another browser instance and run AER B this is my AER Shand command to kick off one of aer's brand new features you can now run AER in the browser so this this wrapper makes AER a lot more pleasant to work with so let's go ahead and just look at this let's go ahead and add some files so I'll add um see if that CR file didn't get picked up so let me go ahead and just commit my code here so ad can pick up that file go ahead and run that refresh and I'll go ahead and add that crud file and I'll add index.ts you can see here with this nice clean UI it's very visible it's very easy to digest I've just added two files to the context I like AER in that it's a lot more explicit than cursor you really know you really know exactly what AER is looking at and then I'll just type move the resource functions from indexs into credts let it rip huge shout out to GPT 40 open AI really popped off with that model it's been incredible to work with look at how fast this is at gp4 level with GPT 3.5 speeds uh pretty crazy stuff let's go ahead and check out those edits and so you can see here we now have our crud TTS and we also have our index.ts you can see here we're now operating with just some 30 lines we have that you know CLI functionality and then we have our import for uh the crud ttsa right let's go ahead and just run this again make sure everything works the same so bun index View and Bam so you can see here we have our same files everything's working as as previous let's go ahead and remove um what is it delete and we'll say two so resource ID to deleted that should take out the bun resource and if we run view again bam we have one and three AER and cursor so really incredible stuff right um multifile edits is a huge huge Advantage this is something that I would like to see cursor bring to the table I know they're working on a lot of really important cool features but I think multifile editing is a huge huge win uh again big shout out to to ader and Paul for having this feature and I've really been enjoying using the browser editor here for AER it just makes it a lot easier cleaner to work with you can more quickly add and remove files on the channel we've been using AI coding assistants for over a year now uh which is really really crazy to say the Space is really exciting this is the tool you need to be paying attention to if you're an engineer our productivity as Engineers is directly tied to the ability and the strength of our tools you can be a shitty engineer with great tools and get a lot done but if you're a great engineer and you have shitty tools you are limited by your tools you want to be a great engineer and you want to have great tools AI coding assistants AI code editors these tools are where we need to be focusing our time and attention to right now there is no bigger multiplier on your productivity than to increase your ability to generate more code in ranges in the 2 to 10x range you do not want to miss the AI coding train and get left behind so that's awesome uh we can push this even further let me just show off a quick example let's say we wanted to create a test we'll call this cr. test.ts and again uh for that multifile capability what we're going to do here is open up AER in the browser and we're going to let me go ah and just commit this again and what we'll do is refresh crud CR test index and I'll do the following right I'll say add a new function delete all and add bun tests for the crud module so I'm asking to do two things in one here usually you'd want to go one at a time add this delete all and then afterward add BUN test but I'm doing it together uh just because I know that this will work so I'm going to fire that off and AER is going to start making changes to multiple files getting all this work done for us we type one sentence it's writing a bunch of code in the right places for us automatic Al it's so cool to see this come out and you can see here edits applied so it looks like we're not actually using delete all resources so I'll just go ahead and say I'll hop back over to AER and just say uh create a CLI command to run delete all resources let that run and so while okay so nice it it added that so quickly so I notice here it didn't add that delete all would just go ahead and highlight over this you can see we have cop Plus+ doing some work for us uh Delete all it's adding that into the loging for us I'll just hit tab that's awesome that's complete um let's go and take a look at the test you can see here we're using just I don't want to use just here so let's go ahead and just use cursor for this I'll just say remove just and I'll also say um don't mock anything I'm fine with this just running against uh you know my local file system just going to make all the changes for us here uh we're going to ignore this we do have bun automatically importing this is just a problem with my lunter that I don't care about and we can run BUN test you can see everything completed properly let's go ahead and bomb a test on purpose so let's uh let's change this to a five just to make sure that this is real and Bam you can see there we got one F test revert and BUN test good so we're all good we uh wrote test we modularized our crowd functionality we added a new delete all resources function and we exposed that via our CLI application all of this happened in a hilariously small amount of time we are rearranging code at light speeds thanks to our two AI coding assistants I'm going to go ahead and say it these are the two best AI coding assistants right now a lot of the AI engineering the AI coding and the agentic engineering content that we share on the channel gets lost in time to the YouTube algorithm I mentioned this in the previous video but I'm working on a resource a website that that will be free that will allow us to you know kind of build up this repository of incredible AI tools AI resources and of course you know some of the most important content on there is going to be AI coding because that is the first really big use case for engineering productivity gains in the age of llms in the age of AI so those are a couple features I wanted to call out so I hope you see the value in this if you've been using AI coding assistants AI code editors AI pair programming everyone has their slightly own different terminology for for it in my mind it's all the same these are AI coding assistants they help you the engineer write more code faster than ever if you're using these yourself or you're going to start thanks to this video hit the like hit the sub it helps other engineers get exposure to these incredible tools as well one last thing I want to do in this video I want to look at where the cursor Bros and where AER are kind of hinting at what's coming next right so let's go ah and look at this previous blog that came out from the cursor team and uh they're talking about the problems that they're you know aiming to solve in 2024 2025 right and I think it really shows where their heads at and what they see coming next I love this idea of next action prediction this is when you're in cursor you're writing code and it's basically copi Plus+ it's this idea that once you start coding something and you start making tweaks there's a flow to it right there's a path there's a pattern to it and just by hitting tab just by knowing the most likely case the most likely position of the cursor you can essentially guess what we want to do next right and let me show you a concrete example of this if I started making a change here right let's go ahead and say I wanted to suffix this right and I said read resources method for whatever reason cursor in copat Plus+ will start looking ahead and Gathering context about what's the next move he would likely want to make given that change so if I just highlight the next method and hit tab it's starting to pick up on the trend right method method and now it's updating the method call inside here right and now it's looking at the next method and now it's autoc comp completing both the function name and the caller right so you can see how incredible this is right I'm not thinking I'm not wasting mental Cycles on this stuff my AI coding assistant is doing it for me right and that's the incredible part your AI coding assistant right now can handle all the boiler plate it can handle all the you know weird small name changes variable placements all the stuff like that that's you should be really confident in using AI coding assistance right so I just want to shout that out um again I want to shout out the uh you know cursor team uh great work on all this stuff please keep pushing this this is incredible it's been great using that so this is really cool I'm excited to where they take this I do think this is the right question to ask can we take this idea to its natural limit there is no reason why a natural logical flow of tab completion like this cannot be solved completely and I think you know C Is Right on track to do that because they have the full editor at their disposal pretty incredible stuff there they talk about some of the the ways they're doing that um I'll leave that up to you to read I'll link these in the description of course um perfect edits this is something that I think will come and get kind of close My Philosophy around you know models and Ai and predictions you'll never get 100% but you should try to get as close as possible I think the real trick here is can they make it fast and keep it accurate right um they mentioned multifile edits here this is a great call out I'm glad that they are you know taking note of this I'm sure that they you know pick this up from ader AER does support out of the box uh multi file edits which is amazing you saw us we did a couple of those here we have three files that edited all three in one shot um so that was pretty incredible it would be awesome to have that rolled into cursor as well it's great to see them looking at that optimal context if you're a fan of the channel you know that I am very anti- rag I don't think that retrieval augmented generation is worth anyone's time outside of like Brute Force pulling in relevant files and throwing it into the context I think that this is betting against uh the development of the next incredible generation models which is a dumb thing to bet against take whatever context you need throw it at the model and let the model handle the hard part of it right and just make sure that your prompt is solid I think that tools like cursor do have a slightly larger use case for a large context and for some type of rag based solution I hope that uh you know both both them but also everyone building out these uh agenc pipelines I hope that you don't get too lost in this sauce context windows will go up needle in the hay stack uh accuracy will continue to increase uh one last thing here on cursor's blog and we'll hop over to a Blog from ader that I just want to highlight um they're looking at bug detection I think this is a really cool idea I think the question is when do they fire this off do they fire it off while you're writing code do they fire it off you know during the commit process during the pr process during the push process lot of interesting questions there for automatic bug detection I think this could be a really really killer use case since cursor again is operating right in an IDE they have a lot of power and control um it's a massive Advantage whereas something like ader is a lot more lightweight it's in the terminal it can read your code base it doesn't it uses something called a REO map and I think it's a a nice kind of lightweight hands-off approach I like how these tools are different I think they actually complement each other I think that cursor is like your Deep dive coating and face whereas AER doesn't want to make too many assumptions about your code base and it kind of stays on that like lighter wrapper layer we'll see how this progresses let's go ahead and just look at a quick blog from ader AER has taken the state-ofthe-art on the S bench light um I think this is really really cool it beat out um I think open Devon and uh what was the other one yeah open Devon beat out Amazon's agent which is really epic um and I love this you know just like we were talking about AER aims to be interactive not fully agentic this is a differentiated approach that AER is taking cursor is going a little deeper I do think that this like serves as a great differentiator for both cursor and AER being agentic versus staying lightweight just use the prompt put it on the code base and uh cuz things get really really complicated once you start uh digging your hands into you know making assumptions about uh the best uh agentic flows and the best agentic pipelines to set up I love this shout out again from Paul and ader ader does not use rag Vector search or you know tools or anything like that right and I do think again this is an advantage it might seem like a disadvantage I think over the long term we'll see other tools fill that space but the fact that ader is such a lightweight wrapper that can still do so much I think speaks a lot to its design but also you know the power of uh large language models and I do think a tool like AER will benefit the most from the continued improvements from Models because it's not digging its hands too deeply into the you know the agentic of it all so that's awesome to see um and I think this is the coolest thing so I I want to end on this note AER has written 7% of its own code um when I saw this I got so excited because to me this is the future of engineering I'm working on several code bases right now where this number is much much higher this is more close to 50% now I I'm I'm putting out so much more content so much more value as an engineer by handing off the writing the code the individual lines to my AA coding assistant and I think this speaks to this idea of you want to be upleveling yourself you want to be telling your AI coding assistant your AI pair programmer what to do and you let it figure out how to do it llms are text generation machines let them do that that's what they know that's what they can do code is a subdomain of text and llms know text better than any human being in the past ever you know on the channel we are basically spending all of our time to send this number to 99% it might sound really crazy but this is really what we're going for this is what we're aiming for we want to take this number and go to 99% let's just go ahead and hop in here and just you know filling the dream that we're aiming for here right we want 99% the end game really is full agentic tools applications workflows that create value on our behalf while we sleep I've said it on the channel over and over and I will continue to say it because that is our mission that's what we're doing that's what we're aiming for and AI cing assistants like cursor and AER you know big shout out to them not sponsored by either of these guys yet uh definitely would would love to be would love to work with either cursor and or AER there's a lot happening here it's progressing and I think this is a really important tool if you're an engineer right now you do not want to get left behind you want to be on the AI coding train you want to be using these these tools to generate more value than ever before if you want to stay plugged in and you want to stay close to AI coding and agentic Engineering hit the like hit the sub join the journey as I mentioned I'm working really hard on a resource that will take everything that we do on the channel and make it more accessible more usable with concrete guides and some really interesting AI coding related courses that you're going to be able to use sign up for and really understand how to maximize this technology to create value for yourself so if you're interested in that you know what to do thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: IndyDevDan
Views: 10,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai coding, ai coding assistant, best coding ai, ai for coding, ai code writer, cursor, aider, artificial intelligence coding, best ai coding tool, gpt4, gpt4o, gpt-4o, cursor ai, cursor editor, ai coding cursor, aider ai, ai coder
Id: YALpX8oOn78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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