Integrate Arch Linux into Chrome OS

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okay so the arch linux that we're going to be installing is going to be on stock chrome os you might be thinking how is that even possible well chrome os has problems possibly one of the best vm container systems on the market it's just most people don't even look into it and why i say that is it integrates really tightly with the operating system so anything we put on our system is going to show right up on our chromebook which is really cool so this is the desktop right here we're gonna just go from absolute stock settings to uh replacing what usually is there which is debian which is older packages but there's some new stuff coming out such as gpu acceleration and drivers and all kinds of coolness through the vms we'll get started by going into our settings just typing linux and we're just gonna set up a fresh one we'll just turn this on if you've already turned it on that's okay i'll also step through it just hit next next all the settings in this doesn't matter because we're going to be deleting this as soon as it's created on that screen pay close attention to that username that is super important that username is going to dictate a lot of different things it's going to make this process a lot easier if you remember it also uh don't change it from your stock settings a lot of times when you change it it just doesn't sync quite right with chrome os you can get it there but it requires a lot more steps which i won't be going over today all right and there we go we have it right there uh what i like to do just shut it down and then we're going to go into our chrome browser hold ctrl alt t to get into cross shell from cross shell we actually look at our vmcs or our vms on this machine this is what was just created well i don't like how google creates these things so we're just going to destroy it in typical titus fashion and we're just gonna go termina this destroys this vm just blasts it out just tosses it in the garbage can and then we're just gonna go vmc and we'll do a start termina this is gonna go ahead recreate that vm and push us right into show now we can actually see what kind of containers so there's actually three levels to this operating system you need to know about there's the chrome os then there's the vm and then there's the containers inside the vm now these all work in tandem but you need to be cognizant of which shell you're in because you could be in three different shells from here let's just do an lxc list you can see we don't have any containers in here so we need to create one so we'll do a vmc container termina for the actual vm that we're in and we'll name this one arch now penguin is actually the stock setting so if you actually start this up again you'll see a penguin one we could actually name this penguin but if for whatever reason you start up something it'll wipe out all your progress if uh chrome os sees a bad container it'll just delete it and recreate it so really important that's why we rename this arch we'll rename it penguin later and this is what we're going to be using arch linux the current version from if you're overseas you probably want to pick a different mirror than us us is obviously american which is where i'm at uh we did it from the wrong shell as i said before so we can actually just come right back here and we'll just copy and paste this command right in and hit enter now this will take a bit probably about two minutes depending on your connection uh here at the house this usually is about that long on a hundred meg download connection and there we go this is actually very common to see this error totally okay and from here we're able to jump in and start configuring this container alright so now let's get inside that vm and check to see what our containers are now so we'll do a vsh terminal and then we just do an lxc list and from here you can see that we have one it is running if it isn't running you would want to do an lxc start and then the name of the container so now we're going to connect to that container and open up a bash prompt so we'll do a lxc execute arch which is the container name dash dash it's space dash dash space that kind of goes against most traditional syntax i just want to specify there's two spaces here and then we type bash and from here i'd like to just do an update just do it syu this pulls all the latest databases packages and stuff and updates it now one thing i like to do on arch is update its repos if you're using like a different linux bin usually you don't have to do this but arch has some particularly terrible update servers uh by default and we need to fix that otherwise this is going to take an hour to download from some of these servers so we're going to just do a pacman s pacman contrib and this is just like an extra package for downloading like reflector and reflector is going to fix this slow download we're experiencing because i've seen sometimes the stock update servers can be like one meg downloads but i i can my connection allows me to get up to 10 and you know that's gonna speed things up considerably so we're gonna just do a reflector age 10 country's going to be us fastest mirrors 5 and then i like to do a sort by rate says how fast it's going to be and then finally we just save it out to etc mirror list uh usually you would back up the mirrorless but i don't care i think we'll be fine this process usually takes about a minute to do and then you're good to go we'll do an update after this just to make sure but you'll see it'll go through and fix a lot of stuff now one thing i'm seeing here is we are getting a lot of r sync errors so i'm actually going to do a pacman s r sync and we'll just get that installed right now and then we're going to rerun that reflector so you'd want to install rsync and reflector here instead of just rsync and now we can run it and we shouldn't see all these errors i was like wait a second this is too many errors all right it's finished i think that took about five minutes to curate my list but now i should have a perfect run when i go ahead and update packages it should be very very fast you can already see some of the download they're so much better it gets rid of all those bad servers that arch gives you by default well with that done we can continue configuring this next up we're going to add the user to the wheel group and make sure that we can use it now if you're unsure of what your username is i like to just do a listing of home we'll just do user a lowercase a capital g caps do matter wheel group and then my username uh helps if you do user mod here and there's one more thing we need to do is set our password for the user as well actually a couple more things to do password and then our username so we'll set that up password set now we need to make sure we have an aur helper because we will be touching into that because with we need some services that chrome or google has made that interface and make that seamless transition without those services started if google doesn't see them they will just delete this entire container and then start from scratch with debian so to install that we need a couple dependencies here so we're just going to do a pacman s get and then we're also going to need base stash devil that gives us all the build tools that are required for building any programs in the future you don't necessarily probably need based on devil but since we're going to be building a ton of stuff i just recommend go ahead and get it now we'll just hit enter here and enter again and this will go ahead go out and download everything so even though it seems like it was a waste to spend all that time doing those mirrors look at these download rates i'm getting now so much better than the stock settings now we'll just configure our aur we'll just get clone https aur dot forward slash yay dash get dot get now we need to take ownership of it with our user because we're not going to build it as the root user that would basically break your system so let's do uh cho and then your username colon space a lot of guides actually have you put your username colon and then your username again uh you don't need to do that and then we just do a dot for a current directory forward slash and then yay dash get and now if we do it ls-a-l for an all listing you can see we have ownership of this and now we're ready to go into yay get and we're going to switch user to your username from here we just do a make package dash si oh it says it's not in the sudoers file let's look at vsudo real fast well actually we'll exit and do v sudo go shift gg this two capital g's uh think of good game with all caps it'll take you to the end of the file scroll up to where you see wheel use x x on your keyboard this deletes one character by pressing x we need to delete two and then we hold shift and press z z like going to sleep but caps on the z's that saves and quits v and now let's go back into here and finally let's try that make package one more time and now we hit yes and it just executed that command for us which is great we'll just hit enter again and now we have yay installed we can test that we have our proper aur just by doing an syu here should go right through everything's up to date ready to roll now let's get those packages from google that interface with chrome os and we'll do guest tools dot get hit enter to this and we should be prompted with a couple options here we'll just hit enter and then probably another enter once we get to this screen and enter again and now we'll install all these packages and we'll almost be ready to shut this down and then restart it using the actual interface this is just a one-time setup using crash but once we do it we'll have arch on everything any programs we add in arch will get added to chrome os so it's like a great tight integration that we're doing right now which is fantastic i just haven't seen anybody actually show anybody how to do it i'll make an article probably on my website kind of uh just as a bullet point to follow along with this we do need to get one more wayland package that was not installed here and we'll just do xor x wayland and the final thing is to enable those services from our arch instance to make the integration happen now that they're installed we just got to enable them to do that we're just going to do a system ctl dash dash user this says hey we're as a user we can't do this as root remember if you're getting errors and all kinds of stuff you need to be doing this as your user not root and we'll install the summaliar services probably butchering the name there but we'll go ahead and do that dot service and make sure you put in enable the service we don't need to necessarily start it because we're going to be shutting down this container after we're finished and we're running into an issue here so actually i'm going to go ahead and exit and exit lxc console arch and then hit enter and then let's sign in as our user probably just didn't like the fact we're running as bash so we'll go ahead sign in and now let's do system ctl dash user let's see if it was in there and then we need the dash x service and then we need to create low density service so we'll just do a one here for that one and then a one here for this guy so it's four services in total make sure yours looks exactly like this and then we can exit to go ahead and detach from our console ctrl a q to come back to here and then you can see lxc list oh we have all these containers started so we'll just do an lxc stop arch this will stop the container now we need to rename that to lxc rename arch to penguin lxc list i'm actually i think what happened was i went ahead and didn't exit all the way out so let's exit this the whole terminal just do two exits to exit everything quit here let's right click here let's shut down that that instance just to make sure everything's good and then let's launch and see what we get should start the virtual machine and everything there now the moment of truth let's just do a neo fetch yeah look at that it's a neofetch arch linux on chrome os absolutely perfect now let's show you the power of this by just installing one of my favorite most used open source programs of all time and that would be i just kind of show you the speed difference in my prior video i showed chrome brew running natively on here let's see how much performance difference there is between native and also just going through the vms you'll see how well optimized these chrome os's are and now i think when you install it there let's see if it pulls into our global menu linux apps and there's now we can click it and we'll pin that in that bad boy oh it's looking pretty mighty fine let's see what the latency looks like this will get a lot better once we get gui or graphics acceleration but um let's just do very usable very usable and we'll just do some text here blah blah blah blah yeah okay cool so everything's good here we'll quit out and discard changes i'm not a big fan of chrome browser and i wanted to install brave well you can actually use that now let's just go brave and we'll just grab the bin file so we're not actually having to compile all this and we'll hit yes all right so now we have brave installed let's try that again we'll just come into here look at our linux apps oh there's brave we'll go ahead and launch it through the vm yeah sure we'll make it our default and now we could pin this or actually it's already pinned sweet skip the welcome tour and now we're using the full desktop version of brave in a chrome os because if you try and do this through the play store you get like this terrible mobile app brave browser which is just garbage so with this we'll have all of brave browser and any other app we want to use directly from arch linux and the best part about this is we're going to be installing whatever we want new drivers come out new packages we could use mesa git here and get on that bleeding edge and start tinkering around to do aaa titles which is really what i want to do but with all that said i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 63,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Integrate Arch Linux on Chrome OS, linux, chromebook, arch linux, chrome os, arch, how to, tutorial, linux on chromebook, install linux on chromebook, install, chromeos, arch linux arm, samsung, acer, arm, linux chromebook, ubuntu, ubuntu on chromebook, hp, debian, uefi, intel, linux on chromebook 2019, linux on chrome os, install ubuntu on chromebook, arch linux (operating system), arch linux installation, linux help, how to install, install arch linux, gnome, walkthrough
Id: I6sAvwHgYwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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