How to Install My Version of Linux

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this is my desktop i love this desktop out of all the operating systems i use this is my favorite setup and that's why you see me in it all the time as of a recent as i'm still making it but for today i want to show you how to get this and if you're wondering what is this let's just do a little neo fetch here and see what we're running and it's just debian the one the true the only debian this is what most linux distributions are based off of it is an amazing desktop so let's get over here and start building this desktop i'm going to use a virtual machine for this today so we're just going to come on into here and we're going to build it out you can use this on a regular hardware you can use it in a virtual machine pick your poison i'm just going to do a local install and the iso that you need to download and use this will be right here on this page you can easily come into debbie and titus and then i have a little link debian's not known for being very user friendly downloading an iso but this one right here if you just click this link it'll take you to here and you just want to grab the firmware testing amd64 iso this will be updated as you see as of the making of this video this was only three days ago that this was updated they continually roll these out because i like to be more on the bleeding edge you know how a lot of linux users love arch a lot of debian users love debian because it's so stable this is kind of like a good in-between ground we get a lot of newer packages uh probably the sacrifices of a little stability but i still consider this far more stable than an arch system and we get all the benefits which is why i chose this and you just click this download it i already have it here and we'll just come right back into here and we'll go to our uh images directory so we're going to select that iso we just did and if you're not familiar with qemu you could use virtualbox for this anything works just fine i love this section so we're just going to go debian testing and forward cpus i'm just going to give it about half of my resources 10 gigs for the memory and it does not need much like this is a pretty minimal install 20 gigs is actually far more than this this operating system needs so we're just going to go finish and finish as well and i like to do just a regular install as i said this is more of an advanced install and i personally have so much experience with the server version of linux that i don't like a lot of the graphic elements because it typically introduces some unknown so i always use regular install here uh but you could use graphic install it's just looks a little different and i'm just going to flip through choose my language and everything and i'm just going to call this debbie and testing but you name whatever you want domain name blank root password i don't ever like to set a root password this disables the root uh account by default this is a good security measure some people like to log in as root or run as root and that's always i don't ever recommend that so we're gonna just say titus for this and just choose a simple password and central time i'm going to use the entire disk that we've allocated for it and put it all in one partition finishing right out you can choose a different partition scheme if you like but i always find that it's easier just to allocate a disk for whatever system you're doing so if you're dual booting on this i would have a disk for linux and then i'd have a separate disk for windows and we're just going to say no we don't want to install any extra media and then just finish this setup i'm actually changing the server from the to ga tech that's actually closer to me and i know it runs just a little bit faster but for most people you probably want to go ahead and just stay on the debian mirror now here's our first option uh we don't want to run any desktop environment one thing i forgot to mention at the start was i don't use a desktop environment i just manually configure everything as uh as it's a server this gives me the most reliable system and it also gives me the most minimal desktop the downside to this is configuring certain things can be a little tricky if you're not real familiar with the terminal but honestly i think it's a good way to learn the inner workings of linux especially around the command line alright so here we go this is just saying do we want to install the bootloader on here and we want to say yes to this and just select your drive that you're using and installation is complete so we can go ahead and reboot so now we have just a basic server one here what i like to do just a sudo apt update update it everything is up to date which is pretty cool next up is to kind of do a git clone so we'll do a sudo apt install git and we're just going to say yes to that so right here we have uh the official git repository of all my settings now what i've done with this is if we look we have all these different configuration files this is actually a pretty minimal repository with very little things we've already installed it and basically we run this as root we just switch to root user run this this sets up the base environment and then we do some theming and other things now some of this is going to be manual so pay close attention when we get to the user portion as we will need to change some things otherwise it's not going to look right so we'll do a git clone and then we just put this address in so very easy this will clone that and we'll just do a listing change our directory cd change directory to debian titus and then we do a pseudo su to switch it to root and then we just do now what this does in the background is it changes it from the testing branch down to the sid branch which is really good it also goes ahead and does some other things such as installing dependency packages and other things that we need for this desktop environment but this isn't really a full desktop environment so it's not really installing that much stuff all right so now the route is done now after we've done our pseudosu you can see we're the root user because of the hash sign we see right here and we can just go ahead and hit exit do another listing and you can see now we can run this as user so we just go user and then we run that it's like hey we need to install these certain packages so we'll say and hit yes to this now most of everything here is just some special fonts also uh just just some aesthetics so there's not really anything from a system package point of view here the couple external downloads it's doing there is actually the nerd fonts messelio and also fireacode and this is just grabbing some windows based fonts as well this just makes it a little easier when you get into certain like word documents and things from those windows users that send you stuff now i did run into a couple errors here that i'm going to go ahead and straighten out before uh let's say you're running this always be paying attention whenever you're running a script if there's any errors we need to fix those errors so just to verify everything we should see x nord and x resources those were added and then if we go into dot config we should see uh bsp kitty all these things right here we're going to use when we go ahead and log in and then finally to kind of piece all this together is what login manager are we using now you don't necessarily need to use like what's called a display manager like sddm or light dm don't worry if you don't understand that just know those are basically login managers uh and if we just do like a system ctl status sddm i think is what i was using it's actually not being used at all here so we can actually just do a system ctl start sddm and that will just log log into it but if we want to do this on startup we can actually just do an enable sddm and i think we can just do dash dash now and we're actually not as roots so let's just do this as root and there we go so now we have a login screen we can make this a little prettier though and we'll log in and now we have this beautiful desktop much like what you see over here just a little bit blown up it's mainly because if we do our we look at this we're running at 10 24 by 768 setting the resolution here can be a little tricky uh but if you want a tool to set this let's say you don't want to do it through x11 i like to hard code this so you could easily do what's called a x11 comp file i'll link to a video where i show how to hard code this so you never have to set anything but for most people you're not going to want to do this so you probably want a tool called a randar i've used this a couple times i don't particularly like the gui aspect of it but some folks out there probably will so let's just go a randor set that and we'll just set this resolution to 1080p sounds good to me that looks great now you'll notice our top bar is not there now there's certain hotkeys that you need to know about in this system so the easiest way is just to cat your dot conf and there's something called skhkd this is all your your hot keys and if you look through here you can set all these different things to different hotkeys so let's say you want to go to workspace 2 you hold your mod key which is the windows key or your super mod key whatever you you label it most people know it as the windows key though and you can switch between all the desktops and there's a whole bunch of different hotkeys in here i just wanted to show this first so let's go ahead and just do a reboot and see what our startup looks like so we've logged back in however our screen is still not setting to the right resolution how do we keep that resolution do a randar and do our resolution like we did check that out and then we can like save this actually to a screen layout let's just call it def and save that shell script but we'll just go into our dot profile and then at the end here usually you might just go ahead and set a run path so let's just do a home dot screen layout def dot sh and actually let's run that from bash so we'll just go bash and then that makes sure it runs it in in a bash prompt uh so let's give this another reboot and see what we get uh maybe a suit or reboot here and there we go now that looks a lot better now some things in the startup aren't right so i already showed you where all the hot keys are now just to kind of set you to where you would actually configure some of the tiling window management again in that config directory under bspwm this is basically where most of everything resides so let's go ahead take a look at this and clean up some stuff so this first part is basically just setting up the monitor and some of the icons and and cleaning things up for us which is all fine and good but certain things that you probably may not want like discord here you probably don't care about discord so you might want to remove these six lines and just kind of get rid of discord and it doesn't need to switch that desktop that will make this run a little bit faster you don't need to mount drives i have this script to actually mount some of my drives you're probably not going to use synergy i have like a bunch of different computers set up my production machine and this one so synergy i use one keyboard and mouse to control like three different uh systems which you won't need now pycom here that's what uses uh gives translucent effects it's actually not working so let's take a look at pycom and see what's going on with it and it says hey there's an error in unable to initialize the back end for the vsync method uh and if we look at the line there we're like okay let's see what we can do for it's unable to do that so maybe we just do false see if that works ah much better okay a little bit of troubleshooting there if you run into something look at what it's happening maybe because i'm running in a virtual machine it's not able to use vsync which is fine so now we have some translucent effects and you can kind of see what that looks like compared to the default now we need to set our background so we already fixed our pi com there variety that's what i was using for it or actually you know what let's just use variety instead of fay that's another background tool and most people like that a little bit better than manually setting it i personally like to kind of hard code a specific jpeg to it or maybe control it a little bit better but variety is what most people will probably like and now let's run that variety program and we're going to customize some of this first off let's change our look you see how some of our things are all just like i'm blind [Laughter] let's fix some of our appearance real fast uh we'll just do this and i think we already have nordic that's my favorite gives kind of a nice little aesthetic uh icon theme i like to use uh papyrus uh usually like a dark or a light uh we'll use that apply that mouse cursors i like uh let's go white on this one apply you can change these out obviously pick your poison and that should give us a little bit better look and feel a little bit better mouse cursor all that business back to making our desktop better and we're gonna just look at this change it on startup you can change what wallpapers you want uh you know honestly this is kind of funny maybe this is the windows user in me that's speaking out loud but i really like just choosing bing because they usually have some really cool ones and let's stay with the christmas theme and just do that one right there and boom and then every five minutes or if you want to just do it once a day it could switch between all your your daily being a background images so this kind of gives you a little more theming you have some of that nice transparency effects this will get you at least started with this again this is not really meant for a beginner it's really meant for someone that wants to elevate their their linux game so to speak learn a little bit more about how to do it but the thing i love about this is is at such a low level that we don't have anything that really can go wrong because there's not much packages installed if let's just do a first as neo fetch and you'll see we don't even have a thousand packages installed i don't know of any debian based install with a desktop environment that has less than a thousand packages i think even like ubuntu and some of the really lightweight ones still have well over a thousand packages installed this gives you the opportunity to install just the absolute bare necessities to get this thing working which is great start menus over here power menus over here actually it didn't show up i'll work on getting this going i wanted to kind of give an idea of how i make my desktop environment it's still a very rough draft and this is probably going to take a good several months to maybe even a year before this is probably ready for a little bit more mainstream or even a more of an intermediate user i'd say if you don't know a lot about linux you're going to have a lot of struggles on this desktop now before you go there's something i wanted to show you this right here there is only one debian i made shirts specifically for this and i'm going to take 50 percent of all the profits of these shirts and donate it directly to the debian foundation as it is by far i think the most influential desktop environment out there for uh linux if you're looking for a distribution in linux whether it's elementary ubuntu you name it a lot of it is based on debian and that's why i love debian because it is pretty much the the granddaddy or the father to so many modern uh linux distributions that you know of papa west based on ubuntu which is based on debian so if you want to contribute by all means uh click down in the description for this shirt or uh yeah let me know and i if you don't want to do that you want to just directly donate to the debian foundation go to their website and directly donate to debian but with all that let me know your thoughts on this setup i know it's meant for more of a expert type user but i wanted to at least show people how i set up my desktop so maybe you could take this do something with it have at least some fun for those that are real familiar if not hang tight give me a couple months and i'm going to make this a lot easier but for today for the holidays i at least wanted to show the the very beginning the first draft really if you will for those out there but let me know how i did down in the comments section and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 149,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, How I build my verison of linux, linux, ubuntu, os, debian, software, linux from scratch, build your own operating system, distribution, open source, how to, windows, build linux from scratch, linux mint, linux tutorial, operating system, ubuntu 20.04, focal fossa, best linux distro, linux desktop, linux from scratch tutorial, linux from scratch 2017, how to build an operating system, build an operating system, suse studio, lfs, lfs tutorial, usb, iso, kali, kernel
Id: szbN-g0FMC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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