Owens Corning Attic Cat, blown in Insulation DIY!!!

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[Music] [Music] well I can only assume you figured out by now that I'm doing the blown-in insulation it goes up in my attic this stuff is the attic cat pink insulation from Owens Corning I wouldn't have picked up ten bags of this stuff here in Washington with tax and everything these tin bags were three hundred and thirty dollars and some change so I needed nine bags but in order to get the blower which I'm on my way back to the sort of picked up here in a second I had to buy ten bags and you can never have enough insulation so I'm just gonna blow the extra bag up there and call it good it's worth the savings and I haven't rent the machine out of pocket so I get sixty eight point five cubic feet out of each one of these individual bags this stuff expands out 17 times from the size that it is in the bag itself so I made it back here home depot and we're gonna go pick up this blowing machine that is in the store right now [Applause] [Applause] well this is the Attic cat blower taking apart these plastic flappers on two different mixer bars and then down the inside of there the bottom is a third one that pushes it into a chute which in turn which pushes it out of this hole you've got your power connection right here and you've got your top works machine where you put the insulation in has this big flappy plastic which pushes pressure against the side of the bag so the bag will go through this razor blade and cut the plastic off cuz you don't run the plastic through the machine locks in place the picture seems to indicate break in half well they break really cleanly surprise the crap out of me hardly anything is falling out I'm gonna try another one with the machete and see if I can get an even cleaner to cut down through there so splitting them is not a problem is it nothing kind of I mean there's a few things you know a few pieces that have fallen out but nothing that you won't be able clean up with a dustpan and put into the Machine and get up or it belongs one of the things I was really nervous about was having my nephew down here to cut the bags of insulation as he was loading them into the machine so you know he's a young guy and he wants to help out as much as he can and I didn't want to tell him knowing I was gonna use a knife so instead of providing the opportunity for him to use a knife as you just saw I cut all ten bags in half already and pre-staged him in the corner so that tomorrow he should be able to just load him right into the machine and I should be able to blow him right in the end by the way if you're watching this later grant don't get mad that I did that I'm trying to look out for you hey I'm not get your parents pissed off at me it is the next morning and I just picked up my nephew he's going to help us do that blown-in insulation up in the Attic so we got to go pick up a few miscellaneous items to get ready for that will be there ready to rock and roll this is the machine is easy these are the insulation depth guides so it gives you the r-value I'm going for our 30 so I need ten and a half inches of insulation I have four of these I'm gonna go put them on each corner so I can blow this in to the depth by one [Music] all right so as you saw we got the measuring strips nailed up in place up in the attic so we're about ready to go I'm gonna go put my mask on and climb up in there and start blowing insulation that bungee cord is to support the weight of the hose so it doesn't pull back out of the Attic on me you can also see I put in some insulation that I had left over from doing the walls now I left it so that I can do the blown end stuff on each side of it to get the best coverage possible and it also has to go up and over the top of it in order to get to that r30 rating that I'm going for well that works incredibly well [Music] so we just try using it without the table and for me I think using it without the table is probably easier because you can see exactly when you need to put it in and also you have more room for yourself so it's easier like straight on [Music] alright good let's do the other side so we've used up all 10 bags of insulation at this point and it looks like we're about done all right kill it we're getting ready to break down the blower we're all done it took us about an hour and 20 minutes to do my attic which is basically 24 by 32 tin bags of insulation we probably could have got away with I suspect eight bags the tin bags was a little bit extra however I did put down some of that wall insulation I had left over so that took up a little bit of space but we just blew the extra two bags up in there you know you can never have enough insulation so we're gonna go ahead and break down the wall and get it ready to take back to store that's as clean as I got it don't stop wind up the hose and you know my daddy did me here so this is definitely at least a two-person operation in a garage where you're not really worried about getting insulation everywhere you could definitely get by with just two people one person to feed the hopper one person to blow the insulation clean up definitely need two people as you saw fighting this hose is kind of a pain in the butt she is also a little bit heavy it's definitely helpful to have two people three really was the way to go I was able to get grant my nephew to help me out and my dad was able to keep loading in the machine overall went really well it worked a lot better than any of us thought it was going to so we just got done cleaning up the garage we vacuumed everything up as you saw we took back the blower I'm gonna go ahead and take you guys up into the attic and now that the dust to settle a little bit show you what it looks like and then so I came up here with a broom and I swept off this plywood area there's still a little bit of insulation on it but not enough for me to worry about anything and you can see behind me here that I got two r44 instead of the r30 I was going for you can see their value so I'm be above our 30 which is what I was going for my are 38 and our 44 and those are those paper insulation guides I put in so what do I think about blown-in insulation I think it's definitely we're doing yourself this cost me $400 I'll say 330 for the bags of blown-in insulation a few dollars for the masks we used 400 bucks attic is fully insulated garage is much warmer or will be much warmer the system worked incredibly well the blower worked incredibly well overall very happy with it one thing I will say as I took the time to cut all of the insulation bags in half before we even started so I had 10 bags of insulation I cut every single one in half and it made it incredibly more efficient during the install for my dad and my nephew to install the bags into the hopper I'm having them pre-cut I do plan on getting some sort of insulated sometime in the near future but I wasn't thinking when I installed the extra few pieces I had from the walls up in the Attic I forgot about that my I didn't make one so I'll have to get some insulation use some plastic and kind of make up like I tell a lot of insulation to lay over the top of that when I raise it up so that we don't lose that much eat through that opening so that wraps up the blown-in insulation up in my garage a couple of takeaways pre cutting all the backs cut them in half before you start loading them in or cut at least a half of the bags you're gonna load in half in case you do want to return some you could I guess if you did that way however I wouldn't return them I would just blow the insulation in like I did but definitely kind of a half two people minimum three people is better in my case the third person was able to help me out with filming and also help me with the hose and some miscellaneous things I have a nice walkway in my attic like you saw if you don't make sure you put down plywood or or two by sixes or something that you could walk across because you don't accidentally step through the sheetrock this is December for me in Western Washington so it's pretty cold and my garage isn't that hot I have some space heaters running but it's still it's still down in the low 60s if you did this during the summertime eh I I would imagine it would just be absolutely miserable I did keep my sweatshirt on the whole time while I was up in the Attic working but it like I said it's pretty cold up there the blower works incredibly well if you rent one or or check one out from Home Depot or Lowe's wherever you get it from it doesn't blow in really rapidly I mean I did a 24 by 32 foot area an hour and a half I would definitely take it back and get a different one if you're having problems with it for it takes a really long time also if the switch on the end of the hose isn't working properly if you're not able to turn it on/off with the switch on the end of the hose take the hose back get the hose with the switch that works properly having to yell down in out of the attic would be very difficult as the machine is pretty loud and you have some problems not having to be able to not being able to turn the Machine off from in the Attic you'd end up with big blown out areas that aren't getting the proper coverage and then also too much insulation in other areas so just make sure that switch works well and you won't have any problems prep everything beforehand before you get up in there with the hose right make sure you've got your measuring tape stapled a little paper cardboard ones stapled in place you so you know how thick to make it make sure the bag is a pre-cut make sure the hose is run make sure you've got a little bungee cords to secure the hose at the attic entrance so the weight of the hose doesn't pull it down out of the attic I pre strung out the hose as you saw when I wound it up it was pretty difficult so I pre strung it out before I took it up in the attic so I don't have any problems with it getting kinked you do have to have a hundred foot of hose minimum the hose itself helps the insulation break up and kind of expand out as it's going up to where it's getting blown out too a couple things I learned while I was blowing it in it's definitely you definitely want a good 5 to 8 feet away from the end of the hose where it's gonna land that you want the insulation to blow out and be able to settle down and land in the area where you're working at not point the end of the hose directly at the sheetrock or the or the baffles or whatever and and be blowing insulation I'll just blow it out of there you want get a good coverage so took a few minutes maybe a minute or two to kind of get the basics down and then about halfway through I kind of had it down pretty well you saw it's pretty level I'm pretty happy with it I definitely got into all the areas where I thought there would be AI heat loss got those all filled in and covered out the prep work at the beginning really saved us a lot during installation it took me an hour and 20 minutes to blow all that insulation in and that was with my nephew helping me out I wanted him to help me so we learned something right this isn't something that's very common for a average homeowner to go take on by themselves um and now he's got that under his belt something he could do later on down the road for himself if he needed to in any case I really hope you guys got something out of this video I really appreciate you watching make sure you check out some of their links I'll have the link to my garage series over here I'll have my brother's house series down our top here maybe check out the tractor series videos and always hit that subscribe button and always helps me out a long run working on the next project thanks for watching
Channel: Daniel Woodell
Views: 111,969
Rating: 4.8278389 out of 5
Keywords: Installing, insulation, owens corning, attic cat, insulation system, cat, attic insulation, blown-in insulation, Owens Corning, Owens Corning attic insulation, Owens Corning blown-in attic insulation, installing insulation, installing blown-in insulation, installing attic insulation, DIY attic insulation, DIY blown-in attic insulation, DIY installing blown-in insulation, DIY installing attic insulation, AttiCat, Attic Insulation, Installation Instructions
Id: kubnlnzEFqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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