Insty Connect Explorer 4G12 - Mobile Internet System

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This is a game changer! The Insty Connect Internet  System is an LTE modem, wi-fi router, and antenna   all-in-one. It's going to shake up the market for  mobile internet solutions. Let me show you why. If you've been looking for a way to cut the cord  or you need a mobile cell based internet solution   to run all your devices then you should consider  the Insty Connect Explorer 4G12. I've been talking   to Nick Jolin from Insty Connect, the developer  of this great new product, and I can safely   say that it is far superior to the MoFi 4500 or  any other product I've seen on the market today   for LTE routers. Nick has managed to improve  everything that was wrong with other devices.   The result is a super fast category 12 4G LTE  modem with speeds capable of up to 450Mbps.   If you've been thinking about getting  cellphone-based Internet access this is   the way to go. You can use the Insty Connect in  your home, as a failover backup for your business,   or as a mobile internet solution in  your RV or at an off-grid location.   You'll be able to get internet access for up  to 50 devices anywhere you can receive a cell   signal. Here are some of the reasons why the Insty  Connect Explorer 4G12 is so superior to others. #1 Angel Wing Antenna. The Insty Connect is  paired with the antenna as an integral part of   the solution. Nick states that this antenna  went through a ton of testing and research   to find the optimal design to get the best  signal in real world situations. It's been   geared toward locking on to high performing LTE  bands and will bypass the more congested bands.   If you've been using the MoFi 4500 you know that  in some locations the speed from the tower can   be impaired by the congestion on one particular  band. The Angel Wing antenna solves this problem.   #2 No Signal Loss. One of the more unique designs  of the Insty Connect is that the modem receiving   the cell signal is housed inside the Angel Wing  antenna. The signal is captured on your rooftop   and then sent to the router below using an  ethernet cable. It's brilliant! Most people   think that the higher you can get your antenna  up in the air the better speed you'll get.   The problem is that the higher you go the  longer the coax cable and the more signal   loss you'll experience covering that distance.  With the Insty Connect the signal is sent over   ethernet to your router so you can cover hundreds  of feet with no signal loss. #3 Category 12 Modem.   The Insty Connect Explorer 4G12 uses a category  12 modem. As a comparison the MoFi 4500 SIM4   model uses a category 6 modem and the SIM7 model  uses a category 4 modem. The category of modem in   use determines the maximum speed of the device.  Many devices on the market today come with slow   modems to keep the cost down but those are using  outdated technology. The Insty Connect also has   full gigabit ethernet ports. Most other solutions  have 100Mb ports so even if you had great cell   phone reception you can't get over 100Mbps speed  because of the limitations in the router. #4   2.4Ghz & 5Ghz wi-fi. Most modern routers provide  dual speed 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz wi-fi   but many LTE router solutions only provide the  slower 2.4 gigahertz. That's another limitation   of the outdated technology. It's nice to have 2.4  gigahertz in case you have older wi-fi devices   on your network but the good news is that the  Insty Connect provides both. #5 Dual SIM Slots. The Insty Connect router has dual SIM slots so  you can use two cell phone carrier SIM cards and   switch easily between them. This is perfect  for me since I have both T-Mobile and AT&T   SIM cards. With the MoFi 4500 I've had  to manually swap the SIM and go through   configuration settings to change the carrier and  bands. With the Insty Connect you can program both   SIMs and just turn them on or off. The Insty  Connect doesn't allow bonding of both SIMs but   you can use one as a fail over from the other.  Bonding may be a feature added in the future.   #6 3X Carrier Aggregation. The Insty  Connect can lock onto three different   bands simultaneously and aggregate the  signals. The Insty Express Lane software   that Nick developed combines these multiple  bands automatically with an easy to use   interface so if you're in a congested area  or have limited bandwidth in each band you   can optimize and combine the best bands to  get much more speed. For some of you with   data throughput challenges this is huge. You'll  see a dramatic improvement. #7 Modular Design. Nick also created a modular design.  With the Insty Connect components   you can easily swap out the Angel Wing antenna  for a long range directional antenna or you can   swap out the 4G LTE modem for the 5G one if  you decide to upgrade later. #8 TTL Setting. If you've watched any of my MoFi 4500 router  videos then you know about the benefits of   setting the TTL. The TTL gives you the ability  to go past the data cap of your cell phone plan   without throttling. I recommended the MoFi 4500  because it has the TTL setting in the menu and   few other routers offer that option. I'm happy to  report that the Insty Connect has the TTL setting   in the menu as well and you can set it for each  SIM card individually. #9 Mobile Remote Control.   The Insty Connect has a convenient phone  interface where you can control settings on   the router. You can switch SIM cards, change bands  or towers, and run a speed test to see if you have   optimal settings. No other product offers this  capability. #10 12 Volt Power Connector. Knowing   the need for mobile internet application the Insty  Connect comes with the 12 volt power connector.   You can wire it into a 12-volt system like an RV  but it does include a standard AC adapter as well.   #11 Competitive Pricing. As of the release of this  video the cost for the Insty Connect Explorer 4G12   is $499. That price places it close to the  MoFi 4500 combined with a proxy cast or dual   yogi antenna. It's also about the same price as  a cell signal boost device like the WeBoost and   you can enable wi-fi calling on your cell phone to  make calls through Insty Connect. That ability in   conjunction with the improved Angel Wing antenna  is a better choice for cell phone boosting in   my opinion. The Insty Connect also has a 5G model  called the Explorer 5G20 for $999. It's a category   20 modem with speeds up to 1Gbps and should be  available by summer 2021. Given the higher quality   router and other components I think this is a very  competitive price. #12 How to Get Insty Connect.   The Insty Connect Explorer 4G12 is a brand  new product but I'll have one on my own   soon and will post additional videos  to share my experience using it.   I'm planning a live Q&A with Nick Jolin as well  so look for those videos. If you want to get   your hands on one just follow the link in the  description of this video or scan this QR Code.   At the time of this video post the Insty  Connect is in pre-order but Nick tells me   he has some stock on hand so if you hurry you  may be able to get one otherwise your pre-order   will be filled within the next few weeks. Stay  tuned for more videos on the Insty Connect on my   channel and be sure to check out Nick's RV travel  channel as well at   Hey, if you want to see more videos like this one  please subscribe and if you've enjoyed this video   be sure to click the thumbs-up and leave a  comment. I really do appreciate your support!
Channel: Sele Training
Views: 23,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insty connect, MoFi 4500 Router, Unlimited Data, Hotspot, Unlimited Data for $20, 4G, WiFi, T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Rural Internet, Net Buddy, MoFi 4500, Router, Yagi, Wireless Internet, Cellular, Wireless Router, Tethered, Streaming, Unthrottled, Mobile Data, Mobile Hotspot, Unlimited Internet, unlimited hotspot, unlimited data plan, rv internet, mobile internet, mobile internet for rv, 4g lte, unlimited data plans comparison, instyconnect, mofi killer, sele training
Id: gk-_vM2COIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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