Get Unlimited Verizon 5G/LTE WiFi Data Hotspot, No Data Throttling!!!

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what's up guys slavka leblanc here um over a year ago i made a video about the unlimited verizon 4g lte internet and i showed you how to configure a gli net x 750 router with a sim card and how to get it all configured to do unlimited internet verizon to get through the throttling settings and that verizon has for data tether uh that video is still valid uh it still works to this day i get a lot of comments and feedback on it and most common question people ask is does it still work yes it absolutely still does work i still have it in my truck as a backup but in this video i will show you something better i will show you how to hack a verizon network to get unlimited 5g coverage uh have much more powerful modem that will uh has like a category 20 modem that falls back into 4g lte and has higher speeds uh basically same thing with more uh security we're going to we're going to configure vpn protocol uh i'm gonna suggest you some devices and how how i've set it up and the budgets basically we're dealing with so to start with we need uh first of all you need a verizon account so for your regular phone service so if you got iphone or android uh that already has to be on the verizon network and unlimited plan i have iphones for myself my wife uh besides that got a new subscription to this uh verizon jet pack this is uh my fly 21 m 2100 this verizon distributes this uh you can look up on their website you can buy it or it's a 13.50 interest free payments a month plus it adds as a 20 uh line with 50 gigabytes of data we're also going to need a verizon subscription to one of the verizon uh ipad plans uh they're 20 a month you just you know bring your own device and basically uh you get sim card for it and you have unlimited data on that that's 20 a month and you'll see what and finally we're going to need to obtain a device it's called gl inet um gli net uh mv 1000w this is a a broom it's just called uh they call it the um edge computing gateway and uh basically what it is is a very small form factor uh device that has a powerful dual dual core cpu um i think it's 1.2 gigahertz something like that but the most important thing is it's running wrt which is open a protocol uh geoline had built in their own um interface on top of it but you have access to wrt you can also flash it to other variants uh so it's a kind of like open source uh device it has uh three gigabit ethernet ports usb 3 this is for expansion it could be storage it could be other modems tethered devices and uh charging through usbc connector it has uh micro sd card input so you can put the i think i believe it supports up to 256 gigabytes micro sd which could be shared as a network share for other devices so if you want to have um but primarily the reason we're using this device and you'll see why this will unlock the unlimited data plan and provide the vpn tunnel to secure our data stream for all the devices that connected to it so let's start from the beginning um once you have all this um the the uh the myfi device and seagull comes in this form factor uh by itself it's a very powerful device i has very capable modem it's a 5g capable i've tested it from california to florida on its own it's a very powerful modem and the only reason we need additional devices is because we do not have access to the firmware on this modem so it's locked down by the verizon but and uh if you use it on its own you it has its own sim card and you will have the data plan on my case uh the data plane comes with 50 gigabytes for 20 a month and i can use it at any time but once that 50 gigabytes is gone um the speed on this device throttles down to 640 600 kilobits per second if i'm on a 4g lte network and three megabits and then from my ultra white band 5g verizon network those are generally in the big cities so outside the big cities you'll see mostly 5g or you will see the 4g lte but regardless this modem is awesome here and i'll show you how to break out of this limitation so uh basically let's start from the beginning here i have a little velcro here uh that's just because i mounted my truck so i can stick it to the wall and it stays attached that you know it's not permanently mounted or anything uh we're gonna get in this device pop the rear cover off there's a space where you put the fingernail in and then get the battery out now at this point the device is off we're going to take the battery out and we'll get access to the sim card slot right here so all you have to do is depress it here and then use the other finger to push the cart out and then slide it out so let's get the we're gonna get the original uh sim card that was in here out i'm gonna set it aside we're not uh save that that's a you know every month you have 50 gigs basically high priority data and um we're gonna take our ipad and i'm looking for my um extractor tool i just had it somewhere around here all right so once we extracted the uh original sim card out of my fight device so it's empty we're gonna go in our ipad and extract the sim card from the ipad and this is a fully functioning ipad data plane uh subscription to verizon as well it's twenty dollars a month and i'll show you why so we got the the sim card i'm gonna go ahead and place the sim card my fire device again we just reverse what we do when we slide it in until it snaps in then we put the battery back on with the contact contact plates facing the the correct way so it makes the contact right there this way and we snap the cover back on aligning all the snaps back in okay so that's that part is done now we can power up this device and it will connect to a data plane that used to be on your ipad now the reason we're doing this switch or rule thing with the sim cards because sim card is attached to the data plan that has basically only data tethering so no matter what data it comes through it counts it against your plan as a tethered data so once i'm out of this 50 gigabytes no matter what i do verizon will throttle my data now i'm going to keep this sim card saved because it does have higher priority data and then the highly saturated network environment where you're in a busy city downtown or somewhere where there's a lot of traffic or something this data out it has high priority than your tablet data but it is limited so that's why we taking a tablet sim and putting it in this device so once it's in here you can power it up and basically you could start using this as as if a regular jetpack you get the wi-fi off it and everything and uh the only difference is once you use up your allotted uh tether limit which on ipad side is 15 gigabytes it will throttle it down so we need something else to uh hack this device so that's where this unit comes in this uh this router and wi-fi repeater because we will connected the usbc cable from the modem into the router which that does basically create the tethered connection so we connect the usbc side into the mountain just like this and uh the usb a plug goes right right in the router right here in this slot like that so the idea here once it boots up it provides wired tethered connection into this router and then this router will do some ip magic in here to make the device believe that it's using internal data because remember we're using ipad data plan so your data is unlimited if if for example you're watching youtube or netflix on the device you can watch hundreds of gigs of worth of content and there'll be no throttling it's the tether data that gets throttled so we're going to configure this device in such a way that it'll make the data flow through this cable and into this modem and it's going to make verizon believe that you're using internal ipad data that's the key here so let's go next steps uh we connected it here uh in essence we can power it up you connect it to uh usbc power source which it comes with a you know its own adapter you can use your own but once we power it up i'm gonna switch to computer side and have a screen capture you can see how it works on this side this modem has its own battery and when it's plugged in into this device and this device is powered it's constantly charging it so it can stay in the state indefinitely and permanently for days on end i've tested this configuration i drove from ontario california which is a los angeles suburb all the way to orlando florida and back and it worked at every stop in between everywhere some places i was getting 5g and uh speeds were upwards to uh 120 megabits per second other places it was 4g lte and you know sp speeds dipped down into teens and so on everything based on uh your proximity to the cellular network and congestion at a time because uh the cellular network is shared bandwidth across all of participants in that particular area that are uh present on the salt tower but generally uh the speeds i got off this unit were much higher than the previous router that i reviewed and it simply has to do because the category of this modem and it's you can do a parallel um it can communicate with a several different bands of uh what um 4g or 5g at the same time and aggregate that traffic so it's much more capable device and much more powerful even though it does not have external antennas it still works very very well so let's let's get in this unit and see how we can figure this all right guys so we're looking at the default login screen for the gl uh dash mv 1000w router uh the ip address right here i already changed to my custom lan but the by default when you first time boot up you'll see the uh wi-fi signal uh the full type address i believe is 192. the so that first time you put in that's probably going to be the address you may want to consult the manual or go on the forms it's explained there in the box in my case i already changed that i'm just going to briefly go through the configuration since we're at the point where we're going to look at the specific settings related to unlimited internet everything is a standard here in terms of uh firmware this is this is the the the firmware that comes default with the router i did not flash it this time as you can see it already detected my uh mv modem in this in the tethering mode so it has ip addresses that are assigned local lan so the modem is already connected to the 3g 4g and then in essence this router is now acting as an internet gateway i'm connected to it via wi-fi and uh it's giving out the internet so the first thing you want to do after making an internet connection this router you want to go upgrade um and uh go to auto upgrade or i mean online upgrade and then if the version will detect the version get the latest firmware and everything going there before you do anything else okay next step we got to configure the ttl setting which will actually unlock the unlimited data in your verizon plan so from here uh we're done with this uh control panel here it's fairly basic this is custom geoline net uh we're gonna go click on more settings scroll down to advanced and click here this will give you access to actual raw uh open wrt lucy interface um the the username is always root the password is same as what you have set it it's either factory default or with whatever you set during initial setup so we enter it here and we're getting into the lucy interface this is uh native uh wrt interface and uh if you use wrt in the past it should look very familiar uh this router runs on wrt firmware the it just has custom interface to make it easier for the users but in essence the in the background that's what runs the actual router as far as operating system so from here we go network firewall and we click on custom rules tab and there's going to be some settings in there ignore those don't change anything and we go to the end um you will have this uh these four lines i'll have them in the video description so you can just copy and paste it but in essence what it does it instructs the router to set the ttl value for every outgoing packet to 65. this is very specific value uh specific to verizon data plan having to do with the ipad devices and uh idevices in general how it treats the data uh so they're two different the main the main reason why we want to set this specifically 65 for this configuration this value may be different in the different configuration this value allows you to fool the verizon edge device so whichever device that receives these packets on the verizon side it does the quality of service and and throttles the the data they monitor this value and the value of 65 allows you to hide the ip traffic to make verizon think that you're using device internal data meaning that it thinks that you're using the data from your ipad itself not tethering because we put the remember we put the we put the ipad uh sim card using ipad line the data that you use inside the ins inside of the device so if you launch the youtube uh app for example inside your ipad or you open the facebook whatever data you you pulling through it's truly unlimited it's the tethering that's throttled so by setting this value right here uh the all the packets coming out of this router and going into the my fight device they masquerade as if they came internal to the um that particular ipad if that makes sense so if it doesn't it's okay i just uh if you follow this setup procedure and you simply paste this and click save you may want to reboot this route or whatever this should unlock the unlimited data so i already have everything configured here uh we are connected to yeah so we connected to the wi-fi network and let me let me drop my vpn connection i'm just going to disconnect because i that's another thing we are we already have vpn connection here set up so let's go back to uh to the lucy uh get out of the loose and get back into the uh protocol here i already have open vpn clients set up with the nordvpn so we have several server profiles so the data is encrypted from their router on through the verizon device the verizon only sees the encrypted data stream going between myself and uh nordvpn um servers so they don't know what kind of traffic i'm sending they don't know anything about it other than that's just data and the ttl is is uh internal to their a particular provider so anyways let's speed test this configuration remember i'm indoors we're only getting 4g right now in my area where i'm at at the moment and uh let's just see what we get so this laptop is connected to this router right now and this is the 4g lte network right now in my area so somewhere about 50 megabits per second download let's see what the upload is and this is this is using openvpn 2. so we're going through the vpn traffic and that's part of the reason why we want this particular device now uh you can use cheaper device uh than uh than this uh yeah so we get 24 up 52 down 59 millisecond ping and this is all through vpn so you'll be faster probably if you don't have vpn but the reason we use this particular device is because it has for lack of better words balls to pull the vpn remember openvpn is very resource intensive so a lot of these cheaper routers their processors are just simply not fast enough to push the packets out for example um using a previous generation uh routers which you can get from glynet or others uh with like a 600 megahertz cpu and single core you maybe openvpn will get up to nine megabits per second or so so if you if you're not using vpn you can you probably get away with using uh x750 or other routers that are 60 40 or less you know and um this one in particular specifically designed to handle all opening vpn and it'll do up to 100 megabits in the open vpn client and then several up to 300 i believe in the wire guard since since wireguard is not as commonly used and it's hard to find a reliable provider with wireguard mostly openvpn is it's very reliable very secure encrypted uh vpn tunnel protocol but it is resource intensive so that's why we want to use this device in particular you can get away with others guys don't don't make a mistake thinking that only this device unlocks this power no the reality what unlocks the unlimited data plan is the setting in the in the firewall so if you can get to the firewall like this on some other device that you may have you will have same capability of unlocking verizon unlimited client there's no reason to buy more expensive device the only reason i'm using this configuration setup because for me i want to have vpn i don't want verizon to know what kind of traffic i'm using what am i using it for or anything like that they all they see is that there's data that's coming from internal to the device that i'm on anyways i hope this uh been uh explains a little bit what i'm doing with this uh this is this is uh this 100 works as of uh november 29th 2021 uh verizon uh been having all kinds of specials through the holidays right now where you can get these uh jetpack devices for uh significantly less money than uh uh maybe it will cost otherwise right now uh they if you have a phone plan a regular phone plan with verizon you can get that you you buy the device or you can get in the payment plan with them and it costs 20 a month for 50 gigabit sim card with it and like i said you do the switcheroo with your uh ipad and uh you'll have unlimited uh unlimited data anywhere you go i've pulled as much as uh two three hundred gigabytes per month and it's never throttled except for the areas where it's highly congested like if i show up in the downtown of the city during rush hour it may be a little bit throttled down because but that's but that's different that's congestion on a network and your data is still subject to being deprioritized over others that you know have higher priority and so on that regardless you're not throttled down by default to 600 kilobits per second if you go over your applying limits well guys thanks again for watching my videos i appreciate any feedback i'll have links to the all the devices that are mentioned here down in the video description as well as the ttl setting that you need to copy and paste uh if you have any questions i'll try to answer them ask them in the under the in the comments section i try to get to everyone as much as i can some of these videos we have hundreds of people asking questions so you know if there's some kind of common theme that i see i'll try to respond in the video uh way uh that way it covers the topic and everybody can see it in the future you guys have a good day uh let me know how it turns out for you if you are one of you know people that are always on the move and don't have a permanent uh internet connection but still need broadband access this is ideal for truckers like myself for people in rvs camping extensively or living full-time rv it's perfect for the boat if you you have a larger boat at the marina and you want to you know have always have nice internet access during the summer season um it works great for a cabin or a second vacation home you can take it with you this this is a small device you can take it with you an entire family can have a solid wi-fi connection for their devices at home or while you're on the move this is uh definitely something everybody could use i mean it could even be used as a permanent home internet connection you know if you're not pulling terabytes of data i don't think you're going to have a problem you know a few gigabytes a month verizon does not seem to care so anyways uh good luck with this guys and talk to you later you
Channel: Slavka Alabamka Trucking
Views: 19,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trucking, travel, stories, road trip, transportation, money, adventures, work
Id: O_4xzyzW1uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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