Instant Pot Roast With Vegetables ~ # 1 Recipe !!!

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thanks for tuning in again today's video we're gonna make an instant pot pot roast as most of you know that watch my videos know that I do the easiest possible recipe the last thing I want to do is whip up a recipe that is confusing or hard to follow or too many ingredients I keep it simple and real and this will be the best pot roast ever okay first things first we're gonna get this instant pot all warmed up saute button and then I'm gonna take some extra virgin olive oil give that a little splash probably between 2 and 4 tablespoons next up I cut up some garlic there's probably about 4 good-sized cloves in there you can do whatever you like so that I'll add just a little pinch of salt and a little pinch of pepper next up I have two yellow Vidalia onions so I'm gonna take and cut these up in really big slices real quick now I like my chunks nice and big because they cook down so if you want to have a good texture when you eat it later on keep them nice and big so I'm going to add all of these to the garlic and pepper [Music] okay now while that painting I'm gonna keep working that telephone light toasted again I'm gonna take my piece of meat which is a beef chuck boneless chuck roast nice caramelized piece of meat and I'm going to make my herb mixture that I'm gonna dip it in so my theory on seasoning meat is whatever you like make sure you have different colors different flavors things that are good for you I'm going to use this it's basically an aromatic herbal salt blend it's got sea salt fresh herbs rosemary garlic sage and pepper so I'm gonna put some of that in there I have this barbecue rub that I like it has a touch of cherry that's a favorite of mine I like time I like tarragon so I'm just gonna sprinkle that in there and make a nice little bath for that meat all right it's time to dump my roast in this herb mixture here I'll just take them smush that down a bit smush that I'm there moisture spices into it now doesn't that look good so I'll let that hang out for a second and then garlic onion that is looking good so I'm gonna take that out and dump that into that bowl real quick there we have it and now this is empty so I'm gonna give it another splash of extroverted virgin olive oil and then I'm gonna take my meat I'm gonna just put that in there and I'm gonna brown all sides of that [Music] meanwhile while I have my meet over there sauteing I'm going to have make these little packages of carrots and I have a mixture of little baby potatoes here and multicolored potatoes so I'm just going to fold these up in neat little packages because we're gonna set those in the insta pot separate from the meat so they don't get too mushy with the sauce that I'm gonna create okay we'll just set those aside for a moment take that piece of meat Oh doesn't that look nice and yummy get in there so I'm gonna add back to that mine I'm gonna add one can of beef broth that's probably about two cups worth in that and to that I'll add one cup of red drinking wine whatever you like to drink give that a little mix now I have my roast on top of the trivet so I'm gonna take that and just set that right on top of the onions and garlic right in there let that hang out and then my most favorite ingredient in the world mushrooms I have a palette of portobello mushrooms I'll just dump that right on top and then I'll take my carrots and potatoes in place of those right on top just like that and then I'm going to take and turn this saute off I'll put my lid on bread the seal into seal position and now I'm going to come over here to the panel I'm gonna go pressure cook keep warm off I'm gonna crank that up for one hour and that should get rockin real quick because it wasn't saute mode so as soon as that reaches its temp it will pressure cook / steam they have it now that's gonna cook for one hour on high pressure another reason why I love this insta pot is while I was waiting for that to warm up check out this kitchen you know it's same thing no mess spotless no dirty dishes all clean oh what's that one more dirty dish I'll take care of that okay one hour has surpassed so let's just pop the seal here and potatoes carrots I'll grab the meat out of here look at that delicious pot roast with mushrooms on it next I'm gonna take the majority of my onions garlic and whatever else fell down in here I'll put that in this bowl see there and just set that aside for a moment all right next I have a little bowl with some water in it and I'm gonna put a couple tablespoons of cornstarch in here mix that up make that into a nice smooth consistency here's my cornstarch mixture I'll pour that in this liquid and then I'm going to take my turbo zip stick here and I'll give that a mix and I'm gonna put that on saute okay now well that's warming up and coming to a boil I'm gonna take my bowl here has my garlic and onions in it I'm gonna take these mushrooms and I'll put these in here and let's check out what is in here one container with perfectly cooked carrots just perfect so what I'll do is dump all of those in this bowl now and then my next bowl let's check out these potatoes perfectly cooked potatoes look at that awesome not too mushy not too firm just perfect okay I'll set that aside for a second while I'm waiting for that to boil it's already starting to come to a little bit of a boil okay actually well that's boiling I'll take and add all of these ingredients let that just come to a nice there we go now only while I'm waiting on that I'm gonna cut up my roast beef so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this I'm gonna cut this into nice cube size pieces not too big not too small just like that and then like this now I'm going to add my chunks of roast beef into the mixture as I cut them and let those marry with all those flavors all right so now notice I cut all the fat and gristle off my pot roast and this is just good clean chunks of meat I'll mix that in there just do this chunk here alright it's been a few minutes I'll hit the cancel button no it's time to plate up look at this look at that delicious perfectly cooked roast beef carrots potatoes onions mushrooms just going over a little bit of the gravy broth mixture a little bit of cracked pepper and bone Appetit time look at that perfectly cooked roast carrots potatoes onions mushrooms side of pretzel roll warmed up time for taste test it's delicious my turn this is delicious here goes portobello mushroom and roast beef perfect flavors one last thing you could have thrown all the ingredients in the instant pot all at once and cooked it all together but a lot of times your carrots and potatoes get a little mushy so I separated them in those little tin foil pouches I hope you try this it's really good it's really easy in and out in an hour as you can see cutting the meat up and adding it all together like that made for easy plating no fat no gristle and your meal easy for packing jump leftovers all that in the kitchen still clean thanks for watching you
Channel: Twin Cities Adventures
Views: 157,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: 9CwF6Qx4f0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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