My Top 10 Kitchen Items to Hunt for at the Thrift Store, the Junk Shop, and from the Garbage!

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today i want to share with you my  top 10 kitchen items to hunt for   at thrift stores junk shops and from the garbage   hi sweet friends i'm mary and welcome to mary's  nest where i teach traditional cooking skills for   making nutrient dense foods like bone broth  ferments sourdough and more so if you enjoy   learning about those things consider subscribing  to my channel and don't forget to click on the   little notification bell below that'll let  you know every time i upload a new video   now when it comes to hunting for kitchen items  at the thrift store and in junk shops and even in   the garbage which we're going to talk about today  there are certain things that i generally look for   and i want to share those 10 things with you  now when i talk about thrift shops that really   runs the gamut because it could be a good will a  salvation army a savers sort of those mainstream   thrift shops but it could also be thrift shops  that are just run by local religious organizations   like the ladies of charity or the saint vincent de  paul society they often have lovely thrift shops   and sell wonderful items now when i use the term  junk shop i'm talking about something that's not   as widespread as those more mainstream thrift  shops sometimes it'll just be a little store in   your town or maybe in a neighboring town that's  just something that's privately owned and often   sells things that maybe many people would consider  more on the junk side than the thrift side but   that's not necessarily a bad thing because as the  saying goes one man's trash is often another man's   treasure and if the concept of shopping at a junk  shop is something that's new to you you can go on   the internet and type in the town where you live  or the county and just follow it with the word   junk shop and chances are a few stores are going  to pop up and next there's hunting for treasures   in the garbage and yes there are many treasures in  the garbage but before we talk about the garbage   i have to give you a little alert i have  recently learned much to my surprise that   different cities and towns have ordinances against  taking things out of other people's trash so be   sure to know your town's ordinances before you  even attempt to look in someone's recycling bin   however there's nothing wrong with getting to  know your neighbors and let them know that if you   see things on a regular basis in their recycling  bin that could be useful to you in your kitchen   that you ask them to maybe keep those things aside  for you and to give them to you most people who   are already recycling are very happy to know  that their items will go to a good home that   will make good use of them and often if there  are particular things that you're looking for   you can check out craigslist or free cycle or  little local groups on facebook that will often   post things that people want to get rid of and  often it's totally free so now let's go over the   top 10 items that i like to hunt for now if you've  been with me a while you know when i make bone   broth i love to store it in these type of glass  jars now i always buy these at the mainstream   thrift stores rather than online or from kitchen  stores and the next few items i'm going to show   you are all items that i did buy at mainstream  thrift stores but there's something that i want   to mention about those types of stores you do need  to be careful because sometimes the pricing can be   a little high so it's always best to keep on top  of when they're going to have sales now for me   i'm in the senior category and a lot of these  thrift stores in our area run a senior day   where they give 30 percent off but many of you  have told me that in your area sometimes your   thrift stores run 50 percent off sales which is  fantastic so keep your eyes open for those sale   days because it really does help keep the cost  down of the items that you want to thrift for   but i love these jars or glasses you could call  them they're very heavy weight and they're often   referred to as french working glasses or sometimes  french jelly jars and usually this larger size   will be about 99 cents and maybe the smaller  size will be a little less and i generally shop   on tuesdays so i get my 30 off senior discount  so they become quite affordable compared to what   it would cost to buy them new and all i do is just  make sure that there are no chips no cracks as   long as they're in good working condition that's  perfect for me now one caveat i rarely find them   with lids sometimes i have but rarely now this is  the lid that goes on top of these working glasses   and both the glass and the lid are made in france  but these lids are very easy to find you can order   them online sometimes you'll see them sold in a  little plastic package at your grocery store in   the kitchen aisle sometimes at kitchen stores and  they usually maybe come in a package of six but   they're very affordable and what's nice is you can  just put this right on to your working glass and   now you've got something that stores beautifully  and the reason that i like these for bone broth   specifically and i'm always on the hunt for them  is that if for any reason i accidentally overfill   my jar you know i tend to always try to leave a  good amount of head space as the broth expands   in the freezer all that happens is this little  just pop off there might be a little freezer burn   on the bone broth on top but it'll just pop off  but it rarely happens but it did happen to me i   think maybe once or twice when i overfilled them a  little but that's nice i don't have to worry about   the jar cracking it just kind of pops off and  then that's the nothing to worry about that's   the end of it but in any event so french working  glasses french jelly jars whatever you call them   if this is something you like the idea of  storing your bone broth in or other leftovers   definitely keep your eyes open for these they're  very common i've seen them almost at every   goodwill i've ever been to and they always have at  least one or two and often many more and even when   my husband and i share something with you when  my husband and i travel we often take time to   visit thrift stores and junk shops in whatever  town in whatever state we're in and even when we   travel in different parts of the country i often  see these working glasses so if that's something   you want keep your eyes open for them the next  item that i'm always on the hunt for are hinged   lidded jars now under normal circumstances  brand new these can be a little pricey   but i do find them frequently at thrift stores  now they often will not have this part with them   or if they do it's very dried out and cracking  so it's going to need to be replaced however   just like the lids for the working glasses these  are very easy to buy you can buy them online and   again you may find them in little packages in the  kitchen aisle at your grocery store or at kitchen   stores and they're very affordable you know just  like a few dollars at most and then you've got   all you can have all new gaskets and you they  they go on very easily and then you've got a   beautiful jar now what if the metal is slightly  oxidized i don't worry about it when i get it home   i just give everything a really good scrubbing  with a little brillo pad something like that   and put a new gasket on it and i have a beautiful  lidded jar now these delightfully adorable crocs   used to come with cheese in them at the grocery  store they that's just how the cheese was sold   it was usually sold at holiday time and it was  usually some type of cheddar cheese that had   sort of wine ribboned through it you may remember  and it wasn't actually that long ago and but i've   noticed maybe about the last five years at holiday  time it's usually christmas time that time of year   uh now it's just sold in plastic which is kind  of disappointing but i keep my eye open for these   because and often they do have this gasket still  in place but if not again like these gaskets like   the french jelly jar lids all of this stuff can be  purchased separately you know as again online i've   not seen these at kitchen stores or at least not  in the kitchen aisle at my grocery store but you   can find them online and they're not expensive and  so it but if it does come with the gasket you're   in luck and i just clean up everything really well  and then what i use this for is to make a i guess   you could call it in a sense an hors d'oeuvre i  have a video where i show you what i do with this   and i'll be sure to link to it in the description  and in the description and in the i cards below   uh the icard's above but what i do is i take uh  little bits and bobs of leftover cheese i grate   it and i put it in here and then if you we don't  drink uh but if you've had like a little dinner   party or something and maybe you have a little bit  of wine left over a couple of tablespoons you can   pour that in there if you're not using wine and  you have maybe a tablespoon a little leftover   vinegar you can put that in there both the wine  or the vinegar act as somewhat of a preservative   and you just mix this up and then over time you  have this wonderful cheese spread and it's great   you know if you have unexpected company you put  this out with some homemade crackers i have a   recipe for homemade crackers too which i'll share  with you uh in the description below and in the i   cards but in any event it's just lovely you just  bring this out and it's made good use of your   little leftovers little cheese bit leftovers and  a little wine or a little vinegar and it's very   tasty and it'll spread beautifully and the prices  for these really vary a lot some of these i have   are much larger and so it kind of really depends  on size but often they're priced fairly reasonably   and i think because sometimes  they're seen as not necessarily very useful because the gasket will be missing and  the metal will be a little oxidized so sometimes   they look a little worse for wear uh so often i'll  see them as low as 1.99 and these i'll often see   for 99 cents so again you know just keep your eyes  open and if this is the type of thing that you   like to use and if they are a little more pricey  again keep your eyes open for those sale days   the next thing i like to look for at thrift  shops are baskets but just not any baskets i   like to focus on bread baskets now when it comes  to baskets you do need to be careful because they   could be very dirty so i know everyone has their  own way of disinfecting things but generally what   i do is have a little mixture of clorox and water  in a spray bottle i'll give them a real good spray   down until they're pretty saturated and i don't  really worry about having them saturated because   they are just something from the thrift store that  i generally try to not pay any more than a dollar   or two for but i'll saturate it with my clorox  and water spray and then i'll let it bake in the   hot texas sun when it's like 90 or 100 degrees out  for a couple of days and then i feel it's pretty   well sanitized then once it's all clean and dry i  can line it with a tea towel or a cloth a napkin   and this one i love for baguettes and this one  is great for rolls the next thing i'm usually   on the hunt for are thermos but not just any  thermos i specifically like to look for thermos   that are glass lined inside and the reason why i  like glass thermos is because they're very easy   to clean and sanitize plus it's been my experience  that they keep hot beverages really nice and hot   and if you saw my video where i talked about all  the different things we use to get us through that   week-long texas storm with basically no power  you'll see how handy my thermos came in so if   you're looking to adding to your prepper pantry  type supplies for your kitchen to be prepared in   those times when you may need to keep beverages  hot and not have a lot of electrical options   looking for a thermos especially a glass lined  thermos really can be a lifesaver the next   items that i want to talk about are things that i  really like to try to find at junk shops now when   it comes to junk shops every junk shop is going to  be different and you're really just going to have   to hunt through a lot of stuff and see if you find  things that can be useful to you in your kitchen   often as the name junk shop implies is that  people who run junk shops will buy other people's   junk and this junk may be things that people  want to throw out but that their trash service   doesn't remove so they have to find other  avenues so to speak to get rid of their junk   so junk shops will often pay people a few dollars  for their stuff and the people are happy to unload   it get a few dollars and in the long run it saves  them money because they don't have to pay to have   a special type of refuse service remove their junk  and the junk shop owner then goes and resells it   and he makes a little money so even though  they may not always be as neat and organized   as a thrift store and often may not even  have any prices on them and things have not   uh so many times even been dusted off or cleaned  up you can often find some really good bargains   my son and i so enjoyed uh john we would call  it junking you know when he was younger in the   summer you know if he had a few days free off from  a camp or something like that we'd get in the car   real early in the morning we'd drive around the  hill country hitting all the various junk shops   stopping at in the morning the first thing we'd  do is we'd stop at the stand this lovely woman   she had a little vegetable stand and she also  baked fresh bread and we'd buy a loaf of the   bread and some of her big garden tomatoes and  we'd eat the tomatoes and the bread in the car   i have such nice memories of that and then  we'd hit all the chunk shops and we would   just come home with a box full of treasures often  never having spent maybe more than five dollars   now one thing that i really like to look for  at junk shops because it's often going to be   cheaper than thrift shops is revere wear and  that's just sort of a nice stainless steel pot   usually has this nice little copper bottom and  these can come in very handy if you like to make   home remedies and don't necessarily want to use  your other cookware now when i found this pot   it was a mess down on the bottom it was just  as black as black could be and i didn't know a   hundred percent if i would be able to clean it up  but it really was just a like less than a dollar   and so i said you know i'm just gonna take  a chance and i'm gonna bring it home and see   if i can clean it up this really dark burnt on  mess that was down on the bottom so what i did   was i sprinkled it with some baking soda put some  water in the pot brought it up to a simmer put the   lid on and just let it simmer for a little bit  and periodically i would check on it and little   by little the bits were coming up off the bottom  of the pot and just floating in the water and   then i emptied it out rinsed it i had to do this  like three times and then it was still stained   on the bottom so i took a brillo pad to it and i  wasn't worried about using a brillo pad on this   because i knew that this is really the only way  i was going to be able to rescue it so to speak   and that and i i had a plan for what i was  going to be using it for so i wasn't so worried   about scratching the interior so i took the brillo  pad and scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing it required   a little elbow grease but it was well worth it  because now it's all shaped up in good shape   and i use this a lot when i want to melt things  right actually in this pot or steep things or do   different things like that especially when i'm  working with herbs and making some type of home   remedy that i don't really want to use my cookware  for and that brings us to the next kitchen item   that i like to look for in junk shops i'm always  on the hunt for these stainless steel bowls ones   that are lightweight i don't care how scratched  up they are i don't care if they have dents   a lot of times at a junk shop you can get  sometimes they're like in a box and there's   like tons of them and they're all in the box will  say 10 cents each things like that and sometimes   i have some that this has got a big dent down  here it doesn't matter to me because if i'm using   anything where i'm making maybe like a saab and  i've got to be using beeswax this is my double   boiler and i just put some water in here i put my  stainless steel pot on top my stainless steel bowl   on top of my pot and i melt my beeswax and then  go about my business minding my own beeswax   but in any event these you can never have enough  of these i find these so handy i use them to   collect herbs in the garden i use uh some i use  i just it's not really a kitchen purpose but if   you have dogs you can totally relate i'll use  them outside for water bowls uh for the dog   so there's all there's just so many uses for  these and the fact that they're stainless steel   they really last forever and they're easy to  clean and disinfect now the next thing i'm   always on the hunt for especially at junk shops  are little containers sometimes larger containers   that i can use basically as crocs to collect  things that i need to keep handy around my stove   i think when it comes to storing tools around the  kitchen stove in different crocks you really don't   need to buy anything new if you're willing to be  a little creative maybe a little inventive about   what you use there is a plethora of options  now this is not a real expensive beer stein   or anything like that this is just some sort of  imitation it even has like little chips in it   but it didn't matter to me and i actually found  this in our travels i think we were in new mexico   and my husband and son and i ran across a  little junk shop i think it might have been   in albuquerque and this was just in the you know  where they have the different glasses and stuff   and you know it was about a dollar and i said this  is perfect i can put all my spatula spatulas in it   and what does it matter that it was like meant  to be you know like a beer stein or something but   what drew me to it was if you can see over here  there's a cute little dog kind of like a yellow   lab or a golden something like that and that's the  type of dog we have so that really drew me to that   and i said i have to bring this home and brought  it home washed it up and put my spatulas in it   so definitely think outside the box of just those  typical kitchen crocks and think about gee what   can i put my different kitchen tools in you know  different types of pictures different types of you   know mugs like this there are so many things that  you can use and ones that'll be really reasonably   priced and i'll talk about this actually uh this  i actually got for free and this was actually   was like a little junk sale on the side of a road  where somebody had just set up some junk uh that   they wanted to get rid of i was out in the hill  country and my son and i were just driving around   and and we saw this little sail you know like kind  of like a garage sale but uh not at anyone's home   or anything it was just in the parking lot area  of this gas station and the man had you know gave   you a box and he said oh just fill the box for  a dollar or something like that and he had this   little thing uh it says sugar but it's missing the  lid and he said to me oh you can have it for free   it's missing the lid so you never know in your  travels what you're going to stumble upon but if   you find things at a junk shop which these are the  type of things you normally find at the junk shop   something's missing or it's chipped things like  that and this didn't have the lid but what i do   is since it says sugar i keep you can see there's  like a little i've got some little chocolate coins   in here and i also keep some gum in there and  i just pop it in my pantry and it works great   this was actually something that had mustered it  at once and you may even see these at your grocery   store or sometimes even maybe the specialty  grocery stores and it might have a cork on the top   and then it's very fancy it has a lovely uh oh  like a wax seal look with a little ribbon it   looks very fancy i think it's either a french or  a german mustard i'm not sure and uh so this was   from the junk shop it's missing the cork but  who cares i just put you know some spoons in   there tasting spoons whatever when i'm cooking  and the same with this and how cute is this   uh la mutarda i think that means mustard  right and it's just got a cute little i   keep some wooden spoons in here it's missing the  cork you know it had it had had mustard in it   at one time and here it was just sitting at the  junk shop and then this is so cute i love this   little thing and i'm not sure exactly what  maybe mustard was in here too i don't know   but this at the junk shop had this little i don't  know if i can tell now i did a good job fixing it   but the the handle was broken off but  the handle was inside the little crock   so i bought that and i just fixed it uh when  i got home and then this was a real find that   i found at the junk shop uh it's part of a  set of measuring cups but all of the others   were missing and all he had was this one  that said one cup and you know it really   and all this together is like less than a dollar  because i this a lot of these uh i would get   when i'd be junking with my son and he would have  picked out some stuff and i would have picked out   some stuff and put it in our box and the man would  look and be like okay three dollars or whatever   the case may be so you know if you live near small  towns uh that may have these little independent   you know they may even be they may even say  like they're thrift shops but often when you go   inside you're gonna see that they really lean  more to what i'm talking about as a junk shop   and often it is just you know fill a bag or fill  a box something like that and the mantle there's   like really no prices and then he'll just look or  the woman and you know tell you you know what you   need to pay but they're often things that are  missing parts sometimes they're broken but you   know as i did with this i repaired this really  well and proud of myself now let's move on to   some of my favorite treasures that i love to  rescue from the garbage and use in my kitchen   now over the years many of my neighbors who were  young professionals and maybe getting takeout   or maybe just stopping and getting pre-prepared  foods at the deli you know whatever the case may   be they would often have a lot of these plastic  containers and they've always been more than   happy to pass them on to me because as i shared  earlier a lot of people today are very conscious   about recycling and if they know they can give  something to someone that someone will use as   opposed to throw out or even kind of put in a  little bit of a backlog at the recycling center   they're happy to pass it on to you and the  reason that i really like these containers   is because they are great for doing any type of  meal prep now when i say meal prep i'm not one   to like prep whole meals and then put that in  the refrigerator and then cook yes i do a few   things like that like stuffed shells and you  can put them in the freezer and then pop them   in the oven that's all well and good but often  what i like to do is prep ingredients so chop up   a bunch of veggies and put them in here have some  fruit that i can that i've chopped up fresh fruit   that i can uh freeze on a flat uh baking sheet and  then once it's frozen pop it in here and then pop   this whole thing in the freezer and then i have a  nice collection of frozen fruit this can be great   for storing some homemade hummus or a homemade  dip a carton like this can be great as well as   this one too for storing grains that you've cooked  up and that way you have all the makings of a meal   in your refrigerator very neat and organized in  all these different plastic containers and you   want to go ahead and prepare something quickly  you can take out your cut veggies you can have   salad greens chopped up in here you can have  a salad you can have your grains or maybe you   cooked a little bit of chopped chicken you know  you've cooked some chicken and chopped it up and   you've got that in here next thing you know you  have a meal you've got some salads some grains   some chicken and you're all set so whether you try  to reclaim these from your neighbors or whether   you buy foods at the grocery store yourself don't  throw that that come in these type of containers   don't throw these out wash them and sterilize them  and just reuse them they're very sturdy and they   should hold up quite well and today you there's  all kinds of information down on the bottom   telling you information about the plastic and  today most of the they're definitely going to be   food safe if you got them from the grocery store  most are bpa free most are if at some point you do   want to recycle them are recyclable but i've had  a lot of these for years and i want to mention   about these lids these are sort of a universal  size as i take that off there uh this is the   same size lid on here it's the same size lid on  here plus if you have any round glass containers   which i've used in my kitchen for years but  sometimes over time those gl those plastic   lids will will deteriorate a little i'm using  these and they fit perfectly so sometimes if   you do have glass containers that have  plastic lids that are kind of you know   starting to wear out try some of these and see  if they fit so this is something that's terrific   to prep to have all your ingredients prepped and  in your fridge to make throwing together a meal   easy well i have a confession to make i can't help  but collect bottles and jars that other people   would normally throw out there are so many great  bottles and jars out there that yes can definitely   be recycled but i have had neighbors over the  years that when i've seen what they're putting   in their recycling bin i've said to them gee next  time could you maybe set some things aside for me   because i would really like some of those bottles  and jars and i could really use them and of course   as i mentioned earlier if you can upcycle other  people's stuff that they're planning on recycling   they're usually really happy to give it to you now  a lot of people don't make their own kombucha they   buy it and it comes in bottles like this these  are fantastic if you can get these you know from   neighbors or friends who would normally just be  putting them in their recycle bin i mean to buy   something like this if you wanted to buy like  say a set of six or something it's not going to   be inexpensive but you can just remove the label  and i have a tip on removing labels if you've ever   struggled with that i'll mention in a minute  but this is terrific you make your own kombucha   you fill it in here and you tighten the lid these  are the kinds of jars i like to use i don't really   use the um swing lock lids uh that you see like  maybe that brewers use a lot but a lot of people   will use those uh to bottle up their kombucha  i'm always afraid they're going to explode   so these jars are per or these bottles are perfect  i'll also use these jars to to store smaller   amounts of homemade vinegars that i make because  sometimes like i'll make a fruit based vinegar   like a strawberry vinegar or a blueberry vinegar  you know something from little scraps of fruit   and i so i don't have a lot of it and so this type  this size bottle will be perfect now what if when   it comes to any of these you struggle with getting  labels off there is a product that i absolutely   love i god bless my father-in-law he's passed  away now but he was terrific for tips when it   came to these type of things and he recommended a  product called gooby gone and it has like orange   oil in it and you can just you know take off the  label the best you can and then spray it with that   orange oil mixture and then sometimes i just use  what i call a little widget it's one of those   little plastic holders that has a razor razor  blade in it and then i'll just very carefully   that's not something you want your kids doing and  and i'll just scrape the label off and then i just   give it a real good washing because that gooby  gone thing is a little like a little oily feeling   then i'll give it a really good washing  and then maybe even pop it in my dishwasher   and i'm all set other jars that i absolutely love  because they're just so cute are these jelly jars   and if you're able to get any of these these are  wonderful because if you make homemade jelly or   jam and you're not planning on water bath canning  it which if that's something you're interested to   do i have a lot of videos where i show you how to  make jam and water bath can it but uh you can just   put your homemade jam in here and it's perfect  and it's made for jam and it just looks so cute   uh so these are lovely jars i you know it's funny  because i see things like this and i'll say to   my husband how do people throw this out i mean i  just feel there's today there's so many treasures   in recycling bins and often uh a lot of treasures  you know just and stuff that you know people are   are throwing out that that you see on the curb you  know so sometimes if you see a real real treasure   you know that maybe your neighbor is throwing  out you can ask them if it's something that uh   they're willing to give to you and you  know instead of throw out but yeah i see   these things and i just i can't understand when  people throw them out but these are just lovely   uh as i said for jam but you can use them for  so much more and i'm going to tell you a very   cute prod a project that a girlfriend of mine  did she uh uses these and there is uh there is   a uh it's the same brand the bon mama uh they also  make an intense i think it's called an intense jam   uh so the flavor is more concentrated  and it's in a little bit of a smaller jar   uh but you could even do her idea which i'll share  with you in a minute uh with like baby food jars   if they're still sold in glass i don't know it's  been a long time since i've bought baby food but   what she did was she took the lids and she  didn't have under cabinet lighting in her kitchen   so she just had like flat cabinet and i  think she may have put a strip of wood   first so nothing would like actually go through  her cabinet she may have attached that first   and then you know maybe with shallow screws  or something not 100 sure but i'm sure   these projects are on the internet and then  what she did was she screwed she put a screw she   you know put a hole in the lid and put the screw  through and screwed it to underneath her cabinet   and then she put her spices in the jars and so she  just had it all lined up like this underneath her   cabinet with all of her spices and so they were  always easily to see easy to see and easy at the   ready you know to use i thought that was very  clever so there's a lot of things that you can   do in the kitchen with jam jars so either if you  have these don't throw them out or if you see your   neighbors discarding them or you know they buy a  lot of jams and jellies ask them if you can have   them because these to me are such a treasure other  jars i like to find are these big quart size jars   and if they have a pretty top of they really catch  my eye i love jars that have a pretty top to them   and especially if it has a top that can indicate  maybe what you've stored in it and these had a tomato sauce made with italian tomatoes  and so again you know if somebody wants   to throw these out and is willing to  give them to me i'm a happy recipient   i'll just give them a good washing as i said  i'll do my little treatment to get the labels off   i give them a good scrub run them in the  dishwasher i usually always just wash   the lids by hand i don't put the lids in the  dishwasher but i give them a real good scrub   because i have found that they do corrode even on  the top shelf in the dishwasher so i don't do that   but i'll just run the bottles and then i've got  these great jars so when i make a homemade tomato   sauce that i'm not canning i also i have recipes  where i show you how to make how to get what about   canned tomatoes which is nice i just want to  mention that tomatoes can be water bath canned   so if you're new to canning and you're a little  nervous maybe about venturing forth with pressure   canning or you don't have a pressure canner  water bath canning can be a nice introduction   to canning so anyways i show you how to canned  tomatoes but if you're just making a tomato a   homemade tomato sauce that you're not planning on  canning and you just want to put in your fridge   again like we talked about having those plastic  containers filled with things that can be ready   to you know with foods individual foods that  are prepped and ready to put a meal together   you can just have your tomato sauce in here your  homemade tomato sauce it's all ready to go take   it out of the fridge and you're all set but what a  great jar to store it in with the tomatoes on top   now i want to talk about some real treasures from  the garbage if you ever see dark glass bottles   or dark glass jars don't pass them up ask your  neighbors ask your friends to pass these on to   you if they don't want them these are so terrific  for storing anything that's light sensitive even   if you're putting something in a dark pantry  having a dark bottle or a dark jar is all the   better these really help protect from light now  if you make your own homemade elderberry syrup   what a great jar to store this in it's dark  you can go ahead and put this in a refrigerator   every time you open your refrigerator and the  refrigerator light goes on you don't have to worry   because your elderberry syrup is beautifully  protected in this dark glass bottle these type   of things are really geared for home for storing  home remedies and if those if it's those type of   things that you're interested in like making  elderberry syrup and all of that i'll be sure   to put a link in the description below to the  playlist i have where i show you to make i'll   show you how to make a whole host of home remedies  but that's why i love these type of bottles uh   these little ones if you can these to me i mean  if you look online people sell this it means brand   new but people sell these things and they're not  inexpensive but if you have a friend or neighbor   who would be throwing this out say hey i can use  that don't throw it out give it to me you know   and then what's nice is too you can always if  you have friends and i think this is really   cute my girlfriend always got a kick out of this  she would give me plastic containers and whatnot   no i i have a lot now over the years i have every  once in a while i have to like clean out my jars   and pass them on to other people but a nice thing  to do is if you do have friends and neighbors who   do give you uh their garbage sounds funny but  i'll often um with my girlfriend i'll fill uh   some jars you know like even maybe some of the  jelly jars that i find at the uh at the thrift   store or sometimes maybe just you know a glass  drawer and i'll fill it with some homemade bone   broth you know and give it to her and she always  used to get a kick out of that you know that   you should be like wow i'm getting bone broth and  i'm like getting you some things from the garbage   but it's a nice thing to do you know and then  people always think about you whenever they may   be throwing something out that they think that  you could use but these type of jars are very   very helpful because if you make your  own sobs if you make your own creams   i have videos where i show you how to make a face  cream from tallow which is beef fat and as i've   said in the past yes girls we're putting these fat  on our face but this is a terrific jar for storing   your homemade tallow cream in so that's something  uh to think about as as well as you know other uh   creams that you may make homemade i really like to  make the homemade creams from beef tallow a face   cream and i make a foot cream uh so the and these  are just wonderful they protect the you know they   you've got the beef tallow which is very shelf  stable you don't need to worry about it but the   tallow creams that i make do have essential oils  in them and essential oils or you may know the   word is volatile oils they are sensitive to  light and to heat and different things like that   so you want to be kind of gentle with them and so  giving them some a little protection in these dark   glass jars is wonderful the same with this if you  make herbal tinctures little jars like this are   terrific you're protecting any essential oils that  you've extracted out of the herbs you know for for   making your tinctures and uh you know because of  the darkness of the bottle you're giving giving   those essential oils some protection and the same  with jars like this if you uh you know kind of at   the end of harvest season just find you have like  a ton of uh greens maybe you've got a ton of kale   or you've canned up some tomatoes but you know  you've removed the skin and so you now you have   all these tomato skins and you decide you want to  dry all of this dehydrated whatever the case may   be and whirl it in the blender and turn it into a  powder like a nutritional powder that you can add   you know during the winter months to smoothies or  whatever the case may be or to soups and stews it   adds wonderful flavor and nutrition it's great  after you've ground it up to store it in a dark   bottle that again is protecting the nutrients  because a lot of times all the antioxidants that   are very rich in those type of foods are protect  and you know need to be protected you know in a   dark glass bottle so you can't go wrong when these  to me are just such treasures and the same goes   for these bigger bottles and including this one is  green i had a neighbor who he and his wife were uh   big wine drinkers and their recycling bin was  always packed with wine bottles as well as bottles   like this that hold i think they hold you know  like um cordial type drinks things like that uh   and this might have held like a madeira or marsala  and i do use those things uh to extract nutrients   uh from the bones when i make bone broth and  i like it a little better than using vinegar   however the bottles today uh of the you know i  use things that are lower priced masala madeira   port things like that because i'm not uh it's not  something that i'm drinking we don't drink and so   i'm using it in cooking so i buy uh the lower  end priced uh type those type of beverages   and they usually just come with a screw cap or  something like that but the higher priced ones   uh come in a very nice bottle like this with  a it's got a cork i mean this is just glorious   and so this is great uh for storing any kind of  um tonic that i might make that i want to give a   little extra added perfect protection to uh in uh  in a bottle even though it's in the fridge and if   you're opening the fridge a lot you're exposing  it you know constantly to that refrigerator light   so having something like this is great so  keep your eyes open if you have friends   or neighbors that throw out things like this even  even wine bottles with a coracle work i really   like i have a number of those i really like  the cork because i find that it works very well   with acidic type tonics like the fire cider  storing it in a bottle with a cork and   especially a bottle that is darkened i believe  helps keep the nutrients in and also the cork   doesn't degrade the way maybe a plastic cap might  from all of the acidity that's in a fire cider   and these bottles too i think are just such  gems this one i think held some vinegar and   so and it's got this gorgeous cork i would  throw this out i know i'm like so silly but   i just feel gosh these are treasures and this i  doubt i do keep vinegar in and i put the cork in   and i'm all set and then this is another bottle  i think there was some kind of or i'm trying to   remember the labels when i was removing all  the labels i think there was some kind of   oil in here but this is again i mean granted yes  it has a plastic lid so i may not like be rushing   to put a vinegar in it because it's just the  plastic here sometimes if you notice when you put   vinegar in or if you buy vinegar in a bottle  it'll sometimes have some kind of protection   here something that's inserted so as the so  that the vinegar is not like rotting the plastic   but there are so many different things i could  put in here if i'm making a larger amount of   a tincture as opposed to a small amount of a  tincture these can be really good for holding   uh what are called herbal washes like if you  want to make something with herbs with a higher   concentration of liquid that you then use to wash  a scrape or something a larger area uh you know   there are so many different preparations for these  type of things which i have a number of videos now   uh oh i'm kind of building a series all about  herbs and their medicinal purposes and what to   grow and how to make different herbal preparations  so i'll be sure to to link to that so that you can   start following along if that's something that  interests you and then again this is just a plain   glass bottle it has a plastic lid i think this did  have vinegar in it if i remember i think the label   was free vinegar and it did have one of those  little protection things in it but i did pull   that out because sometimes i just feel you know i  don't know the level of cleanliness that might be   in there might have attracted some dirt or whatnot  so i'll pull that out but then i'll just use this   to you know store something else some type of  liquid i may even if i know that i'm going to be   making a soup where i need a full 32 ounces of  broth this can be great for putting in some bone   broth beef or chicken this can be great for  storing fish broth all you need is a little   plastic funnel put that in pour it in put it in  your fridge and then again like some of the other   things we talked about you've got all the makings  of what you need to throw a quick meal together   yes you are seeing this correctly your eyes do  not deceive you i saved the best for last don't   throw out cans especially if you can find those  that have the good lining that are aligned with   i guess all bpa-free type linings that you often  see from canned goods that held organic products   if you like the idea of having herbs in your  kitchen but you're maybe new to gardening or   you don't even have a kitchen garden all you have  is a sunny windowsill you don't need to rush out   and buy pretty pots or anything like that you can  just use cans and these are often being thrown   out by everybody on your block you can put some  pebbles in the bottom like a little bit of gravel   your soil and then your seeds and next  thing you know you can put three of these   on your kitchen windowsill you can have basil  thyme you can have flat leaf italian parsley you   can have oregano all of these grow great with just  a little sun and in a used can if you want you can   even punch some holes in the bottom with a hammer  and a nail again you know do this if you do this   yourself this is not for kids to do but you could  punch some holes to give it some drainage and if   you have if you're in an apartment in the city  and you have a patio or you have a balcony you   can put these out on your patio or balcony  if you do have a garden you can just put them   out on a patio table or something like that  they'll have that little bit of drainage you   can still put some gravel in the bottom put your  dirt in get your plants growing then you can if   you want transplant them into your kitchen garden  or just leave them in the can they work great you   can have one right by your stove you can put  a few different seeds you can have a little   parsley growing you can have a little basil  grow it a little oregano a little time   and just keep clipping it these can come in so  handy for someone who wants a kitchen garden   and if you're really creative you can even  cover these and just make sure that you have   a really clean edge here a really like smooth  edge and this can become something that you use   as one of those crocs to store utensils  by your stove and you can cover these with   like the contact paper that people put on shelving  things that are waterproof and that you can wipe   down if they get dirty it's so cute and so  customized and you're going to have things   that nobody else is going to have is you're  going to have a very unique very eclectic kitchen   and for those of you who know me i love eclectic i  love color you know and so if if you've got these   cans yourself don't put them in the garbage find a  use for them and if you have friends and neighbors   who might otherwise throw them out ask them to  save them for you so you may have guessed by now   that i'm a firm believer in a no-waste kitchen  i don't like to waste food and i also don't like   to waste things that other people throw out so if  you're like me and you're interested in learning   about more thrifty kitchen tips be sure to click  on this video over here where i have a playlist   full of ideas and i'll see you over there in my  texas hill country kitchen love and god bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 163,129
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Keywords: My Top 10 Kitchen Items to Hunt for at the Thrift Store, My Top 10 Kitchen Items to Hunt for at the Junk Shop, My top 10 kitchen items to hunt for in the garbage, Thrift store, thrift shop, junk shop, thrifting, junking, thrift store finds, thrift with me, thrift store haul, thrift shopping, thrift haul, thrift store find, thrifting tips, how to thrift shop, kitchen thrift haul, kitchen thrift, thrift kitchen, thrifting kitchenware, marysnest, marys nest
Id: H9DQq-eymZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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