Installing VSTs In Reaper

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let's talk about how to install vsts or vstis in reaper follow the guidelines here and your life will be simpler i promise okay i'm keith let's dive right in the first thing you want to do is decide which folder the plugins will go into it doesn't really matter you can do it on your desktop i do it in downloads for instance when i download a new plugin it goes into the downloads folder so i just throw a vst folder in the downloads and just drop the zip file in there and unzip it if that's what if that's what's happening some people like to divide their plug-in folder into 64-bit and 32-bit plug-ins so let's talk about that for just a moment most of us run 64-bit systems and most of us run reaper 64-bit if that's true you can run both 64 and 32-bit plug-ins no problem but you don't want to be running them at the same time what you want to do now listen to me because this is important don't install both versions of a single plugin now there are some cool plugins out there that haven't been updated to 64-bit you might want to use them no problem install them you're good to go but many plug-ins come with both a 64 and a 32-bit version and you can install both of them but don't what you'll end up with is a problem like this let's let's suppose i'm going to throw some effects on this track and i'm going to put some cla guitars on it oh i have a whole bunch of versions here of cla guitars this one's the vst3 so i'll probably end up using that but it just makes it a giant mess in here because i've got too many versions of the plug-in installed just install the 64-bit version of a plug-in and i'll show you how to do that okay so i've heard some really great things about this reverb so i thought it would take you through the process of installing it so we're going to download here for 64-bit and you see we're getting a zip file okay here's the file in my downloads folder let's open it up now we've got another folder here so let's just take this and drop it into my downloads into my vst folder okay now you can see it here in the vst folder so it's ready to go but i'm going to do something here we'll open up and take a look and this x86 is probably a 32-bit version so i'm just going to delete that right here because i don't want more than one here on my computer now let's go to reaper and options and preferences then vst then rescan there was you saw the name pop up briefly and let's see if we have it here okay and there it is the vst 3 version is the one we want looks like we got another version in there too let's see if we can get rid of that one yeah there we go let's kill the dll and just keep the vst 3 file rescan again and if rescanning doesn't work you can always just you can clear the cache and rescan you can restart reaper and that will work as well and there we go the vst version of this reverb which is pretty cool and that's something that you'll find often all you need unless there's a licensing scheme involved is the dll file so if you want to you can just throw the dll file the correct one into your vst folder now here's another plugin that i downloaded earlier it's called wider by infected mushroom it installs just a little bit differently let's see how it works you can see it has a setup file so what happens when we click this i haven't extracted the files yet so let's do that okay now i have this exe file here let's see what happens typical license agreement okay now this is a very common thing you have all these different versions of a plugin and you're going to want to choose only the one that you want so i'm just going to choose the 64-bit vst 3 plug-in and this is also a very common path for vst files but i'm going to put it in my usual place which is my downloads folder and then the vst folder okay we'll just install that one plug-in okay now we're ready to go wider should be available in reaper if we rescan let's take a look and see if we find wider there it is wider by infected mushroom okay one more thing let's take a look again at those folder options as you can see i have a mess here i have various different folder paths i should have taken my own advice and just put them in the vst folder in the download folder but i didn't so you can see here if you need to add another path to the vst folder you can just type it in here and follow it by a semicolon and then the next path so each of these file paths is followed by a semicolon except for the last one here and here is my typical file path right here where i have most of the plugins but i have some other plugins scattered around which complicates things but it's a lot of trouble to go back and try to collect them all and put them all in the vst folder again so follow my advice but if you need to for some reason if a program won't let you choose the installation folder you can get the path and put it in here and then separate the pass by a comma okay that is how to install vst programs in reaper i hope you learned something i hope it makes life easier for you if you like this video or found it useful in any way hit like and subscribe there's more videos coming where oriented toward independent musicians that don't have producers don't have labels and we're going to help you get your music
Channel: No Label, No Producer, No Limits
Views: 3,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaper, vsts
Id: BrZB7jEA7f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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