Installing Tow Hitch on Mini Farm Truck SUZUKI Carry

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it's been four months already since I bought my mini farm truck in case you haven't noticed in my videos I love this truck [Music] it's so fun to drive around in I love how it's dual purpose [Music] this truck also gets into really tight spaces because it's so small I could bring it into my Woods and then go on the trail I can use it for on our Homestead driving around hauling feed water and also I could drive it into town to the hardware store look at this we made it tell you what this car does turn some heads and get some funny looks one thing I do not like about this is that it doesn't have proper bumpers like a real heavy duty Bumper in the back and in the front it does feel a little bit unsafe another thing is a hitch I know one of these days I'm gonna end up pulling something and a hitch is going to help out tremendously today we're going to do something really fun we're installing a bumper on our new mini truck but first we need to make sure we feed all our animals we move them crossing fingers but our white turkeys over there I believe they're doing better now don't tell them that because they might start dying on me how you doing Zach we just moved our big boy Zeke and then we're getting ready to move Elvira in in the babies come on meatballs chicken nuggets come on now I do give them grit what I've been doing is mixing it mixing the grit which is basically small rocks right into their feed trying to hurry up here we're about to get poured on which is good because I have some rain barrels down there that need to get filled up and now we have five turkeys left these guys okay these guys look really good started with 15. now we have five but we still have our brand new turkeys which are Heritage breed turkeys those look good you know crossing fingers that we don't lose any more of these white turkeys I really think these guys are gonna make it they look good they look healthy all right it's here guys I need to go pick it up it's at the house [Music] thank you [Music] thank you since these mini trucks are not meant and not built to have an actual bumper on it we're going to reuse what's here so there's two holes here and there's another hole here and then this big round hole my concerns with adding a bumper here I've seen some different bumpers online but my concern really is that the spare tire is underneath here a lot of the bumpers that I saw where the bumper was in the way and you had to either take out the spare tire or you had to take off the whole bumper if you ever used the spare tire this is the gas tank also with certain bumpers you have to take off the license plate because this pops up this was in the way you had to place the license plate on the bumper the bumper came with all the necessary bolts this hole right here we need to make that bigger I really wanted to keep this truck looking as minimal as possible and don't put like I don't want it too custom it also comes with this wire so you want to wrap the bolt with the wire because you need to pull it through the hole for it to work there's a space underneath here there we go pull that through pull it through and then you get this rubber washer can you put that on so that way the bolt won't slide through same thing with this one I gotta use a bigger bigger bolt but I need to there's a hole down here I need to pull it through so that way it could pop out of this hole this is probably the hardest part of this whole thing I lost it so it looks like I lost the bolt in there we're gonna try this this is a magnet flexes and there's a magnet at the end [Music] luckily we have more bolts and I could try this again because that one bolt has lost forever we got it we got it don't let go we got it guys this rubber washer is going to go on it so that way we won't lose this back inside now we're gonna have we're gonna hook onto these two and then this one and then we're going to use this hole this is the bracket that's going to hook on to the frame of the truck and then the bumper is going to hook onto this this round part is going to go into this hole that side is done now we need to do the other side pretty much the same thing but what I'm noticing is that there's no hole right here for a screw right in there I need a hole for that so I need to create a whole let's try this hopefully it'll work [Music] yeah for this particular bumper we're using this heavy duty bracket again this all comes with it I'm going to set it up there make sure all the holes are lined up see I need to flip it after looking all up on the internet you know these trucks are not meant for bumpers looking up I found expert accessories website I'll leave their link down below if you guys are looking for a bumper for your mini truck this one it just seems just solid uh it has a hitch attached to it um [Music] and that's it what I really like about this bumper is that it folds down it has two pins on the side and two pins on the other side and I could pull both of them out and take this whole bumper off we'll pull that pin out on this side [Music] and then it folds down I put it up put the pins back in and this is for if we need to take out the spare tire it'll lift up this is going to be the license plate Tire pull it out now I bolted the whole bumper on this but what I could do is weld it on there but I figured I'd wait a little while see if I like this bumper see how I use it I might not need to two inch hitch receiver plus it has the two spots here to hook up a safety chains to it I thought this was pretty neat you know a hook you just really hook stuff on there really quick I can also throw a winch on this in the back I mean there's so much possibilities with having this hitch back here I already used it to haul my portable water station [Music] and helping me move some pigs up the mountain [Music] thank you if you notice some of that smoke that just started happening it looks like I'm gonna have to work on the truck work on the something's going on in there you know that or take it into the shop this is definitely going to save my back help me get stuff done a little bit quicker yeah solid bumper solid bumper I guess we'll see how it goes with this bumper and then I'll probably install a bumper up front yeah guys check out expert accessories I'll leave their link Down Below in the show notes the next thing I want to do is install a front bumper I got that coming too so stay tuned for that this plastic one it could be better especially when you're on a farm foreign
Channel: Sow the Land
Views: 45,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a7f8D3seUIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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