Cabin in The Woods: Finishing the Chimney Versetta Stone

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so all right so spent the morning getting the stone up to this point now i've got one full course and then i'm gonna start entering into where the shoulders are and that has an angle so i'm gonna have to do some angle cuts and i want to make sure that um you know there's going to be a piece of stone which actually i have a sample right here so this is a sample of what's going to go here i'm going gonna use it to make sure that everything is where it should be both on the underside as well as going up this wall so i don't go down too low um and you know if water goes on this we're not gonna stop water from getting behind the stone what we want to do is have room behind it so that it can run down if it does get back there when it does get back there so the detail here i'll have some flashing on the metal over by the wall but for the most part this here we're hoping that water runs and goes off over the stone that way and any minor amount of water that might come in here is going to hit either the adhesive that's going to keep this stone in place and run down on the felt paper so and another thing i wanted to mention isotunes man so isotunes does support my channel and they support me also by giving a code so that you guys if you want to try them can save ten dollars on a pair i'll put a link down below i've been using isotunes it's not like it's something new it's not just a one quick video sponsorship or ad uh these guys have been with me for a long time i've been using them me and greg have both been using them greg actually doesn't like to wear these in the summertime because of the heat he likes to just throw those really lightweight foam plugs honestly i don't i don't really have a problem i don't notice the heat it doesn't bother me however if these are something that you're into they got a bunch of different types of hearing protection these are my favorite because there's no cords as you can see they're just stored in this nice little pill case and this recharges so it's got a usb c adapter plug on the back and they charge your hearing protection you can take phone calls listen to music whatever but most importantly when i'm using this concrete saw to cut these pieces of rosetta stone it makes it bearable and i just realized i forgot my eye protection all right now i got my eye protection i suppose that is quite important so as important if not maybe more important than hearing i don't know if i'd rather not hear or not see i feel like if i didn't hear i could still live somewhat a normal life but if i didn't see that would really suck so eye protection whoops [Music] [Music] okay so i like that this is gonna allow me to put that capstone right on top of that i mean look at that that's just beautiful and um don't go nowhere so that'll be able to get capped just like that i feel pretty good about that i think that's going to work out i think that's going to work out quite well so how do we fasten this i'm gonna take some stainless steel mesh we're gonna screw that on and then we're gonna take some landscape construction block adhesive and that's what we're going to set this guy into it's super coarse it's going to really lock on really well now we can go ahead get this guy here which i'm definitely going to want to use a full piece so here's 24 so i think what i'm going to do is hold off i'm going to go ahead and get this area prepped for the shoulder stone which is supposed to be in in a couple days get that installed before i go any further because i don't want to cut these wrong have gaps that i'm not happy with or be too tight and have to mess with it i want to go and get these pieces installed then i'll come back and finish the rest of this stone what i can do though and i need to get doing is get up on the roof chimney section and get that done so that way on friday which is in a couple days same day as the shoulder stone the guys that are doing the chimney work can get the cap that was custom made for this chimney installed over my stone and finished then we'll be done up there on the roof for good so yeah we'll catch you guys maybe you know what let's just go ahead and we'll roll this into another video we'll keep this thing going so if you haven't already though make sure you guys hit that subscribe button or drop me a comment down below tell me what you think about this chimney stone i'll go ahead and get this area cleaned up and show you what it looks like maybe with uh with the big picture all right it's time to go ahead and put the stone around this chimney you'll see i've just got some felt paper just flashed loosely because i can't fasten it through the flashing that is counterflashed up the side of the roof it's going to be a little bit tricky because i got to get that first row around there's going to be angle cuts and obviously when you go around a square and i can't set a rotary laser up here to make sure my elevations are perfect this lift moves too much and maybe our building moves too much too now that's a joke but i'll just go ahead and use the old analog way with the trusty four foot level i'll get a level line all the way around as a reference and then i'll start going up now up here you'll notice this piece of plywood is just sitting here it's on a slight angle and it's vented here which is probably the most it's opposite the most predominant weather pattern so most of the weather comes from that way so we left it open on this side and water can run off but then this can still vent because it is cut open ready for the chimney pipe to come up we've got to run a a band board around this top to build it out about two inches and that is so the chimney guys can come back with a cap and set it over this whole thing and it's going to cover the stone flash everything properly that way water runs out and over off the top of the chimney so first i'm just going to arbitrarily make up a line here and there's really no rhyme or reason it doesn't matter i just want it high enough that i can use it for the first few courses to make sure that i am running level use this line and really it doesn't matter a whole lot for this because i'm just making a reference it doesn't have to be consistent around but knowing that it's consistent i can always use the same dimension for measuring so it does make it a little bit easier now the question is when i come around this side is it gonna be the same as over there i hope so all of it all it takes is being off just a little bit on one of these corners and it throws it off i can live with that that is not bad at all okay so now that i have the reference line i can go ahead and start prepping cut my stone this thing rocks the first ones are going to be the hardest no doubt just because i really have no nothing to reference per se now that i have these ones set and everything is right where i like it i now have my measurement that i'm going to use which is 25 and a half around this whole thing to get the first row set make sure that it's running level around the whole side every time i get up and off of this roof i'm gonna make sure i do my best to blow as much of the stuff out of here as possible [Applause] once the first row is over it's going to be a lot easier so [Applause] this [Music] so [Music] so so i just got all this uh 2x4 installed as well as the plywood behind it basically i'm trying to build it out two inches that way the cap is going to come over and that's going to be five inches so that will cover the stone the stone will be tucked up underneath of it that'll also help me with this last course not going anywhere i mean i'll put some adhesive on it i'm not really worried about it i just thought to myself would be a lot easier to get these last pieces in here if the 2x4 wasn't there so yeah i just spent the last five minutes screwing this on and now i'm gonna screw it off oh no i've never had that happen before see now these guys can't come out i do have that block adhesive behind there really more or less holding this road to this row by time this gets put over top it'll even be more secured it's sitting in that tongue i mean you can see it's it's pretty secure so especially once that stuff hardens up so now i'll finish the back side and then this will be ready for a chimney cap all right guys so we're up here on the chimney and we're gonna get back to putting this stone up i'm coming to you from my gopro hero9 which now has a front-facing camera so i can at least see what you guys are seeing even though it's really tiny first thing i got to do is put these stone caps on i apologize if the audio is bad it just is there's not a ton of room up here in the smaller scissor lift i got tons of stone i got the saw way over here and we're going to go ahead get this going so probably just going to go into time lapse and enjoy hopefully this will look on camera a lot faster and easier than it probably is in real life all right so we're above those shoulders now the hard part in my opinion is done and hopefully we can move to the top pretty darn quick the nice thing is even though i'm i don't have my mega deck scissor lift i've still got like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve i got about 20 bundles of verseta stone up here i've got the iq power tool saw up here all of my stuff and i can just go up one course at a time with everything right here and not have to work in scaffold on a ladder man scissor lifts are where it's at if you don't have a scissor lift and you're doing this sort of work just put it in your budget and make it happen because i promise you it's worth it hey what do you know that feels really good to finally get this chimney done and uh there's a lot of work obviously hopefully in this time lapse it didn't get too boring and i was able to just speed it up and it just looked like it was super easy took me all day to run from those shoulders up but uh i can't wait to step back and take a look at it see what it looks like hopefully you do too so here we go you
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 270,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, build a cabin in the woods, building a post frame, cabin in the woods, how to build a post frame, hunting cabin build, layout, pole barn house, post frame house construction, r&r buildings, residential post frame, rr buildings, dewalt coil roofing nailer, cordless roofing nailer, versetta stone, chimney versetta stone, installing stone on chimney
Id: 008fazfJj8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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