Running Parrot OS 6.0 On Raspberry Pi

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from novas spch and welcome back to the channel and today we're going to be checking out parrot OS 6.0 for the Raspberry Pi so let's get started now originally when I looked into this operating system it did say that parido s 6.0 is Now supported with Raspberry Pi 5 which is not the case if you try to boot it with raspber high 5 all you will get is a blinking cursor and it will never load upon researching what's going on with this I did find out that it basically is a Raspberry Pi 4 image with only the boot file systems copied over but it's still missing practically all the drivers so when I looked into it with d message and everything the Bluetooth drivers are missing some other drivers are missing so what I ended up doing was trying to copy over some of the files that are missing to let it load while I did clear all the messages for drivers not loading on the NY boot uh we were still presented with that blinking cursor looking into it a little bit more I didn't realize that it had to do something with the light DM not starting not going to really look into it because light DM doesn't really Express too much logs and to try to diagnose like DM issues um you might as well just try to rebuild this from scratch so until they actually rebuild this image with the proper Raspberry Pi 5 and the proper image I don't think it's ever going to work for Raspberry Pi 5 until they fix it but parados does work on Raspberry Pi 4 and that's what we're going to be checking it out on now I do use parro OS for a lot of other things um mainly security purposes wise so I do like this operating system over Cali Linux the biggest difference between this and Cali Linux is that this actually creates more of a desktop for the user and you would have to root into the tools while Cali Linux is always on Route where it could get a little dangerous if you don't know what you're doing anyway to jump into it this is the new wallpaper which I really like compared to the old one it's got more definition to the parrot itself and it's got a lot more like this grid design I actually really like this wallpaper going into this application this is the first time I'm actually checking this out so I don't even know what to expect yet I didn't even do like a dry run to see if there's anything different but what I'm going to check out is htop wrong one system tools actually Mate system monitoring tools they do use mate it is using lightdm and it is using mate desktop so it is very lightweight processes wise um I'm using about 740 something megabytes of ram let me close that yeah 430 Megs of ram which is really good it's actually really lightweight and I do like the theme that they're using it's pretty stock um reminds me of more of Dracula theme a little bit but it is Mac OS style now in this version they say they have about 600 pen testing tools itself so that's a lot of tools that you could use especially for something um security oriented they got a lot of stuff loaded into here I'm just looking through some of the stuff that they have let's see if we go to uh web analysis do they have oh yeah they do they have burp in here as well I bet yep burp let's see Wilder sniffing air cracken G Armageddon nice Reaver mhm uh a few other things um let's see gen key are oh it's pretty cool I mean they have a lot of the tools that you would see from the last version I don't think much has changed oh Automotive can utils I don't remember seeing this before but if they do have can utilities for cars that's very impressive now jumping into the browsers we do see that there's chronium and Firefox and I think Firefox Works a little bit better than chronium that's just my opinion on rber pies but they do offer both browsers if you need to so we are going to be testing out Firefox to see if there is some sort of graphic acceleration let's see if we could play some YouTube videos so here we have the main website for parro security I'm going to head over to downloads it is running a little bit sluggish maybe because it's on the Raspberry Pi 4 but it shouldn't feel this sluggish now you can install this in many additions like you could go into WSL you could do Cloud you could run it into a VM and over here you have the Raspberry Pi now going into the Raspberry Pi section it does say that uh you can run the home edition or actually any addition on the Raspberry Pi 5 right here but again I've tried the core Edition and the home Edition and I can't get the desktop to work I was able to drop into the prompt and get the tools to work but to get the desk to work the graphics wasn't working at all so you do have to keep in mind on that jumping into say something like YouTube I really wish that this did work on Raspberry Pi 5 because mainly I want to check out if um we could drop the Wi-Fi card into monitoring mode and a few other things but being this on Raspberry Pi 4 we already know that that does work from previous installations um I'm not going to be able to test on Raspberry Pi 5 okay from here on I'm just going to go over to NOA Spirit tech let's load one of my videos again feels a little sluggish on the Raspberry Pi 4 maybe I'm just used to the Raspberry Pi 5 speed because it is like a lot faster than four but let me uh double check on my latest video which is running Windows XP that was a lot of fun I still have the laptop and I got a few more games on there that I've been playing okay it is um pretty slow running on the Rasberry Pi 4 even though it's just an ad over here and that finally came up the skip it should have had a counter I could definitely tell you that this is slow so I could go over to stats for nerds and I'm not even running on 1080 right now it's probably got a lot of drop frames and everything uh yeah let's see if I switch switch this over to Quality and switch it over to 1080 I don't even have to full screen this I know this already doesn't run that well it does look a lot better but again you could see the skip frames so it's not that great and I'm I'm pinning the CPUs right over here you can see on top memory Wise It's not using that much but yeah if you guys want to check out that video that's pretty fun video that I did um otherwise Firefox works not great but it works it was pinning the CPU to the top like I was saying before uh so it is it doesn't have graphic acceleration using the CPU to emulate all that um as far as the tools go I'm not going to go through each and every one of the tools I'll just go through the other stuff the only thing they do have for games is xboard I wish they had like solitire or M mind sweeper but they have um chess sound and video they have VLC media player Graphics they have color sector but document viewer image viewer internet they do have VNC so if you are running anything with VNC you could do that education smart scene uh they don't have any like uh word processor in here or Excel or anything so that's kind of uh something you might need to install in the future and then they have all these tools programming wise they have t Genie and DB browser this is great actually DB browser for SQ light is really good um system tools they have uh bleach bit and a few other things and let's see terminal let's check out oh that didn't work I was using all control delete let's check out uh Neo fetch do we have that we do okay and we are running parent 6.0 konel 6.1 that's locked down because of Raspberry Pi but the official version is supposed to be kernel 6.5 we are running on the Raspberry Pi 4 model B uh 1080 screen mate and we are using uh 1.8 GHz so it's not really overclocked and it's using about 633 megab of ram so yeah that's basically the intentions of this it does run unfortunately there was a lot of things I wanted to test on the Raspberry Pi 5 but I couldn't uh due to the fact it doesn't want to run so I wish they will update this and get it to work on the rber pi 5 and then until that does work I will jump back on here and try to test all some of the tools my main thing was Wi-Fi I wanted to see if it could drop it into monitor mode because it is using a slightly different Wi-Fi card so it might or might not work with that way otherwise there's a lot of other tools that you can use um in this collection and you're going to have to go through it now if you ever wanted to learn how to use these tools and you had the time to do it you can always go download um parent has their own uh exploitable operating system that you can install on a VM so if you head over to downloads again uh into this website there is something called hack the Box and in here there is this VM that's basically has all these ports that are open and then you have to figure out how to break into it same thing with um m exploitable 2 which is another VM that you can install into your home lab and it's purposely um vulnerable so you could learn how to hack into the box I have many ports open so you know how to learn and there's a whole online tutorial on how to do certain ports and things and you have the operating system to play around with it same thing with hack the Box this is your own little box that you're allowed to hack into so you know what tools you need to break into a specific Port so if you ever want to play around with it you could try hack the box or made a sportable too so I'm glad that they updated the operating system from 5.0 to 6.0 I'm going to go into more of a deep dive when it does work for the Raspberry Pi 5 because I want to see how it works with the hardware and how smooth it is compared to a Raspberry Pi 4 and if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also H that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say my ner cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 5,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, parrot os raspberry 5, parrot os raspberry pi 4, parrot os 6.0, parrot os, parrot, security, parrot security os, raspberry pi, rpi 5, rpi 4, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi projects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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