What-Els but Proxmox LXC Containers Shared Storage

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what else but proxmox shared storage for Linux containers this is documented in the proxmox documentation however I don't think it makes it clear why you want to do this in the prox marom documentation there's a section called unprivileged alexc containers and there's a couple of steps we have to take to make this work the principle is that these contain the storage area can then be used within a multiple Linus container is for the same file sets why would you want to do that uh let's say you've got a file server running sambar but you also want to actually download files into that sashet this can then be done through two Linux containers into the same folder sharing them out as needed let me take you through it this example proxmark server I have got two discs one is on a SSD and the second is on spinning rust so this this volume I'm going to Simply initialize and then under directory I am going to add a directory on this disk file system extension two is fine and I'm going to call it spinning dis now if I go back to my host shell and I check inside of MNT PVE I should see a mount Point called spinning dis now as per the documentation you need to add the mountpoint let me explain if I use the web interface option resources I can add a mount Point here however this does not give me the option of selecting that folder it only goes straight into here and it will create another virtual dis so let's not do this let's drop back to the host and have a look at what we need to do inside of the file keeping in mind I already have two Linux containers on this host I'll open the first one's config file in your first you want to add new mountpoint then the host path comma and then inside of the container the path now theoretically this will work however you will get permission errors so let's follow the documentation documentation talks about mapping the local user the host user into the Linux container user I'm going to add that to my config file I'm going to copy this because I'd like to add it to my other Linx host now in the documentation we need to Define that mapping first in this file and then in the group and now make sure you actually set the owner and the permissions for the folder to the right user IDs now we should be able to start both the containers and if we now attach to the container we should see a new Mount Point spinning dis and if I create a file in this and I exit from this container switch over to the other we should see the file now just for clarity the reason why we see all these other folders is because in the host PVE by default this directory will be used for all the services of proxmox to change this if you go to the data center storage you'll find spinning dis here and if you edit this you have the option to change what content will be on your you will have to keep one uh I have no preference just decide on something that will not remove the other folders but it's safe to remove it at this point I hope this has helped please let me know in the comments and have a great day
Channel: What-Els
Views: 2,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jhal_wUjrJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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