Installing Kali Purple on VirtualBox

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in this video we're going to be looking at how to install Kali purple on virtualbox so what you want to do is go to and then select gets Cali from there if we scroll down to where it says Cali purple and then what we want to do is just download the ISO file here from this little download icon so depending on your internet speeds it might take a while to download as it's 3.5 gigabytes so once downloaded we want to go into virtualbox and then we want to select new we want to give our virtual machine a name so I'm just going to call it Kali purple YouTube vid and then this folder here is where we want to store this virtual machine so I have a dedicated drive for storing virtual machines and then the next option below is ISO image so if we just select the little drop down there and then we go to other you then want to navigate to where the ISO file saved when you downloaded it from the website which can be found normally in your downloads folder but what I do is I take them and put them into a separate folder on their own so what you want to do is select the Kali Linux 2023 1A installer purple and then select open now we select next and then here you want to allocate your virtual machines resource so what I like to do is because I've got the capacity for it is Bump this up to 12 but I'll probably say you can get away with around eight gigabytes of memory and then for CPUs I bumped this up to four just to make it run smoother when you're actually inside the virtual machine but like I said this would depend on your computer's resource so what you want to do is Select next and then you want to allocate a disk size for the virtual machine so what I'm going to do in this instance is just bump it up to 30 gigabytes and then I'm going to select next and then I'm going to select finish so from there I'm going to select start it's going to make this full screen I'm going to click into the user interface here and then I'm going to press enter for graphical install okay so what you want to do is select your language I'm going to select English and then I'm going to select United Kingdom and then I'm going to select the keyboard layout which for me is British English okay here you want to select a hostname for your virtual machine I like to keep it as defaults so I'm just going to leave the hostname as Cali okay we're not connecting to a domain in this instance so I'm just going to leave that blank and select continue like I said I like to keep with sort of the name Cali so I'm just going to call the username Kali here will also populate based off what you selected on the previous window so I'm just going to leave it as Cali for now and then I want to select a password for this virtual machine and then select continue okay so I want to keep it on the default settings so use entire disk and then it's already selected the disk available to be installed on so I'm just going to select continue and then I'm going to leave the option all files in one partition okay so make sure the finished partitioning and write changes to disk is selected and then select continue and then yes I want to write changes to these disks so here we come to a software selection page okay so what I advise is just to leave the defaults and then select continue so once it's finished installing all of the software it's going to ask you to install the bootloader so what we want to do is Select yes and then select continue and then we want to select the drive that we're going to install it on and then select continue so once the installation has finished we want to select continue to reboot the machine okay so what you want to do is log in with the username and password that you selected earlier so remember I just I just called it Cali and then I'll put my password in and then select login and then what I can do is just go to view and then full screen mode and it should go to full screen so what we need to do now for a complete and full install of Kali Linux on virtualbox is installed the guest Editions so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to open Terminal up here and then I'm going to type out the following command which I will link in the description below it will ask for you to type in your password when you use sudo okay so what we want to do is go to the virtualbox taskbar go to devices and then insert guest Editions [Music] and then if we go to the file system right click and select mount and then what we want to do is just copy everything that's in this folder and then just drop it into your downloads folder in the terminal window what we want to do is just change directory to that downloads folder and then what we want to do is just change the permissions on one of the files so if I just go to LS to list all the contents of that folder and then if I type she mod seven five five and then what I want to do is copy this file here and then just paste it in there and hit enter and now what I want to do is sudo full stop forward slash and then paste that same file in that bit there and then select enter and then select yes okay so once completed what we want to do is just reboot the system so what I'm just going to type in is reboot I might have to elevate and put sudo there and then if I was just to log back in again your virtual machine should be good to go so just to quickly tidy a few things up if we go back to our file system okay so what we want to do is just right click and then unmount the vbox guest editions and then if we head over to our downloads if we just select all the items in there that we copied from the guest editions about earlier and then right click and then just move to wastebasket okay I don't know if you just saw there but you might have to just click the or power on the right side just to remove the uh the guest Editions
Channel: MBxCyberSec
Views: 4,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kali purple, kali linux purple, kali purple virtualbox, kali linux purple virtualbox, install kali purple, installing kali purple, virtualbox
Id: pkeDmDTt9Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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