Installing Kali Purple Linux part 1: Lessons Learned

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Okay so wife's asleep kids are asleep but I can't go to sleep because I can't stop thinking about how to install the new Cali purple so maybe like yourself I saw the announcements on social media about Cali purple sounded cool and like yourself I found this git lab page I see some folders here I see some files here and it starts off in the readme section just like any other software you've done this a bunch of times with right got a cool logo got some information have an architecture that looks like that could be helpful right and then you get to this installation section and it's like you know please refer to Cherry Tree notebook well if you use Cali you know the cherry tree is in there right it's like the uh open source man's Evernote and um you open it and maybe you don't really know what to expect but you see these different notebook sections and each one seems to line up with what was shown in the architecture diagram which for some reason is super spaced out um but you you start to open these up and you find things like oh installation and you start to go through some screenshots and they talk about setting up a network interface some configuration about firewall rule firewall rules and then actually getting to the creation of virtual machine using a hypervisor called proxbox right and you're like Okay so I'm gonna need uh a hypervisor and I'm gonna need um some RAM and CPU and you know a connection to the internet and you know a Virtual Router and I'm going to have to set up some sort of um basically a lab right a training environment and it looks like these are the hosts that I need to build and under each host there's a set of instructions to actually create the host itself and then to install the software that's on the host and maybe that part's not finished but for some of these sections you know there are instructions on how to download or install um different packages using you know the their various installers and Runners so without much information you know you you might want to start planning out what it looks like and just to make it easier to build um or understand in case you need to do some sort of conversion like if you can't get proxbox to work for whatever reason so um that's where this network diagram comes in handy so if we open this thing up we see that we have let's just make it bigger all right you see that we have the Cali purple data center okay and we have the Cali purple something something all right uh proximox virtual environment that that I guess that's what it stands for anyway so we have the hypervisor environment we got some boxes here we got some Network labels all right so how many networks do we have well we have an AP over here and Wireless or nope wide area network and then we got DMZ but that's three and not two so uh looks like two is laying and it's connected to another access point here Cali purpleland we got some machines on the side here um this I guess looks like a Showcase of the Showcase of the different services that are present after you build this environment and then interfaces that you could I guess connect to on the land side and on the WAN side okay and these machines are Cali pearly sitting in the DMZ and our firewall Gateway um proxy device DNS serving device our Network protection device sits in front of secure network Ali Violet secure network Cali purple and secure network Cali Eminence and so each one of these is a VLAN with a VM running Kali Linux I guess and let's see there's three of them so we're gonna need three vlans it looks like we have three Network zones when DMZ and land but um we'll see about that and uh that's that's our environment so we're gonna have a win Lane and DMZ and underneath the land we're gonna have what was that Kelly violet and then we're gonna have assistant Kelly Purple and then we're gonna have Cali eminence okay just make that a little wider all right so we have our networks what about the machines so not a lot of information here about the actual specs of the machines we do get the software they're running but what we really care about comes from this installation so for Cali violet let's create some new rows okay we got Kelly violet Byzantium we got Cali purple Cali eminence others Calli heliotrope Cali pearly one two three four five six okay and we're gonna skip purpose and just go straight to the machine stance so Cali purple what are we working with here as far as and make it smaller maybe I don't know anyway about this pinch in the mouse no all right so we have operating system of Kali Linux 22.4 okay got some virtual Graphics stuff disk size storage is going to be 128 gigabytes CPU is going to be four and what about Ram 81.92 okay great let's go to Byzantium now that's gonna have let's see does it say 93 gigs 32 right now let's the entire server okay anyway looking for a disk 128 okay 28 it's not the same for both yeah 128 gigs okay um I told the ATM install 128 gigs of rain or 128 gigs of storage two vcpus and 2048 of RAM okay what's this next one Cali purple what are we working with 2048 wow it's a lot of storage 20 48 must be our Sim box for CPU and we have 2048 20 480. 24.80 oh well okay oof um a hypervisor is going to be bigger than what I have in my home lab perhaps we will have to do this in the cloud I might have to do this in the cloud or order some more equipment but obviously the Cloud's gonna be faster okay and Cali eminence is that Cali eminence yes okay Kelly eminence how many resources are you gonna use 512 size disc CPUs okay 16 gigs of RAM okay this is Kelly Healey trope I'm gonna have 64 gigs of RAM our disc geez I keep saying that 64 gigs of disk we're going to have 128 what storage because he won lvm why do we have two disc ussy zero scuzzy zero this one is 128 this is 128. Backup backup SSD emulation default no Cache no Euro these are all the same this is the same same thing only one has 128 one has 64. so let's let's put 1 28 or uh or 1 64. I wonder if um well it could probably be weird if Excel had notation to be like hey it might be this one it might be that one it depends all right so two CPU much RAM 4096 okay not so bad 40 96. and now we need to do Cali pearly and there aren't any specs for Cali per Elite it's just running dvwa which hmm dvwa if we look at that damn vulnerable web application and that is what are the requirements three requirements if you want more info see the uh that's for PHP requirements in order to use these you need to have these are our things to compile into your your build these are uh let's just say for our damn vulnerable Linux or damn vulnerable web app let's just copy everything from before and makes this 64. and I made a typo here okay so this is a sum of this in case these change this is gonna mess it up so let's just call it 64. okay so we need 20 CPUs 54 Rams and 29 44 storages hmm I have a 24 CPU machine with 60 something Rams and only about either it's either a terabyte or half a terabyte of storage so short and storage but it's also very loud and everyone is asleep so I will have to take this to the cloud and the next video and we'll see what it actually looks like to build this out um that's all I got for now but this is how far I've gotten maybe you've gotten this far too maybe this helps you you know go figure out what the next stage is right all you needed to know is that this um this workbook exists if that's the case you know follow along and uh draw me a line if you get it up and running if you notice something that uh you know worked really well for you or um you know if you if you have access to the lab and you'd like to demo it that would be pretty neat so um reach out and share your tips and we're all probably just waiting until they come out with the install script but um before that if anybody is adventurous enough to kind of work through this notebook that they've they've put up and learn a new hypervisor if you haven't already used proxbox and um you know set up an open sense box a lot of PF sense fans out there probably are familiar with with the fork um but maybe never use the actual thing so you know that that'll be a new fun thing and then you know sitting around for the hours as these things uh spin up these Docker containers and Java heavy um web apps let's Let's uh let's let's keep working on it I'll be posting you know as I make progress on these things and if you want you know Reach Out join the Discord server share your progress uh if you have any comments or recommendations let me know that stuff too but yeah that's all I got for now I'll uh check in soon
Channel: Ares Cyber Defense
Views: 7,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kali Linux, Kali purple, Cyber security, Security operations center, blue teaming, red teaming, purple teaming, how to blue team, how to purple team
Id: I5ssHZETCy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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