Things To Do After You Install Kali Linux 2023 - (FOR NOOBS)

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video in this video we're going to be talking about the top things to do once you install Kali Linux if you did a fresh install or if you downloaded the OVA the VMware or the virtualbox image from the internet when you first log in you're going to have default credentials probably Cali Cali that is not best practice once you log into your Cali machine you should do some steps after you get your machine booted up and set up so I want to walk you through some of the steps or some of the things that I do once I have my new Cali box set up so you can walk through and do a few little things to make sure your box is a little more secure and all that stuff so if you guys are ready let's go ahead and jump onto the desktop and before we do that go ahead and like subscribe and share and do all that fun stuff hit the bells and you know the deal alright so let let's go ahead and jump onto the desktop and walk through these steps alright guys so here we are on my desktop I haven't logged in yet so you're going to see my default credentials are Cali Cali let's go ahead and log in right let's go ahead and log in and see what's crackalack all right so we can X Out of all it is this is probably from a different video I don't know I don't care all right so let's just go ahead and exit all this because we don't need that so the first the first thing we can do this is what I always do oops not that I'm gonna go ahead and make this bigger so you can see make it huge all right so let me see what version of of the os's right so we are running 2023. uh 2023.1 I don't know if this is the latest and greatest let's go ahead and check I don't know to be honest because this is a I had this machine for a little bit let's just go to Cali .org all right we can go ahead and download get Cali and see what the latest and greatest is let's go go down a little bit so it's there is a newer version so this is good this is a good thing so if you are running 2023.1 or know prior we have to make sure this is up to date until 2023.2 so there is a newest there is a newer version so we'll get this upgraded and all that this is why these steps are critical so let's go ahead and clear that the first thing we need to do is change the password because if I have Cali Cali and someone is going to try to log into my machine I'm sure they can get into it because they have the default credentials right the best practices is never leave your default credentials on any device if it's a router a switch or whatever anything default because I can go to I can go to Google put okay Canon printer HP printer default credentials is probably whatever HP admin whatever it is and if you never changed it someone can easily get into your system all right so let's do p s p okay so now we're going to change the current password for Cali this is the user for Cali so I'm going to put my fancy password whoops I think I messed that up I fat fingered that okay hold on let's do this again tally is the current one my new one is my fancy one okay it has been successfully changed updated right so now what we can do is we can change the root password so if I think who am I right now I'm going to ask Cali right so if I do pseudo Su and Cali password right now but it's gonna be my new password if that finger that all right so that's the new password that I changed right so we want to change this password as well right so let's go ahead and exit out of here I'm going to come back here so now what we're going to do is do sudo as WP and then root right because this is the root user so now I want to put a new password so Ali and root are two different passwords and my this is the way I do it you can do it however you want but I'm showing you the process that I do after I install a new copy of Linux or Cali okay all right so both of those are good so now what we can do is let's get back into root okay so now we can do uh app get install but we can do at the app apt update so let's just do apt update this is going to update everything that's in our machine uh obviously I have you know I installed multiple things you can see nordvpn and any desk and there's some other stuff so we'll give this a moment to do its thing once this pulls down all the um packages that are updated like you said right here it build it it built the dependency tree it was reading the information the state information was done and now the 710 packages to be upgraded we installed them but now we have to upgrade them right so in order to do that I'm just going to go ahead and do a control L to get back to the top so now we can do is upgrade so apt upgrade of great Dash Y is just ignore the yes okay so now this is going to go to its thing it's going to go I don't know how long this is gonna take this can take this can take five minutes it all depends on your internet speed or it can take God knows how long right so we'll let this do its thing once we get back we should be upgraded and we'll check the upgrade process so let's give this a few moments and uh let's resume once it's finished all right guys so that took what about 15 minutes or so to to complete the full upgrade so what we can do now this is pretty much what we can check now is that cat let's see OS release and now we are on 23 but 2023.2 so now we are fully up to date and if you you know another good one to get there's a whole bunch of tools to get um I think one that's good is get so make sure you have uh let me get Dash H for help I guess it did the same thing so let me make this a little smaller I don't know just too big for me but what you can see here like say for example if you want to pull down repositories so let's go ahead and do one and I'll show you what I mean so if we go out to the internet and let's just go to Google and put good hug um Kali Linux tools I'm just going to go to or whatever tool you want to get right so say for example ADB toolkit right I have no idea what this is let's see what this is um Android phone blah blah blah so you know what let's go ahead and get I think uh it's called black guy I think it's black eye something like that GitHub it's like for fishing and stuff like that I've used this in the past um just start whatever fun so let's go ahead let's just hit Redeye 2.0 and we can come down we can see that it's you know a application I just wanna get to the here we go clone this right so you we can get this clone it then we can download this repository from GitHub so this is definitely a good tool to have I I guess we can do one right we can actually uh let's just go to I just want to find something that's actually useful this is Windows all right give me a minute let's think of a tool to black guy is it black remember the name of this tool yeah I think this is it all right so let's just do this all right so you can get clone let's just go ahead and clone this right let's come back here and I'm going to do I want to make a directory mkdir equals right cd2 pools there's nothing in here right so now let's go ahead and so I'm gonna get do get what what is it actually our user maybe because you need to be a user on here I don't think I have a username in here [Music] um not on this machine I don't have and I'm not going to put my I do have a GitHub but I'm not going to put my info and net but anyhow like you guys get the gist I'm just gonna I don't wanna blob on so just do get clone get clone and then the whatever the uh URL is for the repository and then you can just go ahead and pull it down from from GitHub all right so that pretty much concludes this video sorry for that little you know rant I I just thought I should show you how to use it but it's pretty easy to get clone and then the URL and it pulls the repository down from GitHub so that's pretty much it for this video that's pretty much the top things that I would get obviously there's other tools that you can utilize you can download install but those are like the first things I do make sure all my drivers are up to date make sure my my operating system is up to date make sure everything is patched updated change my password so let's just go ahead and just exit here exit and exit here okay and let's go ahead and log out log out
Channel: InfoSec Pat
Views: 70,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pentester, vmwareworkstation, vmware, VM, virtualbox, linux, Kali Linux, server 2019, windows server 2019, windows 10, exploit, metaploit, youtube, youtuber, how to, vmware esxi, kali, wifi, pentesting, hack, how to hack, domain, how to install, CCNA, CEH, PenTester, CCNP, IT Certifications, Cyber Security, how to setup a infosec lab, how to setup a cyber security lab, how to setup a home lab, how to setup a pentest lab, how to setup a pentesting lab, OSCP, pentest, kali linux, noobs
Id: xZY6I-YvyTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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