Installing An Atlas Platinum Plus Bunker Part 1

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guys I know you're gonna love today's videos one of the best I've ever edited in my life but guys do not miss out on the opportunity to get your name on the waiting list for one of these twenty thousand dollar precast concrete nuclear fallout shelters that will include a Swiss style and be Sierra filtration system a hat a ladder and as you can tell there's plenty of room inside where you can put two sets of bunk beds put in an emergency toilet food water and survival gear so if you've ever wanted a nuclear fallout shelter for your family you don't have a lot of space and a lot of money this is it get your name on the list today now enjoy the video no [Music] no no no no no [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas arrival shelters I'm Ron thank you for tuning in once again today we're going to go put in a big old bomb shelter out in an area called Katy Texas that's not it outside of Houston but this is going to be a 12 by 30 Platinum Plus and what is the plus the pluses it has a generator room a mud room a decontamination room and a battery room so this bunker is overall length of 65 feet long so anyway I think I did a good job filming this for you guys I hope you enjoy it all right guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters we're going to install another bunker today this one's going to be a 12 by 30 with a an extended mud room and Generator room and a staircase and an escape tunnel but there's the hole and the crane is setting up already it's about 7 15 in the morning here we're gonna try to knock this one out in one day all right so that is a 190 ton crane right there guys and it takes a few trucks to set one up that big so that what they got they got these counterweights right here so they got to hook it up and make sure there's enough weight to be able to lift the shelter put it on that pad over there we're going to go ahead and offload the first truck [Applause] all right so my guys are gonna pull on in and get ready with the welding machine foreign we got the parts truck backed up we're gonna go ahead and load all these parts set them off to the side so when the shelter shows up here he can uh put it down there on the pad so this guy's gonna build a uh it's gonna build him a big metal building like a 20 000 square foot shop and uh he wants a bunker underneath this new concrete pad for his new building so that's what we're uh that's what we're going to do with this bunker today thank you all right so we got the parts unloaded off this truck here I ran to the store real quick see where they put them I got a big pad here so it will stabilize the ground another one right there all right so there's the parts right there all right let's go down inside this hole and check this thing out nice looking pad [Music] so this is a 12 inch thick concrete pad that is standard for almost all Atlas survival shelters especially when you're going to build a structure on top of it but you see how they've kind of layered the walls back that's kind of an OSHA standard for safety so they come down like three or four feet they come out they step down so it's kind of stair-stepped but uh we'll also run a French drain all the way around this is where the stairs gonna come out right there and end up up there all right so this is our installation truck and uh they brought some extra pipe they brought the Culvert for the sump pump the Hat we're doing all these in unmarked trucks so nobody knows who we are all righty the body of the shelter itself has finally sewed up here got boards covering the Escape tunnel so crane is rigging up to get this thing unloaded the atlas shelters are made with a heavy I-beam we don't use any lightweight material like rectangle tubing under our bunkers so the course is welded behind it as well we don't put any caulk either it's welded all the way around all the way through here see all the welds we put we stitch weld it it's welded here it's also welded on this side too now you've guys seen where I've done comparison videos there really is no comparison I guess a shelter like this made by Atlas very heavy duty we're largely Anchor It To The Ground right there go under the channel you got two different places you can pick you can pick on the third row or the fourth row but whatever you do keep it even so it lifts up level okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all got it yes you guys are from the wall to the back of the path what do you got is that 25 29 okay you got plenty then you're good we're gonna go check the length from the mud room to the center of the door to make sure that lines up with that pad right there measurement right there for the Escape time okay so what's the length of this right now okay so that's nine feet plus the one so it's ten foot so you got what eight foot ten so let's move it down four inches so it fits right in there so let's move the whole bunker down at least six inches the old key bump huh it's moving about 17 inches this week 17 one seven well twelve one two I'm John Holmes he's not 17 inches boom that ain't the right answer sorry you're saying this 190 ton Crane's almost maxed out well as far away from it yeah 50 feet is a lot see that that shows 190 ton crane picking up a 30 35 000 pound shelter is almost already maxed out at this range right here gives you an idea why the Crane's got to be so big otherwise it'll tip tip over [Music] hold right there all right we got 10 feet back here for the Escape tunnel yeah yeah all right good and it's uh they've needed a pad here so we can support the Escape tunnel too okay let's see what we got over here so we got 36 there we got 37 over here okay all right stage one is complete they're unstrapping it we're getting ready to bring over the mud room with the generator room attached to it okay so this is the mud room in the generator room there's the stairs that's the Escape tunnel this is too sensitive to be playing with I'm gonna do it right the first time everybody the wind's caught it all right put the bolts in the top angle please Robert and then it will just hinge on down all right you're gonna put the bolt in the middle all right all right do the metal and we'll do the ends in oh you know and it it's bolting up easy okay [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] your bunker so this is an instructional video make sure your beam is running with the web right there you want the web running with the web so it's stronger that way all right same on the other side make sure they're matching [Music] it ain't gonna have to move much once it puts pressure on it the board will squish down and it'll get it this one out foreign get all the bolts in put the nut to the inside so we can impact it oh I got it I got it right here shoot yourself all right now there's another washer nut up here we're going to lower that down we got to come down three inches now we'll level it out all right coming down all right he's kissing sir all right you can tap it in a little bit Andrew perfectly lined up all right he's giving he's giving directions to that guy and that guy's given directions to the operator of course all the people in Europe are going to love this video because everyone's wearing the bright yellow and a hard hat you want to sneak peek what's inside so this is the door that goes this is the door that goes to the battery roof and then beyond the battery room is a generator room so he can have a diesel generator and one room batteries in the other mud room the other so there's four rooms in this one thing we just attached how's it going over here bolted up okay everything lined up good looks good have you heard the rumor that dip and tobacco leads to homosexuality you were the one just filming his butt you're gonna impact that should be good too [Music] foreign torpedo level on it we want to get the legs level so you need to tap the bottom out or towards the inside it ain't gonna move [Music] all right break it off all right just so everybody knows this is a a first time installation crew it's a brand new crane brand new riggers brand new everybody my regular crew is in another state doing another bunker see we use a tagline so we can spin this around it's got to be the other direction we got to fit this we got about a foot and a half of play from the I-beam to the wall which would give us two feet of concrete inside the ICF so this is a scap crew that's why I'm talking through everything guys 25 feet long that's bigger than most bunkers as far as the depth goes it's going to have six foot Earth on top of it plus one foot of concrete on top and it's got one feet of concrete below so the building strength on this says two times what it needs to be you need three foot of Earth or two foot of concrete with six foot of arch and one foot of concrete over the bunker it's more than enough and it's going to be strong time to hang the stairs now I go and film other people's stairs so this is a 777 Stitch World everywhere this is the bottom side so the channel is face down but we weld them on the top side we weld them on the bottom side we don't put any caulk we weld everything and then we put this nasty tar on here so this thing will last in the ground then we tar it after we're done again so this does the first coat of tarp There She Goes that's the staircase [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] check the level on it see what it says perfect all right good level over here let's see what it says right on the money good all right good job all right so the welder is going to hit it he's going to hit it with some 7018 Rod where you can use 1 8 all right single pass how Precision you want uh pretty damn good but good to the eyes the main thing and clear enough for the bolt to clear we need to tap it in a little bit so the washer will clear right there yes sir there you go you're good yeah you got a hammer drill yeah okay if you put in one of your bunkers and uh it's not perfect and so Jack can bring it up on the other side and then uh you tighten it down but you want to try to get level with your floor perfect every time you tighten it I got I was telling the contractor I was telling the contractor I love this pad because it sticks out like three feet past the bunker everywhere so everybody can uh walk on concrete stay out of the mud and of course they'll serve as a counterweight but it doesn't really need the ballast with six foot of Earth and a foot of concrete on top it's going to use a small ball on this one and not the big one that looks real good foreign all right we got the plywood off now we'll take that back with us he's on the next bunker tank [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right hey give me about a foot of boom down real easy coming to you Robert coming down so we had to shorten down the condensation air pipe um so there's a good idea to put two channels together like that allows you to clamp the pipe up you keep it straight and you can adjust it to where you get it in line with the other side like there all right so now we're going to put in the condensation air pipe that we shortened down because uh he wants the air pipe to come up in a little house that covers the Escape tunnel and hides the air intake pipe we're almost done foreign wow that is one big weld you put on there I can see it from here when you run 70 18 on it wow well that's not going anywhere okay action come on up all right so we're doing an extension pipe to get the uh the air pipe up into the little wheelhouse no PVC at Atlas arrival shelters never used it in my life for an air pipe I'm not saying it will never will but I never have unlike some other people foreign well that's it for the crane so we had it for 11 hours and the total bill on this thing was around six thousand dollars for this 190 ton crane so it wasn't cheap all right day two and we're back it's kind of windy we dropped off the uh the galvanized pipe for the um sump pump the welder set up right there but we're gonna get all the air pipes run uh get everything fitted up in case the rain comes today and uh then we're gonna mig weld everything from the inside we're making the air pipe all righty so the air pipes we use at Atlas around the shelter for uh they're six inch pipes together we do an eight inch air pipe like this there [Music] all right this is what it is foreign look how big our bunkers are it's because we have eight foot ceilings and two feet of underfloor storage but that will give you a good idea of the scale you know these air pipes get tough and they're cantilevered like that but that's what we got to do today because the this building he wants the air pipe inside the building and the edge of the buildings over there all right so there's going to be cantilever so you got to weld it strong 70-18 and we put a little thing underneath there to take the by putting that there it doesn't put any torque on the ceiling doesn't cause that to Bow already up here so we had to put a flange down there to swing this Papa to swing it on out and then he can tighten the bolt down okay yeah you're gonna have to tighten that bolt get a nut and washer on there okay it's got a nut on it going down oh it's hitting the board probably pull the board out all right this was one tricky do you see it moving [Music] up lower down you don't you almost a little bit more a little bit more the problem is I got you go ahead that's enough we're welding all our air pipes we're not flanking them anymore there's no fault everything is uh welded but we're leaving the old planes on there welding it on the outside that is the exhaust pipe for the diesel generator right there those are air intake pipes well one's out one's in so we're welding the stairs on the outside where the angles are we bolt them and then we weld it on the inside too so we do it both sides plus bolted on [Music] [Music] so the air pipe that galvanized that's the air pipe that licks the air out and it's about a foot above the concrete level inside the building will be right there so there's about a foot between there and the air intake he could put a trash can on top of that nobody would even know inside the bottom of the trash can is an air intake the bomb filter my favorite part of doing a bomb shelter is the pipe fitting I like doing pipe fittings running all these air pipes designing them to come out where they need that law when that the exhaust or the generator that other one that's the air intake not the air release so there's three three air pipes for a generator room this is where the air comes in guys air comes in over there and there's a check valve that can be checked in case it ever gets clogged that's brass and stainless steel but as uh air comes in that's on the slope condensation can build up in that air pipe right there that way you don't get water inside the shelter and you don't get water inside the air system but that's usually longer but they shorten it down because there's going to be a little Hut here and they want the Escape tunnel and the air pipe in that little garden Shack that's like a 10 foot by 10 foot garden Shack this is crazy we're gonna build a plank across there so we can get out there to those uh and pipes oh this is getting hairy here all right [Music] that'll work well there could be one left all right so we've literally created us a plank all right so we can get out there to those pipes and do our surgery I Feel Like a Surgeon doing surgery now you know all right that's good okay he's over there cutting up the pipes [Music] we need to finish while that out we're done with this we'll take the plank down in Atlas survival filter is just a little harder to put in because of the engineering with all the air pipes and everything we do more technical [Music] foreign [Music] over there you know this one was a humdinger I'm telling you man we had to run air pipes everywhere so right down the middle of the Escape pipe we're gonna put a pipe dead little on a plate that way it's not cantilevered and it takes weight off the wall here all right [Music] foreign because we got the concrete back here we want to take advantage of it so we'll take the weight off the cantilever and Escape tunnel see that way if it has downward Force it'll put pressure on the wall by putting this pipe under here in that plate it takes all the pressure off it now it's equally it's like having a table with four legs if you took off two legs it's one of fall down to one side look at the hatch this hatch here is going to be flush with the concrete it's going to have 12 inches of concrete around it and our hinges are encased in a little metal box so you can't even get to the hinges but that's 3 8 AR 500 that is bulletproof right there only thing that would sit shoot through that would be a 50 cal Point Blank Range but I've shot these things and I'm telling you I can't even Dent them with a 308. all right so we anchored the bunker down with three quarter inch redheads all over the place um he's got one back here today and we're going to Anchor that down over there weld it all right guys two days to do everything you see there but we got the bunker in and wrecked it into everything on day one we got this one air pipe on the left foot in and then of course on the other side we got all the air pipes over there too they're in air out and the exhaust pipe for the generator and then two air pipes that are stubbed out so when they built the building on top of this the air pipes are right inside the inside wall
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 103,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, civil war, exotic rooms, trophy rooms, gun rooms, safe cellar, bunker, wine cellar, RisingS, Rising S, mrap, shtf, bomb shelter, atlas, tank, war, public, mr beast, doomsday, tesla, nelk boys, miller, sandblasting, Platinum Bunker, Huge Bunker, Best Bunker Yet
Id: VyZdPLDi0aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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