Atlas 10X35 Culvert with French Drain (Complete Install)

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are out here on a new install and this is what you call oklahoma red clay right here and we have hit a hard bedrock down about 14 feet down so what we're going to do is because we're a bedrock there's no sand to mix with our engineered rock we're going to clear it out and we're going to lay fabric down and do a bed of engineered rock very low this time um and uh i can't believe they dug the hole with a kubota 80. that's crazy yeah don't tear it alrighty so we are down in a hole in an oklahoma red clay and shell this stuff is we hit bedrock at 15 feet on this thing um we got a little water right there so we're gonna dig this out put a sump pump in this back corner over here um we're gonna have to put a french drain around this too but uh this stuff is hard it's real hard but that's your uh oklahoma red place right there it's not the greatest to work with [Music] don't have to make it any wider i didn't see where his piles at we're going to dig that corner out over there a little deeper so we can get the sump pump in right in that corner there that thing only we'll dig this is a kubota 80. it's a kubota 80-4 it only dig down 15 feet one inch so we got it maxed out basically that's good this particular hole like it doesn't show up always on video but it's going downhill okay so any water that might accumulate in the bottom of this hole we're going to put we're going to put a layer of 57 engineered rock and it's going to slope down that way so we took the lowest end over here and we're going to put the sump pump and i had him dig it out a little deeper but we're going to put the sump pump right there so any water that gets in this hole is going to run downhill it's going to accumulate right here and we're going to just create a rock bed with the 12 inch pipe and then some pump will just pull it right out of the ground so he doesn't ever get any water held down the bottom of his bunker here [Music] so we're going to flatten and get the uh we're going to get this sump pump down here as low as we can get it there's our hole yeah may just make us a nice flat low spot we're gonna find the bottom of it cut me a piece of fabric off i cut my piece of fabric off about three feet by three feet i'm gonna put it underneath it with the hole we're gonna put about a five gallon bucket of rock down there in the bottom we're gonna flatten it out then we're gonna set the sump pump pipe flatten it out hit it with the spades flatten it out a little bit more okay then we'll set the pipe down in there that's the lowest spot in the bunker right there or the low spot in the hole all right put the pipe right on the middle of that if he wants if it he can dump the rock or just tell him put the rock back in the pile okay that's fine get that clay out there yes sir right now all right all right that will we're just gonna have to lean up against this wall we if we can we need to shore it up some if we can get a um a dump of rock around it but yeah just go ahead and land against the wall for now against this wall here you just keep it placed cody just spread it out i'm just trying to keep the tarp from curling up on me well we're going to cover the whole tarp four inches and then we're going to put a mohawk down the middle i'm being crazy [Music] so okay first thing dude just get enough rock over it to keep the tarp from curling up then we're going to build it up four inches starting here because this hole is already too shallow normally i'll probably go but this is going to be a part of the drain for my french drain so the guy down the hole needs to mark where the rock goes excavator will see that blade he'll turn around with the rock he'll look for the guy then he'll go ahead and move out of the way he'll put it right there okay hey over there you got you see the tarp let's put it right there yeah [Music] hey i want at least um because this hole shallow you normally do you can do up to 12 inches but because of the hardness underneath this we have the fabric and the shallow the depth we're gonna go four inches there because by the time we get down there it's gonna be two feet thick so we're gonna start off at four inches because that's the high end and then we're just gonna keep it level all right all right we want it if you want we can get the center level first and then we can work around that okay so we're going to keep dumping down the middle we'll build the mohawk down the middle we'll get the depth um because the french ring will be lower than the mohawk and it'll all be rattled with the green fluorescent paint down there we're going to pull a straight line we're going to mark it pull it tight let me mark it [Music] and that's going to be the back end of the bunker right there three feet off the wall or the ledge so you can work and do the plumbing down here you gotta have room to work and run your elbows out so you want to leave three feet right here and then that's gonna the mudroom will hang seven feet over so we're fine there so let's build up our mohawk but we're building a mohawk up right there it's like a big ol ant hill right down the middle for when the pipe sits on there it will get under the hunch all right so we call it a mohawk because that's what it looks like when we're done is the mohawk it's gonna go right down the green line that'll be the center of the bunker okay see that right there clear as a bill so we're starting to build the mohawk right there we're gonna go right down that green line report yeah keep on going down that line it's almost like he's drawing it in you know what i mean all right so get your board down the middle cut your little groove we're a little high on the left still we're a little high here on the left but it's between the lines let's keep following it [Music] watch out watch your head [Music] you have enough up here keep going 35's in the plate all right hold on he's going to back it up pull back okay that's the uh that's the edge of the plate right there that's 35. you see where you're at down here is the uh something pump out of the way oh it's perfect ain't it okay it's right on that edge is that the end right there 35 right okay so we want to do the rock build up to the stake we don't need to be under the flat plates until we level it out all right okay keep it coming right down the middle though he's not in the middle there you go come to the left come towards bring it me me except but i'm just being that picky but i'm gonna get on video all right so we're getting the we're getting the mohawk with a groove down the middle which will hold the curvature of the pipe when we set it because it's going to want to roll on you we'll level it afterwards but this will level it this way then we're going to level it left to right by trimming it up under the flat plates okay is that one good okay so now we're going to check the height of the ledge now you need to measure from the bottom of the board and what do you got 33 you got 36 on the money don't you is it almost 32 all right 32. so we can get four inches of rock up there okay all righty so let's go ahead and dump some rock right there yellowing out the french drain now it's got to go past it all the way to the wall and then return back there you go now run it straight back down yeah that's fine that's a hundred foot roll is perfect all right let's get it laid out properly now we need a dump rock we're gonna need to dump rock around it okay otherwise we once the pipes that you won't get any rock around it's too hard to get it between the pipe and the rock so we're going to need you to be delicate we want to get rock not in our trench but between our wall and over the pipe okay from from this wall from this wall over the pipe i want to i want to cover the french drain all [Music] right all right so now what we're doing is we're getting some rocks rock on the uh upper ledge where the mud room is going to sit i want to keep it from pulling up first then we're going to put it we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna try to get a little groove going down the middle up here like we did on the bottom get that far edge if you can get it hey get that far edge for now get all the tarp covered so don't peel up on me all right [Music] so all right now give me a bucket down the middle make me a mohawk my mohawk sprinkle right down the middle about a foot tall [Music] do it again on on this side come out a little further more on the other side there you go all right that's good that's all we needed now we're going to flatten that out i got it i got it so we got rock down there we made us kind of like a little nest like a saddle so we can get the bunker to nest down in there we don't have to crawl down there and push all the rock up under the pipe now because we did it in advance and we're going to go right down those green stripes the mud room will sit right there all right here we go don't knock that post over because that marks our concrete pad choked on that side need to go to the this way two feet see what my picking eyes do now in that case it's bending them because the way they choked it isn't normal get that get that uh get that level don't let it hit that level right this thing up give me some more go to more towards the bunker guys on the sides of these bunkers or flat spots where you can put your level so if you need to roll left or roll right you can see it it's good it's not good yet oh you feel that pressure off right it needs to roll a little bit towards you guys is it moving a little bit keep coming he's off it now he's 100 off got the condensation air pipe with the little secret weapon that's the check valve with a screen on it you want to call that a secret weapon but we're going to check it so i am down here in the hole we got the screen off the ground we got the uh you got the condensation air pipe cropped up now it's going to go ahead and cover it and rock so go ahead and bury it and rock get rock all around the screen so it has a natural filter [Music] okay all right that's good alrighty we'll put more rock there now we need a trench to get the water that comes through here to run out to the bunker right now you see there's no trench so now that's the condensation air pipe we got it in but if we don't cut a trench from the screen over to the hole water will puddle up so it needs to come in and then go downhill over there so he's just going to cut a trench the uh the width of the spade go ahead and do it we got about two more hours of daylight we've got the sump pump pipe sitting in there we got the condensation air pipe placed and now they're setting the um getting ready to set the entrance [Music] oh pipe [Music] go ahead and go over it right there come back a hair there you go you're good keep stopping keep dumping that was good no we got it [Music] you know that diablo figures i start filming any stuff [Music] [Music] that line looks nice playing and straight so it's better to cut it with a sawzall than with a torch because you'll get a clean straight line where a torx cutting through galvanized will leave a lot of slag and make it droopy and all kinds of stuff so straight that line is put some torque on it hold on more open up open up the gap there you go oh is it off okay get out of the way gilberto [Music] checking it left to right so you do it with a jigsaw blade right do it the other way now [Music] how's that look yeah looks good okay all righty you'll have a nice clean cut i mean cling weld now check it the other way that looks good hey see how it spins itself good good job rigging that damn near [Music] level no it's not it's fine [Music] square all right hold on pull out the bolt okay real quick that's a six foot level is it looks good all right okay go ahead weld it [Music] should be as close to the wall as possible if you put the bottom step too far back what happens is you close your back room coming down you'll scratch your back so don't have the the bottom step should be about that far off the ground kind of a height step you can always have a stool there but if you don't do that we're not going to run parallel with the wall you see how it's running parallel with the wall so we can weld it in there and it forces less room for the back of the hatch this is very important if you're installing your own shelter okay now he's kind of welded on to the two flanges because these come together and bolt that gives them a strong area now the stairs are nice and tight so the weld there well there weld up there in the wheel there that's enough you don't necessarily have to weld it down here because it's pretty rigid but if they want one they can put an angle back there and stiffen it up which we will using a laser inside the pipe we're going to cut this piece of pipe down for the escape [Music] cut tunnel pipe off about six inches from the corner all right so you got the little wrap around thing okay all right that that allows you to put a straight line a six inch pipe now if they roll it over it will stay on there all right now we're going to cut that pipe so what we're making here is what's called a z pipe because we're going to directly we're going to direct in the air exit on this bunker because they're building a house on top of it so this is how we do it we bring two pipes with l's on them we're going to cut them together we're going to get we're going to cut them then weld them together and we'll form a z looking thing and that will be what's called the z pipe [Music] so so i want like that and the heat rises if you're pushing your heat up and goes this way and not needed a gap all right directions [Music] oh circle three [Music] all right hold it let me get fine level on it okay [Music] so that right there was what's called a z pipe where instead of the air pipe coming straight up we kind of zigzag it off to the side to get out of the way in this case there's going to be a house built on top of this and that hatch will be in the house and that air pipe will be in the room uh where the patch is at so it's going to be concealed he cut the pipe down did a good job cutting it using the sawzall now we're going to put the escape patch on there and weld it on alright so now we're going to put the this plate is going to get welded on that pipe right now this is the inside because this is the side that has the hinges safety hinges so when you come up you undo the nipple you let the sand come out this side opens down in this case because this one doesn't have a ladder because the shelter's not that deep we're going to have it flap and close towards the back wall okay so it's out of the way so the person can just stand up in here and let the sand out so go ahead and put it up there make sure it's claying all right now let's square it up okay uh more a little more all right okay even it up all right let me show you secret how to get your your plate lined up you use a string you put on the front back hole on the front hole and this hole here that one there when you pop the line it should line up right on the center of the hole okay so this is a good fit now we're gonna get it equal on all sides go ahead and weld it one thing about when you're installing a bunker you're always gonna need to be running back to the home depot the loaves in this case i'm at what's called atwoods okay because the welding supply doesn't have 60 13 rods and we're going to use some 6013 rod because we're going to be welding some a culvert pipe and they have it in 332nd 1 8 and even 5 32nd which is really nice okay but you'll be buying bolts and all kinds of stuff so always know where your your tool stores are your home depot your walmart lows and all that stuff okay guys checking out now all right guys let me pay okay all right so when you're welding your flange on you use that 60-13 rod this is the 5 32nd it burns really good it won't burn out your culvert pipe at least with high 12. all right so now we're going to go ahead and put in the pipe for the sump pump you got to level your pipe check it both ways there you go looks good all the money all righty all right we're gonna go ahead and tack it off and brace it off to the bunker so it doesn't move day two we're almost done here in the sun setting so he's using a 6013 rod you won't burn through your galvanize it's easy to weld with and that's just a brace so that's the size rod you want to use 5 32nd 6013 rod on this particular application don't bust your ass all right so he's welding the nipple on down there because we damaged the threads and freight somehow or unloading it so that's why you always bring an extra nipple along [Music] make sure you have a good welder on your crew [Music] uh all right we're going to get that dirt day out of there you don't want that dirt down in there mixing with your rock we're going to get it all out watch your head all right where's your hard hat don't forget your hard dad all right guys we're they're down in the hole with the sump pump and we are cutting the pipe we're going to use it as a template we're going to cut a hole through the pipe and let it dump in there now this is your uh your geo fabric i don't know what size that is we use a four ounce non-woven on the ground i don't know what comes with this stuff but this only has a rating of 3 000 pounds so you got to make sure that it's under the bunker that doesn't get all the weight from being over here under the bunker it's not going to have as much psi okay okay oh dude we're gonna be right there actually i might have been one short okay so all right look at this so we are going to kind of point it down a little bit about there you know what i might have cut it one short but it'll be right all right i would trace that off right there and then we're going to cut that out and let it just slip in there okay yep all righty so let me lift that one right no both of them where we put the other one the other one will come in from the other way the other one will come from that way okay you guys can see this but we are down in the hole and all this you can't filter water through clay so we're getting all this clay out of here they're digging it out because it back to fat fell in from digging out for the escape tunnel we got to get it all out of here so we can use this rock this number 57 rock is a filter look at that man go what's your name cody i said it okay what's your what's your story cody tell the ladies out there good he's a single man 22 years old where are your hobbies kobe hunting yeah what else drinking beer drinking beer hobby a lot of drinking okay every night girls and drinking beer well he's 22 he boy is he a winner he's going to be he's going to be a lead man he's learned how to do these bunkers now a skill not many people have man y'all dumped a bunch of rock back in here all right click get it clear all the way around the pipe all the way around it so we can get this uh engineered rock around it all every side 100 [Music] i don't worry about throwing away some rock okay just don't want that clay in there yeah clay's not good what about this right here get another shovel right there get that out there come from yeah there you go come from your side there you go are you down to the cloth there aren't yet okay i can see the metal plate on the bottom yeah shovel that out hey get me um hey cut me awesome now we're going to cut a hole in the pipe for the uh drain to run into got a i've cut a hole in the culvert pipe before this will be a tight fit okay barely go in there like that all right and uh you know we'll guide the water in there and of course it'll be going downhill to there now i got to do the other side this is the this is the check valve with the screen on it that we use on the end of all of our air pipes okay so uh this is going to protect us from silt getting in there and rocks going in there clogging that up and then we'll have rock all the way around this and then we'll have sand around there so we're gonna have a separation between the rock and sand right here and of course on this sump pump pipe we've got little slits down there the water will come through the rock and it will filter into these little cuts and it will go in there fill it up the sump pump will turn on it will pump it the water all the way up through there thank you for that light you cut your pipe to where it's just snug up in there so when you cut it it's gonna pop right in there okay so i'm gonna cut this side now got my torch ready i'm gonna cut out that line right there it was all by myself too but i got a hole in the pipe on both sides now i'm going to go ahead and get this line to where it barely sticks in there so it doesn't hang up on the sump pump all right so now we've got the two leaf field lines feeding into the the 12 inch pipe that's going to hold the sump pump got to get rock underneath it we're going to get rock over it so it stays in place and it's on a downhill slope so it's going to feed water right into there if he ever even gets water in here get that piece of clay out of there yeah throw that out okay just keep burying it on both sides okay get that rock all the way around it [Music] don't knock it don't knock it out keep putting it in there so it stays in place check to make sure it's in there again still now you could have taped it [Music] now that black hose right there that's the leaf line see how far under it is under the bunker it is so um that's only on this end that's gonna be pulling the water downhill but um it's under the bunker rocks up about three feet already there's no little secret weapon or a check valve with a screen [Music] you want rock all the way around that baby oh yeah keep it coming get that rock in there get that stuff pump covered rock we even got fabric underneath it there you go i'm getting clay mixed in there oh yeah now those are going to be the electrical lines these are actually all backup lines they're going to use everything on the other side these are just extra lines for wi-fi for the radio i mean our uh wi-fi for the radio that's funny uh antennas for the radio uh comms cameras extra water line whatever you want so you got extra conduit run in case you want to use it now it'll be all be capped off [Music] all right last load of rock tonight it's getting dark keep it coming all right go ahead push it on over and let's get out of here it's dark down here all right let's go guys leave shovels all right [Music] [Music] all right that's it it's too damn dark in here now we're out here guys we'll see you tomorrow so this is how i treat my employees after a good day at work i take them to red lobster and i let them get anything they want are you happy oh i'm going to turn into that lobsters retreat right there whatever they call that well good morning everybody it's uh day three on the job and i pull up and we got a truck here unloading a pile of rock so we're gonna get at it and try to knock this bunker out today for you guys oh yeah got me a nice load of rock right there to go with uh the other three over there so let's see how things are doing it's seven a.m in the morning here yeah and in two days all right so we set the bunker we put on the entrance we put on the hatch we made the z pipe we did the condensation air pipe um put in the sump pump pipe we did all the plumbing we braced it off we tied the uh the french drain pipes off into the sump pump pipe so all we got left now is to install the escape tunnel on the back side weld the flange um and then weld the flange on the stairs over there and it's just a back filling job from then on out so we're gonna try to get it all done and today which is day three wanna become a atlas dealer and start installing the safe cellars like this gentleman here he has the equipment you need you need a little skid steer do you need a little mini uh excavator so this is the kabuto 80 and this is the 90. you don't have to have the 90 it's pretty big it's got a big old bucket but the 65 is fine okay because you're going to get within the forms of the houses and move the dirt around and of course this is big enough to dig down deep enough to install the uh the safe cellar and it also has the uh it has the blade up front so you can shovel dirt around but this equipment right here this is about a hundred and fifty thousand dollar plus investment if you buy it brand new plus you gotta have a way to get it to the site so this weighs like 19 000 pounds this weighs about 10 000 pounds so you got to be able to hold 29 000 pounds and uh so it really takes like an 18-wheeler rig to be able to get the equipment out there but you can use a short trailer to get it out there but this is the two pieces of equipment it takes to uh start installing safe cellars all right we're getting we're going to put the escape box on here i want to beat up mp1 caulk between the two plates waterproof it so do it inside the bolts with this one bead all the way around all right hook it up alrighty pick it up click clean all that dirt off there cody in my bed that come out quicker keep it thick stay over in here it's never in this area here all right so he's finishing a bead of mp1 around the inside edge it's kind of cold this morning so it's running really slow okay all right then we'll do the other side too all righty all right so all right let's go ahead and set it on there now always have your your ladder rung perpendicular to the part that the hatch opens out in this case here the hatch is going to swing here so you want the ladder at 90 degrees to it so hat swings here ladder will be over there i don't want sliding around just come straight down perfectly get yours come on down hey it's got to be square no it does not it goes perpendicular to the hatch get a spot in there get your bolt ready all right come on down there we go those bolts together like that all right but uh every second one for now go ahead and impact it down we'll go ahead and hang it how are you doing this morning how you doing so your shamrock dirt work we see here work right here in oklahoma installing one of these shelters for a client so if you have questions or you need one installed right here in oklahoma give me a call we always take a a a two-way pick cable it's about four foot long on each leg we use that for picking up the ends of the bunkers and picking up parts and stuff so if you're going to install these for a living you want to have that stuff come on down make sure it's playing all the way around is there some tape on the top you got to remove just want a clean fit he's going to weld it on the inside you look good all right let's get that top bolt in at 12 o'clock it should pop right into place then your first spot should be in at around one o'clock then put the 12 o'clock bolt in okay the 12 o'clock bolt which is one in the middle on the top all right you might want to climb up on that angle iron to put it in he's actually come down too much now yes i know that was my fault here when yeah drops out all right so i walked down into the hole here now keep in mind they're going to build a house over this so down here on the plumbing we got rocked underneath it but we're protecting the pipes with sand we'll get more sand down in there um the check valve is buried in rocks underneath there we're piping the the grinder pump all the way to the back we're protecting the pvc under the uh under the haunch of the shelter from the overpressure [Music] around back here note for you guys always use the long sweeping 90s because the pressure from the grinder pump it will push out up 25 feet not 150 feet by putting the long sweeping 90s it takes all the pressure off the line if you put a short 90 it will just clog up this is a long sweeping 90 and it will just you know go straight up to the septic or the water line or whatever it's going to be in this case that's electrical so you see those are the kind of kind of a short 90. they're called a sweeping 90 but they don't really sweep that much that's the sweeping 90 right there so you can see the difference between the two right there in this video inside here so this from the other side see they got sand down there greg if you check the check valve make sure that the check valve on the um on the mud room is the right direction all you gotta do is stick your finger up there if it uh won't open it's the right direction it opens down not up so if you can pitch it up because this get ready get covered in rock okay all right so he's working on doing an escape tunnel in this case escape tunnel through the lead lows lowers down here and then you got a handle here so you can climb your way out you'll poke through the earth up here sand will pile up down here you can climb out we're gonna start putting rock underneath the escape tunnel hey um we need to get that plastic out of there go ahead dump it what we're doing now is i'm lifting up on the skate box a few inches so i'm picking it up so we can get some rock underneath it so when he lowers it back down it's pretty much tight it's like almost like packing the rock under the haunch but even the escape tunnel you have to have rock underneath it because it can crush so there will be rock all underneath this at least up probably up to the top of it at least can he lower it down now if he lowers it down it don't move it did his job go ahead and lower it down they didn't go down about a half inch so that's good all right good all right go ahead so this 90 holds a lot of rock i must say that's a lot of rock right there for a skid steer huh i've got to go to minnesota to look at another job so i'm going to leave these guys like at the beginning of day three but i'm going to start doing some final walk through here and uh check on some things i'm going to leave it up to them to finish it so they'll have to get me some footage to finish off this video here oh that dust is bad man i'm eating that damn he's down inside their welding right now all right there's that z pipe we made real stiff i can climb on it get up here go down inside the hatch okay now he's doing touch-up paint down here now how are you doing all right you're cleaning it up getting it ready for touch-up paint a little smoky in here because he's welding in here right now but i've got leaving him in for the airport so he's got a step-in shower he's got him a flushing toilet with a little sink on the back there there's his over pressure blast valve now we had to weld up a new pipe on here because normally you exit to the right this one here he exits to the left so we changed his pipe we put it on so we're going to sand that off and re-weld that right there this is your little porthole that you can sit down here you can open it up without opening your door you pop this up you can look out into the room in there okay without opening the door and letting all your air out put this back down lock it up that noise so here you've got a nice uh like a dark antler-borne flooring all right so they just dumped rock on me that's what it sounds like to be in a bunker with ro he's got a nice long desk he's got a seven foot long desk there where he can put his uh his computer his radios he can sit down and eat he's got under the floor storage it's got two bunk beds with under the under the bunk storage they got storage under here it's got a nice leather couch inside here a little dust in here because when you do these jobs the dust just finds its way into the bunker even it's amazing but uh the job's dusty as well he's got a regular kitchen counter it's got the reverse osmosis in here okay we'll get that all hooked up got the lazy susan as always got drawers got a whole set of doors here he's in here welding so we weld all the flanges all the way around so they're waterproof we've got a queen-sized bed in here but colleen look at all that dust and that red dust is horrible so we got plastic on it so it's protected for now uh then there's the old swiss made envy syrup crisis system and there's the instructions on the wall how to operate it in both german and english and that air system right there is good for 25 years well at least the filter this is good for a couple hundred years or however long but the filter is good until you're 20 45. so i will ride on there good till 2045 and that's what he's doing he's welding the entrance or the exit to the emergency exit that's how he would get out in case of emergency how's it going is it well good it's all good guys thank you for watching today's video i love it when you come back and watch my videos you know these videos are getting longer and longer because i'm trying to teach new crews how to install these bunkers so if i make these detailed videos they can always reflect back on the video and see how i did something so they don't forget but i can't install every single bunker so i'm teaching a new crew is why i'm out on the uh out on the installs in these videos lately but uh if you got any questions just put it in your comments below i'll try to help you but guys as always hey make sure you like and subscribe to my channel if you like this kind of stuff and listen putting a bunker underneath the house is very cool um you know what you can turn them into a wine cellar a safe room a gun room whatever you want but you know it's kind of the new thing it's the world we live in but guys again thanks for watching my video i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 96,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, Bomb Shelter, Survival Shelter, Be Ready, Bunker, Underground Bunker, Safe Room, Safe Cellar, Air Filtration, Escape Hatch, Escape Tunnel
Id: x9PqYB1QQ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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