Installing a Picture Frame Around Our New Deck - Trex Color Issues

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the grooves on the back is the the fascia what I'm gonna use for fascia boards it's a little bit thinner about almost a quarter of an inch from the actual surface boards this is the trek strands in style of composite decking boards I'll be putting the picture frame together the perimeter of the deck is where I'll start basically I want to put the perimeter of it the picture frame together so that I've established my layout and I can decide if I have to cut one piece of tracks narrow there's things tighten up across the width that I could put that up against the wall of the house closest to the house so that you've got full boards all towards the outside but my math should be correct so that I don't have to trim one down spacers sometimes things can grow and move a little bit you might have to trim a little off of a board so it's always nice to have the trimmed one pushed up against the house so it's it's hidden in essence would each of these boards cost about 60 bucks apiece 60 bucks a piece completely finished sewing you never have to seal them again yep don't have to worry about it put them down and you're done you can wash them with a pressure washer the first generation tricks was this composite finish on both sides and then they dyed it so it was colored and and it was a pressed composite and over time the Sun would erode that stuff and it would start to flake off and delaminate and then if your pressure washed it it would just tear it out but the newer generations of Trek's have PVC veneer on the top of it that's about about a sixteenth of an inch thick so it's pretty much impervious to sun damage and you can pressure wash this stuff happily without any consequences so as a the wet season rolls in and dirt settles on it springtime when it's all dirty looking you just go over and spray it off a pose and you got a brand-new deck again fantastic the picture frame border gets attached with these screws that literally melt the PVC cladding leading edge of the outside picture frame establishes where the boards go in the deck suite I'm gonna picture frame this in and I've got by the half-inch difference from this side to this side to be parallel and then about three-eighths of an inch difference this way so I'm gonna compensate by trimming my picture frame so I'll have the cut edge in here facing the the tile edge of the picture frame and and I'll be able to adjust it so that the rest of the deck is everything squares out and it'd be difficult to notice didn't know I was there did you feel it oh how the picture frame is coming along looking good some adjustments have to be made for tile work I did on the porch the concrete porch itself is a little bit out of square to the house you won't even know the grout matches it very well - it does that's a really good color combination and the dark tones in the tile itself blends really well with the spice realm and I think it's you know same as some of those same tones are gonna blend really well with a Vanna goal - so and that's why when you do this stuff you want to make sure that you peel through the pack so that you don't put all the lightest sections together you want to stagger everything and mix it together well I'll cut a four-foot length off of 12-footers will give me a four footer eight footer and a 12 footer and then that's how I'll start my stager pattern and then I'll make sure that I utilize these these tones to transition all together throughout the deck so that it looks so that you'll have you know start with light pieces in one spot then dark pieces and then light pieces you want to blend that stuff together it looks natural rather than just thrown together yeah but anyway there should be two colors here the darker for the picture frame and the lighter for the main decking and they it does look like three colors but when you go to the other end you see that there's a variation that perhaps they're just flipped around and be the same a little bit darker toned see what it looks like if we're staggering it makes it a lot more work to split the stuff upwind yeah you know what it comes to then we're gonna bring it over here kind of lay it out pattern it out get a pattern figure then take it back over there and cut it and you know a pattern without a pattern it's got to be yeah it's like a puzzle it's like yeah jigsaw puzzle you're trying to make it look makes sense yeah yep it's got to be random but not there is some variation in the harvest gold color some are darker more of a copper ore I know coffee color and others are quite a bit lighter and the sample is more towards the lighter side but it's in between cuz the strategy here by Chris is to alternate the darker ones with the lighter ones as if they were naturally part of a group of boards that are cut that often times our different color six more dark ones than light ones in the file actually it's like two different colors of product in the same package as one product harvest gold it kind of spoils the whole effect of the deck design using the darker color as the picture frame around the outside these stacks of boards were wrapped in the same package marked harvest gold yet they don't even look like the same boards and some are so filthy we had to wash them off with soap just to even tell what color they were supposed to be that's unacceptable oh yeah that's pretty remarkable from here yeah there's tooling in here or label that's the same product Havana gold but there is a huge difference in this color so we've decided to reject the inconsistent coloration of the harvest gold Trek's transcend decking at the very least we want consistent colors so the design looks away we had envisioned and the way that we had purchased using a sample piece
Channel: Randall Wingett
Views: 127,747
Rating: 4.3588848 out of 5
Keywords: Trex Decking, Installing Trex Decking, Trex Transcend Decking, Trex Composite Decking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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