Fortress Apex Decking Installation

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[Music] welcome to this installation video for the fortress apex pvc decking in this video you will learn the best practices for installing both our grooved and square edge boards as well as stair installation and fascia installation first you will need some tools and safety equipment we recommend a miter saw with a fine-tooth 10 to 12 inch diameter carbide tipped blade for a clean cut of the deck boards and a table saw for ripping the boards before installing your deck boards confirm that your framing has proper spacing fortress decking is approved for 16 inches on center applications we highly recommend using fortresses evolution steel deck and stair framing solution it's easy to install and longer lasting than traditional lumber visit our website for more details be sure to always check your local building codes before installing fortress decking for more pre-installation details please review the full installation guide online now let's get started with the installation we have added extra blocking on the sides of the deck as we will be picture framing around the deck let's start with laying the first board we recommend starting at the edge of your deck and working your way towards the house since we are picture framing this deck surface you will need to cut your first board at a 45 degree angle and ensure you have proper overhang for fastening we recommend installing our square edge boards on the outside perimeter of the deck use a speed square and fascia board to measure the overhang on your first board the overhang should be no greater than one and a quarter inches you will face fasten the square edge board twice along every joist with a recommended color matched hulk surface mount screws screws should be at least one and a quarter inches from the edges of the board driven perpendicular into the board and flush to the surface you have two options when installing the next board when butting two boards together you'll want to leave a gap for expansion and contraction double joists must be used to support the butt joint with fasteners in both joists you could also use a breaker board to assist in controlling expansion and contraction remember breaker boards must be supported by joists or blocking at a minimum of 16 inches on center drill two screws along every joist or piece of blocking along the board finish your picture framing by ensuring you have two fasteners on each joint let's begin installing the second row for this installation we'll be moving into a groove deck board to provide a clean fastener-free look lay the grooved board down with proper spacing for expansion and contraction you'll need to face fasten the first row of fasteners on your grooved board before switching to the hidden fasteners on the other side the hulk hidden fasteners fit easily into the grooves of the board start by placing the serrated downward angled edge into the board using the hulk hidden fastener screw drill straight down into the clip the serrated edge will bite down on the board providing a firm hold when you are ready to install the next board you simply slide the deck board into the edge of the clip providing a fastener-free look with perfect gaps repeat these steps until you reach the last deck board which will likely need to be ripped for proper fitting for the last board measure the distance between the last deck board and the house board should not be ripped shorter than a width of 2 and a half inches a ripped board must have at least one face fastener that is one and a quarter inch from the edge of the board along every joist the surface of your deck is now complete for stair installation you will always use a square edge deck board first measure the width of the stairs and cut your deck board to the desired length drive a minimum of two fasteners at every stringer no more than one and a half inches from the cut edge of the board add fascia and risers to finish off your stairs complete your deck by installing fascia around the perimeter of the deck fascia boards should sit underneath the deck boards and be screwed directly to the frame drive two screws every 12 inches for our eight inch fascia and three screws every 16 inches for our 12 inch fascia and no more than one and a half inches from the start and finish edges for continuous joints cut fascia at an angle between 30 and 45 degrees and cut 45 degrees for corner joints congratulations on installing your fortress apex deck you
Channel: Fortress Building Products
Views: 9,473
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: ZFhuv1IhGvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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