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because when you do a hem on this this right here is one inch and this is going to fold over one inch so I'll show you what that is and so that's what we need Snips crimping tool using a bigger hammer for more detail work this time and a hand himy hand breake we'll see that that's the magic so the first thing you do I want you to notice again right here those marks right there with the Sharpie those are one inch down because they correlate to the depth of this hem and this brake all right so first thing I need to do cut that back and then over here all right again get that line on there and that gives you your 1in cut guaranteed so then I cut back the extra over here and I'm doing it at the more than the angle of the house because it needs to be out of the way for the standing scam that goes over it and locks over it just needs to be out of the way if it gets in the way then it starts protruding further than you want it to so I want you to look at these diamonds now there's two diamonds on this thing slide it on there SL and I smack it up against there where I just cut it and you can see in these diamonds you see that that is where the roof and that's letting you know that you've got in the tool all the way as far as you need it to go and then you just bend it over so now here's the magic this is really the thing about making the Hemm for the standing seam and using the Hem tool hand BR that is it right there we have just now and then take that off and you see there we have just flapped it back over so now we're going to do some detail work over here first off I'm going to cut this at the angle of the roof which is 14° after you do a few hundred of these you start memorizing how much you need to cut off and then cut this down that's waste and then cut along the ridge also and you're going to match what you just cut off and then using this it kind of gives you about a quarter of an inch and you cut that off and then using again this will be about the width where this little line is right here that you just cut off you're aiming for that all right so now get the Hem tool I'm going to pull that up out of the way cuz it's in the way right now use the Hem tool and then just just bend it over and that's just really giving it a good start now we get to the detail work now I have a sledgehammer over there but I don't think it's going to be necessary today and that and if you look when this goes up on the roof right right there that's going to close that up just give it a little detail just so bees can't get in there snow can't get in there weather can't get in in there and you're not just looking up a empty shaft but that's how you prep a standing seam metal roof the rest we'll do up on the roof so now is when we get to the fun part installing the panels themselves now no exposed Fasteners means that there only two screws at the very top of the panel that are holding this whole panel and then there's Clips over the edge of the seam that's covered by the next panel those clips are screwed into the substrate and the panel slides up and down those clips the Hem is not connected by any Fastener whatsoever over the drip edge and that way the whole panel can expand and contract with the heat and those two screws that are holding the panel at the top they get covered by the ridge cap again no exposed Fasteners so we're here up on the roof and it's a little bit windy I hope you can hear me and it's not too distracting but I want to show you how to finish off your standing seam metal roof with a ridge cap now prior to putting the ridge cap you need to put zbar Zar is going to hold it and it's going to give you a clean look and hold down that ridge cap without exposed Fasteners so this is a piece of ridge cap and this is what's going to go on your ZB bar at the top of your Gable and finish off your roof and protect these sides right here the overhangs and what's exposed here at the top so the ridge is that profile right there now since we're finishing out the corner right there I want to put a little box end so I already did that and riveted that now that box end will go at the end of your wall now this is a single slope roof I don't know that there are any other examples on YouTube that you're going to be able to find for a single slope termination like this most are Gable for a gable roof it's the same on each side and zbar on each side of the Gable so zbar looks like this that's one they call it comes in 10t lengths and you're going to want to preut those to the width of your specific standing steam metal roof width now they come in 10f Footers because sometimes you run them along the side and at length so these are all pre-cut that's one thing you want to do do on the ground and then I put them in a bucket and I take them up on the roof with me and you're going to do this very repetitively so get a routine now I want to show you my routine even though it's a little bit backwards for me because I'm normally on the other side so be tape is what has to go underneath and it's a waterproofer and it also holds it so it comes in these rolls like this and it has one piece of paper protecting that side and one side's exposed so what I typically do I just grab one of these guys I have a routine I'm a little backward on this one and you want to put your be tape now it's not going to want to stick too well and typically you want to wear gloves I'm showing you this without gloves it can give you a heck of a paper cut too if you run your hand along it wrong so then take that off I throw it in in my bag and I want to show you this now I've already marked this so I what I'm doing is I'm putting the edge to the marks and that is the very edge of your Ridge cab then I have an all and about 2 in off I put a hole and the other side and I leave it I leave it in place screw one side down take your all put it to the next one and there you go now you've installed your zbar and continue it throughout the entire roof [Music] [Music] now if you picked up any tricks from this and you like watching this and want to encourage the channel to continue then go ahead most people don't but please subscribe so this being a single slope the termination is only going to be able the Zar and then we're going to finish it out on this side on the face on the fascia I want to show you how to put this ridge cap on the ridge cap you've already installed your zbar now the zbar hooks on and let me look at that profile right here it will hook on that this being a single slope it's a little bit different so what it will do is you want it to hook onto that you see how that just went and that holds up if the zbar can be a little temperamental if it's not up all of them the same height then what you're going to have to do pretty simple you've installed this now what you do is you just push that zbar back until it meets and then it gets in there and that profile goes on there same with the next one that's already done you just push them in place and they stay now that's locked down we're going to end up putting some rivets every couple of feet just to secure it down then on the fascia we're going to put some hex screws so this box end we want to keep it just slightly overhanging that way it deflects the rain you can hear it grabbing and making that lock so we've got all the zbar clipped underneath and holding now this securing this but I want to go to the end to the box and make sure it's to the right I can just push it down a little bit then I'm going to start securing it with [Music] rivets now here's a tip for you you're going to want to rivet these every couple of feet and the way you do that is you're going to want to drill that for the rivet and get a pair of locking pliers they have other names by using some locking pliers you can Bond those pieces while you're you're drilling it and then when you're putting the rivet on there putting in [Music] place now if you really want an airtight house you need to foam up everything airtight means airtight in every way you can so I want to put foam in there expanding foam everywhere I can sometimes it's best to do the hardest part first I'm using fire expanded foam from Hilty you notice the colors a little bit different I want that foam to be just a little bit proud too so that any moisture does collect in here always close these off these are a total Game Changer any expanded foam is great game [Music] changer and then now we want to put on the boot boot Jack all right I said I was going to show you something that helps you out with this lexol just a little bit of water excuse me you girly men I'm going to edit that out sorry ladies and you just smear it on there by having that wet Edge it creates a very smooth surface and so by putting it smooth less retainage of moisture up here let the ice get off of here now let's get off this roof if you want to continue watching modern Mountain living and see what we're up to then we've picked out a video over here just for [Music] you
Channel: Modern Mountain Living
Views: 56,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: djkYSeZruY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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