Yard Drain 101- Basins & Pop up Emitters - Part 2

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[Music] welcome to the French drain man channel I'm Robert Sherwood I'm here to go over catch basins I want to educate the DIY and I also want to educate the consumer shopping for a yard drain installer so these are a nice deep catch basin these are ideal for sandy soils I endorse um all over the United States Sun Belt Region and or the North we're gonna cover everything here we're gonna blitz through it so we can keep it kind of interesting I know yard drains stuff it's how interesting can you make it but okay so here's what happens in Florida one hard rain all the sand goes in to one of these basins so these little speedy basins I want to show you something I got them flat there's a flat trailer bed dump trailer bed here so look at this my fingers stop at my knuckles think about that my fingers stopped at my knuckles and this is an inlet so here's here's the double and let for the inline all right so how much sand can collect in the bottom of this basin before it fills this pipe one rain event is all I give it and then after that you're plugging your pipe but the contractor that put that in he knows it and he loves coming every time you tell him hey it's plugged again he loves coming there with his jeder and and having to clean all that out he'll never recommend putting one of these in because he's got a dig deep even though and it's easy to dig in sand I don't care if it's the north I don't care if it's a South Sunbelt region if you freeze it doesn't matter these things are dynamite they don't heave because they got these I love this you know you can cook these come with it it's to stabilize it when you're building your yard drain system this is not a French drain it's a yard drain your drain is where you have Inlet basins dis gobble it up surface water but you don't have stone and you don't have a perforated pipe you've got a solid pipe that's a yard drain I love using these you know not only is it stable for when you're putting it together you know the system but it's nice because then when you backfill in the north here it can't heave because it's got all that dirt on the base so I love that base I love that about that so look at the difference so one rain event in Florida and this thing's full of sand as an inlet basin this is not good they call them speedy basins and because contractors just take one scoop with the shovel set it in it's done and then as I showed you as far as the catch basin itself it's only a thickness of my fingers one rain event and you're gonna have debris now going down into your pipe so that's why I recommend these now if you didn't watch the 101 and where I started with slope what do you do with a flat yard go back to that part one cuz I'm doing a whole series on this basic stuff to help you guys alright so what else can I show you all right so I see a big problem here alright so the pipe only ends up at about three and a half inches below the surface this is terrible because if you have you know say an RV or a fiberglass boat and you go to park in your yard you need more than three and a half inches of soil over your pipe to protect it it's just I don't care what it is I mean doesn't matter what kind of pipe it is so these are bad news you end up with a shallow system I just showed you your grass line is gonna be you know right at the basin line here you're only gonna have a little bit of dirt on top of your pipe this is gonna cause all kinds of problems not to mention when the sand you know when you get debris inside this it can't even catch that much shingle gravel before you know it's just flushing it down the pipe so it's a failed experiment I've dug many of them out now do we now carry these in our store I had to we now he'll store contractors come in and that's all they want because they're lazy and they're cheap and they're screwing you because I'm telling you they're charging in the same rates that we do for these quality systems that we're putting in so yeah I'm frustrated yeah I'm gonna you know vent a little alright so again look at how much debris can collect and build up and build up and build up I mean these basins that we use and endorse they they hold so much debris that if life got busy you could actually get away with not you know doing your maintenance for a while okay so people want to know how do I use pop up so when do I use pop ups so I'm gonna show you a few things here when we daylight I like to you know I'll use a pop up I don't no problems with it but we do this now I use a quarter inch drill bit and it makes for super easy drilling and I just do that it's it's not an exact science or nothing it's just quick easy that's all you have to do now people say how do you keep this from how do you keep this from heaving alright so I already told you about the feet and how stable it is so let me go into some something else alright so if you look at how they want you to install these they tell you to over dig the hole and put a bunch of peace stone in the bottom drill some holes in the bottom and that's that well that don't work on the north don't do that because what happens is in that bed of peace stone down low it's just gonna hold water then in the winter it's gonna freeze and when water freezes and expands it lifts the basin so that's how the heave so I literally just carve out a hole and set it right on the clay still drill a couple holes in it but that's it that is it that is the right way to do it now to better I guess support my case my license building company has done quite a bit in in the last 35 years it's been a lot of fun it's been heck of a ride but concrete there is now inspectors that won't let you put sand under a concrete driveway because here in the North when you carve it out for a poor you go to front you know you're framing in your your concrete work the guys used to level everything out with sand so this water laid under the driveway in this pocket ass and in the winter it froze heaving the driveway and breaking all the concrete so what does that tell you when there's now inspectors out there and I won't put sand under any concrete that we do I mean we carve it out right to the exact shape and we pour the concrete right on it like that so that way I don't get much movement it does make a big difference and these basins are the same way all right so I told you quarter-inch for those holes now do a pilot hole here with an 1/8 inch drill bit guys just small one with a little sheet metal screw that you can get you can get these little sheet metal screws from Home Depot it's and you know you drill you drill it and you also go right through now you guys know I like to poly lock flow gates so what I endorse so I drilled that hole through both and it was a pilot hole an eighth inch pie hole and now I can just run this down and it locks that in place so if we get a lot a big rain and this has a lot of pounds per square inch I mean it's wide open and it's being pushed it keeps it on from you know the prevention of it popping off and then the lawn crew that flies it you know and they mow your grass at what 35 miles an hour these days I mean just that little trick right there I've been doing it forever but I'm trying to show everybody I don't care which one you use you guys already know I played I played my case this is the flow gate for me but there you go now I've seen guys call this a catch basin and it bums me out because the homeowner is really getting screwed so there's no bottom to it they'll just fill it you know halfway with pee stone that's it there you go they took a tea and some solid pipe coming off a downspout and that's how they do it it's really hard to maintain if it does fill with anything once you put pea stone in the bottom there's nothing really acting as a catch basin very little it's it I see it all guys I carried out of the ground you guys know that I've shown a lot of stuff I've ripped out of the ground so do I endorse this the single one yes at the end of a gutter run now you know people say hey I got so many big leaves that they just get stuck in these pop-ups go to that at that point you probably already put in a distribution box tight in everything the right way and now you're just daylighting it when you're day lighting it you're just taking it out in the yard far enough away from the house now remember 20 feet 20 feet is how far you got to be away from the house so that capillary action doesn't get you and what is that capillary action if you tip over a glass of water and you got a puddle pulling on a table and you take a napkin and put a corner of that napkin in that puddle it will pull through the entire napkin all that water and then saturate that entire napkin although just the corner of it was put in the puddle that's called capillary action so the dirt does the same thing and you you could have water movement up to 20 feet through your soil in your yard and around your house so that's why I always tell people make sure this stuff goes 20 feet away from your home before you daylight it I mean obviously you know 20-plus is what you're looking for because up to 20 feet capillary action works through soil and makes it to your foundation of your home your largest investment in life and for most people and we need to protect it so you know run 25 feet so that you have a peace of mind all right so trying to cover so much here there's always so much stuff and also I need you guys to put more stuff in the comment sections of what I need to cover so reptiles and chipmunks are not anymore so this works out great for snakes and chipmunks they can't get through that and this is great for when your daylighting in a ditch because when you de like to a ditch and you just keep it open like this when the ditch overflows and you have a big rain event everything backs up guess what the water now back feeds up into your system and fills it full of water so this prevents back feeding keeps out the reptiles and some of those little tiny furry guys all right everybody leave your questions in the comment sections and until the next video you
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Keywords: Yard Drainage, Yard Drainage Contractor, perforated drainage pipe, how to build a french drain, french drains, french drain pipe, what is a french drain, yard drainage, french drain system, french drain diy, french drain design, french drain installation, curtain drain, perforated drain tile, french drain depth, drainage trench, french drain cover, yard drain, yard water solutions, Baughman Tile Company, pop-up emitters, yard drain basins, baughman pipe, baughman 8 slot
Id: JsnbMp1g8y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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