Installation And Configuration of MS Exchange Server 2010

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hello everyone and welcome to another one of my IT tutorials today I'm going to show you how to configure and install Exchange Server 2010 so let's get started so first thing first is you want to start with a fresh machine and you wanna install absolutely all updates that there are before doing anything else now the next step in the process is configuring the server name so exchange server always has to be part of the domain so you need to setup your domain first before setting an exchange and you need to pick proper computer name or server name for it so for example if your internet facing host name is mail that IT support me calm for example you might want to call your exchange server mail and then join the domain IT support me comm other reason for that being if you have your actual computer name different than the host name that allows users to reach your exchange server from outside you have to purchase a SSL certificate with help names instead of just a single name certificate which can be more pricey so in our case let's just call the computer exchange and that's going to be our internet facing the host name from the internet will point to this computer will also be exchange and our domain is in this case sandbox IT support me calm and now let's join a domain all right and now let's do a quick restart because that's what needs to be done after you join server to a domain and I'll be right back and we're back in all that web part of the domain let's look at into all the main now right now before the final step before installing exchange is setting up a prerequisites roles and installing some required software from the internet so we'll start with roles so let's open the server management console and here you right click on features let it load a little bit that is guys this is a virtual machine so it might be a little slow your server should be faster in general alright so what we want is net framework not everything we want just not framework and then we want our PC or HTTP proxy and that requires is so we just hit the add required features and for that framework we actually also need HTTP activation and that else requires is that we need remote server administrative tools so here is pictures that you'll have to make if your exchange server is going to be installed on the same computer as your active directory which is really not a recommended set up you should always have your active directory separate from exchange server but if it is then you don't have to pick this if it's not then it's in separate server then you have to install Active Directory remote management or administration tools and that is located in here and you want just this one the snap ins and command line tools I remember not this not ad LDS a DDS the is for a low low level domain services or something like that and then we hit next then they're going to go to the role services that we're installing and here we leave everything by a lot of things by default and we want and just add required features and then we need basic authentication and new certification and digest authentication ah then you might want all kind of content compression or both them and the most important one is installing all of the is-6 management compatibility for some reason Exchange Server or at least earlier versions of Exchange Server I mean prior to any service packs had problems when is six management stuff for not installed so just to be on the safe side install them right then hit install and while that's doing we need to actually activate one of the services manually so we go to Administrative Tools services and here you want to find net dot TCP port sharing and it's disabled by default so you want to go to properties and set it to automatic and hit OK here alright also note that after installing a net framework 3.5 point one there'll be more updates available from Microsoft for it but those are naturally important for our exchange server installation you can install them at a later time whenever you feel comfortable of course you should always install our updates that's out of the question but the others that are required are everything for Windows without any roles and features so you want to install those before starting this all right now another thing that we need is called office system converter filter pack and what that helps us do or what that helps exchange do is index the content of attachments like Word documents and Excel files so that when a user searches for some kind of mail our exchange is able to search within those files otherwise without the filter pack that would be impossible and Adobe actually has its own filter pack that it it developed for exchange so if you work extensively with PDF files containing text that might need to be searched through email you might be interested in downloading and installing that as well but the office filter pack is required by exchange so we're just going to do that and I'll put the link in the description for you to click who but here I'm just going to type it in download e-n details aspx ID equals 1 so 0 6 2 alright and of course you always need to download just the one which corresponds to your system type in my case I'm installing exchange 64-bit and I have a 64-bit system so that's the one I need to download and of course I'm going to protect it ie mode so I can't download it alright case I'll get back to this as soon as I'm done installing the features and rocks alright just hold on for a second out back when this is done alright guys is that installing and actually does noon requires to restart with all these features installed so just hit close and one more thing I want to point out to you guys if you're setting this up using an account that is not and it straighter I mean administrator exactly administrator not a domain administrator or some other account then you have to grant your accounts or certain permissions or it has to be added to one of the predefined groups in a domain and the group that I'm talking about is the enterprise add news and schema admins so if I was if I was for example not an administrator user ORS and out hours any other user I would have to be a member of both of those groups in order to be able to install exchange just a heads up in my case um like I mentioned before it an administrator so I have absolute all rights all right so I was just disabled ie security mode safety off now I should be able to download all the stuff that we want okay let's run ie again and copy the link before so let's paste it and maximize let's download again you're right and run close that and you can actually close the server management console as well so we just hit next here and next here and shouldn't take too long so while it installing let's just open up computer I have CD well I have an ISO mounted to my virtual disk so let's open that up and start to set up what should have been mounted hold on add that complete it and now the ISO is mounted so start the setup as you can see they already installed that we installed ads we just pick a language and install all the languages that are already on the CD and then you start to set up alright guys here we go the setup has started so hit next and of course as always there's License Agreement and this is up to you I like to enlist in all the error reporting and stuff and you can just pick a typical installation has all the required stuff that we need so organization name might be insignificant and doesn't really appear anywhere but the important part about it is it is stored in the mail database so what happens is if your domain in your exchange absolutely crashes and the only thing you have is your file which contains all the mail the only way you can actually recover it is if you set up a new exchange server and you have to give it the same exact organization name as the one that was stored in the mail database file otherwise you won't be able to mount that file to the new exchange server yeah I had to find it out the hard way so anyhow we're just gonna call it sandbox cuz it doesn't really matter and hopefully have enough backups not to have your exchange and domain completely crash and recoverable because if that happens you have much bigger problems than just recovering some emails alright now this if you have 2003 outlooks running in your organization or you want to provide the service to people on the internet and with they might be running any outlook either big yes or no Oh big no internet-facing ah this is of course for purposes of having people from outside of your organization aka the internet being able to access your exchange server so since as you as you remember we'd give our exchange server name exchange so we're just going to make our internet facing hostname the same so it's going to be exchange and our domain was sandbox type ID support me calm and this way we only need one certificate to out any old names so now it's ready to run pre checks and everything should pass if you follow all the steps so far and sometimes it takes a while so I'm just gonna be back when it's all done all right here we are and it is just a warning since we didn't have any exchange servers in our domain before it says it's going to prepare our Active Directory to an exchange server and everything else passed so here install and once again we wait and wait and wait and it takes forever and once again I'll be back when it's done and then we'll go into configurations and we're back as you may have noticed too quite a bit of time and once again that's because it's a virtual machine but nevertheless now hit finish and one thing I did forget to mention is some weird thing that was happening with memory configuration in one of my exchange servers I installed it on a four gigabit machine for round four gigabyte of RAM and what happened later is after I increased the ram exchange stopped working completely services just wouldn't start and I have no idea why so since I change the memory back to four it worked just fine so maybe didn't do any additional research baby Microsoft fix that in the service packs or maybe it was related to the fact that it was a virtual machine but anyhow just something to keep in mind if you're experiencing a problem that exchange doesn't start at all then check the children change the memory after their installation so as you notice here I click this link I get credit objects for Microsoft Exchange and that just opens Internet Explorer on this page is check this box and hit next and just use recommend settings I guess or you can change it later if you want let's just update something in the Windows Update to for you to receive exchange updates so I'll add thing it's thing let's get starting started with setting up exchange so basically what you do is you just go one thing at a time and you can figure settings that you need for organization I'm just going to go through some of the important settings to get you started now also you'll need to activate your exchange you have 120 days free trial and then you need to provide activation key and in case you don't know where to provide it because it was a bit tricky you click on the server configuration and then you click on the server node and then you can enter priority key right here but let's start with the organization configuration all right so expand that and click mailbox are basically this is all things need to need to know and do with your mailbox database you can put it in a different location if you want to I'll configure attention palettes you configure custom folders address books and stuff like that client access just some defaults for people to access exchange from the internet but most important thing is the hub transport because that's what does all the receiving and storing so remote domains this defines which domains your exchange will send emails to of course if it is if this if your exchange server is going to be used for your organization to communicate with the entire world you would just leave it as a star domain if you want to limit your organization to just emailing within your organization or to the related companies another change servers of other organization then you would specify those related organizations domains here and then the exchange will only send emails to those domains except the domains this step specifies for which domains this exchanges are responsible for so if somebody sends an email to this exchange server and it matches one of the accepted domains it will be received by this exchange server so in our case if anyone sends an email to for example administrator at sandbox that IT support com this exchange server will accept that email ah if it's for any other domain it the email will be rejected you can also configure this as an intermediary exchange server through the new accepted domain or new remote domain setup wizard but that's beyond the purpose of this tutorial so we're not going to look at it right next thing is the email address policy basically when you add an account to exchange the email address that default email address that gets created for that account is specified by this policy and you can configure different policies for different organizational units within your domain thus having a more logical email structure so this is up to you to explore transport rules this is same thing as an Outlook rules only it works on the server side so you can create rules that copy messages delete messages based on various parameters global settings allows you to set size limits and delivery B lists all right the important thing that we need to set is a send connector this is what's actually going to be doing all the sending of messages that it receives from the client so we go to the send connector and new sent connector and just can give it you can call it anything you want in our case we're going to be configuring this exchange server to be able to email to anyone in the world so we just call it internet and for intention was going to be internet and hit next and address space we want to be able to send to everyone so it's going to be a star address hit OK it next and we want to use DNS MX record because that is the standard for determining which mail server is responsible for each domain hit next and then it's going to ask you to pick a server since this exchange service the only server in our domain that's the one we have and then we hit new and we're done get finished general rules allow you to like keep track of messages in statistics Unified Messaging we're not going to go into it right next thing is server configuration mailbox once again just deal to the mailbox database and stuff client access here you can configure outlook web app by default it is disabled so nobody will be able to access their email over the web browser only if they have actual Outlook setup on their PC now you can enable it by simply hitting this option and usually there is nothing wrong with enabling that and once again you the external host name is shouldn't be the same as it is that between which we entered during installation so it was exchange that sandbox that ID support we promise and we'll just leave basic authentication and hit enable and read finish now exchange control panel that's also accessed once you have Outlook anywhere enabled and it's just I never really went into configuration of this because well there's really nothing to configure nothing useful that I saw at least alright so Exchange ActiveSync that's for cell phones offline address book once again this is all 4x4 clients accessing your their mailbox is through a web browser pop3 and IMAP this allows you to enable pop3 or IMAP features of your exchange but notice if you configured here it doesn't actually enable the service and if you're using exchange most probably you don't want to use pop3 because that contradicts the whole exchange system unless if your organization has people who can't use change need to use pop3 or IMAP so anyhow if you do need to enable these you need to go to services and you have to find the corresponding service for each of these features and you have to set it to automatic so if we scroll down in service list after it loads just expand that and just click on a source and hit am I and here we go you can see pop3 and IMAP and by default they're set to manual so you'd have to set them to automatic or I would suggest even automatic delayed start because well should always let them other primary exchange services to start first before pop an IMAP goes online because they won't work if the other services didn't start yet anyway so that's that then hub transport this is where you configure receiving and by default I mean all mail goes through port 25 so if somebody from the internet or another exchange server tries to send you an email or your server an email it will go through here and in order to accept email from any other server that is not part of your domain which is most travel that you want to do if your organization is communicating with anyone in the world you need to enable this option anonymous users and you hit apply otherwise any other mail server when sending you a message will get a rejection of authentication required the only reason when you would not have this box checked is if you have several organizations in your forest maybe or you have an organizational trust and then you can configure your and other organizations servers to authenticate in one way or another and here you sleeve ports as default now the other client exchange this I think is would mostly be used if a person is accessing your service via non exchange system like pop or IMAP and if they need to send mail what's probably their ISP is going to block port 25 from being an outgoing port so in this case you can provide those users with this port which is 587 in this case you can set it to any other port which is not blocked by ISP alright so and this should not have the anonymous user authentication because these are actually going to be your users so there's no point of doing anonymous authentication here so that you can leave as default as well that's all the configurations that are here once again unified messaging we are not going to look at and the last stop is the recipient configuration this is where you actually configure all the mail email accounts and by default the user who installed exchange has the account already here which is administrator me and if we double-click we can see pretty much all account information and if we click on email addresses that's the default email address that was created for me so it's administrator at sandbox that ID support me calm and that was based on that default email policy that we saw before so when you if you have many users in your domain already what you do is you hit new mailbox so you have to create mailboxes for for them and you hit next and then you click existing users hit add and then you can just select all the users that are listed here if you need to add all hit ok and thus create mailboxes for all of those users if you need to add a new user there's two ways that you can do it either through this interface or you can add them to your domain first set them up and then use the existing user once again to link it to exchange now we're going to cancel that that's it for setting up the exchange management console but now we need to look at some of the other things like port forwarding so your exchange needs to receive traffic from outside on ports 25 or 80 and port 443 those are the three ports that it works on so if your exchange is not internet facing and you have a gateway in between you would have to configure your gateway to forward port 25 80 and 443 to exchange server notice that also prevents you from running your website behind the same IP address because websites also use port port 80 and port 443 so that means you need static IP address dedicated just to your exchange server that's first now second we can configure some of the aspects of IAS and that's actually how you can request a certificate for your exchange server as well so let's open is management console and we expand this and if you take a look under certificates exchange creates a default certificates for itself so here you can use create a certificate request and request your oath on certificate for the server now next its default website and what you might want to do is enable HTTP redirect from the root folder because if we do this for example we will try to access the default directory off localhost of course we get a certificate error but if we overwrite that we see this which is not what we want we want users whenever they type in our external hostname for exchange to be redirected to their exchange login so what you do here is select default website and you go to HTTP redirect and you hit redirect here and then you do this forward slash and OWA and then redirect all requests redirect on the requests to the current directory so if somebody is already going to all the way we don't want them to redirect to be redirected again because that will create an infinite loop of redirection and here well it's permanent I don't know if it's just a little matter and then you hit apply and now if somebody visits your exchange server they'll be automatically redirected to the OWA and there we go our exchange login screen now for to type our username and password this brings us to our inbox and from the inbox you'll probably be able to send mail because while outgoing 4:25 on the server usually works but you'll be able to receive mail until you configure the MX records and MX records well they're quite simple simple google search will reveal that but I'm sure I'll make a tutorial about DNS at some point and there I will talk about configuring the MX records of course but it's not too complicated I'm sure you can figure it out and there you go have an Outlook pretty much identical to an Outlook interface directly via a web browser another thing though if the user tries to access this without HTTPS they just get redirected as a forbidden thing you can override this behavior and in a way well in a bit of different ways so we'll just close this so instead of doing this I would put your full external URL here and you'll prepend it with HTTPS and then you'd put exchange that sandboxed on IT support me calm in my case but since that host is not actually configured but actually it is right so you can just do that and once again redirect all requests to this directory and hit apply and another thing you want is if you go to SSL settings and you see this check box require as a cell you can uncheck that hit apply and now when the users try to visit the website without putting HTTP in the front they will still be properly redirected to the HTTPS site and present it with a login screen and there we go guys we direct it to a proper location all right I think that about covers it I mean this is the very basic set up there's a lot of things that you'll learn about exchange as you work with it and explore additional options feel free to ask questions I'm sure there's going to be a lot of them or at least there should be a lot of them because it's a very impressive piece of software the whole mailing servers and the way it's configured so feel free to post your comments I'll try to answer them in a timely fashion I apologize in advance if I don't but once again thanks for watching mics are always appreciated and your subscriptions as well
Channel: ITSM Tutorials
Views: 327,337
Rating: 4.9037433 out of 5
Keywords: Server, Software, Management, Mail Server, Email, Exchange
Id: kPhABk20bac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2012
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