Active Directory Replication step by step

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[Music] hi guys today well we're gonna talk about Active Directory replication and as you can see here on this scenario I already have determined control I have two machines one is Denver and the second one is Brussels so you can see Brussels is just a machine is not a diamond control yet and Denver is a domain controller with the fixed IP 1 9 2 1 6 8 0 1 and to make these guys I use the genus tree and this is the topology that I build on this - to be able to do that so this is the Denver machine with his IP address and this is the Brazos machine so I did a bit for Cisco so with the routing and that helps to be able to do this so it's gonna be something like that in the reality so this is what we did so okay I'm gonna go back and you can see my properties [Music] area network so this is the IP address that I have from the router okay if you go to the process machines we can also check the settings that okay so you say it is also the IP address as we can see it on the topology and for the DNS I just took the IP address of the Denver machine Caesar 192 168 0 100 so if I don't do this I'm gonna be able to contact the domain when I want to join for replication so not scared so that this is really important okay so let's try to ping if we can which the 192 okay so say ping 192 168 0 1 hungry okay so we have connectivity for this machine okay so I'm gonna get to my machine than the downrod machine and then we get on to some couple of stuff [Music] I'm gonna close this and what I need to do now I'm gonna open regedit did and I'm gonna go to a doctor machine system control currency services and here I'm gonna look at the and today yes that one so I spend it and click on diagnostic and here you will see the knowledge consensus checker so I top click on it and the value data I'm gonna change it on free ok and I'm gonna reboot machine okay so we get free food so I'm gonna log in again [Music] okay hmm okay so now I'm gonna click on start to Administrative Tools and I'm here I'm gonna select Active Directory Sites and services we need to prepare some stuff before we start with the configuration so when we open Active Directory Sites and services then we spin on sides to expand sites and here on sides we're gonna create a new site but before to do that first though this is one side and it's the default side when you install a domain controller it's created by default so it is a bit before now if you want we can create create another one but here I'm just gonna rename it and say Denver okay so I named it to Denver and now we're gonna what we need to create a site for Brussels so to do that we're gonna click right click on sites and hit on new site and here I'm going to the name for us Parcells and you see the okay button is grayed out so we need to click here before side link and I click on OK and here we so we just create new site for Brussels so the next step that we need to do is to create a subnet for brothels let's go back to the Brussels machine and then we can check to like range so you see here that it's 192 16-0 100 and this range this subnet is 100 190 but once 7 to 1600 so we need to create that here so we just gonna click on subnet right click new subnet and here we entered it 1 7 to 1600 plus 16 and then here we need to select for which side it is so it's for Brussels so we say Brussels and click on okay good so now we create a subnet for Brussels okay good so I can close it for mommy okay so now we gonna click on start of a no comment promise when prom and here we're gonna type NTDs our till okay and then we you don't enter and here we can attack all right in and TDs and present enter and then I have em enter a gym here we're gonna quit the type Creech sis for full and here I'm gonna specify where I want the sysvol to be graded so I put C Parsley's database so it's gotta be quit sysvol who see doubt point boxes database and ever-present enter so when it's done we will see that on our C Drive that we have for the databases contain the Active Directory dollars ok good so I can close this right now and I'm gonna open my C Drive okay so here we see that we have the database border good that's nice and now what we need to do we need to share this so I'm gonna right click certain properties sharing share I'm gonna about everyone good price it doesn't matter because this is just a tutorial so we don't need to specify who can have access or not okay so done close okay we did that so now I'm gonna go to the Brazos machine and then here what I'm gonna do first I'm gonna click on start computer got my C Drive and quit their folder I'm gonna call it data okay so I click on start again and then I'm gonna browse the Denver's several by doing box or spacely's the IP address of the server bucks loss and then you see I have it here the database it's what I need so and I see and I have it here so I will select everything and copy to the data folder the like really so I so this is gonna take a while okay we copy everything on the data so that's fine so now we can close this and close this again okay and now we can process to install to make this Brussels server a domain controller so to do that we're gonna click on start and here I will type DC the problem and then don't enter it's taking a while Oh let's be patient okay it's good okay so here I'm gonna just check use advanced most insulation and I click on next neck's again existing forests we don't need to create a new domain in a forest so we select existing for us and then click on next and here I'm gonna specify my current controller pop and here we click on set to use administrator credentials [Music] okay so after this we can just click on next okay good so at the beginning I was asked I was saying that we need to put the Denver servers his IP address as a DNS for this brazos machine otherwise we would have a problem to be able to wait here so that was really interesting okay so now what we're gonna do we're just gonna click on next okay good so now we are here so it's asked its the brussels for a brass machine so we live it by default click on next okay good so here we gonna click on next again okay so we click on ES and here that's really something really interesting you're not gonna click on next so you you remember here I'm gonna open it again the data folders so here we have the active directories ghiras so and I put it on the data folder we need to look the location must be the data laughs so here what you need to do is to click here replicate data from media of the following location and then hidden browse and we go on our C Drive we see the data folder and we click on so now the location will be this so then we can we could click on next okay you see Denver to poppy that local so here we just click on next so the next and then we enter the password again [Music] okay and we hit on necks again and then here I will check this reboot on compression and then after the installation the Machine gonna reboot automatically [Music] okay after the reboot or are we allowed on again you see the brussels is now part of the domain poppy backslash administrator you can use password okay guys so now you see that Brussels is part of the domain so it's determined controller now Brussels dot puppet of local and you see the domain name puppet the local good so that's good thing no okay I'm gonna open an active directory and I'm gonna open Active Directory users and computers and here we see that we have dis and it's what we got before on this machine because I queried before the tutorial this user and we see that it's replicating here but we're gonna create some ruff users and then we can test it that it's work so I'm gonna go on I'm gonna quit here a new user new user Tom my heels [Music] okay see the password okay finished so on the brussels i create the new user tone we had got a new hire and it's Tama Hills okay so we have two and if I go to the Denver we do not have Tom and what we need to do to set up now is the replication the replication there are settings that we need to change because by default it's 180 minutes for the replication but we gonna we gonna set it to 15 minutes okay so if we come here on enter side transport and I will select IP and here by default you see default site IP site link and cost is 100 and replication interval is 180 means we can change this by saying rename Denver to russell's okay I change that and I'll be double click on it and we see that the side in this link there are two machines Danville and Brussels and of course is 100 and replicates every 180 minutes we can make it 15 minutes okay and here we can say also changes cuddle if we click there we can see here like if I did this so there is no replication available and here there is replication available but for example if I select here for example on Wednesday and I click here so there is no on the blank part we will not have any replication there is this time so you can say okay on Sunday I'd want some replication to occur or on Friday or times it's up to you to decide what you want okay so but I'm just gonna leave it like that you can't fly click on okay [Music] so now we have though we creat the user thumb on the brussels and we do not have it on Denver after 15 minutes we should get it but now till now we don't have but what we can do we can also force the replication that's possible okay so to push that I'm gonna spin the Denver side servers Denver NTDs and you see here from server Brussels from site Brussels okay so if I right click on here and hit on replicate now and then on okay if I go back to my active directory and to a refresh rich I have two markets here so that's that's good news so Tom is that so we forced the replication otherwise we need to wait 15 minutes and then we're gonna have Tom here I'm gonna create another user here the call it's auntie something goes long sontee [Music] okay now on the denver's over in Denver I quit Santi Guzman and in Brussels if you go in not an active directory you don't have a Santi yet so after 15 minutes we will have Santi but here I'm gonna force the replication also and then we can see that so Administrative Tools a little to the side and services equal sides and Brussels we are in Brussels okay servers Brussels aunt ideas from server Denver from side Denver so if I right-click replicate now here on okay I'll go back to Active Directory to refresh Santee Guzman is there so that's pretty good it's working if it feels something Guzman change his password it's gonna replicate in Brussels it's can replicate in Denver if you have more sizes also it's gonna replicate everywhere so this is video we can also create a graph for example drop called ITB okay just in case we have ITP in Brussels and in Denver we can see okay do we have a QB no not yet after 15 minutes we can have ITB but I'm gonna say here from Brussels to force the replication again forget now okay go back to active directory okay and refresh we have the security group IDB it's perfect so guys I hope that this video will help some people for running and I was very honor to help forests and thanks for the next time
Channel: Pape Ndour
Views: 174,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r1MSjybswyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2013
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